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12:21 AM
Final call for feedback on my sandbox challenge:


I'm planning to post it in about 24 hours if nobody points out anything that needs to be changed.

Most recent edit (20 hours ago) was changing the I/O format to "any reasonable format", with an extra paragraph on the gray area of what counts as "reasonable".
12:42 AM
Q: Make a GCSE student's error work

TKDKid1000A GCSE computer science student recently made this hilarious blunder on their exam and posted it online. Now, you must make it work: day = "Monday" x = day.length print(x) To which they said the output was: 24 hours. Now, we all know that this is incorrect, but to validate this random student, t...

@RydwolfPrograms replace "rydwolf" with "a programmer"
that...wasn't teasing
yeah but The Project has been referenced twice already and i really wanna know what it is :P
your guess is as good as mine
@Seggan that was meant as a joke, i apologize if it is received as anything else
1:03 AM
@NewPosts as this'll probably be closed, here's the Vyxal 3 way:
extension L given a as str does "24 hours" end
"Monday" :=day
$day len :=x
$x println
@RydwolfPrograms Oh right Project X
(I can be enigmatic too)
That's an actual thing? Neat
if you want it more OOP:
record String => :=value end
extension length given
  s as String
  "24 hours"
"Monday" `String` :=day
$day $@length :=x
$x println
defines a String record, adds a length extension method and calls that length as if it were an actual method
@emanresuA custom elements/modifiers, records (lightweight OOP) and extension methods (type specific overload definitions) are all cool features of vyxal 3
1:28 AM
2:18 AM
i'm having a premature optimization attack
it's bad
I've spent hours and it involves threads
3:00 AM
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

AlephSquirrelShift right by half a trit This is inspired by Shift right by half a bit, but it's a little different. Task Implement a function f that takes a non-negative integer and returns a non-negative integer. It must have the following properties: It is non-decreasing (if a < b, then f(a) ≤ f(b)) For an...

3:28 AM
Why most keyboards don't just give each key a wire? Are chip pins expensive?
Ugh Instagram keeps blocking my post descriptions, so they're just inages
I'm TRYING to run an ARG here, instagram
I guess the same vaguely spooky image being posted 2 times then deleted seconds later does still give the right vibes but...annoying
Okay it seems if you just edit the description after posting you can make it say whatever you want...brilliant
4:31 AM
just used a match statement in python for the first time
it feels so strange
2 hours later…
6:26 AM
Wait I used a Python feature before you did?
I used match statements a ton when I was working on my project at Dell since our robot's Pi ran Python 3.10 lol
or 3.11 or whateevr
6:54 AM
Can't use them in Vyxal 2 because pythonanywhere only goes up to python 3.9 iirc
Vyxal 3 is written in scala, where match statements are used extensively :p
So I've never needed to use them in python before
7:34 AM
CMC Super-Lunh. Talke a list of digits, then number them so the last is 1, second last is 2 etc. For each number, find the biggest X in the form (5^n)*(2*m) that divies the index. Multiply each digit by X then output the sum of the digits of all numbers
@l4m2 I imagine it would get very messy very quickly, but IDK.
7:55 AM
Hmmm seems 7 also works, but 3 and any multiples of it do not
TIL: Singapore has both a president and a prime minister
@TheEmptyStringPhotographer As does every parlementary democracy without a king or queen
8:15 AM
@TheEmptyStringPhotographer Isn’t that the case for loads of countries?
@mousetail NZ exists (and I don't think we officially recognise any british monarchs anymore)
... Never mind we do (and there's also the māori kīngitanga movement which is its own thing)
8:35 AM
So Australia and NZ still have Charles as king? What about Canada?
The parlementary democratic system is superior to the presidential in almost every way but the way it has a president who has no real function is a weired oddity. It makes sense if there is a monarch but otherwise they don't do much
Also I find it funny that practically every commonwealth country has a "monarchists league"
Why don’t they guillotine Charles like us? Simple solution
Hallo guys.
The Commonwealth is really messy.
@Fatalize You're American?
8:39 AM
@The_AH french
(Or Indian perhaps?)
@Fatalize cool.
India has a president instead of a monarch but is still part of the commonwealth
@emanresuA A Governor-General represents them. They have the power to veto laws in the country too actually. They have only used it really few times.
@mousetail Yeah.
Can’t imagine that the UK’s king could realistically veto anything in NZ anymore
The position of governor-general is a weird one but yes they do have genuine power
8:41 AM
They would get rid of monarchy the instant he tried
They don't.
But still it's stupid.
Republican all the way.
Canada must be free.
I mean nobody really cares.
But yeah.
@Fatalize I don't remember them vetoing anything in NZ.
But they can theoretically.
@Fatalize Yes.
@emanresuA Republican league too.
3 hours later…
11:46 AM
Some people say values with primitive types, such as integers, aren't destroyed.
I'd say on the contrary though. They are destroyed by retracting the stack pointer.
3 hours later…
2:35 PM
@Fatalize Is it?
In UK we only have a Prime Minister
@RydwolfPrograms VM is down
2:57 PM
@TheEmptyStringPhotographer In the UK the king performs the function of the president
The president as a role was invented as someone who could perform the functions of a monarch in countries where they didn't want a monarch
3:24 PM
23 page floor plan of my high school acquired :o
@Ginger mb, extended power outage last night
3:38 PM
@RydwolfPrograms waow (nice message id)
3:52 PM
@DannyuNDos they are deallocated but not destroyed
4:26 PM
There is a coffee stack exchange ?!
2 hours later…
6:09 PM
Q: Does ImageService imageService = new ImageServiceS3() confirms to "program to interfaces not implementation" principle

