I levt the hackathon gor 3 hours for a friend's birthday prty an let's just say I overshot the ballmer peak
but i'm writing some code nevertheless
sutrprisingly not as gun as it would seem
oh boy i'm feeling it mr krabs
I still can't tell if it makes me funnier or less funny
tbf it's difficult to judge if alchool makes uo funnier while under the finluence of the very alcohol which's impact ypu're trying to judge
which's isn't a word but it sure as hell should be
I mean, people use wjhose, but that's animate
I was treading about russian gender neutral ghrammar today
cause it kinda sucks and is transphobic
it's cool to learn gay things
I don't understand why we can't all just be happy
like what does it hurt you if we just ;et trans people be trans
what's in it for you to police my ghender
i do have a policy of not weat5ing feminine clothing thoug because "it woud make me feel things"
well thats n0t the wording
but it's close enpug and I can't remember it
it's nbot bad to have a crush on a friend. you can'y control how you feel, just how you react to it
and I react to it pretty well, even drunk
like I don't udnderstand how people can fail to be respectful towards people (e.g. women) when cis, not even considering drunk
like it's not a fucking high bae to clear
what's funny is I was talking to my fridnd about this and he was like "i've had a crush on the same two people"
but my friend who I have a crush on (respesinbile as a friendO has been loike "it sucks finding out that someone's only friends with me because they want to go out with me" and I will never. ever put her or someone else who I respect like that in that position
because like, they[re a friend first to me, romantic anything comes second
sometimes I feel like i'm immature for having a crish on people I should just be fridnds with
but I know it's not like, within my control
ugh I should work on the hackathon stuff
condescend9oing guy is judging me
I' e done more gort north keoea than anyone else though'