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Solution: Everyone drinks radium water on a regular basis
or they move to Chernobyl
Ooh UTC midnight strikes again
Didn't realize dupe messages from midnight form two separate monologues
maximal birth rate = for every woman, there's at least one man she doesn't share a parent with or descend from
and you can even strengthen the second constraint to just breeding is always within the same generation
oh yeah that is wacky
5m2f would maximise diversity of Y chromosomes
Aren't Y chromosomes like all functionally identical
I thought the Y chromosome only had like one actual gene
And 2m5f would maximize diversity of mitochondrial DNA :p
i think it's more than that but not by much
Okay so apparently it's 42 unique protein coding genes, but only one (SRY) is used for sex determination, and it seems like the others serve functions related to sperm production
The Y chromosome mutates quicker than other chromosomes anyway tho, so initial diversity probably isn't as important
Yeah it looks like SRY is basically just a boolean flag that says "testicles please" and doesn't actually provide any information on how to be male
Programmer humor is shutting down
a lot of subreddits are
like, in relation to the mod strike?
different strike
multiple strikes?!
reddit is pricing its api to cost more for LLM training
ohhhhhhhh shit
I see
however, that api cost increase also kills all 3rd party apps
there's that other shoe, I knew the free public API was too good to be true
apps like Apollo tried to negotiate cheaper API rates with reddit to no avail
oh right, the API cost strike. yeah I heard about that
shit's going down on the Programmer Internet this week
I'm sure there's going to be a tumblr documentary about it
I hope it goes somewhere... is it substantial enough? I worry that reddit has too many users for the portion that care and go on strike to impact enough for reddit to actually care
apparently r/music is joining in too
whereas the SE strike is most certainly not something they can choose to disregard
which has 30m subs apparently
list of all subs participating: old.reddit.com/r/ModCoord/comments/1401qw5/…
that looks like quite a substantial list
@hyper-neutrino yeah, I really like programmerhumor
feel like that's already substantial enough :p
ELI5 too? Sadge
that's not including the rest of the list
what's ironic is that SE also has expressed interest/support for API price increases
hence why I suspect SO will be coming out with an AI chat product soon
@lyxal what is the rest
8 mins ago, by lyxal
list of all subs participating: https://old.reddit.com/r/ModCoord/comments/1401qw5/incomplete_and_growing_list_of_participating/
too many to list in chat
Ah I just wanted the link
that is the link
oh dang anarchychess is participating
now how will I know to google en passant?
@lyxal oh, nice, that does look like a pretty good amount
@lyxal on google, obviously
well duh that's where I google, but who's going to tell me to do so?
and how will I keep up to date on all the new responses and moves?
and where will I learn how the horsey moves?!?!?
@Simd you're going to have problems with inbreeding with less than like 100 people
@RydwolfPrograms there's actually a really cool mutation where the sry gene gets translocated onto X
So you can have female characteristics while being XY r male characteristics while being XX
I wonder what happens if a male with one normal X and one mutated X has a child with a female with one normal X and one mutated Y and their child has a mitated X with the SRY gene and a Y without sry
Viable or not?
Does Y have any useful genes apart from the male reproductive organ thing and nose hair or whatever?
Wait would having a normal X and a Y without sry be tge same as having only an X? Turners or whatever?
Unrelatedly, anyone here want to volunteer for a...study?
I'll give you cake
@user I think you mean ear hair?
Equally useless :p
Apparently that sry mutation thing causes problems, which sucks
Irb won't approve my experiment now
For anyone rkse interested
@lyxal also r/minecraft
I saw that yes
@user Wait is nose hair actually special-cased?
I'd have assumed it was based on hormones
I think from what I read the non-SRY genes in the Y chromosome do some stuff relating to sperm production
Which would make sense
@user There're all sorts of cool intersex mutations
Apparently in animals which work pretty similarly to us, there have been documented cases of ones which have both functioning male and female genitalia...so they can self-fertilize
So theoretically it should be possible for a human to exist that could reproduce asexually
> The human Hairy Ears phenotype has traditionally been regarded as the only Y-linked heritable trait. Here, we use Y-chromosomal DNA binary-marker haplotyping to show that a cohort of southern Indian Hairy-Eared males carries Y chromosomes from many haplogroups of the Y-phylogeny, which, under a hypothesis of Y linkage, would require multiple independent mutations within a single population.
> We further show that there is no significant difference between the Y-haplogroup spectrum in Hairy-Eared males and that in a geographically matched control sample of unaffected males. The trait cannot, therefore, be Y-linked in southern Indians, and by extension, is unlikely to be so in any population.
