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@Ramesh - look at the rep link on your profile page: unix.stackexchange.com/users/47538/ramesh?tab=reputation
@slm, will I get the 15 points the next day or I would not get it?
@Braiam "When I log in as root, I cannot run Google-Chrome". !#*#!$
if you go to this url you can see your past history too: unix.stackexchange.com/reputation
@Ramesh - it's gone
you can get a max of 200 points from UV per day. You can get unlimited bounties and accepts in a given day
oh no. I want to reach 2k and then 3k :(
@Ramesh unix.stackexchange.com/questions?sort=featured ... bounties are always awarded, even in excess of the rep cap
it's much easier when you have 1 A generating 150 pts
See my page, I just had a bounty awarded + I was at cap
2k @ 200/day is only 10 days. Not too bad.
bounties show up as red in the rep stream
Part of that delay is to give you time to learn the culture of the site, before you get the extra powers...
Oh, why is your answer unaccepted? Yesterday the OP had accepted your answer only.
The person asking the question can pick a new accepted answer whenever.
BAAAMMMM 2k finally
it's time to go to bed
bye bye
@Braiam - mikeserv and I took stabs at the chrome Q
A: Google-chrome Unity launcher with dpkg-divert

slmAs an alternative I'd suggest doing one of the following things instead. Provide root with it's own $HOME/bin directory and have this directory added to your $PATH. In this directory you could provide your own wrapper around the wrapper, ala: #!/bin/bash /bin/google-chrome --user-data-dir /ro...

@slm well, that's a way to do it, but I still don't understand why he nneds to run as root, nor what the goal is :(
No ideas either ..
@slm done
thanks T
What is PCRE? I mean, I know it's perl regex but there's a package?
Q: Installing PCRE 8+ on SLES SP3

Avindra GoolcharanI need to install PCRE 8+ on a Suse Enterprise Linux SP3 box. The trouble is that the latest package available in the repo is 7.8. How would I go about attaining 8+? FYI, I need this to install The Bug Genie.

The package pcre includes pcregrep
it's a pkg on Fedora and CentOS
I'm using 8.20
Ah, OK, not some kind of system-wide library for pcres then.
@Kiwy Yaaay! Well done!
@terdon - I wrote up some details on PCRE and how to get pkgs for suse you might want to look over just so you're familiar w/ suse pkging
suse uses rpms like fedora
@slm I know, I used SuSe for a few years until they were bought by Novell
oh yeah, I forgot you said that
the build service is nice if you need to get packages
Weirdest thing, I had switched to SuSe 'cause it had the best hardware recognition at the time, I actually had a wireless card that didn't work with the vendor's driver under Windows and worked out of the box with SuSE.
fedora has something similar called koji
They then were sold to Novell and suddenly the network no longer worked out of the box.
I was so pissed off I switched to Ubuntu
I remember suse having excellent hardware support too, I used it briefly as well
I mean, come on! Novell, screwing up networks!? It's the one thing they know how to do well!
@slm haven't used either really, this is about 10 years ago or so, I'm far from a SuSE expert these days.
Hmm 7?
This Q seems like a dup but is so poorly written I can't tell
Q: How to run a command as if it is called from cron

TetsuI write a script and set it as a cron job. But due to a difference of environment variables it doesn't work as it should be. In that case I change a little bit with crontab -e and set a cron job time closest minute, and wait next minute to come to show the result. I feel this is a totally absurd...

I also spent 'bout 7 years working with RH and then Fedora systems but that was at the lab and we had a great sysadmin so I never needed to learn how to administer the system, he did it for me.
@slm I think the OP just needs to debug cron and is getting it backwards
I left it alone since deroberts left a comment and hadn't voted to close
I threw a bunch of the links to other related Q's just to make myself feel better
Hey, have you guys heard of potato jesus over on that side of the pond?
I was worried today about the UV's on AU, they didn't retract for you
I dumped like 100+ pts to you and glenn jackman
pushed him up to 3k
@slm Yeah, it occurred to me too.
got a little too carried away
was getting the pox badge too
@slm GOOD! I've been doing the same, he really knows his stuff and I want him to reach serious rep.
used up all 40
@slm have a look (watch the video):
@slm wrongish link, this one is better:
this is a goof right? I saw this a couple of years ago
@slm Yeah, happened around then, I'd missed it
I was just shown it and half pissed myself laughing. Poor lady.
another useful SE site
Q: Restoration of Jesus fresco a fake?

