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@Ginger iirc because they want you to know where there's a potential NPE
Since kotlins philosophy is to get rid of NPEs and !! goes against that
@emanresuA what
Where is this code
It's never called but aparently things break if you just return null
@Seggan In Swift it triggers a full-on SIGILL and it’s only one !
3 hours later…
@UnrelatedString I'm going to have to for the Air Force, and also since I'm trying to fit two degrees into eight semesters (one of which will be in Washington), I figure it'll pay to have a plan so I don't end up with a missing degree requirement and a missing prereq and not enough time for both
Been reading through AFROTC stuff on Reddit and various blogs and it seems like getting a pilot slot may actually be doable
@Ginger probably a kpop reference
2 hours later…
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

l4m2Given an integer \$n\$. Connect all pairs of points on \$\mathbb Z^2\$ whose distance is \$\sqrt n\$. Count how many connected sets remain. In case that infinite sets exist, return something not a positive integer. (0 used below) Test cases 1 => 1 2 => 2 3 => 0 4 => 4 5 => 1 25 => 1

5 hours later…
Have we had a challenge to give the smallest dfa for a set of strings?
I'm pretty sure there has been a regex challenge at least
Any objections to me posting codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/a/26432/106545 as-is?
@Bbrk24 not that i will attempt it (bash would suck for this) but a pseudocode or python ungolfed example would help understand exactly what's expected
Fair enough, I can try to write one myself
as far as the limit, i don't think it matters much if you set one. languages that have limits either can do it or can't (but can still compete as if their types didn't have the limit) but either way it doesn't really matter
@RydwolfPrograms Still impressive
@Themoonisacheese I have an ungolfed sample implementation but the TIO link is too long for chat
i guess just put the code in a code block in the submission?
i am by no means an authority
It's fairly long so I put a TIO link in the sandbox post
that's much clearer, though i don't expect this will be easy
Q: Automatic Pikmin Count

Bbrk24Inspired by the feature in Pikmin 4. In Pikmin 4, you can have up to eight types of pikmin in an onion and up to three types of pikmin outside the onion. Each area recommends three types of pikmin to bring. The onion's interface has an "auto" button which selects pikmin in the following fashion: ...

