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@DarrenSmith Does MATLAB actually do that? 😭😭😭😭
Some functions do, can't remember which it has been 10+ years
Glad to hear you've been out of that toxic an environment for a while :P
@DarrenSmith ...that's actually a good question... Function submissions are pretty standard here, but usually they're actual functions, rather than snippets that "pretend" to be functions. Except that line is super blurred for stack languages anyways so I think this is still in the clear
(and concatenative languages more broadly speaking--I feel like I've heard of some non-stack concatenative language recentlyish)
@UnrelatedString ok thanks, that's good since the one question I answered in it, I did it that way but wasn't sure if it was legit
Anyone else constantly mix up laplace and lagrange
@ATaco naturally
1 hour later…
@ATaco now there is: golfscript.com/iogii/online_interpreter.html pretty rough version but will improve it
This is a lot more convenient than copy-pasting the source code into ATO and modifying it to take the program as a command line arg :P
ah why not just run locally??
Couldn't figure out how to get Ruby 2.7 or above installed without doing something that would feel way overboard if it's just a stopgap while I wait for an online interpreter :P
Sank like 2 or 3 hours into it just going in circles
ah dang I thought it wouldn't be a barrier. I have had good luck with RVM
Good to know
@DarrenSmith The build on apt is like 5 years old so I don't blame you for not thinking it would even be out there :P
how to zip two lists in iogii?
@lyxal What's the use case? There's no way to do this but shouldn't be a need either since you can keep each part of the zip separately and then if need to use the values together just use them together since every op is vectorized. If it was for something like sorting you could just use a list instead of a tuple (use append/cons to create). I have to go now but can give more info tomorrow if needed
I'm wondering how I'd get something like [1,2,3,4....,99,100] % [3,5] to return a list of [[1, 1], [2, 2], [0, 3], [1, 4]...]
I was thinking turn [1...100] into [[1, 1], [2, 2], ...] to get the vectorisation working
because 100}3,5% doesn't seem to do what I want
I was also trying 100};3%5% but then I can't exactly zip the results there
honestly, even just a pair a b -> [a,b] would be good
@DarrenSmith If you want I could put it on my online interpreter thingy which already has all the standard interpreter functionality set up - headers/footers, permalinking, etc. (that said if you're planning to add more iogii-specific stuff to your online interpreter you probably don't want to do that)
2 hours later…
@lyxal I guess it wasn't the worst group project I've been a part of. Things I remember: We had four people, two frontend and two backend; the frontend was Java (because that's what those people knew) and the backend was Python (because that's what I knew); the other backend guy didn't know Python, so struggled to contribute (oops); we had to get multiple extensions and ended up submitting something half-baked a week or two after the semester was over.
Don't even remember what grade we got... I was just ready to be done with it.
1 hour later…
Q: Solve the "word break problem" in a single line of code

PavelI have a string data and a list of words "d". I need to find all possible combinations of words from the list "d" that form the original string data. The result should be a list of combinations of words. Example: Given the string Wordbreakproblem and the list ["this","th","is","famous","Word","break

