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@FaheemMitha I don't want to speak for sourcejedi, but they're likely the ones in the Q and A here: meta.stackexchange.com/questions/334575/…
5 hours later…
@JeffSchaller I see. Thank you for the pointer.
2 hours later…
Yes, that's what I meant.
@sourcejedi SE is a non-apology, it is BS all the way.
Q: Why taking responsibility for other people's feelings doesn't work

Robert HarveyThe whole kerfluffle around pronouns centers around a singular premise. This premise was first asserted in the "Stack Overflow is Not Very Welcoming, it's Time for That to Change" blog post: Too many people experience Stack Overflow as a hostile or elitist place, especially newer coders, wom...

I am taking a vacation of a few months of the unwelcoming plataform. I did not come here to be bossed around and for SE to advocate political activism on top of pro-bono users.
3 hours later…
@RuiFRibeiro I don't want to get into a personal argument, I'm not sure us two are on good terms for that. I trust terdon saying he doesn't have a problem with the new CoC. Clearly some people think the new CoC needed further clarification. In principle at least, it sounds reasonable for a moderator to have pointed out, or cited, an old Meta answer they wrote, and request guidance on whether their considered answer is no longer acceptable!
@RuiFRibeiro I take at face value the many sources - e.g. SE apology, terdon - saying the specific actions SE took against this moderator were harmful.
@RuiFRibeiro It's not like a politics free space is possible. These are political decisions. We can respect people who use non-binary pronouns, or we can explicitly welcome people who insist on using the wrong pronouns for them. If SE took the latter approach, I'd be taking my f***ing ball home.
If nothing else, I see the CoC change flushed out a different, un-named moderator who lacked the self-control to avoid publicly calling people who identify as non-binary as 1) mentally ill 2) not ready to participate at SE. I don't want that person moderating. Seems to me we were desperately overdue for some political activism.
A user has come up with a much improved version of a FAQ. Worth reading:
Q: A Pronominal Proposal

Gareth McCaughanThe recent Code of Conduct change and, more specifically, the associated FAQ have not gone down well. (For the avoidance of doubt, linking to those does not constitute endorsement.) So of course I wonder whether any policies on this contentious issue would be more broadly acceptable to the commu...

The fight between many mods and SE seems out of touch for me.
My head hasn't got around what is happening
@terdon thanks. I see there's a reply by Aza. As I understand it, education is a real part of the problem. Seems like a really good idea to make sure to have resources you can point to, when there's a CoC change that you know is going to attract... a lot of noise.
Walked 13 miles yesterday, enjoying my blisters now
@Tim haha, great.
How can I avoid blisters?
@Tim for me it's my knees I have to watch out for :-).
wearing double socks?
Walk more often :)
I think walking more often can help knees, bit more skeptical on the blisters :-P. Thought that's more an equipment thing. Well-fitting walking shoes?
I tried wearing double socks, and that helped. But yesterday I tried to give my feet more room to breath, so underestimated the skin rubbing catastrophe. For the last 2 miles, I didn't know how to land my feet
@sourcejedi You can try to unlock your knees by some yoga posture after walking and climbing
@sourcejedi Oh, it helps enormously for blisters! I used to do a lot of mountain trekking as a kid. The first day, you get blisters. You cover them with band aids or, better, those blister-specific things, but if you continue walking they go away and don't come back. If you walk often enough, you get callouses instead of blisters and everything's fine.
Not to get too gross, but if your feet are too sweaty, I put talcum powder between my toes and in my socks. Nice dry feet :-).
My family are real big on walking, I have a feeling I never went through the blisters stage :-).
only if I have $ to buy the products
So maybe I'm not the best at advice :-).
Even 13 miles wo blisters?
I can do 5 miles wo blisters
I do remember at least one other person doing their "Duke of Edinburgh Expedition" certificate through school though, I think the bottom of their foot was basically one big blister.
@Tim You need to keep your feet dry
as lieutenant dan said "Change your socks"
In the military we used to go on long hikes all the time and it was pretty standard to stop about every 3-5 miles to change your socks
Once you have blisters there is a product called mole skin that goes over them to make it more bearable to walk on
@Jesse_b Thanks. Wearing two pairs of socks seems to help. If not, I will try three
Not to be gross, in the midst of walking, blisters came, burst and came
@sourcejedi I've always heard not to put them directly in your socks because it actually just makes your socks capable of absorbing and holding even more liquid. Putting it directly on your skin is fine but it's recommended not to just pour it directly into the sock
To avoid blisters, you don't want motion -- so lace the shoes snug. not constricting, not loose. One thing that helped me was to pay attention to the front laces -- to keep the toe box snug.
@Tim I think that actually has a negative affect. You don't need more cushion you simply need to keep your feet dry
My feet don't sweat easily. I only wore one pair yesterday, also to avoid hurting my toe nails
Night shift has the heat in my office set to well over 9000 kelvin
Some toe nails get thicker and hard to trim
@Jesse_b thanks, that's interesting. I've not been using a lot recently.
"terdon: enough politics. Let's talk about something wholesome like feet.".
Probably the least controversial topic I've seen discussed in here in days
@JeffSchaller's Profile picture is what looks like him running a marathon so I would imagine he knows quite a bit about blisters...and possibly putting band aids on your nipples :P
Q: How to harden feet to avoid blisters on long hikes

