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I mentally merged those into "relationships are hard, that's why I wrote this algorithm..."
1 hour later…
so I was asking on TGC about how the hecc to do this thing and michael homer went "bruh just use polymorphism"
and then I realized I knew literally nothing about c++ polymorphism
CMC Solve some NPC for n=10000 Notice that 3-SAT with first n^0.01 rules is an answer, so this is not pure code-golf
@RydwolfPrograms even after reading this, i did the same thing
@RydwolfPrograms yeah thats why i dont do this stuff (as in i have feelings towards people but i prefer not acting upon them)
(for now at least)
Round towards negative is ⌊⌋, is there symbol round towards 0?
@l4m2 modern SAT solvers are really fast. benchmarks from SAT competition include testcases with 10000+ variables and 10^6+ clauses
@Bubbler Fast for average input, slow for constructed ones
well sure, there is adversary input for any solver
but the testcases are from real world scenarios and being fast on them is practically important
@l4m2 Wikipedia doesn't have anything
trunc/truncate is probably the best you'll get
If used a lot, defining as ├.┤ seems reasonable
I've seen ⌊⌉ used for rounding to the nearest integer, if it's in a context where you're not ever going to use that it seems like it would be sensible to use it or its inverse for truncation
(I say its inverse since it would sort of communicate "lower numbers [to the left] get rounded up while higher numbers [to the right] get rounded down")
@lyxal apparently "australia doesnt exist" is a real, non-joke conspiracy theory. can you confirm that for me?
It is
You probably wouldn't encounter it in Australia tho I would guess lol
I mean can you confirm Australia does or does not exist for me lol
@Seggan Australia exists
Why would we have a whole fake country to distract people from all the other secret experiments the government does?
Why would we spend billions convincing people of a lie to protect investors interests?
Why would we go and smuggle a country into every atlas, globe and other world map and burn all the old maps (except for one or two that you definitely can't find on the second floor of the non-existent Australia doesn't exist hq)
That would be preposterous
Silly, even.
Having said that, I do notice they're getting a bit greedy on the acting contract
Might have to do some blackmailing
See if I can't get a pay raise
2 hours later…
Ooooh, I should write a language that transpiles to C
Because all I want is C with fake classes. They don't need to be real, just functions being called from the provided type information
The hard part is it also needs to support C so I can parse C headers...
But really it should just be a C extension
... that's how C++ started...
C++ is evil
I need no mess of Smart pointers nor inflated standard libary
modern C++ is so far removed from C it's sad
I guess you can do this
There are dozens of hacks one can do
But a lil' ol' writing a language never hurt anyone
@ATaco Lil
looks like something called Comeau was the last C++ compiler that actually bothered transpiling to C
I use C with class with template with stl, what in C++ not covered?
Q: How can I reduce the characters in the following python code?

LargeHorseThe following code is 47 characters. print(("Ekki v","V")["COV"in input()]+"eikur!") How can it be reduced to 46 or less? I have even been brainstorming bitwise tricks but can not think of any way to do this. I am starting to think it is not possible to reduce this any further.

