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Yeah, it's probably your best option. If you use it more than once or use something else from sys, you save bytes with from sys import*.
ok thanks
(though of course your best option is to take inputs some other way, but I assume you have to use command-line args)
yeah it uses command line args
@DLosc 🫂
@Ginger Why are only some pronouns broken?
I have no clue lmao
Oh I see
Redz has "pronouns:" in her bio, DLosc doesn't
Jacob and I also have "pronouns:" and are also fine
UnrelatedString also doesn't have it and also has broken pronouns
DLosc's pronouns work for me
Are you using Glorfindel's userscript or Ginger's?
Was there an update to the userscript that broke it or something?
Idk lemme check
Not an update to the userscript, but to one of the APIs Ginger's version calls
Trying to figure out which it is
Ginger's would have "Reloaded" in the name
Seems to be Glorfindel's yeah
It links to their github page in a comment
Why did Ginger make a version of the pronouns script in the first place?
Glorfindel's works fine for me
@noodleperson It uses outdated DOM APIs and doesn't work in all browsers
Does Ginger's use the same SE APIs but different DOM APIs? or different SE APIs too
same SE APIs, different DOM APIs, but also other third-party APIs. and it's this last one that broke
en.pronouns.page/api/pronouns started returning an empty JSON object recently
my attempt at fixing it did not in fact fix it
this will be a problem for tomorrow ginger
6 hours later…
@att cool! Thank you
A: Create a Pride Flag

Elias MårtensonKap - 62 bytes 58 characters gui:draw⊃⍪(1 0 0)(1 0.6 0)(1 1 0)(0 1 0)(0 0 1)(0.5 0 0.5) Try in the browser

@DLosc :)
new array lang just dropped
@emanresuA ?
@emanresuA really interesting how it rescales automatically
> new
Okay yeah the first commit is 2019
But this is like the second answer in it here so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
this one probably should be linked too then:
A: Create a Pride Flag

noodle personTinyAPL 0.9.0, 69 66 bytes (46 43 chars) ⎕DisplayImage 2÷⍨34⌿⍉◡⍉300⌿∧3‿6⍴3⊤373714568 Try it: TinyAPL REPL This is the first TinyAPL submission to CGCC! And, probably one of the first TinyAPL programs written by anyone other than RubenVerg, the language's creator :) Here's the resulting image: (o...

actually new array lang
Well yeah but I've known about tinyapl for a while, cool that it's functional enough now to be used here
would've never expected for someone to actually pick it up and do stuff with it
Alright, I'ma go make an absolutely awful fizzbuzz in it, see you in half an hour
@emanresuA I thought I had a Kap answer
maybe it was a cmc?
Probably, that and one older answer are the only two I can find that aren't referring to a user called "R. Kap"
uh does tinyapl have a modulo primitive
dyad |
Ah, "remainder", I can't read :p
@emanresuA kap? Fr fr?
Also, is jelly considered an array language?
(bridging a discussion from a couple of discord servers here)
Or rather, considered an array language given its use of ragged lists
@lyxal k
@emanresuA (@RubenVerg) oh my gosh it actually works
It took me far too long to figure out how to concatenate a list of boxed arrays (and the way I did it is cursed)
@emanresuA first catenate each reduce
I'll have a Join primitive soon though
Yeah I saw that
Also format would be nice, currently I have converting to base 10 and adding '0' to each digit
also soon(:
> ⍋100⌿1
I hope you were going for intentionally cursed here
also range would be nice
That is genuinely the shortest way I could think of to create a range from 1 to 100
If it works it works
TinyAPL 1 is IO 1
@emanresuA soon™
@RubenVerg Which primitive is that? I'm not particularly familiar with APLs
the one that looks like an iota
I think in the docs it's "index generator"
docs for range have an implementation if you want non-starting-with-1 ranges
while there's no primitive of course
monthly "please can we pretty please throw ARM into the sun" rant
3 hours later…
@Themoonisacheese :(
apparently the vscode python plugin can detect version-gated dead code
isn't it just that sys.version_info is a constant?
so the dead-code checker can easily detect that that if will never be true
ah, makes sense
i mean that's still a good thing to have
me and aiohttp's cookie system are having a Time
rydwolf is the Who's Typing server public? I'd like to integrate it in the dzaima/chat client for SE chat and wouldn't want to send 10000 malformed messages to the socket
i've been spending the day reading code-bowling qs and i'm having a blast
only slightly interrupted by arm's ineptitude in fullfilling contractual obligations
@RubenVerg it's not unless you're me but the protocol isn't very complicated
haven't read through the code yet
@Ginger apparently filter_cookies nukes a bunch of metadata that chat needs
so I guess I get to do it the hard way
@Ginger no, you're ginger and aiohttp's cookie system
@Redz code.golf/wiki/langs/python has a comment on that
A Vyxal interpreter can be made in just 1 byte!