@lyxal I see neither a Staff nor a Moderator badge on that account. I am roughly 1500 km from California.
Hm, actually looks like it's closer to 2000 km
@RydwolfPrograms Not too far by global standards, but in your part of the country "a couple states away" is a much longer distance than in most parts of the country. :P
@lyxal no, east coast US
@lyxal im roughly 2000 miles from California and i dont see no badges (also east coast)
@hyper-neutrino ...Okay I already kinda suspected this, but a friend sent me some reading, and yeah no it's just gender dysphoria that I've rationalized the fuck out of LMAO
Still hug emoji worthy, granted
@UnrelatedString h u h well interesting — i'll also take a look at that lol
Figured that finiding that out about M was a good excuse as any to unfreeze JHT, even for a bit :P
o.o lol what (also nice, JHT unfrozen, we're so back)
On the one hand, M has rational support
On the other hand, M is so out of date
yep :pensive:
I just wanna use ƒ dammit D:
Wait, actually, my fork is only one of the new online interpreter sites IIRC, and I think I added rational support to that
Uhhh, @emanresuA DSO seems to just not work with integer arguments, which kinda breaks Jelly
@cairdcoinheringaahing Never change M, never change
Change M Jelly, change
@hyper-neutrino It doesn't directly cover that kind of thing, but it still helped me recognize some of my experiences in general, and there are some sections that touch on that kind of interplay between personal feelings and cultural generalizations, in particular the second half of the "sexual dysphoria" chapter
@lyxal isn't today your birthday?
@UnrelatedString i see i see. well i'm glad it helped you recognize and figure out some things, i don't remember if this is one of the things i've already read but it doesn't look too familiar so i'll remember to take a look sometime
It might be too basic/obvious for you at this point in your journey since the friend who sent it to me said it was helpful for her "early on", but there's still some cool anecdotal stuff you might benefit from
I feel SO called out by some of the tweets in the right margin lmao
If oracle for NP problem is found, will people simply introduce the oracle into encryption and make decryption ∑2P, or suspect that PH oracle exist and stop relying on computing-difficulty encryption?
Probably a mix of both :P
@hyper-neutrino And just as an interesting aside, when I started reading it I'd already started realizing that I have a way healthier relationship with men/maleness/masculinity now that I've given myself a few days to honestly view myself as outside it all
I get to actually think about it without those thoughts being entangled in the premise of my automatic inclusion/participation
@cairdcoinheringaahing It's array input
[5, 3] not "5 3"
Just for Jelly, tho, not for other languages
Pip has a builtin argparser iirc
Whereas jelly uses command-line args and I never bothered setting anything up
Ah, so Pip is the exception
@RydwolfPrograms ...huh???
in The Sand Trap, Feb 15 at 16:33, by Unrelated String
@RydwolfPrograms this reads like you're asking to be mercy killed for listening to k-pop
If I had to guess... maybe there's a lyric that says "bang bang"...?
@RydwolfPrograms You're a month late lol
@Ginger I've been thinking, and... don't second-guess yourself by thinking you're second-guessing yourself!
Doing some other readings, and realizing that as much as I can vibe with enbies and appreciate it when non-binary experiences are acknowledged/validated/accommodated, I suddenly really hate the idea of actually being non-binary myself.
@emanresuA Or eleven months early :P
I originally started only questioning by entertaining non-binary identities because I could only identify that I didn't entirely want to be male but I also didn't feel comfortable considering anything as *big* as jumping all the way to the other end, and from that perspective they were obviously appealing even if I never felt comfortable really adopting one. When I first started actually having an open mind to being transfem like 10 days ago, I still felt like I could totally entertain non-binary identities as compatible with what I'd identified about vague preferences for presentation and
@UnrelatedString Was skimming and only read "hate ... non-binary" and wondered for a second what you have against bases other than 2
So the point is, if you've been serious about this for this long and you still feel like you aren't confident in "going all the way", the simplest explanation is that that says more about who you are than how you think :P
@user LMAO
Also congrats on finding yourself
Just switched my chat pronouns to plain unadulterated she/her right before I started writing that lmao
Ah I was wondering, last ones I remembered seeing were he/she/they or something
sorry to interrupt your discussion but
Yeah it still says she/he/they with the userscript for me
Fixed on a refresh though
@Seggan Hasn't it had that for like a week
@Seggan Has for a couple weeks now
though I think it was a gradual rollout, my laptop got it before my phone did for example
well i just learned about it (ie it notified me about it)
@RydwolfPrograms month and a day late :p
@Seggan HELL YEAH (I also just learned about it)
imo it has too much contrast
Also light mode Wikipedia is just so classy
something like darcula would be nice
@UnrelatedString agreed lol
It's cultural heritage
People often prefer the old theme unless the old theme is really awful
I prefer websites letting me browse the website without putting popups in my face about their new dark theme =P
@UnrelatedString I've recently had a newfound interest in fashion and clothes, after like, 6 years of my wardrobe looking like jeans + block color t-shirts, and it's done weird things to my own image of my gender :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing This is literally where I started
Like I always knew I didn't "feel like a man" even when I believed some absolutely insane things about inherent sex differences
