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and lost 3 close votes :(
@FaheemMitha yeah, but then we'd have to close the one we have as a dupe of the new one and that would result in huge chains and blah blah. Not sure how this should be dealt with
@Braiam what is he talking about?
@Braiam What kind? I think I wrote one at some point
@FaheemMitha the simplest approach might be changing the wording of the question to make it more general.
Q: How can I fix/install/reinstall grub?

the.keV.ncSo I started out with a 250GB HDD, the stock drive from an EeePC 1015pem that I am trying to turn into a MintBook. The drive is physically operable, but all data has been nuked, including the old OS. Given this, I attached the HDD to my desktop and installed Linux Mint 16 Xfce from a live USB cre...

Do any of you guys see something strange in your rep right now?
I have a long list of upvotes in the top bar menu thingie, none of which appear on my rep page
Ah, OK, serial upvoting. Oh well, better than the inverse I guess :)
@Braiam Pretty sure CentOS is EFI friendly so it's likely taking the whole drive over
and laptop
@terdon wasnt me
@slm I should hope not! Not here :)
@Braiam yeah, I guessed as much
Did my A get collapsed into an old Q here?
A: Bash- detect init system

slmUsing processes Looking at the output from a couple of ps commands that can detect the various versions of systemd & upstart could be crafted like so: upstart $ ps -eaf|grep [u]pstart root 492 1 0 Jan02 ? 00:00:00 upstart-udev-bridge --daemon root 1027 1 0 Jan02 ? ...

