Agora não tenho a certeza, @JorgeB. ... Pelo menos usamos "a malta". E eu já ouvi "a gente" tantas vezes que nem estranhei ver aquilo no plural ("a gente vamos").
Perfeitamente normal: "A gente vai andando, encontramo-nos no restaurante."
Tens meu contactos pessoais, é só fazer um ping lá no Hangout... E, re: "posso usar seu texto", com certeza que sim. É uma grande gentileza mas sabes que nem precisa pedir autorização :D
@tchrist You're welcome! I'd usually just say "it's my job, no need to thank me", but in this case, though I'd still keep the latter part, I'd replace the former with "Portuguese is my native language and I did it with pleasure".
It makes a big difference. I know there just aren't many CMs who have enough Portuguese to have done the job, but your native-born delight in your own language makes it something special.
I'm trying to find an equivalent proverb in Portuguese. Literally, (tu coças as minhas costas e eu coçarei as tuas) there isn't any that I know of. Is there any in current usage in Brazil and/or Portugal which conveys "help me in my difficulties and I will help you in yours".