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TheNumeralOne joined the game
DogetorHue joined the game
<TheNumeralOne> Hello!
TheNumeralOne left the game.
DogetorHue left the game.
brikerw joined the game
TheNumeralOne joined the game
<brikerw> haiiiiii!!!! 1
<TheNumeralOne> Sure :)
<TheNumeralOne> Are you working on anything?
<brikerw> not really.
<brikerw> need help?
<brikerw> with anything?
<TheNumeralOne> Not really. Almost done with the top portion of my mob farm though.
<brikerw> is it a mob drop farm or experience farm?
<TheNumeralOne> Mob.
brikerw left the game.
brikerw joined the game
<brikerw> g
<brikerw> sorry lag
<brikerw> should i sleep?
<TheNumeralOne> Doesn't matter.
<brikerw> how do I get up to your farm?
<TheNumeralOne> The Nether Portal surrouned by stone brick.
<brikerw> okai
<brikerw> seriously, start making overworld ways to get in
<brikerw> this is the one near my house
<brikerw> ?
<TheNumeralOne> A tower looks really ugly.
<brikerw> water
<TheNumeralOne> East of spawn portal.
<brikerw> is this the box with a downwards pole?
<TheNumeralOne> Yes.
<brikerw> i can see it from my house.
<brikerw> in the overworld
<TheNumeralOne> Where is your house?
<brikerw> 360x 140z
<brikerw> i live with vtc
<brikerw> kenny conor and sherlock also live here
<TheNumeralOne> The village with farms?
<brikerw> i walk out the door and constantly see it.
<TheNumeralOne> Is it undergroung?
<brikerw> no
<brikerw> it isn't right above, but somewhat close
<brikerw> can you see the tiny village?
<TheNumeralOne> Yes.
<brikerw> the trail of slabs leads to the house
<brikerw> towards the giant farm
<brikerw> can you see me on the roof?
<TheNumeralOne> no.
<brikerw> try again
<TheNumeralOne> I have a render distance of only 12.
<TheNumeralOne> Oh, I can see stone pillar going down.
<brikerw> oh i just broke that
<brikerw> i built and broke
<brikerw> house is like 50 blocks away from the village
<TheNumeralOne> I can't see entities that far away.
<brikerw> now my horse in on the minifarm
<brikerw> am under your farm
<TheNumeralOne> I see you.
<brikerw> can I build a pillar up?
<TheNumeralOne> If you get rid of it.
<brikerw> how about I leave a waterfall down into this pool/
<TheNumeralOne> Sure.
<TheNumeralOne> I can make that right now myself.
<brikerw> okai sure
<TheNumeralOne> It looks messy down there.
<brikerw> gimme a mo
<brikerw> the water missed the pool and flowed everywhere
<brikerw> containing it into a box
brikerw left the game.
brikerw joined the game
<TheNumeralOne> It keeps getting out of the box though.
<brikerw> fixed now
<brikerw> can you move the water 6 blocks south 3 blocks west
<TheNumeralOne> Not quite right now.
<brikerw> okai
<brikerw> coming up
DogetorHue joined the game
<brikerw> ohai
<TheNumeralOne> hallo!
<DogetorHue> hi
<TheNumeralOne> It is raining.
<brikerw> i noticed
brikerw left the game.
brikerw joined the game
<brikerw> just fell off. :(
<DogetorHue> is 530 blocks a long distance?
<TheNumeralOne> Not if you're carnivous.
<TheNumeralOne> Torch tower 1 finished.
<TheNumeralOne> hi briker
<brikerw> hai
<brikerw> moving the water to the other side
<brikerw> then it doesn't make a mess
<TheNumeralOne> Ok.
<brikerw> dangit
<TheNumeralOne> Did you hurt?
<brikerw> no but it needs to be right where the nether portal is. :(
<TheNumeralOne> Oh, I already knew that.
<brikerw> ._.
<TheNumeralOne> Just move the pool :)
<brikerw> the old water still isn't gone
<brikerw> almost there
<brikerw> do you need more stone bricks?