xiaohouzi79The story goes: A devout Spanish woman is being roundly criticized after taking it upon herself to restore a church fresco of Jesus, a ham-fisted attempt that left the piece looking like a child’s daubing. Here is the end result: It cracks me up every time I look at it, but the story...

guess it was real
Yeah, I understand the Spanish, she can't be that good an actress!
The consensus is that she'd probably bought the hotel next to the church before starting.
Here's my skeptic contribution
Q: Can you knock someone out with pressure points, in the style of a Vulcan nerve pinch?

slmIs it possible to pinch someone's nerve (on the shoulder) in a manner similar to the way Spock would do on Star Trek such that the person would either pass-out or result in being temporarily paralyzed? Proponents of Ryukyu Kempo martial arts claim it is possible: Does the vulcan nerve pinch ha...

(among my friends that is, not serious media)
no one has answered it
@slm which?
@terdon the Vulcan one
@slm Yes, thank you, I'm familiar with Leonard Nemoy, what kind of a geek do you think I am?
I just liked the picture
That is classic spock.
if anyone has a Programmers account an extra flag would be good programmers.stackexchange.com/a/233721/104338
also \o/: got some stickers from the MediaGoblin fundraiser (go donate to it!)!
oh well, was nucked from orbit :D
@strugee nice!
@strugee Hey! Cool! :)
and in my typical fashion I've already lost one of the stickers. haven't even had 'em for 10 minutes...
@terdon @slm thanks guys!
so this is what it feels like to be @slm...
@strugee - now do it 194 more times 8-)
> earned at least 200 reputation on 195 days
@slm I know, right...
I don't know how you do it.
I guess the accumulation helps
the first couple are huge
I've been really inactive recently.
@strugee :/
pick up a Q and answer it, there is no magic
setting attainable goals is a good motivator too
get to 5k
then 7.5k
that's actually a really good piece of advice
until eventually your goal is "Gilles"
i can remember telling myself, let's try and get on page X of the users by rep
then I'd focus on trying to pass a particular person
then try and get to row X on the front page as I moved up
/me opens the users page
wow. you're beating Gilles yearly
yeah last week was the 1st week in months that he had more rep then I
I took that kinda personally over the weekend
so by Mon. I had 400ish
@slm yeah, been keeping an eye on that, waiting for the day it's all orange!
@terdon - it's gonna be a long while
It's almost april and I've gained on him by ~7k
meh, I'm too busy to have the concentration of hunting questions down :(
so end of yr will be hopefully 20-30k up, even at that rate it's gonna take years to close the gap
> the WindowServer process is the one that actually gets hardware events (mouse, leopard)
so goals are to try and gain on his # of A's
and 15k rep b/w me and steph
@derobert i was asleep. see you have it open now.
I've got my eye on Caleb at the moment but he's not really active anymore so that's cheating. Next up will be Chris Down. I'll happily stay behind you, Gilles and POSIXman.
yeah I figure once you're on the front page you know your shit
look at the ppl you're keeping company w/ at that point
should be sufficient for any future employer
I'd like to separate from Steph more just to have a cushion but I have other stuff I'd like to divert from here to work on
I need to figure out more about docker and lxc so it requires thinking time
the first of the GNOME 3.12 releases has gone out the door! \o/
ooh, yeah. Docker looks really cool. never played with it though.
I have a whole list of things I need to devote time to. e.g. I need to consider diversifying in my VM choices
I've never used anything but VirtualBox but QEMU/KVM both look interesting. plus hybrid stuff like systemd-nspawn
I've used VB, KVM, and OpenVZ. Docker/LXC will ultimately become critical going forward
and VMware (used)
@strugee the only thing I see new is the "Web" application...
@Braiam yes
I saw what you did there @terdon :P
I meant the first new application
not the entire stack
@Braiam That was my Utkarsh impressonation :)
@terdon don't call the devil D:
oh good god
that guy...
in Ask Ubuntu General Room, 1 hour ago, by Utkarsh
OMG! I got a Private Beta for Mental Fitness!!
@terdon ...
@terdon cool story bro. tell it again. fascinating.
Has this made it into Hot Questions or something? 36 upvotes for an ls flag!?
Q: How Do I check Permissions of Root Folder (/ Folder, not /root)?

