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@ilkkachu I deleted all the associated messages in that thread as the ones that you didn't flag were orphaned. Ok?
@Kusalananda of course. I can't flag my own ones, and there's no function to flag the whole chain as a whole.
Good. I just wanted to make sure this is what you intended.
@ilkkachu terdon once said I could use a custom (“Something else.”) flag on one of the comments in an obsolete series, asking for them all to be removed.
What I usually do is flag all the obsolete comments and delete mine (mods can see deleted comments if they need them for context).
3 hours later…
I just signed up for my companies 401k but if I'm being honest I don't think I can run that far.
@jesse_b you've got a few couple weeks to train -- Race Dates: October 8-12, 2021
You know it's a different scale than you're used to when (a) they talk about pacers, and (b) Runners may have a pacer after mile 71
@JeffSchaller I’ll see your 240 mile race, and raise you a 3,100 mile race: 3100.srichinmoyraces.org
what the-- oh, is this the one where they go around a tennis court or something?
ahhh yeah, around "a sports field, playground, and high school"
In order to meet their goal of 3100 miles in 52 days, they must log an average of 59.6 miles per day ... 60 miles / 4mph = 15 hours/day of walking. Hmm.
8 hrs sleep + breakfast & dinner on the subway to/from ... hmmm...
yeah it’s not the individual days that are hard ;-)
I’ve always fancied doing an audax race at some point, that’s a different story
"honey, can you watch the kids for ... 52 days ... while I take a walk?"
@StephenKitt (after googling) ... seems similar, maybe just 1 days' worth?
@JeffSchaller yeah, they vary from 100km to 2400km; you need to complete short races (100km, 200km, 300km IIRC) to take part in the longer ones
(you're talking to someone who's interested in running 26 miles non-stop at some point, just to have context for levels of crazy)
@JeffSchaller right, I’d never run that, but I cycled 140km earlier this year and my current record in a day is 280km
that’s 85 miles and 170 miles
If you see me running it's because something is chasing me
Jeff, if you see jesse running all you need to do is outrun him
whistles I did 40 miles on a bike once, but that's probably because I didn't have Google Maps or something to tell me exactly how far it was
best survival strategy when faced with a bear is to tie your soon-to-be-ex-friend’s shoelaces together
@StephenKitt he died a hero
That wouldn't work with a cat though. If you stand still in the face of a mountain lion and your friend runs it will ignore the person standing still and go right for the person running
@jesse_b how ... do you know...?
I mean nothing is guaranteed when dealing with wild animals I suppose but cats predatory instincts are triggered by things running away from them
I just watched a video of a jaguar attacking a crowd of people yesterday and as soon as it would knock one person down it got bored with them and would move on to another person that was running
ok, I was just worried that you had an ex-friend If you see me running it's because something is chasing me
even with my house cats if you get a little squirrely and then run away around a corner they will come after you in attack mode
and then you can give them a heart attack with the cucumber you left behind just around the corner
I tried that with my cats and they were uninterested. I tried doing the circle on the floor too and they didn't stay in inside it
my cats are both pretty old though, they get bored of the laser pointer within a minute anymore too
8 hours later…
Does anyone have any idea about bugs.debian.org/994789 ?

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