<TheNumeralOne> No, I have plenty.
<brikerw> kay
<brikerw> when will this be operation
<brikerw> al
<TheNumeralOne> Hopefully today.
<brikerw> i can barely get my horse to jump 2 blocks.
<brikerw> :(
<TheNumeralOne> same.
brikerw left the game.
brikerw joined the game
<TheNumeralOne> It only jump 2 if I get it into the red area.
<brikerw> s/red/gold/ and same
<brikerw> trade chorus fruit for diamond
<brikerw> or pure stone for diamond
<TheNumeralOne> I get diamond, you get chorus fruit or stone?
<TheNumeralOne> Eek, I need brown clay.
<brikerw> TheNumeralOne you give me diamond
<brikerw> and sleep pls
<brikerw> DogetorHue
<TheNumeralOne> I can't
<brikerw> DogetorHue are you afk?
<TheNumeralOne> @briker I already have lots of stone and enough chorus fruit for my liking.
<brikerw> take that as a yes
<DogetorHue> no i'm wandering around on a horse
<brikerw> TheNumeralOne dangit
<brikerw> can somebody disconnect?
<brikerw> just leave and come back really fast
<brikerw> fine
DogetorHue was shot by Skeleton
<brikerw> wait what?
<DogetorHue> fuuuu
<brikerw> oops
<brikerw> need help?
<DogetorHue> never getting that back..... it's 600 blocks away
<brikerw> i'll try
<brikerw> where did you die?
<DogetorHue> somewhere around -20/20
<brikerw> -20x 20z?
<brikerw> in the desert?
<DogetorHue> near someone's house
<DogetorHue> i was looking for a bed
<TheNumeralOne> That should be by lumien's place.
<brikerw> at there looking around
<brikerw> desert part or savanna
<DogetorHue> desert
<DogetorHue> wow i found it nvm
<TheNumeralOne> btw April Fool's is today.
<brikerw> okai
<DogetorHue> yes
<brikerw> wait DogetorHue was that aprils fools
<brikerw> v
<brikerw> ಠ_ಠ
<brikerw> much disapproval
<TheNumeralOne> "DogetorHue was shot by Skeleton" wasn't fake.
<brikerw> could be
<brikerw> wait it was
<DogetorHue> check the number of deaths...
<brikerw> wait not
<TheNumeralOne> How did you do that @briker?
<brikerw> with /me
<brikerw> yeah
<brikerw> but it prepends a *
<TheNumeralOne> Cool, I didn't know that.
<brikerw> do wood sword really give double xp
<DogetorHue> my skeletal horse is super cool
<brikerw> :(
<brikerw> fast?
<DogetorHue> idk sure
brikerw left the game.
brikerw joined the game
<DogetorHue earned KILL_ENEMY>
<DogetorHue> bye
<brikerw> bai
<TheNumeralOne> bye
DogetorHue left the game.
<brikerw> TheNumeralOne will your mob farm be a xp farm or drop farm?
<TheNumeralOne> drop
<brikerw> gonna afk at the zombie xp farm and play nethack
<brikerw> sorta bai
<TheNumeralOne> What is nethack?
<brikerw> a epic gaem
<brikerw> *game
<brikerw> think rpg, but ascii art graphics andbetter game mechanics
<brikerw> you are a guy in a dungeon who has to collect a amulet and offer it to his god
<brikerw> http://www.thegreatestgameyouwilleverplay.com/
brikerw left the game.
brikerw joined the game
<brikerw> just delagging
<TheNumeralOne> brb
TheNumeralOne left the game.
<brikerw> okai
<brikerw> still afking
brikerw left the game.
brikerw joined the game
brikerw left the game.
brikerw joined the game
brikerw left the game.
brikerw joined the game
brikerw left the game.
brikerw joined the game
quartata joined the game
TheNumeralOne joined the game
TheNumeralOne left the game.
