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Hi, is there a link to the chat function anywhere on unix.SE? I had to search for it on stackexchange.com for it.
Or am I just blind?
menu on upper right, click fot chat from linux.SE, and same for other SE
Whelp, it's right next to "help" and "log out"... Ngl, kinda hard to miss ¦D
4 hours later…
The kernel on my OpenVZ instance is 3.10.0-1127.18.2.vz7.163.46. But I can find little mention of OpenVZ being used for anything more recent than the 2.6 series.
@FaheemMitha ah that’s nice, that’s a RHEL7-based testing kernel
@StephenKitt That doesn't mean much to me, though.
Is that not the kernel that Debian 8 uses, then?
@FaheemMitha no, Debian 8 uses a 3.16 kernel which doesn’t have OpenVZ support anyway
@StephenKitt I see. So they replaced it with a different RH kernel? Does this one work with systemd, then? Or is the issue simply that a sufficiently recent kernel was not available for systemd? I.e. any sufficiently recent kernel will work with systemd.
@FaheemMitha they haven’t replaced anything, OpenVZ is not Debian and the host system uses RHEL-based kernels. A 3.10 kernel should work fine with systemd.
@StephenKitt Oh, my mistake.
2 hours later…
Compressed gasses becoming more dense is such a hard concept for some people to grasp apparently
I'm in a facebook group about finish carpentry and someone asked if air in a compressor adds weight and there are so many comments of people insulting each other while being so confidently wrong.
@jesse_b gasses are kind of hard to grasp, that's for sure ;)
@JeffSchaller You win the internet for today
@jesse_b for added fun, ask them to explain why cans get cold when you use them ;-)
yeah there are quite a few people saying there is condensation so that will add weight but at the same time not recognizing that air at 2 bar has roughly twice the mass of air at 1 bar and your average compressor holds around 7.5-8bar
helium and oxygen are both lighter than air but when compressed to 3000+ psi they actually add a relatively significant amount of weight to the tank (10+ lbs)
(depending on the size of the tank)
in France lots of people talk of air pressure in kilograms instead of bars, which is wrong but helps remember that compressed air weighs more (for a given volume)
and natural gas of course is sold by weight
@StephenKitt if it explodes in the wrong place, it could kill-a-gram, so maybe there's a sad story behind it?
@JeffSchaller yeah so English puns aren’t all that popular in France so I don’t think that’s it :-P
missed opportunity :)
incidentally I’m going to see Paul Taylor tomorrow evening, looking forward to that
Is he the one with the French/English act?
@JeffSchaller that’s it
Paul Taylor (born 11 October 1986 in London) is a British/Irish comedian who performs mostly in France.Taylor moved to Paris in 2009 and he began stand-up in 2013. He is known in France for his television series on Canal+, What the Fuck France, What's Up France? and Stereotrip. He performed his first stand-up show #Franglais from 2016 to 2018 and his second show, So British (ou presque), debuted on 18 October 2019 in Paris. == Biography == Between the ages of 2 and 4, Taylor lived in Geneva with his English father and Irish mother. He then lived in France until he was 9, which explains his ability...
something about "running" = "walking" is all I remember (until I search youtube for it again)
one of my favourites is the skit about “carrelage” (floor tiles)
the 3 years of French have ... almost ... prepared me for these :)
You can convert a hex number to decimal using printf right? Can't seem to find how with a quick google
@jesse_b maybe just printf '%d\n' $((16# hex-number-here )) ?
@JeffSchaller Yeah that isn't really much different than just echo $((16#...)) though
useless use of printf ;)
@StephenKitt heh; poor guy! "When you're a kid, you don't need to learn the word for tiles" tough spot to be in -- to have the accent but not the vocabulary!
"My father is from Ireland, my mother is from England, so I'm drunk"
1 hour later…
@jesse_b printf "%d\n" 0x123
@ilkkachu hah well I guess I should have just tried it first. Thanks
The spec says that if the conversion specifier is not any of b, c, or s, a, A, e, E, f, F, g, or G, the operands "shall be evaluated as unsuffixed C integer constants". And C constants take the 0 and 0x prefixes for octal and hex.
4 hours later…
I'm sure this one is obvious, but if sort writes to standard output, why is
sort -d companies.txt | less
not returning anything?
does sort -d companies.txt return anything

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