I saw a -15 since it was accepted on some other Q and is now not the accepted on this one
@slm good! Thanks @MichaelMrozek
@slm your answer was the best available on the subject but it was on a Q tat was closed as a dupe to the bash one so we asked Michael to merge.
Sorry about the 15 but I'm sure you'll find a way to get over it. In time :P
yeah I can spare it just caught me off guard, makes more sense to have this all on one
Exactly, basically I went out of my way to close another question as a dupe of the bash one and the one you answered and posted a chat message asking for a merge since Michael was around. I think Braiam then did the reasonable thing and flagged.
I'm always fine w/ setting canonical Q's up like this since they help us in the long run with linking to them
I cannot tell if you're just naive in asking your question or are making wild assumptions that just b/c you do not understand something that it's inherently overly complicated or bad vs. what you know. RPM works perfectly fine just as DEB files work perfectly fine. Choice is not a bad thing. Based on your logic when I walk into the hardware store there should only be one kind of hammer to go with the 100's of different nails available. Would that make any more sense? I think not! — slm 10 secs ago
@Braiam @FaheemMitha
this stupid ass Q should be closed like 5 times over
@slm breath RHman, breathe!
The poor OP was just not aware of the others, that's why he accepted my A I think. He just thought there were 2 choices: source and deb
@terdon It's not necessary to close anything, imo. You could just copy the answer over.
@FaheemMitha I mean we've already closed a ton of Qs as dupes of that one, so the dupe chain would get complex. I edited the title and added a line to the end making it more general. Should be fine now
@terdon ok
@slm for reference, i'd don't have enough rep on AU to vote to close.
Hence why I couldn't A on AU
I would quickly run out of patience
2) is not just wrong but misleading. He says that he needs to allow write permission but instead give a command to remove it.... what gives? — Braiam 9 secs ago
@terdon ^ :P
@terdon - your A has renewed my faith
oh, btw, I delivered my first work for academic purposes on TeX :D, now lets just wait the evaluator has a sense of good typography
has anyone ever seen our other mod mat here?
@Braiam huh?
(I mean, the content is just as good :P)
@Braiam Yeah, those were horrible answers.
@slm maybe time to get a change of moderators? The only one I ever see here is @MichaelMrozek
@slm nope. I've seen him on the site (rarely). Xenoterracide I think I've never seen
I see mat on SO
@slm last public record he was ever here is Mar 20
i was asking b/c I know he works at red hat and I wanted to talk to him about it
> seen 6 hours ago
IMO UL is about 1/4 of AU already
i think this site still needs 3 active diamond mods. it's not reasonable to expect @MichaelMrozek to pick up the slack alone.
that's not why I brought it up
I was interested in talking to him about them as employer
heh "I'm the Fedora Cloud Architect at Red Hat."
when I've talked with michael he said the load is fine
@Braiam Hey cool! I assume you mean LaTeX right? You're not coding actual TeX?
I'm curious about them
@terdon yeh
@braiam do you know anyone that works for canonical
Yes, I wish he'd answer more, I am assuming he's very knowledgeable given that job description
@slm personally? no
he's probably busy w/ it
@slm the're a canonical employee who's very active on AU and often hangs out in chat
I'll let you know next time I see him
yeah I'm looking for alternatives
Seems like a very nice guy
not many hang out in chat @terdon IMO
@slm Oh? Anything bad or just want a change?
Jorge is the most involved in AU
yeah I saw his replies to your meta
@Braiam I've seen Jorge a few times
bad, we can go in a private room if you want
still have a job
oh, look! the ping tag is among my top 10 in AU -_-
never mind we can't make a truly private room?
a single Q with the ping tag and boom! suddenly I'm an expert on the tag :(
also, is incredible that I have so much score on unity when I don't even use it...
@Braiam lol you don't even use Ubuntu in the first place!
RPM refuses installing from repositories doesn't have the GPG keys?
@slm no, only mods can. Shit man, sorry to hear that.
You looking to move as well or stay in the same area?
I'd be willing to move
@slm Damn, I can't really ask anything. Too public. I hope you're weathering it OK.
do you have pidgin? I have a chat server
But hey, you don't even need a CV, just mail them a link to your profile :)
@slm did you got a careers profile?
@slm I might... never used it though
@Braiam no what's that?
Yes, I do have pidgin but no accounts. I'm one of those weird geek/luddites. Hardcore geek but no twitter/facebook/chat etc :(
i can make one for you
@slm Cool, how'd that work? You send me a link?
yeah you'll have to add the creds on your side
give me a sec i have a screenshot I'll email it to you
@terdon - sent email
hadn't setup an acct in a long time had to remember how
got it, hang on
@slm I'm in
hi guys, got a question for you, I've made a post on SO and on UAL but no luck yet.
I'm running RHEL 6.5 64 bit and can't run yum install on anything.
i have epel in my yum repolist as I've read I need to do, but it doesn't work
@thenaglecode, Is your system registered with RHEL?
does it need to be before i can?
yes. If it is not registered, as far as I know, you can not install new updates.
I see. I guess I'll have to contact IT.
You will register with some commands like below.
rpm -ivh rhn-org-trusted-ssl-cert-1.0-1.noarch.rpm
/usr/sbin/rhnreg_ks --activationkey=keyhere--sslCACert=/usr/share/rhn/RHN-ORG-TRUSTED-SSL-CERT --force
After that, if you run yum update you will be able to do what you are trying to do
someone thinks I'm wrong?
@Braiam, I at least would like to know the answer for the question that he had put forth :)
what happens when I write cat /proc/cpuinfo. Is that a named pipe to the OS which reads the CPU info on the fly and generate that text each time I call it?
I am assuming that I will require the purchased customer portal credentials for registration?
@Ramesh yes, like everything else in /proc
well, it's not a named pipe, per se. but it's generated on-the-fly inside the kernel.
@slm He's pretty active on photo.SE; I thought he was a mod there, but apparently not (or he was in the past). He was in their chat semi-recently, you can try there
@MichaelMrozek - would you be able to pass my email to him? I'm curious about his employer
@slm I'm not in any kind of private communication with him, but you can try there. Or just ping him in a random comment somewhere
@MichaelMrozek ok, thanks
Yes, you're correct, I fixed the path now. I'll check to see if it triggers tonight. — Level1Coder 1 min ago
Should we close that then? The OP was just using home/foo.sh instead of /home/foo.sh
i would
Strange though. I don't see a comment with the close reason and my name. Bug?
@terdon that close reason doesn't leave comments ;)
@Braiam Ah, OK
@Gilles in Radu's answer in Debian sensible-pager is the same as less, what gives?
@strugee "The new minimimalistic gedit interface helps you focus on the task at hand" Yeah, right, now I need to spend ten minutes looking for the change font menu or whatever. What is it with gnome and minimalism dammit?
such is the punishment for using gedit
@terdon GnOmE =? GOOGLE
Yeah, makes more sense for google, does not translate well to desktop apps.
what? 2 questions of arqade in the hot list and none has a funny title? WHAT'S HAPPENING? JUST WHAT I AM?
@terdon nothing's actually gone. in fact, gedit has gained new features while still managing to look cleaner.
@strugee Where are my buttons? Why don't I have buttons? That's what's gone. They are sacrificing usability in the name of aesthetics.
there's actually about 60 pixels gained which puts a really nice emphasis on the content
I still get pissed off every time I look at my chrome. Why the fuck are there no menus? Why do I need more clicks to get to what I want?
@strugee Yes, because the current one is already broken.
I want these at the very least and would rather have more:
@terdon another reason is consistency. gedit 3.10 looked like a GNOME 2 app. gedit 3.12 looks like a GNOME 3 app.
@strugee You say that as though it were a good thing. That is exactly my problem. What do they have against buttons?
I mean seriously:
@terdon do you lay out all the knives in your kitchen on the counter because it's useful to have them right there? no. you put them in drawers.
@strugee Yes. Those are knives. These are interface buttons, no connection
@slm XMPP? nice
I don't even understand what the hell those things represent, it makes me have to click 2 or 3 more times to get what I want and it just doesn't help.
I mean, OK, I use emacs which means I never use it's buttons but that's gedit not a real editor!
Try changing the encoding of a webpage in chrome
You need to go to that silly mah-jong button, then tools, then enoding, then choose the right one. At any one of those steps if you so much as move the mouse a millimeter off of the menu the whole thing collapses and you need to start all over again.
How is that a better UI?
And then they give you the most ridiculous reasons: "It helps you concentrate on what's important". I object to be treated like a 10-year old with attention deficit syndrome.
@terdon that's because you're technically-minded. for the majority of people application chrome = distraction.
@strugee Bull, it's because I'm technically minded that I use the shortcuts. My parents aren't and can't make heads or tails out of this kind of interface. The buttons they can actually see
@strugee Craig Sanders (known to us as Cas), one of the debian devs, even posted a bug report about this: bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=721783
@slm good luck with whatever's happening w/ you
@strugee - thanks
@FaheemMitha they don't have a binary format.
source distro, remember?
@slm of course
@FaheemMitha the gentoo system uses ebuilds to define packages. They have specific formats but in their most basic form they just list the package tarball URI and any patches that need to be fetched, integrate the portage USE flags into specific options passed to ./configure, then make && make install into a work directory and then copy that into your system.
there's some more complex stuff in there too though
they have this concept of "slots" that I've never bothered to actually look up and understand
no binary format though, ebuilds are plain text and everything is compiled (you can get some binary packages though for a few things)
@strugee slots are easy, they just let you have multiple versions of the same package
@casey which probably ends up being "things that don't have source". Flash, really.
@casey ah
so I can have python 2.7 and 3.3 both installed at the same time, 2.7 goes in the python:2 slot and 3.3 into python:3
@strugee notably google-chrome (binary only) and libreoffice (can get source or binary)
@casey LibreOffice? that surprises me
mm... LO is FOSS, no?
very much so
has no FOSS parts?
@strugee I mentioned you can get it both ways. The binary package is for people with slow computers, its a heavyweight build
but you don't have to use it, nor is the binary the default.
@casey ah. do they have binaries for other heavyweight projects (gcc, Qt and Firefox come to mind)?
emerge libreoffice is the source, emerge libreoffice-bin is pre-compiled
@strugee firefox yes, the others no
@casey huh
assuming you never upgrade gcc, you have the binaries from the stage3 tarball you installed from
@slm thanks, I can't take credit for that one though, I just re-shared it from elsewhere
still good stuff
What's with this?
Q: Mods: I want to delete all my accounts excluding codereview

