« first day (246 days earlier)      last day (143 days later) » 

<HelkaHomba> ohi
<TheNumeralOne> Were you afk?
<HelkaHomba> yes
<HelkaHomba> I still are
<TheNumeralOne> Ok.
<TheNumeralOne> Charlie is in nether.
<HelkaHomba> Where D:
<HelkaHomba> oh
<TheNumeralOne> Did you find him>
<HelkaHomba> I pushed him back thru the portal but now I can't find him :/
<TheNumeralOne> That's too bad :/
HelkaHomba left the game.
HelkaHomba joined the game
<HelkaHomba> He just dissapeared :(
HelkaHomba left the game.
HelkaHomba joined the game
<TheNumeralOne> Do you know where lots of string is?
<HelkaHomba> I found a spider spawner a while back
<HelkaHomba> want coords?
<TheNumeralOne> I know there is one by carnivous's house, but it wasn't turned into a farm yet.
<TheNumeralOne> Sure.
<HelkaHomba> -377 32 592
<TheNumeralOne> Thanks!
<HelkaHomba> Oh, I also know of a cave spider spawner probly closer
<TheNumeralOne> I have several under my house of those.
<TheNumeralOne> thanks, I found it.
<TheNumeralOne> Mending is awesome.
<HelkaHomba> Do we have a slime farm?
<HelkaHomba> Of any sort
<TheNumeralOne> I think so, but I haven't seen it myself.
<TheNumeralOne> It just spawned a jockey.
<TheNumeralOne> Where was it?
<HelkaHomba> In an underground lake just under spawn
<HelkaHomba> It must have tp here
<TheNumeralOne> Someone must of "accidently" tapped it.
<TheNumeralOne> I almost have enough string.
Sp3000 joined the game
<TheNumeralOne> Hey sp3000
<Sp3000> Hellooooo
<HelkaHomba> Hi
<Sp3000> Slime chunk where?
<HelkaHomba> -111 240, down ladder
<TheNumeralOne> Yay, got the string I needed.
<HelkaHomba> I call the diamonds down here
<HelkaHomba> Well, the ones I just found
<TheNumeralOne> I'll help.
<Sp3000> lol
<HelkaHomba> hi.
<Sp3000> (I'm not moving)
<HelkaHomba> This is the chunk corner
<Sp3000> Which direction do we want?
<Sp3000> k
<HelkaHomba> 16 towards +x and +z
<Sp3000> Err you might want to fortune this one too
<HelkaHomba> You found those, you can have them
<Sp3000> I didn't bring a fortune pick though :P
<TheNumeralOne> You can borrow mine.
<HelkaHomba> too late
<Sp3000> (Calvin has one here :) )
<TheNumeralOne> hi
<Sp3000> That skin
<TheNumeralOne> I changed it.
<Sp3000> (oh ty Calvin - sure you don't want any?)
<HelkaHomba> I too one as a mining fee :P
<HelkaHomba> took*
<Sp3000> k, was going to give you one if you didn't take one already :P
<Sp3000> How'd you know this was a slime chunk?
<HelkaHomba> I checked on chunkbase
<Sp3000> Ah
<TheNumeralOne> How thick does this need to be?
<HelkaHomba> These slabs form the first roof
<HelkaHomba> since even big slimes only need 2.5 blocks high to spawn
<TheNumeralOne> my chest
<Sp3000> (I'm assuming this is right)
<HelkaHomba> yes
<HelkaHomba> Shout if you see slimes - want to make sure it works before digging all floors
<Sp3000> Er... floors?
<HelkaHomba> Lighting up nearby caves should help
<Sp3000> (stares at bedrock)
<HelkaHomba> The spawn lvl 40 and below, so we can dig out like 10 floors
<HelkaHomba> I've already marked them with slabs
<Sp3000> Oh...
<Sp3000> Right
<Sp3000> Hmmm do slimes only spawn on low light levels?
<HelkaHomba> No
<HelkaHomba> Not in slime shunks at least
<Sp3000> Ah k
<TheNumeralOne> In swamps they do.
<HelkaHomba> We do want to light it up
<TheNumeralOne> gtg
TheNumeralOne left the game.
CallistoOB joined the game
<HelkaHomba> Hey
<CallistoOB> hiya!
<HelkaHomba> Want to help dig slime farm?
<HelkaHomba> Here slimy slimes....
<CallistoOB> yes!
<CallistoOB> wher are you?
Sp3000 left the game.
Sp3000 joined the game
<HelkaHomba> come to spawn
<CallistoOB> okay
<CallistoOB> should I bring anything?