<quartata> also armor display is now even more broken than it used to be
TheNumeralOne joined the game
<brikerw> hai
<brikerw> to both of you
<quartata> before it used to disappear when changing dimensions
<quartata> now it just doesn't show up period
<TheNumeralOne> hello
<quartata> I thought this update was supposed to fix bugs
<brikerw> ^
<brikerw> I am afking at the zombie farm, will check in periodically to make sure I don't die like quartata
<quartata> Oh, I didn't die
<quartata> But my graphics card almost did
<quartata> It took me a full 5 minutes to get down the stairs and kill the zombies
brikerw left the game.
<TheNumeralOne> I've just been using itegrated graphics.
brikerw joined the game
<brikerw> i hate lag
<TheNumeralOne> ^
<TheNumeralOne> The worst kind is invisible server side blocks.
<TheNumeralOne> The shadow of my mob spawner looks really scary right now.
<quartata> Honestly you have no idea for how many years I've been tempted to make a mod that makes Minecraft's
<quartata> networking
<quartata> not suck
<brikerw> anyone want golden armor?
<TheNumeralOne> No.
<brikerw> like random almost broken enchanted stuff
<brikerw> and some leather and a bit of chaing
<brikerw> also a protection 1 almost dead iron chestplate
<brikerw> i gtg guys
<brikerw> bai
<TheNumeralOne> bye
brikerw left the game.
<quartata> I'm surprised no one has pranked anyone yet today
<TheNumeralOne> same
<quartata> Maybe I should break the ice
<quartata> Sadly I really honestly don't remember where anyone lives
<TheNumeralOne> Just go west of spawn.
<TheNumeralOne> There are houses everywhere that way.
<quartata> Yeah, I'm not sure why everyone went west
<quartata> @El'endiaStarman can you show me where the nearest end ship is
<TheNumeralOne> You can see it from end gateway.
<quartata> Really?
<quartata> Which gateway?
<TheNumeralOne> 1st one.
<quartata> Do you have a saddle I can borrow?
<TheNumeralOne> sure
<quartata> need a temporary horse; gonna snag one of these skelly horses
<TheNumeralOne> In my cool stuff chest.
<quartata> Thanks.
<quartata> saddle = acquired
<quartata> hmm let's see if I have a name tag somewhere
<TheNumeralOne> no use mine.
HelkaHomba joined the game
<quartata> ?
<TheNumeralOne> hey helka!
<HelkaHomba> Hi?
<quartata> hi
<TheNumeralOne> my nametag.
<TheNumeralOne> in my cool chest.
<quartata> oh I didn't see one
<HelkaHomba> Hows the volcano coming?
<quartata> gonna do some work on it right now
<quartata> need lots of andesite
<HelkaHomba> cool
<TheNumeralOne> I thought you were going to do something else.
<quartata> I was thinking of maybe doing some home improvement but I'm feeling kinda lazy
<quartata> working on the volcano is the perfect thing to do when I'm feeling lazy
<quartata> just hold right click
<quartata> too lazy
<quartata> maybe later
<quartata> holy smokes this horse has so many hearts
<quartata> 26 hearts?? is that even possible?
<quartata> Or is this a visual glitch
<HelkaHomba> I've seen 20+
<quartata> Damn maybe this horse won't be so temporary after all
<TheNumeralOne> I've never counted.
<quartata> Palo only has like 14 or something
<quartata> I think this is a visual glitch because I can't feed him.
<TheNumeralOne> You can only feed him if he is hurt I think.
<quartata> He is.
<HelkaHomba> Sleep?
<quartata> Helka where are you
<TheNumeralOne> @Helka can't
<TheNumeralOne> Is it a skeleton horse?
<quartata> Yes.
<HelkaHomba> elevator south of my house
<TheNumeralOne> You can't feed them.
<quartata> Ohhh
<quartata> How do they heal then?
<TheNumeralOne> Potion of harming is it I think.
<quartata> Well shit I don't have one of those
<quartata> I don't even have a brewing stand actually
<HelkaHomba> Sleep :/
<quartata> Numeral said he can't
<TheNumeralOne> You 2 can sleep. I'm too far from bed.
