@emanresuA if "character"="byte" Incident can only do 128 of them because you need two different bytes to print anything – but you can do it with programs that are valid UTF-8 and share no UTF-8 characters in common, as long as you ignore the fact that Incident doesn't actually parse the input like that
Btw I don't think it trivializes the challenge. UTF32 doesn't allow codepoints above 0x10ffff. You need a syscall to print anything, so you'll need all sorts of ways to modify code on the fly.
We will say a string \$x\$ is cyclic maximal if there is no way to cycle its elements to get a lexicographically larger string. In other words there is no \$a\$ and \$b\$ such that \$a \oplus b = x\$ and \$b \oplus a > x\$.
For example [3,2,3,3] is not cyclic maximal because you can cycle the 2 t...
@Bubbler Not the same idea, but I made a language called "unbalanced" where the balanced braces are noops requiring you to have unbalanced braces to write meaningful code.
Joke CMC: solve a challenge in both Unbalanced and Brain-Flak, so that the two code has edit distance 2 or lower (you can choose the kind of edit distance)
Or if the criterion to optimize is total bytes rather than edit distance, the Unbalanced code can remove any one character except the last close-paren.
There's Chip, which is not at all mainstream, and Wireworld, which is mainstream enough to have a Wikipedia article, but I'm not sure if it's the kind of thing you're looking for.
We will say a string \$x\$ is cyclic maximal if there is no way to cycle its elements to get a lexicographically larger string. In other words there is no \$a\$ and \$b\$ such that \$a \oplus b = x\$ and \$b \oplus a > x\$, where \$\oplus\$ is concatenation.
For example [3,2,3,3] is not cyclic ma...
I recently found this game and have been enjoying it. Basically, there is a grid of colored tiles and you act by clicking on empty spaces. When you click an empty space, the first tile (if any) in each of the four axis-aligned directions is selected. If any color appears more than once, all tiles...
I mean a "the program has to take this much time to find the answer for a grid of this size" constraint. Maybe as a sort of optimization problem, since it's not very codegolf-like?
explain how it's not a golfing one and how it's any less on-scope to this site than any other coding challenge
I don't get what point you're trying to make and why you're picking on my challenge specifically for "not being on-scope enough" or "discriminating against languages", which is a topic that's been discussed basically since this site was created and that I am much more familiar with