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10 hours later…
So, it looks like the rsync error I was seeing earlier was because the remote machine's version is too old. It's Debian 8. My current machine is now Debian 11.
I tried to build a current version of rsync on the remote machine, but failed, because there is too much of a gap. I'm now considering my options.
Upgrading the remote is not possible, because it's a VM, where the kernel cannot be upgraded (I forget why). I'd need to reinstall it. For the moment I'm considering whether to replace the remote with a static binary or change options on my local. The problem appears to be with the compress method, but I can change that.
OK, the remote machine doesn't know about --compress-choice, so that's out.
Looks like my option is a static version.
`dh_auto_configure` doesn't pass errors back up. Unless it's written into a log file somewhere. Just says exits with error 1, or something.
OK, managed to backport rsync from unstable to Debian 8. Required some messing with the build. Hopefully that fixes it till I can get my remote upgraded.
I forgot that debhelper had compat levels.
image copywrite stuff is getting out of hand
I was trying to find pictures of space/rocket ships for my son yesterday and like 90% of websites don't even let you expand pictures to full size, you can only look at the thumbnails to prevent people from stealing and reusing the images...but what is the point of an image if you can't even properly look at it
These aren't websites that sell image licenses either, like history.com will have an article about space ships...in that article will be pictures of space ships, and you can't open said images.
I was impressed when I saw one of my kid's chromebooks had the google search locked down by copyright
@JeffSchaller so they would only see copywritten material or explicitly not see it?
I think it was filtered so they'd only see items that were explicitly licensed as creative commons, but ... that was ~6 months ago. In fact, I think I'm wrong. I think they had some sort of web filtering software that blocked (whatever they wanted to block), because I remember seeing image searches come up with some results showing a "blocked" type of icon.
2 hours later…
baked potatoes are a whole new level of responsibility for me. I love them but I have a hard time planning a meal out 3 hours in advance
I've got one of those frustrating networking problems that I am sure boils down to "I'm being silly". Anyone want to hear it?
(and @jesse_b -- baked potatoes only take an hour in the oven! Wash them in a saturated salt solution, brush with oil, and put them in 'early' to a period where you know you'll be free -- they're a reminder that you're hungry!)
@Landak I've had some still underdone after 2 hours
@jesse_b wow, that's a big duck. Equally big potatoes.
You could always use the thermal diffusion equation
It works beautifully for spheres in heat baths
Lemme find the textbook spherical nut-roast
So, I have something I've never seen before
I've got a machine that can't ping one specific host ( can't route any traffic to it on any interfaces, yet has a completely empty routing table beyond listing as its default gateway -- yet it's able to talk to quite happily and i'm ssh'd in at the moment!
@jesse_b your message suggests that the images are there in higher resolution but they are somehow blocked. Any way to pry the "big" images out of the page source? Do you have an example?

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