mystery issues with my pi, golf together will eventually be back up, in the meantime you can access it here
apparently ssh just doesn't work anymore?
oh, looks like the pi doesn't connect to the wifi anymore
hard to debug things while not at home
2 hours later…
@Bubbler good point
@att thanks
@DLosc my condolences
Thankfully I've never had a group that bad :p
3 hours later…
@Gleb If I would learn any eastern European language, it would probably be Polish or Bulgarian, those seem to be the most spoken here. Maybe Estonian.
@lyxal 100}r3,5%?
does anyone else just kinda hate Phillips screws
not really
They're just so much harder to work with than flathead
I hate the weird 5 or 6 sided screws or those of non-standard sizes
Depending on the size I even prefer to use a flathead screwdriver with them :P
@mousetail'he-him' yeah those are the worst for sure
6 sided torx is nice enough to work with if you do have a screwdriver for it that I kinda wish it was more common, but FUCK 5 sided torx
I never really have issues with cross head screws, but the screwdriver size needs to be exactly right
Flat head is a bit more flexible
I have 4 sizes of Philips screwdrivers and 90% of the time at least one of them fits well
Ahh, nice
I have one, and it seems like it fits well enough for the reflector on my bike seat that I have to move if I want to adjust the seat height because with the normal thing that's supposed to keep the seat in place it just keeps sinking like multiple centimeters every time I ride it, but I never feel satisfied with how tight it gets before the screwdriver starts slipping
Is the screw new?
it's me versus CSS and you'll never guess who's winning
is it us?
are we winning?
Trying to tighten a screw with the wrong size screwdriver or with insufficient vertical force can quickly damage a screw and make in impossible to adjust even with a proper screwdriver.
@Ginger please say it's you
Yeah the damage is already visible
it is not us
the browser has bested me yet again
though it's probably mostly stripped paint rather than actually damage to the metal
so far
gonna have to reach deep into my bag of layout hacks for this one
some part of my sizing math is ignoring the page header
The screw is painted?
At least it was
hm yeah I think I see the issue here
tell me, what's wrong with this image
@DarrenSmith ngl, it seems a little weird that you can only ever store 1 value in @
@Ginger navbar-light
who uses light mode anyway
shut up redz
and hyper
true...! but that's not what I'm referring to
I can't see anything wrong with the image Ginger posted
Though the contrast between the very modern layout and the ms paint Vyxal logo is kinda funny
the problem is the height: 100%; main sharing a parent element with the nav :p
so of course it'll overflow
@mousetail'he-him' graphic design is my passion
I like the design a lot
I wish there were a way to tell CSS "take up exactly the amount of space remaining in this container"
A: 1, 2, Fizz, 4, Buzz

lyxalIogii, 29 bytes "Fizz","Buzz"@r3,5%0q*u100}@O Little peculiar that the last value next to the register sets all the other values. You can try it online by putting it in the program box here: https://golfscript.com/iogii/online_interpreter.html Explained I haven't quite figured out how to structu...

the r helped
@lyxal You can do 100}r3,5% the repeat is needed since those would both be 1d vectors and would zip element by element otherwise
25 mins ago, by Unrelated String
@lyxal 100}r3,5%?
but yeah, the repeat makes sense
didn't notice it being a thing in the docs
I think I'm going to remove all the sizing stuff I've added and do it again from scratch
@Ginger flex-grow: 1
I probably should explain it better, seems related to the broadcasting unrelatedstring and I were talking about yesterday
@mousetail'he-him' you'd think!
It does work unless (... insert 20 edge cases here)
@lyxal like I get the circular programming implications of @, but what if I want to use two different values over the course of a program?
container-type: size; my beloved
@lyxal e.g. I might need to store one value for a bit, but then once I don't need it, store another
container size queries are magic and I wish I'd known about them earlier, they're singlehandedly making this layout possible
@lyxal and depending on the challenge, I might even need to modify the value in the register while iterating over a list
@lyxal BTW the reason is that there are other alternatives to duplicating values (dup, =, and []), so this would only really be needed when using a value 2+ times, which shouldn't be too often. Also the reason I used last value is because [] is already good at using first value, and this could also make it useful for circular programming
setting an element's container-type to size does two very important things: 1. it keeps the browser from computing that element's size in terms of its contents, and 2. it allows its contents to set their sizes as percentages of its size using container units (cqw and cqh)
I mostly care about that first one because it lets me break the obnoxious children-making-their-parents-larger loops that I keep running into
@emanresuA Feel free to add it, that's better done than mine will be!
CSS's single biggest flaw is that an element's children can change its size
size should always flow in one direction unless explicitly stated otherwise
@DarrenSmith variable assignment isn't very good for golf though, and I don't know if [] is as flexible as something globally modifiable at any time
@Ginger It's very helpful for simple layouts
Both the best and worst feature of CSS
@lyxal Very true, most of the time dup and mdup are preferred. [] is global btw and there is no such thing as time since it just generates a graph of values
like, for the terminal I had to use position: relative; and position: absolute; to make it size itself correctly
the terminal sits inside a wrapper element and computes its size from that wrapper's size
@DarrenSmith for sure
But I know for a fact you can do some pretty disgusting golf with a settable register
Even when you're doing lazy evaluation
(especially when you're doing lazy evaluation)
@lyxal By disgusting do you mean good or bad loL?
good (derogatory)
e.g. using the register to keep track of number of times a predicate has been truthy in a list so far
(a snippet from a recent answer)
pushes an increasing number of spaces for each encountered space
uses the register to track how many spaces have been encountered
(&› increments the register, ¥ retrieves it)
the horrifying part is that ƛ opens a lazy-map
meaning that if you were to close the map, set the register to anything but 0, and then force evaluation, it'd break
@lyxal in iogii there isn't a concept of time so that wouldn't make sense, but you could achieve the same thing by just having a separate iterate, which problem is that for I could try to give a concrete example?
Q: `Vo we l spa ci ng`