Utkarshi want to delete all my accounts excluding code review Please do it i want to delete all my accounts excluding code review i want to delete all my accounts excluding codereview

agreed :)
Just read the comments here:
A: Is there any software for Debian to fix my GRUB

terdonThis has nothing to do with Debian, the problem you are experiencing happens long before the operating system is started. What is strange is that it only happens sometimes. One possibility is that you have a failing hard drive. Check the output of sudo smartctl -a /dev/sda You should see a l...

@slm can't say I'll be sorry to see him go...
that guy's me two or three years ago. wannabe weenie is how I would describe him - not pretty
or a troll
@terdon that hard drive has sentimental value!
@casey are you are resident bash developer? or is that someone else?
and speaking of hard drives, I just got a really nice 120GB Intel SSD today, but I only realized I was missing cables for it when I opened it. I can't plug the thing in
@strugee I can hack together a shell script when I need to, but I'm not the go-to guy on that front so probably someone else
@casey ah. someone here actually works on bash, but I don't remember who. maybe ChrisDown?
yea, definitely not me :)
@strugee are you joking? In a site that has Gilles and Stephane, you need to ask that? (No offense to @casey of course)
@terdon developer, not just arcane wizard
If you guys want a giggle have a look at this "answer" and the comments (I've fixed his syntax error)
A: Bash Script Difficulties

BMWTry this: #!/bin/bash while : do echo "Main Menu:" echo -e "\t(a) More Menu Options " echo -e "\t(b) Exit" echo -n "Please enter your choice:" read choice case $choice in "a"|"A") ;; # show More Menu Options "b"|"B") exit ;; *) echo "invalid answer, ple...

