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00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

@Simd nvm, 7,6 has 3 connected components, grouped by popcount they would be [0, 2, 6], [3, 4] and [1, 5, 7]
wait that's wrong
it's still 2 connected components with even and odd popcount
CMC: Given a list of strings, find the longest common prefix among them. There will always be at least 1 string in the list. The longest common prefix is the empty string if there's no shared prefixes.
reduce (prefixes of two strings; intersection; max)
`f"/ȧ` fixes the part where it doesn't actually discriminate prefixes at all but i feel like i can still construct an input that breaks it
there's a backslash in ther
yeah it breaks on "a", "ab" lmao
plain ¹Ƥ€f/Ṁ probably is shortest
though it does give 0 for the empty case lmao
CMQ: Do you think MathJax scraped from main would be a representative sample of MathJax that would be used in chat?
Trying to get a sort of MathJax corpus so that I can design CIMJ to be as compact as possible
How should I approach writing a quine in Trilangle? I have no idea where to begin
@Bbrk24 does Trilangle have string literals?
Nope, no string mode. Unlike most other 2D languages, " only quotes a single character
General approach for a quine is: Have some way to represent arbitrary text, then write a piece of code that decodes that and prepends the encoded text formatted somehow
Then compress the decoder and pass that into the decoder
A string of n characters takes 2 n characters to express without tricks
That's why Hello, World is so long, it's just push H print push e print push l print print...
Yeah, so figure out a way to convert that string into the code that generates it
Then print the string
> figure out a way to convert that string into the code that generates it
think of the simplest, repetitive way to store some chunk of data into your storage
IP direction is also less like Befunge and more like Hexagony
Note that I said "without tricks". There are for example dupe and 2-dupe instructions
and then print it in two ways, one will be the code section and the other will be the data section
@Bbrk24 can you do something similar to the Hexagony quine?
The Hexagony quine I remember seeing starts by pushing a big number and then feeding it into a decoder. No, I can't, for a number of reasons:
1. Single-digit numbers take two characters to push if you can't get them by manipulating what's already there ('0). 11 and up also take 2, but you use push-char rather than push-int. 10 is fun because the interpreter ignores newlines.
2. There is no "numbers are automatically concatenated as in decimal" functionality that Hexagony has
yeah, hexagony kinda cheats
3. Hexagony uses bigints. Trilangle uses 24-bit signed integers.
The big number decoded by the hexagony quine wouldn't even fit in a single stack slot in Trilangle
j exists, so you can push a bunch of numbers and then loop over them twice
true! Also, the only way to edit the middle of the stack is to do multithreading
Okay so the basic plan is
1. Push a bunch of things in a clever way
2. Iterate over them twice
mm, but you see, trilangle codegen is tricky
Because you can't just output the cells in order. When you're going left-to-right, wrapping goes bottom-to-top
and the default IP direction is southwest
I think if you put a ^ at the top then the IP will essentially move linearly backwards? like
.  ^
  9 8
 7 6 5
4 3 2 1
 1 3
2 4 5

