<TheNumeralOne> Are you working on anything?
<brikerw> not really.
<brikerw> need help?
<brikerw> with anything?
<brikerw> not really.
<brikerw> need help?
<brikerw> with anything?
<brikerw> this is the one near my house
<brikerw> ?
<TheNumeralOne> A tower looks really ugly.
<brikerw> water
<brikerw> ?
<TheNumeralOne> A tower looks really ugly.
<brikerw> water
<TheNumeralOne> Oh, I can see stone pillar going down.
<brikerw> oh i just broke that
<brikerw> i built and broke
<brikerw> oh i just broke that
<brikerw> i built and broke
<brikerw> house is like 50 blocks away from the village
<TheNumeralOne> I can't see entities that far away.
<brikerw> now my horse in on the minifarm
<TheNumeralOne> I can't see entities that far away.
<brikerw> now my horse in on the minifarm
<brikerw> moving the water to the other side
<brikerw> then it doesn't make a mess
<TheNumeralOne> Ok.
<brikerw> then it doesn't make a mess
<TheNumeralOne> Ok.
<brikerw> no but it needs to be right where the nether portal is. :(
<TheNumeralOne> Oh, I already knew that.
<TheNumeralOne> Oh, I already knew that.
brikerw left the game.
brikerw joined the game
<TheNumeralOne> It only jump 2 if I get it into the red area.
brikerw joined the game
<TheNumeralOne> It only jump 2 if I get it into the red area.
<TheNumeralOne> @briker I already have lots of stone and enough chorus fruit for my liking.
<brikerw> take that as a yes
<DogetorHue> no i'm wandering around on a horse
<brikerw> TheNumeralOne dangit
<brikerw> can somebody disconnect?
<brikerw> take that as a yes
<DogetorHue> no i'm wandering around on a horse
<brikerw> TheNumeralOne dangit
<brikerw> can somebody disconnect?
<DogetorHue> never getting that back..... it's 600 blocks away
<brikerw> i'll try
<brikerw> where did you die?
<brikerw> i'll try
<brikerw> where did you die?
<TheNumeralOne> btw April Fool's is today.
<brikerw> okai
<DogetorHue> yes
<brikerw> wait DogetorHue was that aprils fools
<brikerw> okai
<DogetorHue> yes
<brikerw> wait DogetorHue was that aprils fools
<brikerw> could be
<brikerw> wait it was
<DogetorHue> check the number of deaths...
<brikerw> wait not
<brikerw> wait it was
<DogetorHue> check the number of deaths...
<brikerw> wait not
<brikerw> do wood sword really give double xp
<DogetorHue> my skeletal horse is super cool
<brikerw> :(
<DogetorHue> my skeletal horse is super cool
<brikerw> :(
<brikerw> gonna afk at the zombie xp farm and play nethack
<brikerw> sorta bai
<TheNumeralOne> What is nethack?
<brikerw> sorta bai
<TheNumeralOne> What is nethack?
<brikerw> you are a guy in a dungeon who has to collect a amulet and offer it to his god
<brikerw> http://www.thegreatestgameyouwilleverplay.com/
<brikerw> http://www.thegreatestgameyouwilleverplay.com/
<quartata> also armor display is now even more broken than it used to be
TheNumeralOne joined the game
<brikerw> hai
<brikerw> to both of you
<quartata> before it used to disappear when changing dimensions
<quartata> now it just doesn't show up period
TheNumeralOne joined the game
<brikerw> hai
<brikerw> to both of you
<quartata> before it used to disappear when changing dimensions
<quartata> now it just doesn't show up period
<brikerw> I am afking at the zombie farm, will check in periodically to make sure I don't die like quartata
<quartata> Oh, I didn't die
<quartata> Oh, I didn't die
<quartata> But my graphics card almost did
<quartata> It took me a full 5 minutes to get down the stairs and kill the zombies
<quartata> It took me a full 5 minutes to get down the stairs and kill the zombies
<TheNumeralOne> The shadow of my mob spawner looks really scary right now.
<quartata> Honestly you have no idea for how many years I've been tempted to make a mod that makes Minecraft's
<quartata> networking
<quartata> not suck
<quartata> Honestly you have no idea for how many years I've been tempted to make a mod that makes Minecraft's
<quartata> networking
<quartata> not suck
<TheNumeralOne> No.
<brikerw> like random almost broken enchanted stuff
<brikerw> and some leather and a bit of chaing
<brikerw> like random almost broken enchanted stuff
<brikerw> and some leather and a bit of chaing
<TheNumeralOne> There are houses everywhere that way.
<quartata> Yeah, I'm not sure why everyone went west
<quartata> Yeah, I'm not sure why everyone went west
<TheNumeralOne> You can see it from end gateway.
<quartata> Really?
<quartata> Which gateway?
<TheNumeralOne> 1st one.
<quartata> Really?
<quartata> Which gateway?
<TheNumeralOne> 1st one.
<TheNumeralOne> sure
<quartata> need a temporary horse; gonna snag one of these skelly horses
<TheNumeralOne> In my cool stuff chest.
<quartata> need a temporary horse; gonna snag one of these skelly horses
<TheNumeralOne> In my cool stuff chest.
<quartata> working on the volcano is the perfect thing to do when I'm feeling lazy
<quartata> just hold right click
<quartata> just hold right click
<HelkaHomba> I've seen 20+
<quartata> Damn maybe this horse won't be so temporary after all
<TheNumeralOne> I've never counted.
<quartata> Damn maybe this horse won't be so temporary after all
<TheNumeralOne> I've never counted.