trysisIs there a way to check the permissions of the root folder, /? I mean the folder's permissions, not its content's (/var, /usr, etc.) permissions? Running ls /.. shows the content's permissions.

something like that:
How Do I check Permissions of Root Folder (/ Folder, not /root)? http://unix.stackexchange.com/q/121289?atw=1 #permissions
and I just saw it appear in the hot questions sidebar
wtf that's a terrible question
Ah tweeted, ok. And yes, it is a ridiculous question and a very weak answer. I just get annoyed whenever one of these gets me so many upvotes and my actual good ones are ignored :(
Whohooo! I got a gold badge that @slm doesn't :)
And all for that silly ls Q
mmm, I love the smell of awful arguments in the evening.
@mikeserv I have virtually nothing but the defaults enabled. therefore, using your own logic, I have virtually no networking-related hooks enabled. so why is there networking stuff in my initial ramdisk? that is the question. it has nothing, NOTHING to do with what I could enable. and the reason I mentioned generating my ramdisk is because you keep talking about Arch's live media - and in this context, the live media is irrelevant. — strugee 7 mins ago
@terdon seriously though that is impressive.
I hat this kind of useless comment, if you think it's the right answer, just upvote, what's the point of commenting about it?
This is the right answer, at least as far as Arch is concerned, I think. For instance, the live installation media is even distributed as an http bootable iPXE script. Many of the default init hooks are netboot related. — mikeserv 2 hours ago
he left one on my self-answer too, pointing to that comment:
See @Gilles's answer - netbooting is builtin, at least in Arch. — mikeserv 2 hours ago
@strugee Woah though, you seem to have gotten all worked up while he was just having a calm conversation
@mikeserv I have virtually nothing but the defaults enabled. therefore, using your own logic, I have virtually no networking-related hooks enabled. so why is there networking stuff in my initial ramdisk? that is the question. it has nothing, NOTHING to do with what I could enable. and the reason I mentioned generating my ramdisk is because you keep talking about Arch's live media - and in this context, the live media is irrelevant. — strugee 12 mins ago
Compare to:
> @strugee I dont know, maybe youre right. But to me, it...
> As i said, you could be right.
I don't see his comments as aggressive at all there. Anyway, your answer and Gilles's say basically the same thing: it's busybox.
@terdon probably. I got annoyed because from my perspective, I run Arch as my daily distribution and know my shit (and especially The Arch Way), yet he's still telling me how my distribution's put together
Sorry mate, but it looks to me like you're over reacting on this one.
I probably overreacted, though. I'll apologize.
Consider that he also knows his shit, and has probably been using Arch for longer, that's all. He can be quite abrasive (and freely admits it himself) but I see him as being quite reasonable here. For all we know, he spent 15 years working on the Arch distro :)
@mikeserv - first of all, I'd like to apologize, since as @terdon kindly pointed out, I've been a little rude/aggressive. so sorry about that. second, wget actually isn't in the base group :). (curl is, though - pacman requires libcurl). — strugee 25 secs ago
re: using Arch:
I dont know them personally or anything, though i know their init pretty well.
(got hit by a timeout that made one message appear before the other)
@strugee Very nice of you. Damn but I like the way we police ourselves. Please let me know if you see me overreacting in comments, it's been known to happen.
@strugee All I know is the week I spent using it. So you'll get no argument from me.
Just snores. Good night!
@terdon same, see ya later
Yeah, sorry I'm a jerk.
I think it was the Army
In the Army when another soldier noticed your uniform was off or something, they'd look you in the eye and say. "You need to fix your sh**."
And they were doing you a favor. I don't know - I try to temper it, but I always appreciated that kind of direct honesty. So it maybe it clings too well. My bad.
@strugee as far as the other thing goes - probably I just didn't state it well enough. The init hooks that come with a base arch install are - and even those on the live media ( to a lesser degree ) - sort of blessed, I guess, in ways others aren't.
So like, with Arch at least, its expected that many of your init hooks ( among other things ) will be homegrown, and you're left to fend for yourself there.
But if the hook comes with mkinitcpio, I think its safe to say that its fairly well guaranteed to work. So all that stuff that makes it work has got to come bundled as well. That was my point, is all. Though you made a good point as far as I'm concerned.
@terdon thinks I know my shit! I'm gonna do a postcard or something... That's a pretty flattering thing to read.
1 hour later…
@terdon So Stephan's superhero identity is POSIXman?
@derobert Maybe unix.stackexchange.com/q/121384/4671 should be closed? Nobody will ever answer it now. But I don't see an option to close which looks like - the poster reinstalled and nobody will be able to reproduce the problem.
after answering a question about posix thingy and not being push out neither by Gilles terdon or slm, I feel like a new man this morning. If you add to this that I finally get 2k rep with this particular question... I'm about to cry
@Kiwy there, there.
@FaheemMitha does extatic an english word ?
@Kiwy ecstatic is.
@FaheemMitha then consider me like this at the moment.
Wow, people are really into the Imaginary Internet Points business, aren't they?
@Kiwy ah. well, I'm sure you'll recover soon. :-)
@FaheemMitha it will be hard, I had a special authorization to work as barack obama in bruxelles and half of the main streets are locked down
@Kiwy Congrats on 2k.
to work home*
@FaheemMitha thank you, in fact I really feel better about putting posix in an answer and not being corrected by slm or Gilles :D
@Kiwy Don't worry about being corrected. It is a good thing. What is bad is when there is nobody around to correct you.
@FaheemMitha I'm glad someone correctr what I say it allow me to learn even more that's true
is there something wrong with

