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Sandbox posts last active a week ago: (untitled)
2 hours later…
@Ginger Bad news
My best guess is the new mobo's BIOS version is too old to support my CPUs
Which means I need to buy a cheap old CPU to swap in, and use that to update the BIOS
It's literally $1.98 for the CPU and the shipping (which is actually insane) but it'll be up to a week before I can get it in
2 hours later…
Am I too sleep deprived to be playing word games...I think I just hallucinated the existence of a whole word
"Frivy", meaning roughly "eager" or "desiring [to do something]". E.g., "I'm frivy to go to the soccer game tonight" or "You seem pretty frivy on CUDA but CPU might be faster for this dataset"
Am I slightly modifying an existing word or did I full on invent a word and fully convince myself of its meaning
This is fucking with my head so much because it FEELS like a word that's right on the tip of my head
Oh god now my autocorrect is gaslit into believing it's a word too
I'm frivy to see how this turns out
...I legit just tried to guess the word frivy again
doesn't ring any bells but i can maybe see how it's some confusing of, like
fired, fixin, ready, fixated
no idea where the v would be from though
like for the whole rhyme all i can think of is privy and divvy but neither of those are related
@RydwolfPrograms I think "privy" might be the real word you are thinking of
@UnrelatedString works every time
The fbi never suspects a thing...in minecraft
I feel like this is very CGCC humor
How to tell 5 from φ when speaking
the "-ve"
2 hours later…
@l4m2 they sound nothing alike how do you confuse /faɪv/ with /fiː/
@UnrelatedString I also can't work out when they say university and when college and when school in the US
2 hours later…
@RydwolfPrograms D:
4 hours later…
does anybody know if Netlify's monthly bandwidth available also counts sites not hosted on Netlify but routed thought the Netlify DNS? because I just got a notification that I hit 50% of my available bandwidth for this month but it seems really weird because the only site I host there is empty
@RubenVerg You mean CDN?
2 hours later…
@pxeger \o/
@RydwolfPrograms I think you invented it, but it seems like a cromulent word to me
@RubenVerg Some people who don't know Greek pronounce the letter as /faɪ/ instead of /fiː/
@Simd As an American who went to college at a university... same, tbh
Boston College (BC) is a private Jesuit research university in Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts. Founded in 1863, the university has more than 15,000 total students. Although Boston College is classified as a research university, it still uses the word "college" in its name to reflect its historical position as a small liberal arts college. The university offers bachelor's degrees, master's degrees, and doctoral degrees through its eight colleges and schools. Its main campus is a historic district and features some of the earliest examples of collegiate gothic architecture in North America. In...
@UnrelatedString I wonder it there's ever been a case in court that involved the "in Minecraft" qualifier :p
"The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed... in Minecraft."
1 hour later…
@RubenVerg Here in the US, people often leave out the v when saying 5
Is anyone else annoyed by the fact that weeks are 7 days long? If you want to do something around once every 7 days, that's fine, you can set an alarm to go off every Sunday or whatever. But if you want to do something more frequently (say, twice a week), you need to either set an alarm to go off once every four days (so it's on different days every week) or set it to go off on, say, Sunday and Wednesday, so it's 3 days, then 4 days, then 3 days again
I wish we could do what TGIF does and make every day the same day of week (preferably Saturday or Sunday rather than Friday)
CMP: 1 day weeks?
Whoa I just got hit by a wave of nostalgia from SQL
I hope you don't mean the programming language
What else would I mean :p
I learned/used it in 6th grade and having to look at SQL code again with prepared statements and the goofy update/delete syntax took me right back :p
@mousetail no, the Netlify DNS service
@RydwolfPrograms I need UI input
how should the new Tragic Wormhole indicate that an image contains files that can't be downloaded for whatever reason? here's how the UI looks now:
(reasons could include: the CRC is wrong, the metadata indicates an unsupported version, etc)
I'd just do an un-bolded <p> under the buttons (if any)/bolded text, saying a file couldn't be downloaded, with an error message
a file couldn' :(
So like, "file 2 could not be downloaded: invalid CRC"
ighto, one sec
Maybe "extracted" or "processed" in place of "downloaded" actually
the userscript works beyond that, though :p
you know it's a quality product when the minimap looks like this:
Looks good
last thing I need to do is change the carrier image :p
@RydwolfPrograms if you're using TypeScript you might want to try drizzle-orm, basically a wrapper for sql to make it type-safe
unsure if I should just replace the URL in the current one or remake the whole thing to be marginally less visually offensive
@noodleman Don't worry, I'm not, I'm safe
Just had to look at some SQL stuff for my job lol
SQL is still very much in use, i'm not sure which part of it is nostalgic
well I guess that you used it a long time ago
@Ginger for reference, this is the current carrier
ain't it?
ain't'nt it!
true artists are never appreciated in their time
no like it is
guess I'm not a true artist
"ain't it?" = "isn't it?" so "ain't it!" = "it isn't!"
what's a true artist, nothing is real
drizzle is great
@DLosc 😁
@DLosc So when you were at university, the school you went to was Boston College?
Hello! I haven't been here for a while and I don't know why
Happens :p
i also haven't been here for a while but it's because i've been in the discord more
I was playing diep.io with the name "My Chem fanboi" and someone made their name "midwest emo" and killed me...can't even escape the pretentious midwest emo fans in .io games :(
they're misunderstood
I have elected to use OffscreenCanvas to dynamically generate the carriers
but idk what they should look like, beyond including a file list
CMQ: Is Courier New the best monospaced font?
Q: Decode a Caesar ciphertext with high probability