It's still much more masc than fem, because I like that at the moment, but being able to just go, "I like this and it looks good on me" without any hangups in stores did wonders
But I only started actually cracking after a couple months of thinking about fashion culminated in me setting an hour aside to borrow some of my sister's clothes before she came back from a vacation (which I still feel guilty about doing without permission but what's done is done)
Tbh, buying nail varnish other than the super cheap, £2 bottle of pinkish-purple, and actually putting time, effort and care into what my hands look like has been another thing
I’m still too scared to dress more femininely in public
I feel like caring for my hands is never going to happen LMAO
Too much autistic sensory stuff
@UnrelatedString Yeah, I always felt so uncomfortable with the idea of "stealing" clothers from my mom/sister that I always just bought my own more fem coded stuff :P
I wash them so frequently but hate putting lotion on my palms/fingertips
And even kinda-long nails feel unpleasant to work around
@cairdcoinheringaahing Nice lmao
Yes! I hate the oily feeling that lotion leaves
For a couple days I started realllllly looking forward to when I get my driver's license so I can drive to the mall alone and try stuff on
But now I'm more thinking "I'm probably going to just come out within the next week or two"
@Bbrk24 PREACH
It's awful on its own and even worse if I touch anything at all with it
@UnrelatedString I was recently at a fair/festival with a friend and found a stall selling "gothic" jewelry, and saw a bunch of rings I liked the look of. Been wanting to get a properly sized ring for years, cause every one I've had before has been too big/small, and got a nice, simple black metal ring for my left middle finger. Since then, I painted my nails on my left hand with my middle finger (with the ring) being black and the other 4 being this lovely dark navy blue
Accessories have been really on my mind fashion wise lately
I don’t like most forms of jewelry for sensory reasons
When I was a kid I hated lotion in general because I was only ever taught to apply it using my fingers/palms, but then I started warming up to it some time in the winter in middle school--the backs of my hands got so dry and cracked that I bit the bullet and started pumping directly onto there
@Bbrk24 I actually really like my beard tbh, which makes it more difficult to build up the confidence to dress properly fem, rather than "masc + a few fem highlights"
And there's also a weird dry spot on one of my elbows that I started putting lotion on only after I'd realized I can use the backs of my hands for lotion instead of the fronts
@cairdcoinheringaahing Mmm, yeah that does sound tricky.
@cairdcoinheringaahing Yeah I shave my face daily
@UnrelatedString Dry hands are the worst. Mine used to only get dry & cracked in the winter but now it's a year-round thing.
Have you considered using some kind of mask to hide the beard for fem outfits while still keeping it available to reveal for masc/default outfits? Definitely not a perfect solution but it might still be fun if nothing else
@DLosc Yep 🙃
@UnrelatedString It's a long beard, it pokes out from under masks :P
Same with lip balm actually
@cairdcoinheringaahing 🙃
It does make it very funny when I was LARPing and my character was a woman :P
Well, that's cool in and of itself at least
@UnrelatedString Yeah, I mean, I do like it. I don't get dysphoric about it, I trim it regularly and all that. It just means that, especially in TERF island, it can be difficult to even code my outfits as fem
yeah I live on the same street as a bunch of MAGA types
Now I'm just remembering the neckbeard I had in middle school--I absolutely REFUSED to trim it until I got sick enough of how itchy it was that I finally acquiesced to shave it all off
@Bbrk24 🫂
I may have spent the last 10 years with one, and I am moving soon, but at least for the time being my neighbors do have a giant pride flag right outside my bedroom window :P
I'm lucky, in that despite living in an awful country for trans/queer people, the city I go to uni in is amazing for us
Yeah I'm honestly not surprised the UK would have a lot of havens like that
@UnrelatedString Come to think of it the next door neighbor before I escaped also had a pride flag up and I'm almost surprised how few times my dad complained about it (I can probably count them on one hand)
@UnrelatedString !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! congratulations!!!
also nice message ID
drops another nickel into a 55-gallon drum in the corner
(you may want to update your main site pronouns btw)
@Seggan (and @noodleperson and @DLosc) noted. It seems that the issue has resolved itself as the user in question no longer being a staff/dev
@Ginger Oh yeah thanks
I just kinda did the chat pronouns on a whim because of the message but yeahhhh
and discord
markdown failure, laugh at this user
I set myself a reminder to "commit" (the actual text of the reminder is literally just the 🏳️‍⚧️ flag lol) for this Friday but there is... very little left of the doubt I was thinking I'd need to digest for longer
our ranks grow by the day
come on
now i have to do another mini comic
referring to the previous markdown failure :P
Still going to wait on Discord since I don't want to keep going through a ton of servers to individually set server pronouns and I don't quiiiite feel up to coming out IRL right now so I don't want my sister accidentally noticing
@Seggan I don't get it :p
But in places I've already manually set it or done pronoun roles, yeah
am happy for you :3
@Seggan ah yes right
@UnrelatedString Dw, I'll just use 11 powers to nuke it into your account :P
Assigned Trans At Eleven
I went to write "the point of the course" in some uni notes and had to resist the temptation to write "the point of the mask"

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