<quartata> Huh, lemme test in singleplayer if you can heal skeleton horses like that
<quartata> Don't want to accidentally kill him with the wrong potion
quartata left the game.
quartata joined the game
<TheNumeralOne> Does it work?
<quartata> You're right, it is a harming potion yeah
<quartata> Unfornately this horse took a lot of damage for whatever reason
<quartata> So I'm gonna need a harming 2 potion most likely
<HelkaHomba> You can use my brewing stands
<quartata> which floor?
<HelkaHomba> 3
<quartata> Thanks.
<quartata> What floor has a nether portal?
<HelkaHomba> basement
<quartata> k
<quartata> need to grab my spider eyes
<quartata> ermahgerd who built this cobblestone tower here
<quartata> ugh no spider eyes
<quartata> got lots of nether wart though
<quartata> Does anyone know where I can find a spider spawner?
<HelkaHomba> search chat relay
<HelkaHomba> there are coords
<quartata> -377 592?
<HelkaHomba> sure
HelkaHomba left the game.
HelkaHomba joined the game
HelkaHomba left the game.
HelkaHomba joined the game
HelkaHomba left the game.
HelkaHomba joined the game
HelkaHomba left the game.
TheNumeralOne left the game.
TheNumeralOne joined the game
HelkaHomba joined the game
<TheNumeralOne> That fixed it.
Lumien joined the game
<quartata> Well I found a furnace and crafting table at -377 592
<Lumien> hallo!
<quartata> And I can hear spiders
<TheNumeralOne> Hey lumien!
<Lumien> I've got 25 spider eyes, quartata.
<quartata> Well I presume you want to use those
<TheNumeralOne> I've got a bunch I'll never use.
<Lumien> I can give you like 15 or something.
<Lumien> I'm not actively using the stuff I collect (yet).
<quartata> I just got like 7 in two seconds
<Lumien> ah, nice
<Lumien> woah tower
<Lumien> Near phase's place.
<Lumien> Is there a slime block elevator in the common area?
<HelkaHomba> not really
<HelkaHomba> I'm building it right now at -198 530
<Lumien> okay
<quartata> Now the question is how the hell do I get out of here
<TheNumeralOne> Mob farm built, now just need to build kill pad and add timer.
<TheNumeralOne> gtg, I'll finish it tomorrow hopefully.
TheNumeralOne left the game.
<quartata> what
<quartata> what's the recipe for fermented spider eyes again
<HelkaHomba> mushroom and sugar
<HelkaHomba> roughly
<quartata> dammit I have sugar but no mushrooms
<HelkaHomba> lots in nether
<Lumien> Nice setup for the music disc farm.
<HelkaHomba> Notice what the skelly is named? ;)
<quartata> what?
<Lumien> Didn't get a chance to see.
<Lumien> And I can't see the name because I'm not close enough.
<quartata> Where did Famine go?
<quartata> ?
<HelkaHomba> idk
<Lumien> [shrug]
<quartata> oh I'm an idiot
<quartata> I left him back at the desert
<quartata> oh well I'll grab him later
<HelkaHomba> move to side once at top
<Lumien> okay
<quartata> ?
<HelkaHomba> it still kinda buggy - works better when not on server I guess
<HelkaHomba> You should't need to move once you start going up
<Lumien> I'm so glad that it isn't quite high enough for fall damage to be an issue. :P
<Lumien> ey, got it!
<HelkaHomba> The first pistons hurst sometimes..oh well
<Lumien> yeah
<HelkaHomba> But one block lower and sometimes it doesn't push at all
<HelkaHomba> But maybe that was better, hmm
<Lumien> Yeah, it's hard to pull it off.
<quartata> All righty got the harming potions finally
<quartata> @HelkaHomba where is your anvil?
<quartata> Oh over here
<HelkaHomba> Theres like 5 in my house
<Lumien> What if you move the player into position at the appropriate time and just synchronize pistons?
<HelkaHomba> Way more redstone..
<Lumien> yeah
<Lumien> But more consistent results?