cat /var/log/alogfile | grep "123|321"

It does look correct to me no ?
Can it be 231 or 213?
@mikeserv in my case the problem is it select neither 123 nor 321
good call thank you
Or -E [123]{3}
hi, people
hi @setevoy
simple Q... if i'm create backup with compress it like $ tar cjfp $LIMITS_HOME and restore it with $ tar xfp $backup - is it OK? because I'm remeber that to unpack compressed TAR - need to set additional option, like $ tar xjfp or something like it...

(sorry asking here - but don't think this is Q for posting on main page)
1 hour later…
@terdon very nice
1 hour later…
@slm & @terdon the new single by Alizee even worst than before
@setevoy if you compress with bzip (the j option) then you also need to use that same option when unpacking. So tar xfjp would be the proper invocation.
How do I specify the source type in a code block?
Ah, found it: <!-- language: lang-or-tag-here -->
Q: How do I format my code blocks?

Joshxtothe4How do I post text so that it is formatted as code? What do I need to do so that my code shows up properly—not escaped or removed—when posted? And how to get the correct syntax highlighting? For more information, see "How do I format my posts in HTML or Markdown?" in the Help Center. Retur...

@JennyD yes, I remeber so too... but - when unpacking it with usual $ tar xfp - it's working good too
@setevoy It might depend on the tar version
$ tar --version
tar (GNU tar) 1.26
I know that some tar versions will handle bzip2 compressions automatically; that my be one of them.
@JennyD ah... thanks :-)
I'm on a BSD server right now, where the man page says `Note that, unlike
other tar implementations, this implementation recognizes bzip2
compression automatically when reading archives.`
in SuSE man tar nothing about decompressin bzip2... only bout how to compress :-)
who needs to decompress things anyway
@setevoy In that case I'd assume that it, too, handles it natively.
dug this gem up if you're ever needing to print to a samba printer from the command line
A: Command line printing with a Samba printer requiring authentication

slmsmbclient You can use smbclient to print files. I'm able to print via Samba to one of my printers like so: $ smbclient -U <user> //server/printer -c "print <filename>" Example $ smbclient -U sam //bart/mfc-8480dn -c "print hello_printer.txt" Enter sam's password: Domain=[BUBBA] OS=[Unix] Se...

I can't believe this:
Q: Can't boot into lfs after completing chapter 9

user2555595I faithfully followed all the instructions in the LFS-7.5 book till 8.3. 8.4 is optional as it asks us to install grub or skip it entirely. I skipped this section completely and issued update-grub which found the lfs on partition /dev/sda3 and reported it as unknown linux distribution. After t...

