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I SO need to get myself close vote rights here.
Being a low rep user sucks ;p
Yeah, going from a mod on a site to 101 rep on another can be really jarring
Oh, I've had nearly modlike powers on SU for ages.
I can close stuff on SF too
Its not mod-ship, its just general rep related power-lessness
Sounds like one of those class-action lawsuit commercials: "If you or someone you know has been diagnosed with any form of rep-related powerlessness, call now"
@Undo "Have you or a loved one suffered from chronic migraines or even death after experiencing 101 rep? We can help."
I try very hard not to give my loved ones headaches over SE in general
12 hours later…
Good day all
How's it going today?
About the same I guess
I need to drop by my old workplace to pick up some show swag I ordered
Other than that same ol same ol
I understand that. Nothing to eventful happening in my cornfield either.
Actually, it's just a field now. The corn is down
I should probably start another round of applications for work, but I'm in a state of meh
3 hours later…
sigh I guess I'll have paperwork to fill out when I get my new toy. grumbles about irresponsible people
I do not know how that will solve the problem of people flying them where they shouldn't
It'll be easier to find who owns it
Are they going to require something like a license plate on them?
My guess is that at some point, there will need to be a transponder with ID on them to make it easier to identify when they are in the air. As it stands now, you either force the thing down or follow it to the landing area and then confiscate it and check who owns it
Without the registration, someone could crash it into a crowd/thing/white house lawn and simply walk away. There are fewer options to tell who it belongs to
(I don't recommend the last one...and if you do, don't be a drunk secret service agent that shows up to investigate later)
I know it makes it easier to find the owner once it crashes, its while it is in the air that doesn't make sense to me
Eventually they'll need transponders. That's how they will ID them in the air. I don't think that's part of the discussion yet though
1 hour later…
The government isn't capable of keeping up with technology. I doubt they'll work this one out.
@Andy oh that's laughable
people who will actually register them will not be the people flying them into airports, etc
Sounds a lot like how gun registration works.
@Adam yeah, that works well
plus, drones are available on Amazon
3 hours later…
Our chat seems to be more active than the site itself :/
Time for another advertising blitz! Do we have ads only posted on a few sites?
2 hours later…
@Cfinley: for some reason government has the idea that if you regulate things, things stay regulated
@JourneymanGeek Congrats :)
@Adam: I'm chuffed I don't need to flag stuff for closure like a peasant any more. ;p
@Andy I'm considering making an ad for Information Security that plays off of the TEMPEST question...
@Journeyman One small step for HW, one giant step for your social class.
@Adam: Its more... flagging on a site with no mods feels like shouting into a deep hole ;p
That's exactly how I feel. Where are the heroes we deserve?

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