<HelkaHomba> I'll move the base up a block
<Lumien> As it is, this is liable to be a lethal danger. :P
<HelkaHomba> If you do start falling, just aim for the slime block :P
<Lumien> Yeah, figured that out. :P
<Lumien> It's just a lot of work.
<Lumien> Out of noteblocks?
<HelkaHomba> no
<quartata> this is an elevator?
<HelkaHomba> yes
<quartata> slime block right
<quartata> cool
<Lumien> Yeah, Helka's moving the bottom stage up.
<HelkaHomba> one min
<quartata> Well the first potion completely missed
<Lumien> lol
<quartata> and the second potion hit but did... nothing??
<quartata> wtf
<quartata> fml
<HelkaHomba> there
<Lumien> Yep, better.
<quartata> Where are your bottles? I only brought two
<Lumien> I've got two on me from a witch. :P
<quartata> ugh
<Lumien> I love being able to slow-fall with Elytra. :P
<quartata> so much for "don't take all of helka's stuff"
<quartata> I need to use your furnace for a bit
<HelkaHomba> ok
<HelkaHomba> if you feel guilty pay me back in noteblocks
<HelkaHomba> or nether brick fences
<quartata> I'll get you some noteblocks here in a second
<quartata> I've wasted over an hour trying to heal this horse
<quartata> I only needed to smelt like 6 pieces of sand so
Lumien left the game.
<quartata> these potions aren't healing this horse at all
<quartata> Wasted over an hour for nothing
quartata left the game.
Lumien joined the game
<HelkaHomba> woo, try it now
<HelkaHomba> man thats loud
<Lumien> I'll try it as soon as I get back to the surface. Which may be some time. :P
<Lumien> So much unmined coal down here. :D
<Lumien> Need to fly back home to unload my inventory.
<Lumien> ...I thought smelting iron gave xp?
<HelkaHomba> it does
<Lumien> I'm not getting any.
<HelkaHomba> take it right out of the furnace
<Lumien> I was.
<HelkaHomba> idk
<Lumien> I got xp once but I can't reproduce it. >_<
<Lumien> Oh well. [shrug]
<HelkaHomba> farm slimes for xp :D
<Lumien> Sounds like a great idea. :D
<Lumien> Oh hey, you wanted me to try the slime elevator?
<HelkaHomba> If you want
<Lumien> This is hard to use.
<HelkaHomba> let me try
<HelkaHomba> It usually works for me
<Lumien> Finally got up.
<Lumien> That was hard though.
<HelkaHomba> It got me up first try.. not sure why the difference
<Lumien> Just went right in and got like halfway up.
<Lumien> Helps to be looking up, I think. For whatever reason.
<Lumien> Paradoxically, I think Sp3000's minecart tower might actually be less effort. :P
<HelkaHomba> Well this works for me :S
<Lumien> [shrug]
<Lumien> What's the recipe for note blocks?
<HelkaHomba> planks surrounding redstone
<Lumien> Oh, I could easily make a ton. :P
<HelkaHomba> your eltyra is transparent..
<Lumien> Also, I was thinking that we could construct these towers all over the landscape.
<Lumien> Yeah! No idea why.
<Lumien> That fall was slightly terrifying. :P
<Lumien> Now I can't seem to get it to work all the way.
<HelkaHomba> :/
<Lumien> I keep getting "stuck" by the fourth level.
<Lumien> That doggone witch kept moving right as I loosed my arrow!
<Lumien> finally
<HelkaHomba> There you go
<Lumien> That took like 20 tries.
<Lumien> I think minecart towers will be the way to go. :P
<Lumien> Oh hey, Elytra's not transparent anymore.
<Lumien> Strange.
<HelkaHomba> We need hoops to fly through
<Lumien> I thought of that weeks ago. :P
HelkaHomba fell from a high place
<Lumien> [wince]
<HelkaHomba> ow
<HelkaHomba> I hit sp's bridge and then the ground
<Lumien> ...........I got 75% up the tower and it stopped working right.
<Lumien> oh, heh heh
<Lumien> It's like the ticks just aren't quite synched up.