鳴神裁四点一号Today you are having a silly problem. To da y yo u a re ha vi ng a si lly pro ble m. Challenge Given an English text, apply "vo wel  spa   ci    ng" (see below). Input One line of string with...

careful, it's a bit of a chameleon challenge
Also btw for the fizzbuzz you could use [] or ; (but they will be same length since ; will need a > in this case), there are a couple of op substitutions you could do to get 26B but that is best I can do and it is same approach
found a 28er, don't know how to get it down further
(0q -> n)
@lyxal I will try to answer this in a bit, what's a chameleon challenge btw?
A: Things to avoid when writing challenges

xnorChameleon challenges Chameleon challenges look like they're about one thing but are really about another. In doing the challenge, most of the effort is spent on something peripheral. Fix this by being honest about your challenge in the title and description, or by simplifying or removing the non...

A challenge that seems like it's one thing but if you read closer the real difficulty seems to be from some specific edge case
Oct 11 at 3:43, by emanresu A
... we love weird input requirements
Oct 11 at 3:43, by Unrelated String
It's SUCH a chameleon challenge
those are in relation to the vowel spacing question
anyhow, it's my turn to go for the night and be back tomorrow :p
well, today
given it's 1:03am
i am now using the computer rn
@lyxal okay this is usefull
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

bigyihsuanWhen is Daylight Savings Time? code-golfdate In the United States, Daylight Savings Time starts on the second Sunday of March, and ends on the first Sunday of November. Write the shortest full program, function, or code snippet that does the following: Takes a year as input. Outputs two dates: t...

1 hour later…
@lyxal I see why it is a chameleon challenge, I just did the part relevant to what we are talking about rather than the full problem
"vo we l spa ci ng"=s nuke
sEsjsn[*a]** # prints "vo we l spa ci ng"
sn* turns spaces into spaces and everything else into "". E ... append does a cummulative append, mult by sn to ignore spaces unless it was a space. Final * to insert those between original characters
Sorry I mean sjn* turns...
I guess I was hoping to show that the whole idea of iogii/atlas is that you don't need iteration. Everything is just list manipulating and it is easy to combine list since zip/map is implicit in vectorization, so a whole bunch of concepts are unified
Also btw it did print with the proper vowel spacing, but this chat seems to have collapsed it to single spaces. it was vo.we..l...spa....ci.....ng
Q: Invert matrix over GF(2)

SimdInput A binary matrix M. You can assume any input format you choose. Output The inverse of M over the finite field GF(2). This means all arithmetic is to be taken mod 2. If the matrix is not invertible your code should output something over than a matrix. Invertible matrix examples M =[[1 1 1] ...

