I've seen ⌊⌉ used for rounding to the nearest integer, if it's in a context where you're not ever going to use that it seems like it would be sensible to use it or its inverse for truncation
(I say its inverse since it would sort of communicate "lower numbers [to the left] get rounded up while higher numbers [to the right] get rounded down")
Why would we have a whole fake country to distract people from all the other secret experiments the government does?
Why would we spend billions convincing people of a lie to protect investors interests?
Why would we go and smuggle a country into every atlas, globe and other world map and burn all the old maps (except for one or two that you definitely can't find on the second floor of the non-existent Australia doesn't exist hq)
That would be preposterous
Silly, even.
Having said that, I do notice they're getting a bit greedy on the acting contract
Ooooh, I should write a language that transpiles to C Because all I want is C with fake classes. They don't need to be real, just functions being called from the provided type information
The hard part is it also needs to support C so I can parse C headers...
The following code is 47 characters.
print(("Ekki v","V")["COV"in input()]+"eikur!")
How can it be reduced to 46 or less?
I have even been brainstorming bitwise tricks but can not think of any way to do this. I am starting to think it is not possible to reduce this any further.
idk if this is impostor syndrome or what, but I don't think real programmers freeze like deer in headlights when someone tells them to use polymorphism
is “Learning J” down? the table of contents works but on the individual chapters i’m getting “Safari can’t open this page because it couldn’t connect to the server.”
@Someone who cares about being a "real programmer" anyways? as long as you get to code what you want to code it doesn't matter if you're considered real or not (:
and of course you can't expect to know how to do everything
i guess a "real programmer" is one who is open to learning new stuff
Polymorphism is pretty abstract and a bit hard to apply in real situations. But generally it's advised to use polymorphism over conditionals whenever possible, even in functional programing
@mousetail Not necessarily, the set of real programmers can be a finite or countably infinite subset of the reals (which makes sense, otherwise we'd get real housewives and Real Donald Trump in that set)
Yeah, who knows. Chat's probably like one of those mazes on the backend anyway, where the more you think you know about how it works the more it shifts and changes when you're not looking
New bugs appear and disappear out of the chaos, in equal and opposite pairs. They usually get sucked back in relatively quickly, past the event horizon, but sometimes one will escape while the other falls in
@Someone yeah i don’t really have advice for that..i just use more obscure languages so i have less chance of collision
you can always post your solution even if somebody else has a shorter one in the same language. you can compre yours to theirs and learn from what you missed
The Mahler-Popken complexity, \$C(N)\$, of a positive integer, \$N\$, is the smallest number of ones (\$1\$) that can be used to form \$N\$ in a mathematical expression using only the integer* \$1\$ along with multiplication, addition, and parentheses.
Here are some expressions for \$N=6\$, \$N=1...