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@emanresuA if "character"="byte" Incident can only do 128 of them because you need two different bytes to print anything – but you can do it with programs that are valid UTF-8 and share no UTF-8 characters in common, as long as you ignore the fact that Incident doesn't actually parse the input like that
2 hours later…
Can I write in asm or other binary-based language and claim it's UTF32?
@l4m2 That's a valid question to ask in comment
Btw I don't think it trivializes the challenge. UTF32 doesn't allow codepoints above 0x10ffff. You need a syscall to print anything, so you'll need all sorts of ways to modify code on the fly.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Wheat WizardWe will say a string \$x\$ is cyclic maximal if there is no way to cycle its elements to get a lexicographically larger string. In other words there is no \$a\$ and \$b\$ such that \$a \oplus b = x\$ and \$b \oplus a > x\$. For example [3,2,3,3] is not cyclic maximal because you can cycle the 2 t...

@hyper-neutrino Yes. Come join me on the dark side.
@hyper-neutrino Tied you :)
@Bubbler Not the same idea, but I made a language called "unbalanced" where the balanced braces are noops requiring you to have unbalanced braces to write meaningful code.
haha nice
Pain-flak does exist (although it's a trivial translation of brainflak)
Joke CMC: solve a challenge in both Unbalanced and Brain-Flak, so that the two code has edit distance 2 or lower (you can choose the kind of edit distance)
What pastebins or URL shorteners do you all use when TIO link won't fit in a comment?
tinyurl mostly
3 hours later…
Some of my python functions accidentally use global variables. Is there a tool to help detect where this happens?
@Simd some quick search gives this SO Q&A
1 phone moved to pakistan
@Bubbler thanks so much!
2 hours later…
Do this work on standard?

<style>.a,.a:checked~.b,.a:not(:checked)~.c{display:none}</style><label><input type="checkbox" class="a"><span class="b">+</span><span class="c">-</span> foo<label class="c"><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;456</label></label>
5 hours later…
@Bubbler Serious answer: Shortest infinite loop producing no output, Brain-Flak 8 bytes (()){()}, Unbalanced 7 bytes (()){)}, edit distance 1
Or if the criterion to optimize is total bytes rather than edit distance, the Unbalanced code can remove any one character except the last close-paren.
CMegaC: Make a program that doesn’t run what its code tells it to.
Another CMegaC: Make a program that’s always very tired, like me.
woo my custom-lang-smth-like-asm-called-gourmet to chef compiler is working!
def $t0;
push 1;
pop $t0;

0 a
1 b

Put b into 3rd mixing bowl. Fold a into 3rd mixing bowl.

Serves 1.
What's the most mainstream electronic circuit based esolang?
Else I'll build one myself
There's Chip, which is not at all mainstream, and Wireworld, which is mainstream enough to have a Wikipedia article, but I'm not sure if it's the kind of thing you're looking for.
tonight i had a dream where i made an esolang but can't remember any of the details. it was probably based on a very dumb idea
trying to detect cycles in a graph given undirected edges in vyxal, but having a very hard time any help is appreciated
Q: Next cyclic suffix

Wheat WizardWe will say a string \$x\$ is cyclic maximal if there is no way to cycle its elements to get a lexicographically larger string. In other words there is no \$a\$ and \$b\$ such that \$a \oplus b = x\$ and \$b \oplus a > x\$, where \$\oplus\$ is concatenation. For example [3,2,3,3] is not cyclic ma...

Q: Can I Clear The Grid?

hyper-neutrinoI recently found this game and have been enjoying it. Basically, there is a grid of colored tiles and you act by clicking on empty spaces. When you click an empty space, the first tile (if any) in each of the four axis-aligned directions is selected. If any color appears more than once, all tiles...

1 hour later…
@NewPosts imma say this is indeterminable. QED
oooh, how about this, but it's an infinite (periodically repeating) grid?
@mathscat can't you literally brute force it
yea ig
maybe put a time constraint?
@mathscat "Can I clear the grid?" "IDK, can you?"
"depends tbh"
that's the correct mindset!
@mathscat you right
How are we supposed to know hyper's capabilities for any given grid?
Hyper might be able to clear a grid I might not
And where a program can find a solution, hyper might not be able to
So the challenge is basically impossible because it's not self contained
We'd need a downloadable copy of hyper in the post to know exactly what behaviour to replicate
either that or VTC as guesswork
I wonder if hyper's high score has any correlation to whether he can clear a grid.
we need more testing data
I imagine we'd need more data on reaction time and pattern recognition
He'd need to allow us to make an AI model of his game play to even have a chance at objectively determining whether he can clear a grid
not that kind of time constraint
you know, if you can somehow get a way to get that data and actually train an AI I'll allow it
I mean a "the program has to take this much time to find the answer for a grid of this size" constraint. Maybe as a sort of optimization problem, since it's not very codegolf-like?
how is it not code-golf-like
it's a coding challenge, but not a golfing one
it's still on-scope, but not as much
also, time constraints would have to be tweaked A LOT to prevent lang discrimination
explain how it's not a golfing one and how it's any less on-scope to this site than any other coding challenge
I don't get what point you're trying to make and why you're picking on my challenge specifically for "not being on-scope enough" or "discriminating against languages", which is a topic that's been discussed basically since this site was created and that I am much more familiar with
@hyper-neutrino gonna have to get in touch with zucky and get him to get you hooked on vr games so we can learn you behaviours and skills in 3d
Gonna use the lizard man to harvest you data
Code golf meta but without the code golf
@hyper-neutrino I did neither of those things. I was talking about my idea, not your challenge.
oh that's what you mean?
Your challenge is great!
sorry that was very unclearly stated. so your idea is the same idea but instead basically
@hyper-neutrino yep!
I considered that actually lol
ultimately decided to just keep it as code golf though, but I am sort of curious what the best time bound for it is
I'm fairly certain it's NP-complete

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