<Sp3000> Enough iron to make lots of pickaxes in case :P
<HelkaHomba> sorry about the water Sp!
<Sp3000> ? *shrugs*
<HelkaHomba> its still falling..
<CallistoOB> omw
<CallistoOB> where is spawn from the chorus flower farm?
<HelkaHomba> If you mean VTC's then west
<CallistoOB> okai
<HelkaHomba> come to -111 241 basically
<CallistoOB> o okay XD
<Sp3000> Woop full invent, brb
<CallistoOB> there
<CallistoOB> what's the plan?
<HelkaHomba> dig out that layer, like this one
<CallistoOB> ok
<HelkaHomba> Still waiting to see a slime to make sure this is really a slime chunk...
<CallistoOB> how can you tel?
<HelkaHomba> Cheating with chunkbase, which says it shouls till work for 1.9
<HelkaHomba> should still*
<CallistoOB> o
<CallistoOB> does height not matter?
<Sp3000> FML I keep missing my elytra jumps :(
<HelkaHomba> They spawn lvl 40 or below, we can make quite a few layers
<HelkaHomba> And ceiling height does not matter
<CallistoOB> o cool
<CallistoOB> what about light ?
<CallistoOB> are we going to remov these after?
<HelkaHomba> We want light, they'll still spawn
<CallistoOB> oh right, light level 7 or less ABOVE ground, but anywhere below 40
<HelkaHomba> Here slimes!
<Sp3000> :D
<CallistoOB> do we have to be a certain dist away?
<Sp3000> All the pistons
<HelkaHomba> I'm calling them, not saying they are here :/
<Sp3000> Ah :/
<HelkaHomba> 16 blocks away I think
<CallistoOB> sometimes I wish we had the alchemy mod :P that way we could actually USE our cobble :P
<HelkaHomba> What's that?
<CallistoOB> *equivalent exchange
<Sp3000> *cough I totally need all this cobble anyway* :P
<CallistoOB> it's a pretty cool mod that has some sort of "chest" that condenses stuff into other stuff
<HelkaHomba> We should light up nearby caves if possible
<CallistoOB> ok
<HelkaHomba> I hear zombies somewhere...
<CallistoOB> mt - I feel there's a spawner close
<CallistoOB> anyone have any wood/sticks? on hand?
<HelkaHomba> no
<Sp3000> a few
<Sp3000> Incoming
<CallistoOB> o thanks
<CallistoOB> thx
<CallistoOB> I g2g now
<CallistoOB> bai
<HelkaHomba> bye
<CallistoOB> *once I get up
<Sp3000> cya
CallistoOB left the game.
<Sp3000> Won't spawn within 24 blocks of a player... well...
<HelkaHomba> if we sit up here a bit
<Sp3000> So what's the plan with the actual farm? Come down, see slimes on all the layers, have at it with
<Sp3000> swords?
<HelkaHomba> yea
<HelkaHomba> it worked well in the 1.8 world
<Sp3000> :ok
<HelkaHomba> hmmm
<Sp3000> I'll just stay up here for a bit - will have to head out soon anyway
<Sp3000> Will you be off soon or still on after an hour/two?
<HelkaHomba> I might be on, but probly afk smelting or at xp farm
<Sp3000> k
<HelkaHomba> SLIME!
<HelkaHomba> a baby
<HelkaHomba> at the bottom
<HelkaHomba> no drops..
<Sp3000> :(
<HelkaHomba> But it works
<HelkaHomba> afk
DogetorHue joined the game
<Sp3000> brb heading out
<Sp3000> Well not quite brb, but anyhow
Sp3000 left the game.
<HelkaHomba> Slimes :D
<HelkaHomba> Hi Dog
<DogetorHue> hi
<HelkaHomba> The cobble fenced area is community zone btw - no personal buildings
<DogetorHue> k
<DogetorHue earned OPEN_INVENTORY>
<DogetorHue earned MINE_WOOD>
<DogetorHue> hey Helka where are you?
<DogetorHue> do you need help?
<DogetorHue> idk what to do
DogetorHue left the game.
<HelkaHomba> afk at xp farm
<HelkaHomba> oh, bbye
HelkaHomba left the game.
HelkaHomba joined the game
1 hour later…
Sp3000 joined the game
<HelkaHomba> hELLO!
<HelkaHomba> Want to help test an elevator>
<HelkaHomba> ?
<Sp3000> Er, whereabouts?
<HelkaHomba> -199 528 (you don't have to)
<Sp3000> Hmm full invent anyway, coming
<Sp3000> Woop night, can I sleep?