 2 1
5 4 3

 3 1
5 4 2

 4 5
1 2 3

 2 5
3 1 4

 5 3
4 2 1
None of those work with spaces removed. .13245, <21543, |31542, \45123, _25314, ^53421
So the first pass can't just be "print ", print character" or "print ', print digit"
hmm wow, the control flow is actively against quining
That was totally by coincidence!
still one way to do this is to stuff the whole data pushing code in one horizontal line
this should make it a bit easier though the code size will be squared
...I suppose
So then the general structure of the program would look like this:
A pair of very deliberate decisions makes everything slightly more difficult:
1. There is no "stack depth" instruction
2. Indexing past the bottom of the stack is UB
I might not be able to figure this out tonight but I have direction at least
I could even split the "bunch of data" section into two rows if I need to, and print the top half of the stack before the bottom half. This works because the last row can omit trailing NOPs; more than two rows will be difficult.
I'd hardcode the stack depth
Yeah that’s what I’ll do
also just thought about making the data section a tilted rectangle
I’ll probably encode it as base-96 so I get 3 instructions per stack element
lots of multibyte characters but oh well
I am going to bed now but I will certainly try this tomorrow
.      .
      . .
     . . .
    . . . .
   \ 1 2 3 \
  \ 4 5 6 \ .
 \ 7 8 9 \ . .
\ a b c \ . . .
one last thought before I go: if I have to pad the decoder with NOPs I could hardcode the nop count
@Bubbler Hm, that is an idea
@c-- Yes!
I got the gold tag badge!
Now I can dupehammer all questions lol
dupe hammer is not necessarily a good thing tho
I've very lately come to learn that sometimes it's nice to not have binding votes :p
ik it means that you have to be completely sure before you cv
@TheThonnu how many?
is there a way to compute the mean time to the first answer for a tag?
@lyxal ?
@Simd probably SEDE
@TheThonnu hmm
@TheThonnu sometimes the system glitches and gives you two of a tag badge :p
No I only got one
@TheThonnu I don't know how to use that
I'll try and do something
No guarantees though
@TheThonnu thanks!
I actually got the motivation to learn SQL from SEDE
that is cool. Don't you need to know a schema to be able to do any queries?
i.e what tables and fields there are
schema is on the page where you write the query
oh right
I don't think anyone actually memorises that
what is tinyint?
something like u8 I guess, it's just an integer anyway
some of the columns look like magic numbers, but if you scroll down the list there's some tables describing what they mean
@Simd sorry, I have really bad internet, so I'll try a bit later
@TheThonnu thanks
It's tempting to learn SQL now!
@TheThonnu one of these days someone will get two :p
2 hours later…
@Bubbler wow!
@xnor is a genius, yet again
... That wins the whole challenge? I need to get out Vyxal, one moment
lol that's cheap
Cartesian product is doing all the heavy lifting here
Your answer is definitely much cleverer
I just saw that Seggan gives bounties to people who post fastest-code questions!
but what is @Seggan-OnStrike on strike from?
@Simd moderation?
ah.. did someone do something wrong?
@Simd Yes, the SE org was being very naughty.
Q: Moderation Strike: Stack Overflow, Inc. cannot consistently ignore, mistreat, and malign its volunteers

Mithical Introduction As of today, June 5th, 2023, a large number of moderators, curators, contributors, and users from around Stack Overflow and the Stack Exchange network are initiating a general moderation strike. This strike is in protest of recent and upcoming changes to policy and the platform that...

looks bad!
Q: What is the network policy regarding AI Generated content?

PhilippeEarlier this week, Stack Exchange released guidance to moderators on how to moderate AI Generated content. What does this guidance include?

That's what's started it
oh it's the robots messing with us again!
-339 is quite a score
I am mostly wondering when I will get the first answer to my fastest-code challenge
1 hour later…
@emanresuA did you celebrate being 100th gold ?
Q: Continuously Count Consecutive Cases

Jacob CreutzfeldtBackground Imagine that I'm creating a really long necklace, consisting of only two characters, A and B. You must count the number of occurrences of the substring AB in the string. However, since it's a necklace, you must also consider if the last character and the first character join to make AB...

Hm I didn't even notice
@Neil That reminds me it's been a year
@Simd link?
Q: Compute the chromatic number of special graphs

SimdThis challenge is about computing the chromatic number of special types of graphs. Input The input will consist of two integers. A positive integer \$n > 1\$. A distance \$d < n\$. Task The two inputs values will define a graph with \$2^n\$ nodes. Each node corresponds to a different binary arr...