@terdon none taken :)
Op asking "How do do X", the guy copied the OP's script, made an irrelevant change anfd added a comment "## Do X here". Posted that as an answer!
And just rolled back my edit to reintroduce the error! Brilliant! :)
I am so spoiled on this site
Apparently, I'm not enough of a "shell guy" to understand his code :)
Because I don't want a cake, I want a pie! — Xiong Chiamiov 6 hours ago
@strugee... you're doing it on purpose
@terdon ?
"not an installer" - Arch uses .tar.xz (LZMA4) as its package format ;). and I believe Slackware uses tar.gzs, but don't quote me on that. — strugee 4 mins ago
The fact that pacman extracts source from tgz does not make a tarball an installer any more than a zip file is.
wait, that pinged you @strugee?
@Braiam what?
2 mins ago, by terdon
@strugee... you're doing it on purpose
no, but I happened to see it.
@terdon I assume you mean binaries instead of source? and remember, .debs are just ar archives with a new name.
that being said, I'm not here to argue - I fully realize that that wasn't worth mentioning in the answer (which was very good, btw)
@strugee yea, but they are used for software only, if only by convention. tarballs could have anything in them and do not have any functionality to install software.
@terdon very true.
although small nitpick to your reply: tar.xz and tar.gz are basically the same thing.
just different compression formats
ah, I'm acting petulant. I should stop (and get some sleep)
@strugee exactly. That's like saying that tar.gz is the same thing as tar.bz. They're not, they just both happen to be compressed archives.
@strugee Chris Down is the bash guy you're thinking of
@slm thanks
@terdon ah. terminology mismatch then - I was saying that functionally they're the same.
not actually.
that's my bad.
1 hour later…
@strugee true, but what about when it is compiled into a binary? this isn't put in some kind of package?
@casey ok. i suppose the system registers the files that are being installed, though
2 hours later…
@slm just wondering why you bothered to answer this if it is a duplicate.
A: unable to open X server

slmThat message is because you do not have permissions from that shell (root) to display GUI windows to the X server that I presume is running as your normal user. In another window as your normal user: $ xhost + Then try it again. If it still does not work then you can try explicitly setting th...

Seems like a lot of effort to go through.
Good morning people !
What's funny with chart of reputation on U&L on my profile is that I can perfectly identifies when I was on holidays :D
this is the part where no reputation was win :D
2 hours later…
Q: What's the difference between \b and \< in the grep command

duleshiIn the man page of grep, I see The symbols \< and \> respectively match the empty string at the beginning and end of a word. The symbol \b matches the empty string at the edge of a word. But I still can't figure out the difference. To me, \b is Perl's notation for word boundary, w...

is there anybody here that knows a legitimate usage of \< \> instead of \b with grep except readability ?
@graeme your example is not correct I think
@Kiwy How come?
[acegikm ]*\> and [acegikm ]*[acegikm] are very different
also hello @Graeme
in one case you match charset plus space 0or n time and you stop matching on word boundary (any of -=:;,;: -(!)'"&)
and in the other case you match n time charset plus space and end with a character, but the result can be very differrent
@Kiwy Hello too!
But none of the other word boundary characters are in the set, so it will stop matching when you get one of these anyway
[acegikm= ]*\> and [acegikm= ]*[acegikm] are also the same
@FaheemMitha I couldn't find the dup right away and was trying to help cea
$ grep --color=always -E "[home ]*\>" test2
Mar 27 12:45:52 ftpuser 1542 access *home* folder=/home/poney/
Mar 27 12:45:51 ftpuser 6254 access *home* folder:/home/unicorn/
Mar 27 42:42:42 ftpuser 4242 access *home* folder / home/fluttershy/