<HelkaHomba> Yes, but it looks cooler in the dark
<Sp3000> As long as I don't die hten :P
<HelkaHomba> well...there is water below
<Sp3000> I meant getting there :P
<Sp3000> k I see it but I'm hiding at Alex's
<HelkaHomba> it keeps snagging :/
<Sp3000> Ow
<HelkaHomba> you kinda have to move at the top to land
<Sp3000> Ow
<Sp3000> Oh ty
<Sp3000> I keep landing on the plate
<Sp3000> Ow landed on the note block
<HelkaHomba> this worked fine in creative :S
<Sp3000> :(
<Sp3000> Hmm are you using noteblocks as vertical redstone wire or something?
<HelkaHomba> No. They're just a block that looks nice that slimeblocks cant move
<Sp3000> Ah, k
<Sp3000> Almost dead, brb
<Sp3000> Any luck?
<HelkaHomba> not reallt :/
<HelkaHomba> really
<Sp3000> Ow :(
<Sp3000> I'll go back to slimes for now
<HelkaHomba> k
<Sp3000> Whee slimes. Fighting from the ladder is hard
<Sp3000> :/ a zombie made it inside spawn area
<Sp3000> Make that 5 zombies
<Sp3000> Oh hey
<HelkaHomba> I gtg
<Sp3000> k :)
HelkaHomba left the game.
Sp3000 was slain by Slime
Sp3000 left the game.
Sp3000 joined the game
Sp3000 left the game.
Sp3000 joined the game
Sp3000 left the game.
Sp3000 joined the game
Sp3000 left the game.
Sp3000 joined the game
Sp3000 left the game.
Sp3000 joined the game
Sp3000 left the game.
Sp3000 joined the game
Sp3000 left the game.
10 hours later…
TheNumeralOne joined the game
TheNumeralOne left the game.
TheNumeralOne joined the game
TheNumeralOne left the game.
VTCAKAVSMoACE joined the game
VTCAKAVSMoACE left the game.
ElectroRedstoner joined the game
ElectroRedstoner left the game.
magnanimous_phi joined the game
magnanimous_phi left the game.
ElectroRedstoner joined the game
ElectroRedstoner left the game.
ElectroRedstoner joined the game
ElectroRedstoner left the game.
ElectroRedstoner joined the game
VTCAKAVSMoACE joined the game
<ElectroRedstoner> hello!
<VTCAKAVSMoACE> What's up?
<ElectroRedstoner> not much, just working on my base
<VTCAKAVSMoACE> Where you at? :D
<ElectroRedstoner> I'm hnear spawn. I have a giant jungle tree, should be easy to find
<VTCAKAVSMoACE> Aight, on my way.
<ElectroRedstoner> if you want coords, here they are: -126x 456z
<ElectroRedstoner> BTW, do you have any slime?
<VTCAKAVSMoACE> I don't, sorry.
<VTCAKAVSMoACE> I am probably one of the poorest players. :P
<ElectroRedstoner> it's fine, I'll find some later
<VTCAKAVSMoACE> When it comes to sheer materials, that is.
<ElectroRedstoner> I'm also pretty poor, I don't mine that much anyway XD
<VTCAKAVSMoACE> I haven't mined but once.
<VTCAKAVSMoACE> I spend all my time smelting and farming. c:
<ElectroRedstoner> I have only mined to get coal, which I don't use much of, and also to get redstone.
<VTCAKAVSMoACE> Go vote, man. :P
ElectroRedstoner fell from a high place
<ElectroRedstoner> such simeblock elevator :P
VTCAKAVSMoACE left the game.
TheNumeralOne joined the game
<TheNumeralOne> hello
ElectroRedstoner left the game.
TheNumeralOne left the game.
HelkaHomba joined the game
TheNumeralOne joined the game
<HelkaHomba> Hi
<TheNumeralOne> Hi!
<HelkaHomba> Is this still your chest in the slime farm?
<TheNumeralOne> No, I took the important stuff out.
<HelkaHomba> Ok, I'll move it in a bit
<TheNumeralOne> Thanks
<TheNumeralOne> Do you still need help?
<HelkaHomba> Just one more level - help if you want
<TheNumeralOne> You would probably finish it before I get there.
<TheNumeralOne> Why do half slabs misalign so often for me :/
TheNumeralOne left the game.
DogetorHue joined the game
<HelkaHomba> Hey
<DogetorHue> hey
<DogetorHue> whats up?
<HelkaHomba> Finishing clime farm
<HelkaHomba> slime*
<DogetorHue> want any help?
<HelkaHomba> Just about done actually
<DogetorHue> ok well i'm bored and have nothing to do...
TheNumeralOne joined the game
<TheNumeralOne> Hey guys!