@PlaceReporter99 what do you think?
@Simd slightly confusing but i'll try.
@Simd for n,1, the answer always seems to be 2. Would I be correct in saying that?
is gstreamer.freedesktop.org slow for anyone else?
@PlaceReporter99 yes
@PlaceReporter99 please ask if I can help with anything
@Ginger The website loads fine for me, if that’s what you mean. I’m not installing the software
yeah, seems to be working fine for me too now
I have a rough draft of the decoder for my trilangle quine, but it’s totally untested and therefore likely buggy
I have to go to work now but I’ll review it step-by-step this afternoon to be sure before I encode it and add the data section
There’s also a fairly high chance the data section will use unallocated or private-use Unicode characters
@Simd I've answered.
Also, where is the source for the possible range for 9,2?
If valid that's a quite short answer, I expected it to be much more complex
@mousetail I was just looking for patterns. Turned out to be simple, except having to hardcore the value of 4,2.
You should look if you can find a proof for the pattern or reason about where a counterexample might be
Or at least find some explanation why 4,2 doesn't work, there may be a pattern to the exceptions too
@mousetail maybe because 2 is an even prime? But I’m not sure. Maybe the counter example is 9,2.
@Simd I did the analysis you wanted
@PlaceReporter99 That's a plausible explanation yes
Unfortunately SEDE limits output to 50k rows, so I have the results for the first and last 50k rows
@mousetail really? It was just a very wild guess.
So just to confirm, that's average time to first answer in seconds
And a 0 just means that all the questions of that tag in that period were self-answered immediately
@PlaceReporter99 I don't really know either but you already treat odd and even numbers differently and primes being important for chromatic numbers seems plausible. I really don't know though except I'm curious what's going on
@TheThonnu thanks!
@TheThonnu I was hoping for one line per tag
Each tag is on one line
Can you give an example output format
I see code-golf2631352023-07-21 16:11:172023-07-22 06:13:58code-golf2631352023-07-21 16:11:172023-07-22 04:20:28code-golf2631352023-07-21 16:11:172023-07-22 02:57:42
that is the same tag on different lines
Don't look at the query
sorry about the copy and paste
That's just raw data
ah sorry
I still see the same tag repeatedly on different lines in the Results table
@mousetail Anyways, riding guns are nice. Especially when that gun is The Fastest Gun In The West!
bash 0 ??
@Simd example?
2 mins ago, by The Thonnu
And a 0 just means that all the questions of that tag in that period were self-answered immediately
it takes on average 0 seconds to get an answer?
is that really the average?
I mean were all bash questions self answered instantly?
Yeah, there was probably only one question in the first 50k rows
(One row isn't one question)
ah ok :)
It's one row per tag per question
@Simd which tags appear twice?
your gists are very interesting
thanks :)
fastest-algorithm 13082
3.6 hours on average apparently
which time period is this over
That's the oldest 50k
astest-code 221182
I'll just get the dates for you
slowed down a lot
2011-01-27 to 2014-02-16
the good old days :)
And newest is 2021-06-15 to now
@Simd How long have you been on CGCC?
I've been here since September last year
@TheThonnu I don't know but a loooooong time
I love it when I'm about to post an answer and then realize I misread the question
That's happened so many times to me
@Simd about that...
I don't anymore
i should probably remove it
@Seggan-OnStrike very sad
but hello!
@Simd You joined 7 months ago
@PlaceReporter99 only true in a very limited sense
Simd joined 7 months ago
@Simd ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
@PlaceReporter99 I am worried about your answer to my challenge (if it is you)
@Simd ???
@PlaceReporter99 is it your answer?
@Simd of course
@PlaceReporter99 it isn't computing the chromatic number
@PlaceReporter99 it's just giving the numbers I have provided
@Simd but aren't those the same as the chromatic number?
@PlaceReporter99 yes but I only provided them for people to test their code. It would be like if the question asked you to implement addition and gave 10 examples and your code only every outputted those ten answers
and didn't actually do any addition
as a concrete example, it doesn't give the right answer for 9,2
@Simd where's the source that 9,2 is between 9 and 16?
@PlaceReporter99 I have calculated it
but there is nothing in your code that relates to graphs
@Simd what is it?
@PlaceReporter99 I only know it is between 9 and 16
A: Loopholes that are forbidden by default

Martin EnderOptimising for the given test cases This applies to code-challenges and things like fastest-code, where you write some code that is measured by a criterion like runtime or size of your output (e.g. in compression challenges). These often employ an obviously finite set of test cases, because you ...