RahulSuppose we have an ImageService interface and a class ImageServiceS3 which implements ImageService interface. Now there is another class UserController like this public class UserController { private ImageService imageService; UserController(ImageService imageService){ this.image...

@Ginger Can you check if the VM's online?
I believe it is but the networking stuff is a huge mess
6:46 PM
Q: Why would sperm cells derived from women's stem cells always produce female children?

DmytLore Background The Scientocractic Hivemind has defied the heavenly balance of the Equilibrium Hivemind, realizing that its transcendental nature makes this an inevitability. Determined to upend the Equilibrium Hivemind's imposed 10 Gaianic Systems so that it can attempt to break through Rank 5, ...

This is the first time in a while I've downvoted something for lack of research effort
7:13 PM
Newww weeebsittee up.
Old account lost to 2FA.
7:38 PM
@RydwolfPrograms yep
@DLosc There is de la Chapelle syndrome, but that's obscure enough that I somehow doubt they would have been thinking of how to avoid that while completely forgetting to mention it in the question body
Yes, that was brought up in the comments-converted-to-chat under the answer.
Plus XX males are technically intersex even if they can go their whole lives without finding out, so not exactly what you think of when you just say "male", even though that's also clearly "not female"
@DLosc lol
Also swyer syndrome iirc
Isn't that the other way around
7:44 PM
I think so?
Yeah Swyer syndrome is XY female
Sex chromosomes are so cool
Biological sex is really bloody complicated
I sometimes feel bad for TERF-types. They're missing out on so much cool science lol
7:49 PM
@RydwolfPrograms true actually
IIRC there's even some evidence that gender actually is largely rooted in biological sex, or rather exists as one dimension of it, and trans people more or less happen when (parts of) the fetal brain and the rest of the body don't masculinize the same amount
But don't quote me on that
I feel like I read a post at some point by a biology teacher who said she stopped doing karyotypes of students in her class as a lesson because several guys freaked out after learning they were intersex
Yeah I heard about that too LMAO
^, heard about that
Like "it's just not the time to find that out"
7:51 PM
Personally I don't see the issue with having too many sex chromosomes. I'd just be like "guys I have so much more sex than y'all"
Further complicated by the way that we treat gender socially - e.g. cats don't distinguish between male/female outside of mating
(or at least, don't to the same level that we do)
Also the whole colonialism side of things. Tons of cultures don't distinguish between two genders at all like we do
There is a lot of evidence that western culture set back research in gender studies back tens, if not hundreds of years
(oh also nazis)
Yeah I was about to say lol
7:54 PM
Can't forget those guys
Literally burning decades of cutting edge research is a pretty solid piece of evidence for that hypothesis lol
We went this long without invoking godwin's law
"But guess who else hated trans people? The Nazis! Are you a Nazi too??"
I love when they make it easy by just literally letting people who self-identify as Nazis associate with them (e.g.: whoever the fuck her name is)
(there are like six different people you could be referring to there)
7:58 PM
I'm guessing he means the one with initials that look similar to "ikr"
Yeah I know, I was getting retroactive interference from the one I was thinking of having a similar name to my cat lmfao
@emanresuA :3c
I absolutely love when they try to claim terms like "terf" or "cis" are slurs
"cis"/"trans" are literally terms in organic chemistry
8:03 PM
The whole Elon Musk cis slur thing was absolutely amazing
They wanna be marginalized so bad
Who is it that likes whining about "Oppression Olympics" again