<DogetorHue> hi
<DogetorHue earned BUILD_WORKBENCH>
<HelkaHomba> You can help test my elevator
<DogetorHue> where are you?
<HelkaHomba> come to -198x 503z
DogetorHue fell from a high place
<HelkaHomba> It works fine in creative mode but keeps snagging here
<DogetorHue> darn
<HelkaHomba> Oh yeah, it's dangerous..
<TheNumeralOne> How high does it go?
<HelkaHomba> I did want to make it to y=255, but since it rarely works I may scrap the whole idea
<TheNumeralOne> Is it slime or piston?
<DogetorHue> why are there mobs in daylight?
<HelkaHomba> both
<HelkaHomba> it worked :O
<HelkaHomba> for once :/
<TheNumeralOne> Is it the one we had in 1.8?
<HelkaHomba> kinda - same principle
<DogetorHue> i think the issues is that you're falling onto the edge of the pressure plate at the bottom
<DogetorHue> maybe you need an alternate way down
<HelkaHomba> that's unavoidable
<HelkaHomba> And that's not supposed to happen if it works correctly
<HelkaHomba> Eventually a piston would push you off at the top onto a platform
<DogetorHue> are you using someone else's desing
<DogetorHue> design?
<HelkaHomba> afaik Reveselia who used to play on the server made the design up - I've only tweaked it a bit
<HelkaHomba> The slimes seem to push higher here than in creative
<DogetorHue> why are there note blocks? immovable or something?
<HelkaHomba> yes
<TheNumeralOne> Have either of you tried out the virtual goggles yet?
<DogetorHue> no...?
<TheNumeralOne> They are in latest snapshot.
<HelkaHomba> yuh huh
<DogetorHue> can someone explaint to me why some hostile mobs don't sie in daylight?
<DogetorHue> die*
<HelkaHomba> Only undead ones do - e.g. zombies/skellies
<TheNumeralOne> ^
<HelkaHomba> It's always been like that
<TheNumeralOne> And even those don't burn if they are wearing a helmet.
<TheNumeralOne> 4/5 done with mob farm.
<DogetorHue> but i just got attacked by a skeleton in broad daylight..
<TheNumeralOne> They can survive under overhangs.
<HelkaHomba> ^
TheNumeralOne left the game.
TheNumeralOne joined the game
<HelkaHomba> @Dog Can you test the elevator again? You can borrow my feather falling boots
<DogetorHue> ok be there in a sec
<HelkaHomba> move to the side when you get to the top and you should land on the glass up there
<DogetorHue> ok
<HelkaHomba> woo
<DogetorHue> yay
<HelkaHomba> Ok, this project is back on track
TheNumeralOne left the game.
TheNumeralOne joined the game
<TheNumeralOne> Is it just me, or does it seem to be slightly darker during noon (in minecraft)?
<HelkaHomba> darker than what?
<TheNumeralOne> Right before and right after noon.
<HelkaHomba> no/
<HelkaHomba> Sleep?
<TheNumeralOne> I can't right now.
<DogetorHue> i can
DogetorHue left the game.
DogetorHue joined the game
<TheNumeralOne> Can I take iron from iron farm?
<HelkaHomba> yes
TheNumeralOne left the game.
TheNumeralOne joined the game
<DogetorHue earned BUILD_PICKAXE>
TheNumeralOne left the game.
TheNumeralOne joined the game
<TheNumeralOne> Nether portal just did same thing to me it did last time.
<TheNumeralOne> Fortunately, I'm not stuck anywhere this time :D
<TheNumeralOne> @Helka ^
<HelkaHomba> Yeah, portals are buggy :/ I lost my horse to one
<TheNumeralOne> hi
<DogetorHue earned BUILD_FURNACE>
<DogetorHue earned BUILD_BETTER_PICKAXE>
<HelkaHomba> oops, dropped 1 block
<TheNumeralOne> I'll fix it.
<DogetorHue> why is that bad?
<TheNumeralOne> It is a block he doesn't have.
<DogetorHue> ah
<TheNumeralOne> And we are very high up.
<DogetorHue> oh lol
<TheNumeralOne> habe fun with that.
TheNumeralOne left the game.
<HelkaHomba> Bye
HelkaHomba left the game.
<DogetorHue> so many pigs....
<DogetorHue earned BUILD_SWORD>
TheNumeralOne joined the game
<DogetorHue> hey
<TheNumeralOne> Hello!
TheNumeralOne left the game.
DogetorHue left the game.
TheNumeralOne joined the game
TheNumeralOne left the game.

« first day (246 days earlier)      last day (143 days later) »