Apparently the Y-linked ear hair mutation has been disproven
@user Wait so you mean your chromosomes don't determine what bathroom you use? TUCKER CARLSON LIED TO ME?
@user I don't think a mutated X chromosome with the SRY gene would be enough to be able to have children
Since the Y chromosome has genes coding for stuff relating to sperm production, and from what I understand there's at least one (ZFY) that, if missing, will cause immediate apoptosis of gametes
I suppose if the X and Y chromosomes are already doing translocation they could happen to mix in all of the genes necessary for sperm production, in which case the answer would probably be "they'd be a normal male" since the X with SRY would be like having both an X and a Y, and the Y without SRY would be like no chromosome at all? But gene expression could fuck that up
@RydwolfPrograms Tangential, but a few of my irl friends call him “Cucker Tarlson” on purpose
Ooh that one's almost as good as Jake Tapper -> Fake Fapper
@Simd Why the "under 20" rule? That rule will significantly slow down repopulation, and leads to significantly more bad mutations.
Well mutations are kinda a good thing when you've got minimal genetic diversity
2 hours later…
@UnrelatedString don’t you then have 3 men doing nothing for 40 years?
@user you mean because of the 1st cousins having children?
@Adám I wanted the puzzle to sound respectable!
3 hours later…
Please stop
@mousetail for your strike page, do I have to stop all moderation activities after signing?
@mousetail accidentally clicked send too soon.
No, just support those that do
But most do also stop moderation actions
The exception was added for one person
I edited your name btw
@mousetail aww!
@mousetail at least add the 99 at the emd
Oops sorry, I'll fix that
@mousetail it’s ok
I figured out how to get recent messages using sechat.
@Simd Ahem, 2/3 of my children were born to a mother under 20. #inclusivity
@Adám teenage pregnancy is not good.
[citation needed]
@PlaceReporter99 oh come on we're not here to judge others
Teenage pregnancy, also known as adolescent pregnancy, is pregnancy in a female adolescent under the age of 20. This includes those who are legally considered adults in their country. The WHO defines adolescence as the period between the ages of 10 and 19 years. Pregnancy can occur with sexual intercourse after the start of ovulation, which can be before the first menstrual period (menarche) but usually occurs after the onset of periods. In healthy, well-nourished girls, the first period usually takes place around the age of 12.Pregnant teenagers face many of the same pregnancy related issues as...
Seems if you are 16+ there is no harm
Right. Indeed, my wife was 17 for the first child and 19 for the second.
bad joke sry
bah, too many people with actual lives here for my liking
1 hour later…
@Adám you married that early?
She was, yes. I'm creepy much older.
for some reason all the people in my old church like getting married at like 17
1 hour later…
@RydwolfPrograms No, I misremembered, apparently it's ear hair (or rather, there's one trait for extra hairy ears that's Y-linked (according to the very first Google search result I got))
Dannyu NDos corrected me later
Oh nvm I didn't read your later messages
@RydwolfPrograms Isn't self-fertilization different from asexual reproduction?
You're still having sex, it's just that you're having sex with yourself
It still scrambles the genes, and is not a clone, though it's a net loss of genetic information
And there's probably physical restrictions to a human fertilizing themselves even if they have both
Wikipedia says it's never happened
Not that we know of at least, humans have existed for a very long time without being properly measured
And this isn't something people would've been very open about until somewhat recently
@user Hmm, I should've written this in a more starbait-y way
Alas I can't star during the strike
How's that going, by the way? Have you heard of any rumors about SE responding to it?
They want to talk to 3 of our representatives, which is good news. Picking them is proving hard though
Cool cool
@noodleman I’m warning, not judging. Teenage pregnancy is more likely to kill then regular pregnancy.
@mousetail huh that was a thing?
@mousetail you can, you’re just choosing not to.
@mousetail pick the mods
@PlaceReporter99 There's a lot more than 3 of them
Apparently it's just 50, not 100, but still, you need more than 7
@Adám I was gonna say it'd mess with your education while you're just getting started with college and stuff, but I guess if you're just trying to repopulate the Earth then that's not really a factor
Also, most teenagers probably aren't qualified to raise a kid properly, but again, doesn't matter in this scenario
Unrelated, but it'd be nice if the government could provide free training to people who are about to be parents
I'm way past beeing a teenager but am not qualified either
Many adults are not any better qualified to raise a child IMO
Yeah, but at least you have a little more experience
Maybe younger parents are better since they have more recent experience with being a child?