In Vyxal, at least.
so can a bash interpreter in 5 bytes
that's not exactly groundbreaking
Jelly can interpret Python in 0 bytes :P
getting 500s when requesting for /ws-auth from the chat library
@Ginger would you happen to know why this happens?
(sorry for asking so much stuff about se chat)
@RubenVerg you're probably not providing the cookies it wants
@Bbrk24 Probably just caching's fault but I added it and it's still broken
the three important ones are acct (set by logging into QA), prov (set by logging into QA), and sechatusr (chat.stackexchange) / chatusr (chat.stackoverflow, chat.meta.stackexchange) (set by requesting a chat page with acct and prov set)
have all three
haven't even changed anything and it worked until like 15 minutes ago
your cookies might be expired
even if i remove all the cached cookies
idk then :p
make sure your cookies are correct, because 500s are caused by cookie issues (I think)
hmm, it's something i changed because rolling back to last commit works correctly
i... have no idea. i changed the code to something i thought'd be equivalent but clearly it wasn't
@Ginger sometimes when connecting to the socket i get events for my own messages and sometimes (more rarely) i don't; is there any way to control it?
@RubenVerg you should always get events for messages you sent (and any other action you triggered)
@RubenVerg can confirm this happens in my kotlin version too
it's a bit more sane now :p
still needs docs though
@Seggan have you found a workaround?
sending a message returns the message, i just store that sent message
does it always send the event for edits? because edits don't reply with the new message
which matters because you send markdown and you get back html
@Ginger anything i should know about or is it all UX stuff?
@RubenVerg uhhhhh
mostly UX stuff yeah :p
and I changed the login process slightly
2 hours later…
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

CrSb0001(For Sandbox) Notes/Possible concerns about this challenge I am planning on mentioning this in the actual question, however I would like to say that this is in fact based off of Iterated Prisoner's Trilemma by SIGSTACKFAULT. Sorry if it seems like I am directly copying from them. The main diffe...

@Ginger I don’t think you’ve released it yet
oh yeah
Latest release on GitHub is still 1.1.2
I'm doing a rolling release type thing
because every time something breaks I have to patch sechat, so no point making releases when I'm pretty much the only one using it
Idk why it thinks I want to reply to your message when I open up chat
I'm flattered
@att no, you're att
@lyxal which is in fact part of flattered
user image
checks out
@att "which" in "flattered" returns false for me
@lyxal Clearly this is meant to be which in flattered, where which is an element of the list, flattered
@lyxal your interpreter might be faulty
"flattered\0which" // <-- Tehe
this deserves a comic
citation needed
CMC: Show off your favourite toy language.
(Ideally that you wrote)
@lyxal Vyxal doesn't count
Vyxal without a number refers to v2
So v3 is fair game :p
That looks like Vyxal to me
Because it links all versions
If you've ever seen a vyxal answer here you'd see that numberless is 2, with the 3 is 3 :p
@ATaco other than that, I don't really find my old toy languages interesting tbh
I'm sure Vyxal is a great language to play with
But barrier to entry
@ATaco See, I'm immediately questioning the exact definitions of some of those words, because my answer's going to be different. What counts as a toy language? (If it's "not for practical use," that's all of my languages.) And do you want to see my overall favorite, or my favorite that hasn't gotten much attention on this site?
For the purposes, "language you toy with"
But if you've got a hidden gem, that's interesting too
Ok, so the one I think is most elegant is Bitcycle.
It has very few primitives and thus is quick to learn, but it's hard to master, due to being a 2D Turing tarpit. Writing a working program feels like an accomplishment, golfing it even more so, and it's great fun to just watch it run.
The "hidden gem" (more like "diamond so much in the rough that it hasn't left the mine yet") is FunStack, which puts a different twist on functional stack-based languages by keeping a stack of functions rather than a stack of values. It ends up feeling somewhat like a tacit language (and in fact it draws significant inspiration from BQN), even though its syntax is very different under the hood.
@ATaco Recipe, an assembly language to Chef
currently writing a C-like lang to Recipe
My personal fave toy language has been a language that compiles to a barely-existant bytecode that was designed to be easily runnable in Brainfuck
At some point I stopped supporting the Brainfuck portion though, so now it sort of just, exists.
@ATaco then none
I don't use my other 3 esolangs, so I can't say I toy with them
Expected to hear as much, Vyxal is just so high-profile
I've made some suggestions that got added to Uiua, does that count? :p
@ATaco my choices are Befunge-like but worse, Brainfuck-like but worse, basically-every-first-attempt-at-a-stacklang but worse, and large scale golflang :p
not much variety :p
basically-every-first-attempt-at-a-stacklang? Did you mean: RProgN
None of my esolangs are particularly high-effort but Positionally's neat I guess

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