They OP ran say fdisk, redirected output, opened the resulting file in gedit and then proceeded to post a screenshot of gedit instead of just pasting the output!
@terdon when dealing with user support I once receive a copy of windows terminal embedded into a docx file zipped.
@terdon Yeah, I think we should start a list of do's/don'ts
Oh man...
It's just so much more effort on the part of the OP!
Do post your actual errors along with the command that caused them, don't take screenshots of text files
+ it's useless for googling later on
In this case, we don't need to copy paste anything so it's not an issue for us (apart from making the post heavier and longer than it need be) but come on! Think of the guy's workflow!
@slm and no good for blind people, text-to-speech
The AU guys kept doing that, it really bugged me
Q: Why do people post screenshots of their terminals?

terdonI have noticed a lot of posts on AU with screenshots of their terminal showing commands and their output. This is seems like a very bad idea to me because: You can't copy/paste the commands They won't come up when searching The post is heavier (in terms of the amount of data) and will take lon...

is text to speech software with SE? Has anyone tried it?
@terdon My guess is that his workflow is primarily crippled because he is probably opening those files in gedit through nautilus and has no clue how to use a terminal shell
And hi guys.
I would edit that guys post from screenshots to code blocks, but I don't have to time (or desire) to type all of that back in...
@casey The guy's building LFS! How can he not know how to use a terminal?
@FaheemMitha Not as far as I know, but blind people use it to browse the net iun general, so presumably including SE.
@terdon ok. I was wondering how well it would work
@terdon well, he didn't succeed :)
but point taken, you should know your way around the cli quite well before tackling that
@terdon By trying very hard?
do people use LFS for actual work, or is it just a learning exercise?
I had a supervisor at IBM who was blind
he just let the computer read to him and it read so fast I couldn't even understand it
but he could
@casey when was this? what software?
SE has alt tags on everything, so it would work fine
@casey alt tags?
@FaheemMitha 1999-2000.
there is something called Dragon Naturally Speaking or some such.
maybe for dictation
@casey ok
@FaheemMitha it probably was Dragon. By alt tag I meant the alternate text in certain HTML tags, like the img tag. It is what you get when you hover your mouse over an image, for example. That software will read that text instead of displaying an image
@casey oh, right. like in xkcd.
i can read far faster than a can understand speech. i expect that is normal
when i'm in a hurry i can read a medium size paragraph at a glance. there is no way any human speech could keep up with that.
@slm Re:
Q: Rotating a file

Mouse.The.Lucky.DogI have an application which write to a file. Before I run the application, I would like to rotate the file. In others move file.n to file.n+1 file to file.1. I can write a script to do this, but I was wondering if there is a simpler way to do this?