Doesn't your brain not finish fully developing until you're around 25? Not that teenagers are brain-dead or something, but a child is a huge responsibility
As my mother reminds me every day, yes
@mousetail I don't know about you, but I do not remember being a preschooler at all, and by the time the child gets closer to their teen years, the teen parent is going to be an adult and will have forgotten about that
@mousetail Do the same to her when she starts going senile
Even if you are like 14 you are dealing a lot with children of all ages, at school and social situation etc. I don't have any reason to interact with kids anymore so I don't know how they work anymore
They don't work, they just mooch off their parent's money
The entire generation's made of lazy, shiftless little punks
In my next life I want to just mooch of my parents money
A couple years ago, I tried tutoring a third grader (my school district makes us get service learning hours by volunteering for stuff), and it went pretty poorly, couldn't really communicate with him at all
It depends a lot on the kid, it's a lot easier also if the kid knows you a little
I'm definitely way worse at talking than the average person, but I feel like the average 16 year old would also have been about as bad
@mousetail This was virtual, during COVID, so I guess there's that
I know a lot of 16 year olds that are great with kids. It's a skill
Yeah, but I don't think most are
@user Oh that's super hard mode, no wonder it didn't work
I couldn't keep my own attention over zoom
In fact, not even 16 year olds, back when I was about 8-10, I used to hang out with a bunch of other kids from the same apartment complex, and the older kids (who were 13, tops), had absolutely no idea how to get the younger kids (6-10) to cooperate
Eventually, they'd just make the younger kids sit out any games that were happening
I wish people had to take a test and get a license before they could have kids, but that's not feasible and a bad idea for multiple reasons :(
@user Some do.
@user do you mean gen alpha? if so i’m not sure that’s the case
it’s definitely true that some are more lazy, but i’m not sure that’s the main result of all the iPad, roblox, kids youtube. the main trait i’ve noticed among kids (6-10) recently is an extreme desire to constantly be entertained
gonna sound like a boomer here but I totally agree; I think the main impact of all the social media and overstimulation is an inability to focus and extremely high gravitation to immediate/instant gratification and like you said, constant stimulation/entertainment
I think user was probably joking about the entire generation being lazy but I could be wrong lol.
for example, my cousin (9) is always asking his parents to use his iPad, and my godsister (8 at the time i believe?) took her mom’s credit card to buy robux. but i have seen kids who are 11 now that have matured significantly, i don’t think that generalization you made is accurate
@hyper-neutrino maybe, idk i don’t know what your sense’s of humor are that well
to be fair i am pretty late gen Z so i’m a bit biased, but it also means i know more gen alpha kids better. and i can say neither of the examples i mentioned are lazy, just very dependent on that instant gratification. tbh, i can relate to an extent, but not as much since i don’t use much social media
@noodleman Yeah, almost none of them even have jobs
Ungrateful good-for-nothings, the lot of them
Expect to have their diapers changed and their lunches packed for them
@user Technically I guess, but the outcome is the same
@noodleman youtube kids is a very weird place
@user Okay you've just reminded me of this customer I had a few days ago
I was born a bit before before the iPhone, and look at what we have now. I'm scared for my kids
She said something along the lines of "do you like your job" and I was like "does anyone :p" with a little smile, and then she was like "well actually I do, I make $100k a year. That's the problem with your generation, you don't know how to make money."
I was speechless
How old was she (as in decade)
Like late 30s I'd guess
But I find it so funny and bizarre that she seems to be expecting 17 year olds, still in high school, to be working full-time salaried jobs and like, climbing the ladder or whatever lol
Yeah that's what I thought
I like how you can get such precise snapshots of peoples' personalities in the couple of minutes while you scan their groceries
The worst are probably the ones who think they're really good at reading people's emotions when they really aren't
Like obviously standing in one spot for five hours straight saying the same two sentences makes you pretty tired right...well y'all have no idea how many people mistake "tired" for "depressed" and like, randomly walk up to me and say shit like "are you okay" and how do you even respond to that
Had one middle-aged dude who was like "you're not very good at customer service", in a somewhat aggro tone. Like, out of nowhere. We talk back and forth for a sec, and he asks "if you don't like talking to people who do you have this job?" and I was like "...cause I gotta pay for college?" and he was like "wait really?" and that's when I realized just how disconnected some people are from the real world
unfortunately a lot of people are very out of touch with the state of the economy these days
back in their day they could get a good job with just a high school diploma unlike these days when you can't get shit without a degree, and that job would pay for their family with 5 kids as a sole breadwinner
@RydwolfPrograms Well, to be fair, she did have a counterexample to your blanket statement. :P (But I find it a bit odd that she seems to think that high salary => liking your job. It's entirely possible to make a lot of money working 80-hour weeks and be miserable.)
