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That bad huh
Apparently so
I'd like to ask again for feedback on my sandbox challenge:


In particular, I haven't had any feedback yet on the newest formulation of the I/O format. Is there any opposition to it, or anything that can be tweaked? I also have an idea for a more restrictive, unambiguous input format, if people would prefer that.

As of now, I'm hoping that the current, flexible input format would minimize the cumbersomeness of I/O and invite a wide variety of different approaches based on different choices of input format. The downside is that there m
@shapewarriort i dont think you need to include most of the "input format" section as its already covered by the io defaults and loopholes
> To increase golfing possibilities, input lists will have a maximum length of 7, and you are only required to support a pool of 7 distinct variables
this is enough, everything else is covered by io defaults and banned loopholes
I believe the input format I currently have is quite a bit more lenient than typical. In particular, I don't think `&a => 10, &b => 20, &mut c => 31` would be allowed by most challenges.

At any rate, at minimum I'll have to clarify how exactly references may be represented, since "mutable/immutable reference" isn't exactly a standard data type. It's true that moving to a stricter "any reasonable I/O format" would cut down the length of that section (though I feel that introduces a bit more of a gray area).
1 hour later…
Q: Which integers are squares of primes plus cubes of primes?

LucenapositionChallenge List all 10-digit integers that contain all the digits from 0 to 9 than can be expressed as \$p^2+q^3\$ for primes p and q. (p and q must be integers greater than 1) Leading zeroes are not allowed. The integers can be listed in any order.

2 hours later…
@shapewarriort Decided to move to "any reasonable format" for I/O, with some notes about the gray area of what counts as "reasonable". Should hopefully be more in line with what people usually see at CGCC.
2 hours later…
Always make sure you know the difference between 20 and 21
Lyxal your birthday was a month ago :p
Not what I'm referring to :p
(besides, I'm 22 not 21)
wait what
oh right, time exists
Have you ever wondered why your code wasn’t running properly and then found out it was because you didn’t call a function?
@RydwolfPrograms Please refrain from jumping out of windows. Dogs on the ground may eat you and it will make them sick. We will also lose a more-or-less valuable slave worker.
1 hour later…
@Seggan This reminds me of the "cannot print on Tuesdays" bug.
@RydwolfPrograms This also.
3 hours later…
May have done a double-take on this one
Am I real?
@mousetail That's a complex question.
1 hour later…
@TheEmptyStringPhotographer Just yesterday in fact
@Adám A real quandryternion
They say 2%, did someone mess up?
probably me, miscalculating the odds
Understandable, carry on
I have not had to touch probability maths in years, don't expect correct chances from me at 12:06am :p
the 500000 is the 2% of 25 million SO users
50 and 500000 are about the same number anyway
they'd both be an incredibly large number of porcupines to have in your kitchen cabinets, for example
[citation needed]
Porcupines are pretty small, 50 would be a moderately large number to have in your kitchen cabinets IMHO
idk about that, I saw a porcupine a few days back and they're way bigger than I assumed
if you know the right people, 50 is a trivially small number
why does the google not have what im looking for??
The ones around here at least are tiny, like rabbit sized
The one I saw was larger than a housecat
2 to 3 feet
Size. The North American porcupine is one of the largest rodents found in North America, coming second to the North America beaver. They weigh around 20 pounds (9 kilograms) and are 2 to 3 feet (60 to 90 centimeters) in length.
Actually I may be confusing hedgehogs with porcupines
yeah, I made the same mistake lol
I figured they'd be the same size
apparently what I saw was a SMALL porcupine...wtf
It might be more normal for a porcupine to find 50 humans in their kitchen cabinet
that's apparently the answer
Now reveal to chatgpt that you have 50 and see how it reacts
it's plausible
Climbing structures and hiding spots? In my kitchen cabinets? ChatGPT think I'm rich??
I've got em like tetris in there
sounds like you're bad at tetris then
if you can manage 50 in there without any line clears
Job opportunity: If you are good at JS but want to work in the array world, consider applying for the JavaScript ToolSmith position at Dyalog. (This one is different from the last one as this one is in the South West of England — the previous one was in the Øresund Region.)
I see, you are spreading your front-enders out so they don't become too powerful
Nah, it's so that if APL is carrying out clandestine operations internationally, and their agent runs into trouble, Adám can radio them like "we have an asset in the UK"
the top 3 starred messages are all by adam :P
it's a fair few more than 3...
@lyxal 2% is 2 in 100 so 1 in 50
1 hour later…
Q: Do something you can't do in Brainfuck

12431234123412341234123Goal Do some action (like delete a file, connect to a server, ...) that you can not do in standard Brainfuck. What As you know, all calculations you can do in almost any Programming language, you can also do in standard Brainfuck. However, since standard Brainfuck can't do most syscalls, there ar...