I missed that point (about rotatelogs -- I was also unaware of it. Of course installing apache for one simple command seems a bit much, but that's besides the point). This is the more general question, it might be good to combine them.
I.e., Edit the other question to make it more like this one, I'll move my answer (for what it's worth, and eat the upvote, I guess), then close this one as a dupe. Yes/no?
@mikeserv it's ok, I tend to be fairly direct too. I think I took it too personally which is why it escalated; that's my bad.
@terdon IMO, sometimes we are the culprit since we (I normally don't) ask for screenshots
@Braiam Yeah but come on! Not of the output of fdisk opened in gedit! :)
oh, and you seems to forget that the problem is in a non-bootable VM
does any of you ever worked with vorometrics encrypted fs ?
Well, I did cry a little, you know. OK, a lot.
@mikeserv was this answer to my question ?
Does it fit? If so, take it freely.
great then probably not
guys, I'm actually thinking about reducing my use of Cygwin and learning PowerShell. someone please talk me out of it.
@strugee do you need a rope ? or maybe a gun ?
Why should we? Learning anything new is always a good thing.
@terdon though you're right
@Kiwy probably
@terdon but it's PowerShell
although I guess it's at least not cmd
@strugee I think you will have more luck in Root Access
@Braiam no no no, I'm not asking for help. I'm asking for you to talk me out of it
@strugee it's way better compare to batch or vb you know
@Kiwy right. batch == cmd, right?
@strugee well, you just need to say "Why you guys hate powershell?" and that's all :P
through most of the times they said it's better than VBscript
@Braiam hah, really?
@strugee the question is do you want to learn all the backside of windows with WMCI
@Kiwy true
thank you
because powershell is only powerful when you master the darkside of registry and Windows service call whetever the name
and you can only truly appreciate powershell if you happen to have a fetish for c# objects
to conclude :
PowerShell is the VBS of C# and .Net
Power shell will sleep with your wife and laugh at you.
@mikeserv Yes and Hitler used PowerShell to bombed London
This ^. London used to be a pretty big town.
But on a serious note, I had a scenario at an old job that needed some simple, easily portable file manipulation (grabbing diffs and applying them) on windows and I ended up going with a python script compiled to exe, a few binaries from gnu and the few dll's to make it all work. I could copy that to any box I needed and didn't have to care about what .Net was on it or if powershell was there or anything else. It just worked.
@casey my only script language on windows is AutoIt, fucking easy fucking well documented and fucking powerfull and any script can transport embedded file and is "compilable" to a portable executable
@Kiwy well I knew enough python to make it work and I didnt need to learn something new. Most of my work at that job was c++ and fortran and I just needed a little bit of glue to automate part of the production process
@casey the advantage of this one is that it's portable on any windows without having to install anything except deploying the compiled script that embedded the runtime
@Kiwy so was my solution, once I packaged it up (and by package I mean copied the directory somewhere)
@casey you embedded the whole python ? :D that also work indeed ;-)
the python was literally one loop and some system calls to patch and diff
@casey - don't blame you. Never could get the hang of power shell myself. I was like: but where the hell is sed?
and maybe one other thing I forget
in total it was between 7 and 10 lines of python
really just the most basic of shims I needed to make automation happen
@mikeserv real sysadmin does it with ed :D
Real sysadmins fired me for trying shoehorn used in ...
Sed stupid autocomplete
so basic in fact if I had a proper shell I could have written it as a one-liner with creative use of shell expansions
Maybe a few rude comments about his wife influenced him a little...
@mikeserv it tends to make people nervous from time to time
Yeah, some people never learn.
@Kiwy a real sysadmin does it with cat and clever use of redirection
I print stuff out and feed it to my cat, he is a true stream processor. His output is shit though.
reminds me of this:
Q: Undefined Behavior Killed My Cat

ugorenUndefined Behavior Killed My Cat It's well known that undefined behavior can kill your cat [citation needed]. But can it? Your Task Write a program that invokes undefined behavior. Describe a scenario that starts with the above program being run, resulting in a Felis catus ending its life whi...

People on CG are major psycopath
@casey strange cat
strange master also
aren't we all
Say, @Kiwi, what question of yours could my crying a lot have possibly answered anyway?
Vorometrics encrypted fs. Hm. Does sound like a tearjerker.
@mikeserv do you ever use vorometrics encrypted fs ?
Fraid not, Kiwi. Never heard of it either. What is it?
it's a PCI DSS compliant encryption system and more generaly a editor of security product
Ahh. It gets more impressive every minute. Don't know what most of that means, though.
Wanna teach? Is it worth it?
PCI DSS is payement card indusrty
system PCIDSS are system allowed to manipulated credit card Data
Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard *
Oh. It is more impressive then.
so nice to work home, I which I could do the same every day.
it would be lovely
is this edit should be rejected ?
Because it changing lots of thing and I 'm pretty new with reviewer role ^^
@Kiwy no, accepted: it takes a mostly-correct answer and improves it without violating the style
@Gilles OK then let's approve it :)
@Gilles as you're here, I bet you have a better explanation than me to explain the OP that it's normal subcommand are case sensitive
A: Should Unix sub-command names be case sensitive?

KiwyCase sensitive is part of the POSIX way of handling command and argument it has nothing to do with the meaning. It's a very good thing that Status and status are not the same because the file system which kind of a base in the system is case sensitive (because of POSIX rules). It's usually a g...

because he does not really get my answer
No idea if this paste is going to work, but...
in Unix and Linux - Blog Planning, 23 mins ago, by Grace Note
I got the design in at the end of last week but there was a snafu in actually getting it deployed onto the server and then hooked up on the site, but now you guys have your site design up. Enjoy~
... we have our blog now.
@Kiwy your answer is besides the point: it explains why the program receives the actual argument but not why it wouldn't interpret it case-insensitively in this particular case
@gilles well I try to explain why argument should always be case sensitive because install for apt-get is still an argument
is it by design or is there a real reason I don't get ?
@goldilocks I would be OK with that. @MichaelMrozek - can you weigh in on this?
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