@Bubbler is there a way to implicitly pass the this parameter
of the sum function
@zoomlogo not in vanilla C, but I meant a transpiler can insert that for you
@NewPosts The comments feel suspiciously AI generated, though that wouldn't really make sense
They unfriended me soon after this
3 hours later…
#define while(cond) for(;cond;)
idk if this is impostor syndrome or what, but I don't think real programmers freeze like deer in headlights when someone tells them to use polymorphism
is “Learning J” down? the table of contents works but on the individual chapters i’m getting “Safari can’t open this page because it couldn’t connect to the server.”
@Someone who cares about being a "real programmer" anyways? as long as you get to code what you want to code it doesn't matter if you're considered real or not (:
and of course you can't expect to know how to do everything
i guess a "real programmer" is one who is open to learning new stuff
real programmers are able to be represented by a possibly infinite decimal expansion
can represent me, for example
@Ginger So programmers are uncountably infinite? (And somehow still not been able to solve P vs NP)
apparently :p
@Someone Tbf I didn't know what that word meant until like a year ago and I've been doing this like 8 years
You're a "real programmer" as soon as you program, and if you're in TNB, you're probably a better programmer than a lot of people
@Ginger oooh do i get to pick mine?
Polymorphism is pretty abstract and a bit hard to apply in real situations. But generally it's advised to use polymorphism over conditionals whenever possible, even in functional programing
@RubenVerg sure, you've got plenty of options
@mousetail Not necessarily, the set of real programmers can be a finite or countably infinite subset of the reals (which makes sense, otherwise we'd get real housewives and Real Donald Trump in that set)
I would watch a series with a uncountably infinite number of characters. (@netflix please hire me)
Welcome back to season sqrt(3)
the Real Housewives of Hilbert Hotel
Only a subset of the real programmers out there are rational
hang on I just remembered a message from, like, a year ago that I could make a joke about
@Ginger i would like to be the dottie number please (the solution to $\cos(x) = x$)
something something scala programmers
@RydwolfPrograms An infinitesimal small proportion of them
@RydwolfPrograms he was only a year and a half early :p
I think that took longer to send than normal
Maybe it had to do a DB lookup for a late reply and something slowed that down
cache miss?
Oh yeah maybe they use an in-RAM memory store for most of recent history? But late replies are still usually faster
And I don't think chat's that smart :p
might be a default config thing
and it wasn't super slow, maybe half a second longer than normal
Yeah, who knows. Chat's probably like one of those mazes on the backend anyway, where the more you think you know about how it works the more it shifts and changes when you're not looking
New bugs appear and disappear out of the chaos, in equal and opposite pairs. They usually get sucked back in relatively quickly, past the event horizon, but sometimes one will escape while the other falls in
The Nineteenth House Of Leaves
it's really interesting to me that the new image uploader doesn't touch text chunks... cursed out-of-band signalling, anyone? :p
That's probably better to do via ordinary steganographic techniques tho tbh
wait, hang on
Did I ever tell y'all about my totally awesome LLM-based steganography technique?
no way, APNG works!
NB: Steganography is not to be confused with Stegganography, the study of hiveminds
@Ginger Whoa neat
ok wait hang on
aw, it doesn't work for profile pictures :(
the resize parameter breaks it
@RydwolfPrograms I never did fully realize just how bad most programmers are
CM(ega)C: make a PNG quine, i.e. a PNG image which displays a hexadecimal representation of itself
I think that's deserving of CMegaC :p
unfortunately, gifs don't animate in pfps either
Lmao I hit the top of the APStudents subreddit by complaining about College Board's janky printing
@Ginger a good place to start for this would be with a zlib quine for the image data
you'll probably have to brute-force the CRC32, though :p
Whoa we have five pins rn
or come up with some other way to manipulate it
it'll actually have to be a meta-quine lmao
This is like when you've just gotten out of a prolonged fight with a skeleton
@RydwolfPrograms nah, I'm just here because it's vaguely code-related
you don't need a lot of rep to be in a chatroom
and I've answered—what, two challenges? and made absolute failures of challenges of my own?
@Someone nothing stopping you from doing more :)
ah yes, pollute the question space
also, I keep getting sniped by people—most of the time when I find a challenge at my level, all the langs I'm good at were already consumed
240% on an assignment lol
My teacher just puts all the extra credit on the same assignment so it's piled up so much xD
@Someone yeah i don’t really have advice for that..i just use more obscure languages so i have less chance of collision
you can always post your solution even if somebody else has a shorter one in the same language. you can compre yours to theirs and learn from what you missed
Whoa I only need a 73 in environmental science this 6-week grading period to average out to a 90 for the semester lol
@RydwolfPrograms L O L
2 hours later…
@Ginger impossible, probably due to needing more data to display an area than what the area displays
png supports deflate compression
yup, in fact it's required
I'll believe it's impossible when you show me a proof :p
Q: Golfing the complexity with subtraction

Jonathan AllanThe Mahler-Popken complexity, \$C(N)\$, of a positive integer, \$N\$, is the smallest number of ones (\$1\$) that can be used to form \$N\$ in a mathematical expression using only the integer* \$1\$ along with multiplication, addition, and parentheses. Here are some expressions for \$N=6\$, \$N=1...

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