what can we do to make this site busy again? Or alternatively, is there another way it should be hosted?
it's a bit sad how quiet it is these days
I think your questions are just not a good fit for this site
i dont wanna learn some college level math just to answer
There are like only like 2-5 people who enjoy the math questions. If they are not online at the time nobody will answer. Most of us are here for the programing puzzles and code golf (the name of the site)
@mousetail'he-him' sure.. but really I wasn't talking about my questions specifically which are sometimes math related
the overall business of the site is way down
I don't think it is
Maybe last few days but that's just a statistical outlier
I mean over the years
I don't have the skills to measure it sadly but I think it can be done?
5 years ago or so the site was more active I think
that was before my time
I think activity is similar to a year ago
is it just that we are competing with discord now?
In terms of chat you mean?
no in terms of the main site
it used to be that if you posed a code golf question you would get 5 answers in half an hour
There are not really challenges on discord
@Simd That's still the case right? As long as the challenge is good
so where have they all gone?
@mousetail'he-him' it would help if I had hard facts
I was looking at how many challenges we have a day codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions?tab=Newest
it's not many
I think this is the most recent decent quality question: codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/276277/… It has 21 answers, about 5 within the first two hours
All the other questions are closed or not answerable by most people, or just boring
let's put this off until we have hard facts
(unrelated) it's kind of funny the stark contrast in answers between challenges that have a regex solution and challenges that aren't quite compatible with normal regexes
don't think my apl problem convinced enough people to make it a challenge
the making it a series thing would be quite interesting if there was a criterion to give it that would encourage making your answer somewhat extendable looking forward to the next challenge
if any of you have an idea of how to make it work i think it could be really cool
@NewPosts isn't the answer just M**(-1)%2
seems to be
yall do comments bump a question on the site front page? because I want to note something for the hypothetical future but on a question that there's no need to bump
(looks like no)
@Simd That was posted almost 5 years ago
@RubenVerg On the other hand, very few challenges have been posted recently on here so you don't need to compete with much
@Wezl no
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

jdtNarayana's Cows Sequence Generator The sequence of Narayana's Cows (OEIS A000930) models the growth of a cow population with a specific reproductive delay. In this sequence, each cow starts producing one new cow per year only after reaching the age of 3. Given an integer n, return the n-th term i...

@Neil Pip: 1. _ 2. {V\"{\aV Sg}\"} 3. {V\"{\a}\"}
The first one is easy: return the function unchanged, just like in JS. The other two are harder: Pip doesn't have lexical scoping, so I have to interpolate the function into a string and then eval the string to get a new function.
@Simd and that one has 16 answers
@Neil tinylisp 2: 1. (\(F)(\ A(a F(~(t(~ A 2. (\(F)(\ A(a F(t A 3. (\(F)(\(X)F
Here the first one is the hardest, because functions in tinylisp 2 have defined arities, so I have to actually remove the last argument before passing the argument list along. In related news, I should really implement a library function for removing the last element from a list. :P
1 hour later…
@Seggan is 16:bad?
@mousetail'he-him' yes. But it looks like mine was a dupe of it sadly
@Simd no, im saying thats good
@mousetail'he-him' Aaand the bike seat just sank anyways
Guess I should probably find a better screwdriver before I try moving it back up
Or ask a bike expert on alternatives
That seems it would be best
Saddle heights are usually designed to be adjusted easily with minimal tools, weird how yours requires tightening a screw
I'm actually shopping for a new second hand bike right now because my chain keeps falling off when I accelerate too fast or try to go up a hill. So many options...
I brought it to the repair shop several times but they didn't manage to fix it and I already probably spend most of the value of the bike
@mousetail'he-him' Yeah, it has this no-tool clamp on it, but at some point it just stopped being tight enough
Don’t know when or why, but I think it was at least a month ago—didn’t notice until a few days ago
@Seggan oh, cool
@UnrelatedString Does it have a rubber seal or ring in it that could be corroded?
No idea… sounds plausible though
@mousetail'he-him' mine can be done by hand
i found a wild dlosc
If you're in a 1v1 against an AI, you can simply hit Enter (or whatever your "chat" hotkey is), type 104, and hit Enter again. No need to mess with chat settings when there's only one other player. (You can also do this with human opponents, but your results may vary.) — DLosc 4 hours ago

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