@IsmaelMiguel do you have a fun icon for you fun little script? I am calling it Memer right now. please let me know if you have updated the code, I would love to get the new code! I didn't get a chance to play with it last night
@IsmaelMiguel I am working on a single extension right now. I think that we should create json files for other rooms, and then have a switch case for the chat room they are in or something like that.
And here I go:
Take advantage of the fact that SE sites use jQuery. This will trim down your DOM manipulation code to a high degree.
We usually have a rule in our team that the most you should nest for conditions is 2. If you have 3 or more nested, then it's time you use a function.
One problem...
His answer has jQuery
And it makes everything easier
What I do in most of those lines, I did like this in jQuery:
I wish I had time last night to look at the code. I would have had a finished extension for the basic code. I am trying to figure out the manifest file and stuff right now. I should be working though.
For those who go to The 2nd Monitor chatroom, you already know how bad I am at remembering everything. And, sometimes, the new visitors will wonder what something means.
For that, I've developed a very simple chat translator.
;(function(window, undefined){
'use strict';
var memes = {
@IsmaelMiguel I've started taking a look at it and I've jotted a few points down. However, I am currently writing another answer and I need to finish that first.
@SirPython The Manifest file is for Chrome Extensions. I imagine it would work on firefox as well... but I don't have firefox installed on this machine so I don't know how that works
I am not completely familiar with userscripts and chrome extensions, so everything I did with the manifest file I did this morning in an hour or so, by doing research and learning all that stuff. I wish I had more time. maybe tonight after work I will be able to work on it
@match makes sense though, I saw something similar in the manifest file
we could make a second file as a user script. but I would like to continue with the Chrome Extension, because I think we can implement a a memer that distinguishes between the different sites and their memes
@IsmaelMiguel I've been thinking about creating my own UserScript. Is there a specific reference page that you used to help you with creating your memer.js UserScript?