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6 hours later…
@Braiam That used to be kind of difficult but the last week or so there are enough questions that I could skip about half before getting to 20 reviewed. This is the basic help including i -> I, removing thanks, formatting etc.
2 hours later…
@Braiam where do you find this stuff?
9 hours later…
@FaheemMitha someone recommended me the orgasm Roll
2 hours later…
do we really need a "how to uninstall Linux" question?
@Braiam I see.
Did jessie not release? I'm not seeing an accouncement.
MS is throwing a Debian birthday party? Everyone, quick, into the bomb proof bunkers!
Anyone here with a working knowledge of pgp/gpg as used by Debian?
I'm planning to attend a debian release party later today, and need to figure out how to get my key signed. First I need to check if I remember my passphrase.
@FaheemMitha it's apparently in progress...
@derobert Yes, someone on IRC pointed me to the same place. Is this was civilised people use instead of Twitter?
It's an open equivalent.
@derobert ok, weird. Someone decided to help me with gpg and keys on #debian. Turned out to be the new Debian Project Leader.
"This Saturday, April 25, the Debian Project will release Debian 8 (codename “Jessie”). In celebration of this milestone, we’re having a “birthday party,” including cake, with the LinuxFest Northwest participants, hosted by Jose Miguel Parrella, a Debian Developer and member of Microsoft’s Open Source Strategy team."
A Debian developer that works for MS? Now I've seen everything.
@FaheemMitha A job's a job.
Still, I'm not convinced MS really cares about anything other than their profits and they temporarily see Linux as a road for that.
@Seth No, of course they don't.
They're a corporation. It's their job to care about profits.
@Seth so, Debian release party?
@Seth Well, I'm just surprised MS tolerates it. I thought free software was a cancer. Or maybe the GPL.
@FaheemMitha I know right. MS has radically changed their stance. Or, at least, their public stance.
@FaheemMitha I don't use Debian, not sure the local Debian guys would appreciate an Ubuntu user showing up ;P
I'm not really that active in the IRL community, although perhaps I should change that.
@Seth I doubt anyone would care.
@Seth Real Life is good.
@slm curious why you migrated unix.stackexchange.com/posts/198474/revisions ... seems clearly on-topic here. Possibly on-topic there as well, not sure.
@derobert it's probably a better fit there.
@derobert I don't think that configuring a webserver is on topic on webmasters
The "How do enable URL rewriting to get my API working?" part, anyway.
he seems to have more than one question there.
@Braiam well, better tell @slm that... he sent it to webmasters
> There are some types of questions about running websites that don't belong on this site: [...]
System and network administration -- Server Fault participants are much more likely to know the technical details on topics such as DNS and Apache configuration than people who answer questions here.
@FaheemMitha right. I only answered one, the "how do I enable mod_rewrite" and told him to ask a clear question for the others...
System and network administration -- Server Fault participants are much more likely to know the technical details on topics such as DNS and Apache configuration than people who answer questions here.
Server Fault would tar and feather the person who asked that, and that'd be if he tried visiting on a nice day.
But I was reliably informed that SF tells you to take a hike if you are not a "professional" sys admin.
@derobert They don't sound like a friendly place.
But this site isn't really the best place to ask for web server configs either.
Just very picky about who their friends are.
I think Webmaster should answer such questions, but it seems they don't want to.
I suspect no one really wants to answer mod_rewrite questions because so many are terrible.
It looks like their focus is more high level / professional. The sort of things the people running actual production web servers would have.
@derobert that goes for lots of the questions here. and on SO.
@derobert they are :(
Yeah. But if someone asked hey, we have a bunch of 'how do I find string X in a file' (where X changes from question to question), can we send them to unix.se? Grep is on topic there, right? we'd not look forward to those
So many mod_rewrite questions are like that.
activating the php module on nginx was a bit of a pita, but I managed following just the guide
and mostly was because the environment itself was very limited
I think in general you should only migrate good questions. Close your own junk questions, don't send them for someone else to deal with.
@derobert agreed
@StéphaneChazelas, est ce que tu pourrais jeter un coup d'oeil sur unix.stackexchange.com/questions/198639/avoid-loops-in-shells ? Moi aussi je suis curieuse.
the opportunity to use it on the Internet doesn't come across that often (except that oddly, on this site, several of the top users are francophone!). The "standardization" on English is easy to justify pragmatically, but monolingual does lead to monocultural to some extent, which is too bad. I figure... once in a while... it doesn't matter as much here as it does on the main site. I've done the same with Japanese in the past. I'd love to do even more, but that's all I speak.
@Celada i see.

 Chez Cosette

Discussion pour french.stackexchange.com. Bienvenue à tous ! Y...
@Celada my main objection to French usage here is that I don't understand it. And yes, monoculture is a bad thing.
@FaheemMitha OK. I'm not planning to make a habit of it.
I feel the same about most Indian languages. But I doubt there is much danger of those appearing here. I don't even know if SE chat supports Bengali or Marathi.
Thanks @Gilles for the link. I actually did come across that site a couple of weeks ago and I noticed you were active over there.
Why do you recommend avoiding loops in shells? There are common cases of loop abuse, such as using while read instead of sed/awk/…, or looping over the output of find instead of using -exec. But a blanket “avoid loops in shells” is going too far. — Gilles 42 secs ago

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