@RydwolfPrograms that was like one of the least surprising things to come out of 2023
8:19 PM
elon musk saying "i'm not cis, you are" is really funny (if you ignore all of the many not funny things about him including him interfering with the election to try to get trump to win illegitimately)
Yeah I don't think anyone saw that one coming
Genuinely beyond parody LMAO
elon really tryna steal people's transness
bro wants it all for himself
also, tanks is going well, still trying to get the server programmed
gonna do some client-side work today (mainly collisions) to give myself a break
8:36 PM
Idk how hard you want to go on the anticheat but that's probably going to need to be duplicated server-side
(context: california introducing a law that stops schools from telling childrens' parents that their child is queer/trans)
@emanresuA it will yeah
How can I upload an image?
To chat?
There's an upload button by "send" on desktop
On mobile you'll need to switch to desktop temporarily
@RydwolfPrograms ah ok. I am on a mobile phone
I want to ask a challenge to reproduce the mamba banner
Any thoughts?
CMC reproduce the ASCII mamba banner
@hyper-neutrino wait what
happy for her
ah it's not new unlucky
9:14 PM
CMP: For Tanks, would you prefer W/S to be forward and backward and A/D to be turning, like in the old game (but with turning and moving at the same time allowed now), or classic WASD controls?
Pros of the former: more room for customization (e.g., separate turn speed stat), more like how a tank/vehicle actually controls
Pros of the latter: more familiar controls, knockback would be less strange looking
Non-turning controls would definitely make it a different game
Whether that's good or bad is up to you
I'll think about it ig
Here's a sample of the customization options you'll have in tanks v2:
- Armor (same as before, just changes your total hit points)
- Crushing/collision damage (damages tanks which you collide with)
- Shield (gives you 2 seconds of immunity the first time you take damage)
- Scope (changes size of visible field)
- Accuracy (ranges from huge bullet spread to perfect precision)
- Multiple turret types: fixed turret is immovable but frees up tons of money for other upgrades; double turret fires in two directions at once
9:37 PM
@RydwolfPrograms former
@RydwolfPrograms Unpopular opinion: W/S forward and back, Q/E turning
Would A/D do anything?
Rebinding isn't that hard to implement
I guess not
The controls are remappable so if you want Q/E for turning and A/D mapped to other stuff that'll be possible
9:46 PM
And yeah for tanks I'd prefer turning not horizontal movement
@RydwolfPrograms :+1:
Do I remember correctly that the tank and the turret turn independently of one another, tho?
The turret's mouse-controlled
Ah, right
Should the tanks have accel/decel, or immediately start/stop moving?
Minimal accel/decel IMO
Like, yes have it but you should be able to accelerate to full speed in <1s (maybe more if you explicitly choose certain factors)
9:54 PM
Okay but hear me out: Tankyo Drift
Ooh maybe I could make accel time a low-cost stat, so you if you wanted the ice boat experience, you could save $10 or so to put toward more speed or damage or something
10:23 PM
is this tank trouble
I broke the system (do bounties just not count towards the repcap anymore?)
I thought they never did?
I guess so :p
Don't know why I thought that
10:44 PM
Also, when you give a bounty, the system just stops giving you the green +rep indicator till you've made up the rep you spent. I'm not sure exactly what the logic is--it seems like it combines rep spent/gained across all StackExchange sites, because I think I can remember getting upvotes somewhere other than CGCC and not seeing a notification for them.
Aaand what I just wrote is probably wrong, because I just got a +10 notification despite having set a 500-point bounty a few hours ago. :P

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