$ grep --color=always -E "[home ]*[home]" test2
Mar 27 12:45:52 ftpuser 1542 access *home* f*o*ld*e*r=/home/poney/
Mar 27 12:45:51 ftpuser 6254 access *home* f*o*ld*e*r:/home/unicorn/
Mar 27 42:42:42 ftpuser 4242 access *home* f*o*ld*e*r / home/fluttershy/
I put * in front of matches
your first example match word your second match also the character of your charset independently
@Kiwy Ah, ok, so [home ]*[home] doesn't have to finish at the end of a word
the grep screen speaks for itself
@Graeme exactly
But at least [home ]*\> is going to match slightly differently from [home ]*\b
ha ok, yes it will
@Kiwy i meant \b, edited.
then no
it will be the exact same
+graeme@graeme-rock:~/test$ echo 'acegi   z' | grep -o '[acegi ]*\>' | cat -A
:graeme@graeme-rock:~/test$ echo 'acegi   z' | grep -o '[acegi ]*\b' | cat -A
acegi   $
@Kiwy the second one finishes at the beginning of the next word.
yes ok, then you finally find a usecase
@Graeme can I include it in my answer ?
@Kiwy Sure, go ahead
thank you
@slm ok
@slm you certainly went to a lot of trouble with that user. you should invite people who need a lot of help into this chatroom. there is often little traffic and it is probably a more convenient place to answer questions.
@FaheemMitha generally don't know you're in mud until you've step into it and are sinking
Why does doing something like this surprise a user?
Q: Wny did removing iptables "break" my network access?

SlyxTo remove iptables i used yum : # yum remove iptables -y But this removed a lot of packages : Remove 262 Package(s) Installed size: 710 M Downloading Packages: Running rpm_check_debug Running Transaction Test Transaction Test Succeeded Running Transaction Warning: RPMDB altered outside ...

@slm it make me laugh too though I don't really get the link between iptables and rhythmbox :D
@slm :-) I think I'll star that.
@slm I guess this person would also surprised at what would happen if he jumped off the top of a building.
assuming it's the same slyx, he's asked Q's and A's here before.
@slm asked answer ? :D
when I flag a question as cross posted to modos does they contact the other website on wich it's hosted ?
@Braiam sensible-pager invokes less by default, but is customizable by the user by changing PAGER, falling back to pager which is configurable by the administrator through update-alternatives
@derobert if you are looking for questions to answer there is still that question of mine - unix.stackexchange.com/q/120970/4671
@derobert per
A: Keeping copies of the X log file on Debian

derobertX's logging behavior is: If there is a /var/log/Xorg.DISPLAY.log, rename it to /var/log/Xorg.DISPLAY.log.old, overwriting any file that might be there. Open /var/log/Xorg.DISPLAY.log, and begin logging to it. Unfortunately, this isn't configurable, except in the sense all open-source software...

you quoted some lines in the X source which shows where the copying was happening. I think it would be good to include this in the answer.
@FaheemMitha once files are installed on gentoo you can do queries like any other distro (what versions are available, which versions are installed, what package does a file belong to, which files does a package own).
@FaheemMitha As far as what is done to a compiled package, its contents are merged into the filesystem (handling any pre/post-install hooks) and its files and some other stuff recorded into the portage database. There is no compiled package after that though (you could create one from the contents laying around your filesystem I guess) and a reinstall will force a recompile.
@casey So binary packages like debs and rpms don't exist in gentoo. support you want to make a precompiled gentoo package available? is there no "container" in which on can do so?
Is it cool if I beg for a couple of more upvotes for the Fedora community promotion ad?
Just a couple. It's all I ask. :)
it's ok to ask ;-)
@FaheemMitha not in the traditional sense, no. The binary packages are essentially the same as the source packages, just different contents. The ebuild file for a binary package lists a binary tarball instead of a source tarball to fetch and then the configure/make/make install steps are NOPs and then the work tree is merged into the filestystem
and binary packages only exist for a very small subset of the total portage tree
@casey ok, i see. so the binary files are stuck in a tarball then as well? where do they put the metadata for a binary tarball then?
in the ebuild file perhaps?
@FaheemMitha yes, the ebuild
# Copyright 1999-2014 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sci-libs/netcdf-fortran/netcdf-fortran-4.2.ebuild,v 1.5 2014/02/27 18:33:09 bicatali Exp $