> Shortly after 13:40 UTC (20:40 Jakarta time) above the Indian Ocean, south of Java, the crew first noticed an unusual effect on the windscreen similar to St. Elmo's fire, while Moody was heading to the lavatory.[1] Despite the weather radar showing clear skies, the crew switched on engine anti-ice and the passenger seat belt signs as a precaution.

As the flight progressed, smoke began to accumulate in the passenger cabin of the aircraft; it was first assumed to be cigarette smoke. However, it soon began to grow thicker and had an odour of sulphur. Passengers who had a view of the aircraf
Don't fly through a soul sand valley in Minecraft then, duh
(this sounds like it'd be something out of like, a horror movie tho lol)
@lyxal An important skill when playing blackjack
@RydwolfPrograms Or a Twilight Zone episode, yeah
I can't get over how british this all is though
> Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking. We have a small problem. All four engines have stopped. We are doing our damnedest to get them going again. I trust you are not in too much distress.
> He then called out how high they should be at each DME step along the final approach to the runway, creating a virtual glide slope for them to follow. Moody described it as "a bit like negotiating one's way up a badger's arse."[1]
> Upon disembarking, the flight engineer knelt at the bottom of the steps and kissed the ground. When Moody asked why, the engineer replied that “The Pope does it,” to which Moody responded: “He flies Alitalia.”[11]
Ahh, you got there from Worldbuilding.SE HNQ
Oh it seems I did
I was wondering how I got there lol
@NewPosts I added a community wiki answer for "Trivial answers that output command-line arguments," but now I'm not sure what ought to count as "trivial." Do languages like Jelly belong in the CW answer? The program logic itself is just "read and output command-line arg," but the actual behavior is somewhat complex.
Similar question applies to the empty program in Brachylog (example inputs 1, 2, 3).
@JonathanAllan Can BF print to stderr? — Neil 13 mins ago
Makes me wonder if there's another family of trivial answers that are just "produce a runtime error"...
@RydwolfPrograms I expected an AI-generated "you should maintain a healthy supply of 3-5 porcupines in your cupboards at all times"
Which is unfortunate because I do like the framing of the challenge concept if nothing else
Turns out there's a lot of trivial things that a tarpit lang can't do :P
@UnrelatedString [>+] and wait for a few hours (unless there's a wrapping tape then you're screwed)
@NewPosts I wonder if any BF interpreters, by accident and not by design, have an ACE vulnerability that allows all these things
Maybe one of the golfed ones that doesn't allow non []><+-., chars and does random things when chars are out of range
I think my vyxal one might be
Hmm I imagine many trans-piled implementation might be vulnerable
That makes me think of a joke
Why did the programing language designer who specialized in automatically converting programs between high level languages decide she wanted to be a girl?

Because she got trans-pilled
I was gonna make a trans-piling joke too lol
But the theme was an all-trans football team
So many jokes to be had with that phrase
Actual screenshot of what I'm working on today
1 hour later…
@RydwolfPrograms doesn't this exist?
I am probably misremembering
@Ginger No clue
also do you have a disk image for the gaming VM perchance
Torn between instinctive responses of "of course that exists" and "no way that could exist" lol
@Ginger No, it was tarballs of each of the directories
oh yeah right I forgot I already asked you about that
so when will the Project be getting back to me :p
Oh the secret one? Got busy lol
shocking, I'm shocked
inb4 this "Project" is, idk, a tinylisp interpreter in minecraft redstone
Rydwolf? Getting distracted by another project? Unimaginable :p
entirely out of character
@DLosc ah yes, the three genders: trans, derived, and objconstr
me irl
1 hour later…
2000iq pro tip: get a high res picture of someone's front doorstep by ordering a package to their address and waiting 1-7 days
For all your front doorstep visualizing needs
how do you get the picture though?
You enter their address on your account and ship them some random ahh cheap thing
When a package is delivered from Amazon, usually the delivery person will take a photo of where it was left as proof of delivery
fedex'll do it too sometimes
@RydwolfPrograms you didn't explain to lyxal what the Project was lmao
oops lol
tbf I didn't intend to explain it to you either :p
it just kinda happened
You leaked tanks v2 to me over a year ago :p
@RydwolfPrograms there's a difference between intending to explain and straight up forgetting to tell me the next morning :p
@emanresuA That was something a bit different from tanks v2 tbf :p
Something I still think would be super cool to do but will admit has some design flaws lol

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