Justin CI've enjoyed hiking my entire life but I have one huge problem. The skin on my feet is extremely soft and sensitive. I wear good wool socks with properly fitting boots and change socks during long hikes. Still, if I am going to be on the trail for a few days in a row, I will develop numerous blis...

@Jesse_b "only" a half marathon, and painfully aware, yes. I ended up solving it with Body Glide and "tech" shirts.
I learned the other day that marathon originates from the battle of marathon greece because after it was done they sent a messenger 25 miles to announce the victory and forced him to run the entire thing
It really hurt me to approve that one
"The first person to do it died"
I saw a guy die after running 3 miles
Granted he ran it in like 16:30 minutes
and we were a few miles from death valley
@JeffSchaller hah
@Jesse_b any problem if i re-edit to "KiB, MiB, GiB"? "gig" was wrong, and they look complete wrong to my eyes without the capital letters
@sourcejedi I don't mind. I just hate those units of measure in general. I still disagree with their entire existence and thing a KB should remain 1024 bytes forever
Yoga is better overall exercise than walking. Though walking is also ok.
You need somewhere nice to walk though. Otherwise I find it depressing.
I waited too long, Eliah Kagan did the edit :-).
Sorry, I didn't see your chat message. It and my edit seem to have been at about the same time.
@EliahKagan Hi. You saved me the effort :-). I hadn't even noticed you were in Chat. Just wanted to acknowledge what happened.
Understood -- thanks. :)
I haven't been very active in /dev/chat lately but I tend at least to lurk here when I'm in other SE chat rooms. I happened to notice that chat message which is how I found out about the the previous edit.
I put a bunch of entries in my /etc/hosts backwards last night and couldn't figure out why it didn't work
I went to start troubleshooting this morning and as soon as I opened the file I realized my mistake
Q: Heart beat logic - kubernetes cluster vs HA cluster

overexchangeOne cluster type is HA cluster(like Veritas cluster, Sun cluster, HACMP cluster etc...) that runs heartbeat logic. Another cluster type is Kubernetes cluster which also use heartbeat logic. Is the purpose of heartbeat logic different in these two cluster types?