inherit autotools-utils fortran-2

DESCRIPTION="Scientific library and interface for array oriented data access"
That is about as simple as ebuilds get
I could probably find a simpler one, but I don't have the fortitude to look
@Kiwy awesome thanks :)
@mattdm I pushed you to the 6 threshold with my UV.
Hi, good morning. Where can I get help to make a Debian server visible on the internet and in the internal network by the address dominio.dyndns.org?
@thiagobraga hi good afternoon ;-)
I don't know, maybe you should try to explain your problem in details on Serverfault and you might get an answer
Hi @Kiwy... thanks for your response. I didn't create a question because I think I couldn't formulate clearly the question. There's some configurations in our network that I don't understand, like iptables and dyndns.
But I'll do what you said.
dyndns isn't in your network, it is an external DNS provider that maps a single hostname to an IP of your choice.
Yes, I know
I meant only the iptables rules
port 80 goes to a SQL server
port 8080 needs to redirect to this Debian Server
when you make your question, please include some basic info on your network layout. It is important to know if the debian server is for public facing computer or if there are devices (routers, other computers) ahead of it. Likewise it is important to know if the debian box has a routable IP or if is behind NAT
well it works
Ok, i will check
@Kiwy shown "it works" in which address?
without port?
the first one
ok, thanks... I will try to formulate the question
@casey so this is the ebuild corresponding to a binary tarball, i.e. a binary package, so to speak?
@FaheemMitha the ebuild is the package so to speak, whether it is source or binary
but its just metadata itself
it just references files and defines certain steps to download/build/install
@casey The debian server is for web development with git, php, mysql... but we need to turn visible on the internet this server using the dyndns. In our network, we have some iptables rules in our firewall, a SQL server and two windows servers
@casey ok. so, one could for example point an ebuild to a locally downloaded source or binary tarball and tell it to do its stuff?
I tried gentoo once in a vm. it seemed pretty good.
but i never used it for real work
@FaheemMitha yes
@casey sorry, i wrote email...
i know :)
@casey Thanks. Does Gentoo have any equivalent to Debian Policy?
or lintian?
@FaheemMitha there is stuff scattered all over the place, but no centralized master document like debian has, afaik
@casey ok. too bad.
there is a lot less bureaucracy with gentoo than debian
@casey which has pros and cons presumably
a project the size of Debian does need standards to survive, though.
i don't know how large Gentoo is these days, but it is presumably smaller
Well there are standards, you won't get commit access into the portage tree until you've been vetted and mentored
but yes, anyone can host a portage overlay and they can be problematic
in the same way adding a bunch of ppa's to ubuntu can be problematic
overlays are just local (or remote) portage trees that supplement the official tree
@casey i didn't mean to suggest Gentoo doesn't have standards.
you'd setup a local one to do what you were talking about earlier to inject your own ebuild into the system
@FaheemMitha i know
Perhaps that last sentence should be rephrased as "Debian does need formal standards to survive".
true. or there would be no work for the committees
some things are a lot simpler and so some standard wouldn't have a place. For example there really is no such thing as a release with gentoo and no separate repos for stable/unstable/testing/exprimental
there is just portage, and individual packages are keyworded to specify which arch they work on and the if they are stable or not
@casey so gentoo has no releases at all? that is different from debian.
and by package, I mean ebuilds of course
@FaheemMitha nope. the closest thing to a release is when they refresh the stage3 install tarball
the obvious problem with that is making sure things work well together.
portage is a living beast
@FaheemMitha thats what the unstable keyword is for
you'll notice new versions come in with a keyword like ~amd64
vs a normal keyword of amd64
and the ~ means it is unstable and will not be upgraded to automatically
you can globally allow unstable or you can do it per-package (what I do)
when a package is known to work well and behave with the others, they'll remove the ~ keyword
@casey ok, but a specific combination of binary packages doesn't get tested
and then stable users can get it automatically
no idea how much of a problem that is in practice, of course.
@FaheemMitha for big archs like amd64 the individual teams handle the stable keywording (e.g. the KDE team handles it for all KDE packages). For small archs there is no such thing as stable
if you stay with stable only you wont have problems. If you go with pure unstable you'll probably have some. I indidually accept keywords so I choose what I want to push
@casey ok
i suppose one big plus is that all those backporting issues don't arise.
e.g. you can put lines in /etc/portage/package.accept_keywords, or into files in /etc/portage/package.keywords/ to override. A line like >=dev-python/basemap-1.0.1 ~amd64 means I'll accept the ~amd64 keyword on any version of that package greater or equal to v 1.0.1
it allows for a lot of flexibility
@casey ok.
@casey as i recall, you use both gentoo and debian. overall do you have a preference?
@FaheemMitha I run debian on my server and gentoo on this machine. For my daily use I prefer gentoo
@casey ok. what are the cons of debian for you? too inflexible? too out of date?
If this machine were debian it would be running sid, so out of date isn't too big an issue (though for some packages it might be). I'll go with flexibility then. I need performance from this machine and being able to configure every package just how I need it (through USE flags) is a big help toward that goal
too bureaucratic?
lesser is that I can compile everything with -march=native and openmp or mpi where available
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