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00:00 - 15:0015:00 - 00:00

Okay so
why am I here
For ages it was to be president
But idk anymore
And I'm getting to the point where the paths diverge
Becauxe there's another path I've been considering: doctor
Many sources describe the #1 barrier to trans healthcare as a lack of sufficiently knowledgable providers
So it's sort of a gamble
I could take plan A, and throw everything into a massive gamble. If everything lines up perfectly and I end up POTUS, I could have a massive but incredibly vague impact. But if I go with plan B and choose any of dozens of high impact careers like that, I could see the impact I'm having but it would be much smaller than for plan A in the average case
I wonder if I could triple major in Russian, ECE, and biochem
Honestly I guess I wouldn't really need ECE anymore
whats ECE again?
Electrical and Computer Engineering
@lyxal Dangit, now I have to clean cereal off my laptop screen. You reminded me too forcefully of my Software Development group project. :P
@att Relatable
we are code golfers :p
And back to English now
@mousetail'he-him' I wouldn't learn Belarusian tbh
hot take: oop is not bad
i think its more "java ruined peoples perception of oop" than "oop is bad"
The problem with oop is that nobody does oop or knows what oop is.
@UnrelatedString Good comparison to Jelly tacitness. As a non-jelly expert one thing I wonder about it is: it seems like there isn't a clear plan to turn any expression into Jelly code, but in practice it works very well since most expressions are simple and fit certain patterns (and is always possible). At least I never saw in the tutorial such a plan. Whereas iogii has a clear plan to turn any expression into iogii code, so maybe it is easier for complicated expressions?
@UnrelatedString On broadcasting it looks like you figured out the best ways, although instead of r, you could have just used R. Also instead of jE!at you maybe could have put the thing you want to take prefixes of in place of the ! if it is possible to move there. I agree that the current way is unintuitive sometimes but in general it can always be made to do what you want with the use of a single r I think.
In a non lazy language you could try to make list sizes match up when choosing the broadcasting rule but since iogii is lazy I always use the same rule - which I think is the best rule. I should add a section to the nitty gritty to help make more intuitive.
@UnrelatedString Yeah it is unclear which would be more useful most of the time (expand removing initial value or not) - I went with the current way since you can always remove it easily with tail. Can always wait and see how it tends to be used in practice and change later. There isn't a universal shortest way to get an empty list, but in practice I've never needed it. You can use the nil op, or "" for strings, or 0jt for ints, or E>H if we don't change the behavior of expand.
Found this in the FAQ section of the Weird Al merch store:
> Unfortunately, we cannot always guarantee international deliveries in countries where deliveries are difficult for our carriers are not listed.
I think some word crimes have been committed
@DarrenSmith Yeah, Jelly is quite bad with complicated expressions in some cases. Full programs can take up to six distinct inputs, and there's also a stateful register, but everything is at its core a function of no more than two inputs and expressing something that needs more usually goes through a lot of awkward list manipulation. Even with two or fewer "real" inputs, you're still more or less working with that restriction at every level of structure, so it can take some gymnastics.
@DarrenSmith Even if it weren't lazy, I'd advise against matching dimensions without some exceptionally intelligent system for doing so. It could be REALLY unfortunate to have the behavior change dynamically when lengths are dynamic.
Though that does make me wonder about such a system--some kind of "this list has the same length as this list because it was derived by mapping over it" typing where the matching is purely based on relationships between them? Interesting to think about but still doesn't sound like a very good idea LMAO
@emanresuA Done.
damnit, caird
CMQ Do any languages have matrix inversion in GF2 as an existing function?
@UnrelatedString iogii would be pretty awkward for 6 distinct inputs too (or even >1 for that matter). I should add ability to take parsed args similarly to how nibbles does, but now am just targetting stdin for use at golf.shinh.org. Does parsing input need to count towards bytes on this site? Or can you pretend the code is a function and the inputs went before it? Like if the challenge was sum the input numbers the program would need to be }_ (readAll sum) or if it could just be _ (sum)?
@UnrelatedString Yeah I had thought about some sort of system where list length is pseudo determined at compile time and matches could be made that wouldn't be affected by coincidences. I guess for this language definitely want to keep it simple so would never dabble into that level of inference. I'm glad you share that hatred of length dependent behavior, I've been bitten by it with real code in Matlab before, so annoying.
Is there a place to try Iogii online yet..?
No :( it is easy to run locally though since it is a single ruby file. I'll port it to something that can compile to JS eventually though
...I miss Dennis
@DarrenSmith ruby2js.com
You'd mostly just need a way to swap out calls to STDIN to something you can prefill
Like a custom input function that changes where it reads STDIN depending on execution environment
Same thing for output
I'm under impression it isn't completely possible to transpile from ruby since not a static language, although maybe it would work for this code?
If they can run python in the web browser they can run ruby :p
(e.g. Pyodide [although that's a runtime engine not a transpiler] but also pyjamas [I think that's what one of the py2js converters are called])
Yeah runtime engine should work
These sort of transpilation tools tend to not be general enough to perfectly emulate the relevant code in JS, especially if the relevant language features are missing
Lyxal you've tried using transpilation tools for browser vyxal, it has not worked
Yeah because we do some bad practices in python
(You can probably WASM it if it'll run on CRuby)
Python to js isn't the best
The single file nature of iogii could be better suited to js conversion
But even with the best transpilers there'll be something lost in translation
Hmm yeah I should look into WASMing it
(^^) Not necessarily
Just run a Linux VM in Wasm, EZ
@emanresuA Scala.js is a pretty good translation
Because it's a full emulation of scala data structures and types in JS
So the best transpilers could do the same thing
But for ruby
Which seems to be a bit more than a translator
Opal seems to be somewhat like scala.js
Which is good
Okay yeah this does look better
I got the ruby.wasm thing to work, just need to wrap IO nicely, thanks!!
I think I'll pose it as a challenge tomorrow. It's pretty simple and it will be interesting to see what different languages can do
You sure do like your Matrix Math
@ATaco this month :) it all comes in fashions
There must be a library out there that has a function for it
Mathematica can probably do it
@ATaco i sadly joined right after dennis had left :(
@emanresuA Kotlin/JS (or Kotlin/WASM) go brr
don't let me down like this OneDrive
I need to be able to quickly access the scala knowledge reserves at all times
@Simd Sage
@DLosc that bad? :p
who am I kidding, of course it'd be that bad
construct a matrix with GF(2) as its element type, and invert it using ^(-1)
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