Nicola SapCaesar ciphers A Caesar cipher with shift=N is the process of replacing any alphabetic character in a string with the letter which is N positions ahead in the alphabet (wrapping back at the beginning). This is the key for Caesar(shift=5) (supposing a single-case English alphabet): these: ABCDEFG...

@DannyuNDos I prefer DejaVu Sans Mono
@DannyuNDos no
Oh @RydwolfPrograms since you're not on the Discord you probably haven't seen the stuff I've been up to: I invented a new version of solitaire, then wrote a webpage where you can play it online, then wrote an AI that can solve 99.7% of games
Whoa nice
@DannyuNDos I'm a roboto mono kinda girl
I just use whatever the default font is :p
Comic sans mono
It's the only correct answer
@RydwolfPrograms is "girl" here as in you're going to be the second person this month to reveal something new about their gender identity or just in a gender-neutral for the vibes way
I was wondering the same thing lol
@Ginger I know it's real
I used it for a month while working on a uni assignment back in 2022
you never cease to amaze me
I actually kinda liked it
May 22, 2022 at 6:41, by Unrelated String
oh true you should definitely switch to comic sans mono
That's why
Y'know, somewhere in an alternate timeline, comic sans is the default font for everything
I've heard Comic Sans is a relatively dyslexia-friendly font
and honestly I find Comic Mono very easy to read, despite the conscious reaction of "why would anyone want that"
It's a surprisingly good font I know
I guess?? but it's still just Wrong
I might unironically start using it again
I just set it as my font for VS Code
What language is that?
Ah yes, a good non-feline member of the feliformia.
@Bbrk24 same
I will say the line spacing is a bit off
but other than that it's good to go
I will say arrows look a bit goofy with how big > is
@DannyuNDos I like Droid Sans Mono personally
Roboto Mono's pretty good too, although I mainly use that for my spreadsheets, and occasionally Roboto (non-mono) for documents
line height of 21 seems to work good for comic mono
@DannyuNDos It got its name because civet poop is used to make a kind of coffee, and, as someone on the Discord server put it, the history of languages that compile to JS is attempting to make coffee out of poop
Ooh I like it
Comic Nueue is also unironically good for non-coding stuff
Used it for a website once as an alternative to Comic Sans, intending to make the site look silly, but it actually was pretty nice to read

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