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@derobert @terdon : I have i3 on my archlinux. Before my bug appear, the i3 bar crash. For write commands, i switch workspace, terminals are on separate workspace
@cuonglm I'm sorry, but from reading that answer I still can't make out what it is that says that ARG_MAX is not the real limit.
It looks as if ARG_MAX, as given by getconf is the real limit.
Albeit a dynamic limit dependent on the maximum stack size.
Or am I interpreting Stéphane's answer incorrectly?
@Kusalananda Did you read this part: "Also note (still on Linux 3.11) that the maximum size of a single argument or environment string is 128kiB, regardless of the size the stack."
Yes. I think what I'm missing is a summary of that answer.
Note that the question I'm replying to is not Linux-specific, and I'm not a Linux user.
It says a single argument, like the pattern to grep, can't exceed 128kiB, while multiple arguments could between them add up to getconf ARG_MAX.
@Kusalananda grep -f would probably be a useful addition to the answer also.
@MichaelHomer Yes, that allows for more patterns.
Presumably that is limited by LINE_MAX though, so it's rarely going to be longer
@Kusalananda and also ARG_MAX is not always available
@cuonglm Ah, thanks for the reference. I'll add that to the answer too.
... later. Busy now.
@Kusalananda I still confuse what the OP ask, if it's about ARG_MAX, then it should be marked as duplicated question. There're many questions about it IIRC
3 hours later…
@cuonglm XY-problem I think.
8 hours later…
Q: Run native code from shell on read-only filesystem

J. DoeI'm researching an embedded device running Linux, busybox, and a few custom services. I've found a way to obtain unprivileged shell access, and trying to see if it's possible to escalate privileges. The kernel is old and looks vulnerable, however the biggest obstacle is that the entire filesyst...

unix.stackexchange.com/questions/358850/… ... leaving this here in case Michael Durrant doesn't act on my comment:
The goal is normally to have comprehensive answer to a question—not a huge pile of partial answers. It's very rare that you should add multiple answers to a question outside of a meta site. Please combine all your answers in to one. — derobert 1 min ago
(would be nice to have a "flag for moderator attention tomorrow", but wow is that a one-off feature)
2 hours later…
@derobert Actually, I thought multiple answers were Ok. But maybe not in this case.

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