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3:25 AM
@FaheemMitha I run the gitlab-ce omnibus package in docker. I'd probably prefer to run debian packages but they weren't available when I started running it. Also, I really don't want nasty ruby gems crap polluting my actual system - that horror can stay isolated in docker. I disable the included postgresql and make it use my own postgres server (which is a debian package).
@derobert is gitlab vulnerable to the same commit URL trick? or does it make a copy when forking?
2 hours later…
5:41 AM
@cas Do you think you will use Debian packages in the future?
not unless there's a good reason to do so. If I do, it will be in a VM running on my server, not directly on the server itself.
Is backporting GitLab packages from experimental feasible?
@cas Well, you wrote "I'd probably prefer to run debian packages", which is why I asked.
Anthony's concern was about security updates.
It seems docker is more convenient that more traditional solutions like chroot. Or KVM.
what i have works, and has a reasonable degree of isolation from my actual server. there would have to be several amazingly good and compelling reasons to switch to debian packages of gitlab and everything it depends on.
5:57 AM
@cas I doubt there are any such reasons per se, other than wanting to support the Debian packaging. And the main reason against is (as Anthony pointed out) that there is no package in a Debian release, so you won't get security updates. At least, not reliably.
My gitlab is very lightly used, anyway. Mostly just my own projects. BTW, if i didn't have a use for the docker container repo in gitlab, i'd probably use gitea instead. Last time I looked into this, gitea seemed to be the best of the gitlab alternatives.
@cas I'd never heard of Gitea. How does it compare with Gitlab?
i've never used it. looks good, lightweight & simple, provides the same basic git server features as gitlab (but a lot less of the "extra" stuff) - except for a container repo, it has more than what I need. it was forked long ago from gogs due to concerns about patches etc not being applied or not being applied in a timely fashion. And it's written in go rather than ruby.
There seem to be a lot of Git hosting things.
9 hours later…
3:08 PM
@cas Hmmm, quick testing on GitLab.com (without bothering to create my own fork to be sure) seems to say it fails too. Wonder if the bug has been reported to them...
Need to do a better test. The random fork I picked apparently has an open merge request back to the forked-from repository, and it could be that's why it's showing — it shows the open merge request on the page. Time to try again...
@cas Ok, I stopped being lazy and forked a repo and tested. Does not appear to work on GitLab (expected, as I'm pretty sure "fork" copies the git repo)
gitlab.com/derobert/iterm2/commit/… ← my commit on my fork
gitlab.com/gnachman/iterm2/commit/… ← attempt to pull it through original repo
that's good to know.
Now, possibly, if I add a merge request (which I won't, since that'd bug the random repo owner I forked) it'd be possible to pull it on that later page, which would then show the open merge request
anyway, deleted my fork
3:25 PM
as long as it didn't show it as an actual accepted commit, that would be no big deal. anyone can make a merge request.
The two pages are a little different, but you could miss it. They should probably make it more visible.
gitlab.com/fdroid/fdroiddata/commit/… ← example, note the "1 merge request…" in the grey box under the description
time for a bug report.
3:41 PM
Bug report for GitLab?
4:06 PM
yeah, for gitlab. should be a fairly trivial change to highlight that it's a merge request - bigger font or something.
3 hours later…
7:00 PM
Hmmm. Darn regexp crosswords. Now I'm wondering, how easy would it be to program a computer to solve them (quick enough to brute force, I bet)... and more interestingly, program a computer to generate them (from a provided answer).
@derobert You've got too much time on your hands. Concentrate on world peace instead.
(It's fun!)
@FaheemMitha But we've already got the guy who makes the best deals, the greatest deals, etc. focusing on that. (He's opposed, it'd seem.)
@derobert Opposed to what?
@FaheemMitha World peace.
@derobert Oh, that. Bummer.
Yes, I'd say he's angling for WWIII. Because more arm sales are good for American manufacturing.
7:13 PM
Wonder if he still gets his MAGA hats from China...
Make America Great Again.
7:45 PM
Is there any way to feed IDA whole musl libc to speed things a little bit?
@Biswapriyo You might want to expand on that a tiny bit.
@Biswapriyo sounds like you're on the wrong site. You probably want Stack Overflow or Information Security
(naturally, check those sites' help centers to be sure)
8:02 PM
Oh! sorry I was in reverse engineering one.
8:23 PM
I am trying to set up an Oracle Linux VM and I'm feeling overwhelmed. Every package I try to install just comes back with "no package $package available". I have tried to add some repositories but there are still a lot of packages I cannot find. People often list the package you need to install, but seldom the repository it's a part of. Is there a standard list of repositories I should be installing?
$ sudo yum repolist
Loaded plugins: langpacks
repo id repo name status
WandiscoSVN Wandisco SVN Repo 23
code Visual Studio Code 69
epel/x86_64 Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux 7 - x86_64 13,384
9:11 PM
On my ubuntu.. how do I know, if it is init based startup or systemd based startup?
Because i see /etc/init.d directory where as pstree gives systemd as root process
Does systemd use /etc/init.d directory?
init based systems use /etc/init.d
@overexchange Which version are you running?
and more importantly: what's the output of systemctl status
9:42 PM
@Fabby ubuntu 18.04
# pstree
        │                └─2*[{NetworkManager}]
# lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID:	Ubuntu
Description:	Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS
Release:	18.04
Codename:	bionic
@overexchange >:-) definitely systemd!
1 hour later…
10:57 PM
A: Bash awk command with quotes

ZCTThis did it. awk -F: -vID=$ID_minimum '$3>=1000 && $1!="nfsnobody" { print "xfs_quota -x -c '"'"'limit bsoft=5g bhard=6g ''"$1"'''"'"' /home "}' /etc/passwd

Am I missing something in that comment thread? I started what?
We should go back to posting people's age on their profile...
>:-) ;-)
At least we'd be able to say: "Hey stop acting like a 2-YO" for people in their 20's, 3 for 30's, etc...
Well, mosvy went in and fixed the answer, which is the correct thing to have done.
It's still an awkward answer with no explanation.
Most of the questions here are way above my head and even more of the answers, so I keep my mouth shut (most of the time) ;-)
I just stay around to answer the questions where all of you go facepalm | shake-no > /dev/null...
11:27 PM
@MichaelHomer No, because any English recipe starts with:
1. take the largest pot you can find
2. throw food in
3. fill to the brim with water
4. Add a ridiculous amount of salt
5. Boil until all colour, taste and smell has gone from food used in #2
>:-) ;-)

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