the goal isn't to reproduce only the numbers in the test
@TheThonnu thank you
Let me try and do some working then.
there are 9216 bitstring pairs of length 9 with a hamming distance of 2.
I'd recommend deleting it while you do that
So that someone else doesn't delete it for you
each bitstring connects to 36 others
I'd leave it up with a disclaimer you are working on a proof, others may be able to help finding counterexamples
@mousetail it apparently isnt valid
I just put up what I think is my first Swift answer that requires a specific compiler flag
It's not really valid but the challenge was more intended to figure out an efficient method than as an actual challenge so for that purpose a hint towards the solution is helpful. It was really asked on the wrong site for that purpose though so IDK
I doubt PlaceReporter, while smart, has enough formal math education to effectively prove the validity of algorithms without help
@mousetail they can test their coloring using online tools too
The algorithm is not constructive though
@mousetail which algorithm isn't?
What online tools have you found that can verify answers?
@mousetail if you google graph coloring you get quite a lot of code
or chromatic number
or bing :)
you can also try it by hand for small cases
But most of them are not, for me unfamiliar, easy to configure to fit your problem
@mousetail how come? You can make a graph with a bit string at each node
and then add edges
Wow thanks why didn't I think of that. How can I use that find a counterexample to PlaceReporter's answer
  for node_from in tqdm(range(2**num_bits)):
    for node_to in range(2**num_bits):
      if (node_from ^ node_to).bit_count() == dist:
        edges.append([node_from, node_to])
@mousetail the point is that the goal isn't to reproduce the numbers in the test set.It is to do the task as set out in the challenge
that loop makes the graph for you
Which means finding a proof of correctness for PlaceReporter's formula, or a counterexample
@mousetail well not exactly. There is no reason to believe their formula is correct
So there must be a counterexample
yes..9,2 :)
and I am sure many more afterwards
what does it give for 9,x for x = 1...8?
I recommend storing node connections in a set of frozensets
frozensets are just immutable sets
just a quick note that computing the chromatic number of a graph is NP hard
so uh good luck getting a polynomial time algorithm
This is a very specific type of graph though, there may be patterns that can be exploited
@PlaceReporter99 what does your method give for 9, x for x = 1...8?
@lyxal :) The graphs are special so who knows
if it's NP hard for all graphs, I think that includes these graphs :p
@lyxal that's not how NP hardness works
@lyxal That's not true. For the fully connected graphs the chromatic number is always N
@mousetail it's always 2 when the second number is odd
Or for single chain it will be 2 or 3 depending on if the number of nodes is odd or even
for all integers from 1 to 8:
@PlaceReporter99 thanks
@Simd what do you need them for?
so we know 9,2 is wrong. I will see what I can get for 9,4 and 9,6
@PlaceReporter99 I wanted to let you have more counterexamples
import math
def c(a,b):
    if b % 2:
        return 2
    if (a,b) == (4,2):
        return 4
    return 8 - math.comb(2,a-b) - 2 * math.comb(1,a-b) - 4 * math.comb(0,a-b)
source code ^
no more need to ask
right.. that is just fitting the test numbers as I mentioned
@PlaceReporter99 10,2 is a number that is at least 10
your formula gives 8
@PlaceReporter99 also... n, n/2 grows exponentially
so it should get really big as n gets bigger
Message template:

x,2 is a number that is at least x. Your formula gives 8.
@PlaceReporter99 I think the n, n/2 part is more important
replace x with any number 9 or larger
(when n/2 is even)
I will see if I can compute 9,2 exactly tonight...
@Simd did you mean where n is even?
@PlaceReporter99 I meant when n/2 is even. So n is a multiple of 4
funny how python sometimes asks questions in errors
like SyntaxError: did you forget parentheses around the comprehension target?
SyntaxError: Are you feeling OK?
@Simd SyntaxError: Yes
@PlaceReporter99 :)
@Simd all bitstrings of length 9 with hamming distance of 2: gist.github.com/PlaceReporter99/…
I think you would be better start with bitstrings of length 3 though
you need a method that solves the problem
and you can check it by hand with bitstrings of length 3
btw for a string n if there are 2 different strings x,y which have the same hamming distance to n they can't possibly have that hamming distance to each other.
oh wait im wrong
@PlaceReporter99 @c-- made a series of interesting observations about this problem in this chatroom. You should be able to search for them
but i'm right if the hamming distance is odd.
which is why it was always 2 when the second argument was odd.
@PlaceReporter99 would you mind deleting your comments from the question please? They don't make sense any more
@PlaceReporter99 "For odd d the chromatic number will always be 2: The arrays for any two connected nodes differ in an odd number of positions, meaning the number of ones in the arrays will have a different parity. This means that coloring the nodes depending on the parity of the number of ones will always give a 2-coloring."
that's a good explanation
for even numbers d, if the hamming distance between (n and x) and (n and y) is d, x and y will also have the same hamming distance iff, when mapping n to all 0s, mapped x & mapped y have exactly d/2 bits with a value of 1.
let me define what I mean by mapping n to all 0's.
actually let me reexplain
for even numbers d, if the hamming distance between (n and x) and (n and y) is d, x and y will also have the same hamming distance iff ((x xor n) and (y xor n)) have exactly d/2 bits with a value of 1.
@Simd if 9,2 isn't 8, then i feel like it's 16.
@PlaceReporter99 that may or may not be rash :)
I will see if I my code finishes in the next 12 hours
if someone's better code runs of course!
@Simd because the sequence is 4,4,8,8,8,8 (each power of 2 (n) being repeated n/2 times starting from 4.)
a.k.a third term onwards from oeis.org/A062383
@PlaceReporter99 the central values will increase exponentially with n
and the other ones will also get bigger
are you suggested that OEIS for the y, 2 terms?
don't you love when someone downvotes all the C answers to a question?
apparently the 05AB1E answer got one as well
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Shiran YuanWumpusWars King of the Hill This is probably going to stay in the sandbox for a few weeks, until I get the time to write the actual scoring code up... Yep, I'm both lazy and busy :P I'm not very good at coding challenges but I'm good at thinking up creative ideas, so this time my idea is to try ...

CMP: what do you think would best fit a http status code of 419?
I have (and by have I mean made) a htcpcp-tea setup at home so don't steal my 419
oh that's 418 I'm dumb
then I'll say "invalid character set in request"
@c-- hi
@Seggan-OnStrike did you decide we had enough faatest-code questions or that they weren't good enough?
@Simd hey, I'm trying to make progress on your question but I'm having trouble coming up with anything better than brute force
@c-- you already had some ideas though
I mean I didn't make any breakthroughs after that
How far can you get with brute force?
right now I'm looking for a coloring algorithm that I can use without actually keeping the graph in memory, I haven't written a program
Ah ok. The chromatic number is bounded above by the maximum vertex degree which might help in some cases
@c-- I feel keeping the graph in ram isn't the bottleneck
@Simd yeah but you don't need it, since it's easy to calculate the edges given a vertex
@RubenVerg I would answer “it’s a scam!”.
@Simd yeah, I came across that, I'd seen it in uni but I can't find my notes :(
nvm, found them
@c-- I am impressed you found them!
they weren't so old, I think these are from 2020
Oh cool
I have no idea how many people are working on the problem
Could be 0 and could be 100
the vertex degree is the same for every vertex (nCd) which is pretty convenient
@c-- yes!
it's a nicely structured graph
presumably it has some nice eigenvalues/eigenvectors for those who are good at linear algebra
mfw my code works for the first test case and no others
What if a cop just copy-pastes a SHA256 implementation? lol — Shiran Yuan 2 hours ago
@ShiranYuan They would have to know a collision in the SHA256 hash system for the answer to be valid, so the US government would be very interested. — I am kind of a language dev 2 hours ago
@Iamkindofalanguagedev Ok so maybe sending the challenge out would help CGCC get government attention and thus more publicity :P — Shiran Yuan 1 hour ago
@Iamkindofalanguagedev just joking lol — Shiran Yuan 1 hour ago
so many lols and :ps
Using cryptography in cops and robbers is a standard loophole
@Simd the former
@Seggan-OnStrike Jan 1, Feb 2, Mar 4, April 0, May 2, June 1 and then mine
that's the count for each month
That's enough
you are so strict :)
I guess 24 a year is enough and maybe it will look like that
12 a year I reckon is not enough
I was losing too much rep
ah... I see the problem
I should get some rep so I can give it away!
I was planning to put an award on my challenge but I will be away at the end date if I do it soon
It will have to wait
00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

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