@Kusalananda do you work on clusters?
@overexchange I do, but I don't administrate them.
Kusalananda is actually a human embodiment of an HA cluster.
That's unfortunately true.
And he always has quorum
Quorum: The minimal density of bacterial cells that results in altered gene expression in a population of bacteria.
So, yes.
Kusalananda doesn't connect to the internet, local area networks connect to him
@derobert So, if you are interested, an update on the bank situation. I went to a meeting today, organized my Moneylife, a Bombay based non-profit.
I'm re-jigging my backup at home. Got a 6 TB disk...
They're planning to file a writ petition in the Bombay High Court.
@FaheemMitha Well, that's always something.
It's unclear what effect this will have, but they seem like a smart and well-informed group. Most of the other activity I've been seeing it people organizing protests and begging the govt to help them. Sometimes I feel it's like the British never left.
Kusalananda, once fed up with microsoft, completely rewrote microsoft office in a single line of assembly
An article I read describes this, accurately to my mind, as "feudal". India is supposed to be a democracy.
I didn't get the impression that Moneylife is terribly enthusiastic about jumping into this particular whirlpool, but it seems they've been getting a lot of requests for help from desperate people.
They seem like a small outfit. Nothing major. But it looks like they will be getting help from outside. Fun times.
And the Govt, not surprisingly, continues to say nothing, at least officially. The occasional minister has issued soothing platitudes on social media and the odd news conference.
@Kusalananda @terdon: You both work in bioinformatics right?
@Jesse_b I believe that's true, yes.
I was reading this article:
And it made me think about how my companies "Manta" product seems like the absolute perfect solution for processing bioinformatics data and I was wondering if you know of anything similar in use for it?
We use local infrastructure for computes. We also have access to a national cloud computing platform.
It's a cloud object store service where you can run compute against your files while they are stored in the cloud on our servers
so I think it would be both faster than many alternatives and a lot cheaper
Some of the data that we work with isn't allowed to be stored externally.
Yeah that makes sense
If you have time I suggest looking over this. I really think it's like a hidden gem for people in bioinformatics
It's also open source so you could run it on prem on your own hardware
all the text processing stuff I normally see related to bioinformatics can be run against the data as jobs without having to move the data to your compute first
@Jesse_b I'll look at it later tonight (I've saved the link). I'm in the middle of messing up my home backups :-)
Yeah, I shared the link to your company with my sysadmin a while back but we're really swamped at the moment. We need to look into something like that but we just don't have the time or personnel at the moment.
@terdon =) I know it sounds like I'm trying to sell it lol but honestly we recently announced that we will no longer run a "public cloud" service so we really aren't even looking for new customers
People can still use our products on prem but we are only taking on very large customers for managed hosting. I am legitimately curious if a similar product exists for bioinformatics stuff or if most of it is done with simple shell programs, etc
@Jesse_b oh, not at all! It does sound good. Can you link me to this manta thing?
We also need to keep data locally. US clients want the cloud, but Europeans often need that their data never leave the EU.
@Kusalananda are you aware of purpose of heart beat in clusters?
@overexchange Heartbeats usually exist to confirm that a node or service is still available and healthy
@terdon: This is also an interesting blog about manta: joyent.com/blog/introducing-kartlytics-mario-kart-64-analytics
back when the company was in more of a startup vibe they used it to do an obnoxious amount of data analysis on mario kart sessions
@Jesse_b am trying to confirm, whether it is service or node that we check to be alive in HA cluster
Vis-a-vis kubernetes cluster
In kubernetes I think we check for node alive
How HA cluster different from kubernetes cluster? Except managing docker containers
1 hour later…
I didn't realize I completed a half marathon yesterday, although not for fun and pride
2 hours later…
I have a slight issue/problem thing. I'm working on a project for uni, and we need to validate that a file containing text has exactly X bytes. I've handled the text processing, but for some reason the files are always 1 byte longer, even when I carefully type out each character. It appears that there's a gosh darned newline that vim appends when I save and exit the file, which means that everything always appears invalid because of a gosh darned newline.
Is this a Linux thing, or is Vim being a dick to me? wc -c and wc -m report X + 1 bytes, and on inspection of the content read via the final fgets call, I confirmed there's a newline present.
A: What conditions must be met for a file to be a text file as defined by POSIX?

Michael Homer Must a text file be a regular file? In the above excerpt it does not explicitly say the file must be a regular file No; the excerpt even specifically notes standard input as a potential text file. Other standard utilities, such as make, specifically use the character special file /dev/null...

POSIX destroying my life. I thought I was just a bad programmer and didn't know what I was doing.
Turns out I just didn't know what I was doing.
Thanks @MichaelHomer
For the info, not for the self-realization
2 hours later…
Huh, a post by Gareth McCaughan. That's unexpected. (He's (or was) a college acquainance. Once upon a time we were in the same year at Cambridge.) And I've occasionally run into him on the net since. I knew he was on SE, but not very visible.

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