<HelkaHomba> But it only activates when you get there
<Lumien> Also, I could notice it getting "harder" when I got higher, like the timing was one tick off.
<Lumien> I know, but sometimes the slime block launches me up, sometimes it slides under my feet just right.
<HelkaHomba> Well, that what the ladder is for - people who find it buggy
<Lumien> .......could build a minecart tower on the other side?
<Lumien> finally
<HelkaHomba> I suppose...
<Lumien> Now, where to fly to...
<HelkaHomba> Like minecarts where the ladders are?
<Lumien> Basically, yeah.
<Lumien> Like how Sp3000 made it.
<Lumien> Oh interesting. My elytra goes transparent when I'm holding nothing.
<HelkaHomba> same
<HelkaHomba> Yes to the minecart thing, I'd just want to change the base a bit
<HelkaHomba> And I'd want the walls to be glass
<Lumien> uh-huh
<Lumien> :D :D :D :D
<HelkaHomba> The other tower?
<Lumien> Flew from the max-height platform that One built and landed on the slime block elevator.
<HelkaHomba> nice
<Lumien> ...I'mma try and land on the minecart tower now. From the top of the ladders.
<HelkaHomba> Will a column like this work for the minecarts?
<HelkaHomba> How do you even get them on a ladder..
<Lumien> Dunno, since I can't see you anymore.
<Lumien> I'll fly to Sp3000's tower.
<Lumien> Should be ridiculously easy given how high I am now.
<Lumien> Did it! :D
<Lumien> Okay, Sp3000 put them on top of a ladder.
<Lumien> Like, a ladder every 4 blocks.
<HelkaHomba> I did it by placing it on rail on block above ladder, then breaking block
<Lumien> Ah, that was probably how he did it, yeah.
<Lumien> The first one is one block too high.
<HelkaHomba> My first one? You can change it - was just testing
<Lumien> Fixed.
<Lumien> So, are you getting more iron?
<HelkaHomba> thats all I have
<Lumien> okay
<Lumien> That the right height?
<HelkaHomba> cant reach
<HelkaHomba> there you go
<Lumien> Okay, I've got it.
<Lumien> nuuuuu
<HelkaHomba> lol
<Lumien> Crap.
<HelkaHomba> You may need blocks on all sides
<Lumien> yeah
<Lumien> Probably gonna have to redo this.
<HelkaHomba> You can use any glass/sand in here
<Lumien> Okay, toss me a ton of glass? :P
<HelkaHomba> Well I need it too :P
<Lumien> haha
<HelkaHomba> Only a few stacks left
<Lumien> How'd you stain them orange?
<HelkaHomba> Brown - with cocoa beans
<Lumien> okay
<Lumien> Outta glass already. >_<
<Lumien> I'll just use dirt.
<Lumien> Can replace it later.
<HelkaHomba> wait
<HelkaHomba> I'll get more sand
<Lumien> oh thanks
<Lumien> Aaaand I'm out of minecarts.
<Lumien> I can grab the iron smelted at my place.
<HelkaHomba> and the golem farm
<Lumien> yeah
<Lumien> brb
Lumien left the game.
HelkaHomba left the game.
HelkaHomba joined the game
Lumien joined the game
<Lumien> nuuuuu
<HelkaHomba> oop
<HelkaHomba> lots more glass in furnaces
<Lumien> awesome
<HelkaHomba> but need cocoa
<HelkaHomba> We need cocoa beans
<Lumien> [waits patiently]
<Lumien> You near the sheep farm?
<HelkaHomba> Yes, those ones still growing
<Lumien> You can use bone meal to speed it up.
<Lumien> yay...two?
<Lumien> Alright, I've got several stacks of stained glass. Goooood. :D
<Lumien> Arg. Need more iron. To the iron farm! (Which I forgot to visit last time.
<Lumien> )
<HelkaHomba> {
<Lumien> }
<HelkaHomba> brb
HelkaHomba left the game.
HelkaHomba joined the game
<Lumien> Outta glass this time.