<TheNumeralOne> Is it a skeleton horse?
<quartata> Yes.
<HelkaHomba> elevator south of my house
<TheNumeralOne> You can't feed them.
<quartata> Ohhh
<quartata> How do they heal then?
<quartata> Yes.
<HelkaHomba> elevator south of my house
<TheNumeralOne> You can't feed them.
<quartata> Ohhh
<quartata> How do they heal then?
<quartata> Well shit I don't have one of those
<quartata> I don't even have a brewing stand actually
<quartata> I don't even have a brewing stand actually
<quartata> Huh, lemme test in singleplayer if you can heal skeleton horses like that
<quartata> Don't want to accidentally kill him with the wrong potion
quartata left the game.
<quartata> Don't want to accidentally kill him with the wrong potion
quartata left the game.
<quartata> Unfornately this horse took a lot of damage for whatever reason
<quartata> So I'm gonna need a harming 2 potion most likely
<quartata> So I'm gonna need a harming 2 potion most likely
<TheNumeralOne> That fixed it.
Lumien joined the game
<quartata> Well I found a furnace and crafting table at -377 592
<Lumien> hallo!
Lumien joined the game
<quartata> Well I found a furnace and crafting table at -377 592
<Lumien> hallo!
<quartata> And I can hear spiders
<TheNumeralOne> Hey lumien!
<Lumien> I've got 25 spider eyes, quartata.
<TheNumeralOne> Hey lumien!
<Lumien> I've got 25 spider eyes, quartata.
<Lumien> I'm not actively using the stuff I collect (yet).
<quartata> I just got like 7 in two seconds
<quartata> I just got like 7 in two seconds
<HelkaHomba> idk
<Lumien> [shrug]
<quartata> oh I'm an idiot
<quartata> I left him back at the desert
<quartata> oh well I'll grab him later
<Lumien> [shrug]
<quartata> oh I'm an idiot
<quartata> I left him back at the desert
<quartata> oh well I'll grab him later
<HelkaHomba> You should't need to move once you start going up
<Lumien> I'm so glad that it isn't quite high enough for fall damage to be an issue. :P
<Lumien> I'm so glad that it isn't quite high enough for fall damage to be an issue. :P
<HelkaHomba> But maybe that was better, hmm
<Lumien> Yeah, it's hard to pull it off.
<quartata> All righty got the harming potions finally
<Lumien> Yeah, it's hard to pull it off.
<quartata> All righty got the harming potions finally
<quartata> @HelkaHomba where is your anvil?
<quartata> Oh over here
<HelkaHomba> Theres like 5 in my house
<quartata> Oh over here
<HelkaHomba> Theres like 5 in my house
<Lumien> What if you move the player into position at the appropriate time and just synchronize pistons?
<HelkaHomba> Way more redstone..
<HelkaHomba> Way more redstone..
<HelkaHomba> I'll move the base up a block
<Lumien> As it is, this is liable to be a lethal danger. :P
<Lumien> As it is, this is liable to be a lethal danger. :P
<HelkaHomba> If you do start falling, just aim for the slime block :P
<Lumien> Yeah, figured that out. :P
<Lumien> It's just a lot of work.
<Lumien> Yeah, figured that out. :P
<Lumien> It's just a lot of work.
<HelkaHomba> yes
<quartata> slime block right
<quartata> cool
<Lumien> Yeah, Helka's moving the bottom stage up.
<HelkaHomba> one min
<quartata> slime block right
<quartata> cool
<Lumien> Yeah, Helka's moving the bottom stage up.
<HelkaHomba> one min
<HelkaHomba> your eltyra is transparent..
<Lumien> Also, I was thinking that we could construct these towers all over the landscape.
<Lumien> Also, I was thinking that we could construct these towers all over the landscape.
<Lumien> Oh hey, Elytra's not transparent anymore.
<Lumien> Strange.
<HelkaHomba> We need hoops to fly through
<Lumien> Strange.
<HelkaHomba> We need hoops to fly through
<HelkaHomba> I hit sp's bridge and then the ground
<Lumien> ...........I got 75% up the tower and it stopped working right.
<Lumien> ...........I got 75% up the tower and it stopped working right.
<HelkaHomba> But it only activates when you get there
<Lumien> Also, I could notice it getting "harder" when I got higher, like the timing was one tick off.
<Lumien> Also, I could notice it getting "harder" when I got higher, like the timing was one tick off.
<Lumien> I know, but sometimes the slime block launches me up, sometimes it slides under my feet just right.
<Lumien> Now, where to fly to...
<HelkaHomba> Like minecarts where the ladders are?
<Lumien> Basically, yeah.
<Lumien> Like how Sp3000 made it.
<HelkaHomba> Like minecarts where the ladders are?
<Lumien> Basically, yeah.
<Lumien> Like how Sp3000 made it.
<HelkaHomba> The other tower?
<Lumien> Flew from the max-height platform that One built and landed on the slime block elevator.
<HelkaHomba> nice
<Lumien> Flew from the max-height platform that One built and landed on the slime block elevator.
<HelkaHomba> nice
<HelkaHomba> I did it by placing it on rail on block above ladder, then breaking block
<Lumien> Ah, that was probably how he did it, yeah.
<Lumien> Ah, that was probably how he did it, yeah.
<Lumien> Probably gonna have to redo this.
<HelkaHomba> You can use any glass/sand in here
<Lumien> Okay, toss me a ton of glass? :P
<HelkaHomba> You can use any glass/sand in here
<Lumien> Okay, toss me a ton of glass? :P
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