<HelkaHomba> me too
<HelkaHomba> But I'm almost to top
<Lumien> wow, yeah
<HelkaHomba> I have a plan for a base at the top that I'll probly make tomorrow
<Lumien> alright
<Lumien> I'm about 75-80% done.
<HelkaHomba> want to borrow shovel for sand?
<Lumien> I've got mine with me.
<HelkaHomba> Elevator still works for me 80% of the time
<Lumien> Might have to do with latency.
<HelkaHomba> yeah
<HelkaHomba> Woo, elevator part done
<Lumien> \\o//
<HelkaHomba> Need help?
<Lumien> I'm not sure if you really could help.
<HelkaHomba> k
<Lumien> Beyond doing the side glass.
<Lumien> It's pretty cool to watch someone else flying.
<Lumien> .....I'm out of glass. D:
<HelkaHomba> check furnaces
<HelkaHomba> need cocoa?
<Lumien> yep
<Lumien> I could continue with just dirt.
<Lumien> I see you running around.
<HelkaHomba> lotsa glass here
<HelkaHomba> getting beans
<Lumien> yay
HelkaHomba left the game.
HelkaHomba joined the game
<HelkaHomba> Will you need more?
<Lumien> Probably not.
<Lumien> ...why oh why didn't I bring my shovel.
<Lumien> Eh, not bad.
<HelkaHomba> ?
<Lumien> I kept placing minecarts by using dirt, and forgot to bring a shovel.
<Lumien> Broke it by hand pretty quickly though.
<Lumien> Haha, don't need the shovel anymore.
<Lumien> That should be enough glass to finish.
<Lumien> That's well more than enough. :P
<Lumien> At this rate, I might be one or two minecarts short.
<HelkaHomba> I'm on it
<Lumien> lol
<Lumien> Don't worry about it too much. :P
<Lumien> That's far more than I need. :P
<Lumien> But thanks. :)
<Lumien> Well, good thing you gave me that iron. :P
<Lumien> ...really. Seven glass short. :P
<Lumien> There, complete.
<Lumien> ahhhh we're so high up
<Lumien> wat
<HelkaHomba> limit here
<Lumien> ahh, wow
<HelkaHomba> Can you make it to Phase's?
<Lumien> Easily.
<Lumien> Made it. :D
<Lumien> This one isn't at the height limit.
<HelkaHomba> no
<Lumien> Where'd you go?
<Lumien> o.O?!
<Lumien> Thanks for the arrows. :P
<Lumien> Oh, I need to get some of my stuff from the other tower.
<HelkaHomba> the mesa is west, right?
<Lumien> yes
<HelkaHomba> I shall fly there..maybe
<Lumien> I'll try that too.
<HelkaHomba> made it
<Lumien> Alright, gonna try it myself now.
<Lumien> whew
<Lumien> Elytra "broke" right when I was low to the ground.
<Lumien> But I made it to the mesa very easily.
<HelkaHomba> I dont see you
<Lumien> I'm heading back to my base now.
<Lumien> There's a little dirt pillar on a hill east of the mesa.
<Lumien> Ahhh, home sweet home... :P
<HelkaHomba> You need a house
<Lumien> Good as new. :D
<Lumien> ...?
<HelkaHomba> Ok, done for today
HelkaHomba left the game.
Lumien left the game.
MagentaField joined the game
MagentaField left the game.
1 hour later…
HelkaHomba joined the game
2 hours later…
HelkaHomba left the game.
3 hours later…
DogetorHue joined the game
daavko joined the game
<DogetorHue> i swear the zombies don't die in sunlight
<daavko> Do they wear helmets? If they have helmets, they don't burn
<DogetorHue> oh that makes sense
<DogetorHue earned ACQUIRE_IRON>
<DogetorHue> yay iron
<daavko> Wow, I just found a zombie spawner inside an abandoned mineshaft
<DogetorHue> cool
<daavko> Aaaaand gtg. Bye
daavko left the game.
<DogetorHue earned BUILD_HOE>
DogetorHue left the game.

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