@RydwolfPrograms "Yes, I love working retail where I get to deal with assholes like you for 8 hours at a time"
She was also one of those people who make it a point to look at your nametag and use your name
Except she did it three times
See, I started forgetting I had a nametag, and so it shook me when people called me by my name
I ended up just losing it, and my managers never complained
I hate when people do it because the only people who call me "Ryan" instead of my last name are usually people I know pretty well
So I look up all excited and it's some rando
(IMO the reason people do that is typically to reinforce a power imbalance rather than to be friendly)
Interesting. I guess I don't use people's names if they just have a nametag, but I try to do so if they introduce themselves verbally (like waiters or people on the phone).
Like sometimes, especially since I live in the southern US, it really is people just trying to be friendly. But other times it feels much more like they're pointing out that I'm paid to serve them and not the other way around.
@user Personally, as an adult, I find it easier to interact with kids than with teenagers. Kids will come up to you and just start talking. Teenagers usually don't initiate, which leaves me worrying about whether they would want to talk to me at all, so then I just avoid them. :P
@RydwolfPrograms people are definitely a lot more talkative here (in the south) than in new england
@DLosc As a soon-to-be former teen, I can confirm that teens do not want to talk to adults and hate them with passion /s
As a former teen, I'd like to submit the opposing side: sometimes adults are interesting to talk to :P
@RydwolfPrograms I mean, at least that's better than them being rude. They care about you, they're just wrong
> former teen
Clearly a biased source :P
@user It's still unnecessarily belittling
I get "are you okay" all the time too and I hate when people do that, but I'll take that over people insulting me any time
Yes. Having random people try to probe into your emotions is not a comfortable experience, especially when they are idiots
They're trying to be helpful
Yeah, but their intent doesn't change how it's received
How would they know that you get that sort of comment all the time and are tired of it?
I can throw a rock at your head with all the love and care in the world and you're still gonna have a bad headache
@user Has nothing to do with being tired of it (and it's pretty rare that I do)
Odd way to show you care
My sister was telling us the other day about how she was playing "rock dodgeball" with her friends at the park...she's 14...
I know teenagers don't have the best risk assessment but like
You should know the consequences of losing "rock dodgeball" at that age lmao
@RydwolfPrograms ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ
@user maybe 7 is ok if everyone carefully follows some rules?
idk I'm not a geneticist lol
7 for what
What's that a reply to?
For repopulating the earth
18 hours ago, by Simd
Puzzle: Say there are only 7 humans and they want to repopulate the Earth. How many women/men should there be to do this most quickly? The rule is no one can have a child with a descendant, a sibling or someone under 20.
7 is nowhere near enough
To avoid massive inbreeding depression at least
It's not the actual inbreeding that causes inbreeding depression, it's the reduced gene pool. You can avoid having children with descendants and siblings all you want, that's not going to matter a few generations in.
the amount of smoke in new york right now is crazy
it’s almost as bad as it was in california 2020
I don’t normally have allergies, but between record levels of pollen and all this wildfire smoke I’m starting to feel it
yeah the wildfire is affecting NY more than us which is kind of wack
wind moment
we're even getting some of it down in nc :P
yeah it's in quebec and it's affecting us (ontario) more, and then affecting the U.S. even more lmao
apparently the air quality in NY is worse than in china rn? at least from WAQI
i lived in northern california when the really bad wildfires were happening so i’m getting some crazy deja vu
this isn’t quite as bad (yet) but it’s close
@UnrelatedString i live 10 mi south of the NC border and got getting any
makes sense :P
there's no visible smore here but it's still affecting air quality enough to put an alert out
@UnrelatedString you might be able to make s’mores with all the smoke to be honest
AQI 160 here
@Bbrk24 289 in nyc
oh geez
Just goes to show, I guess, that I could never live in a big city
Q: GPT on the platform: Data, actions, and outcomes

PhilippeIn a meeting with some moderators last week, I committed to releasing the data sets from our initial studies around the efficacy and false positive rates of ChatGPT detectors to them. Tuesday afternoon, we did so. This post contains as much information from that discussion as we are able to share...

@Bbrk24 yeah, it’s still going up too- now it’s at 291
I meant, like. Yesterday it was at 140 and I was affected by it. I could never do 290
@RydwolfPrograms Finally, some actual data.
@RydwolfPrograms just read the TLDR and i don't buy it.
> If every GPT poster posted exactly three answers and were suspended within three weeks, this would imply a minimum GPT post rate of 330 answers per week on Stack Overflow; in practice, we would expect a significantly greater quantity. Measurements of GPT occurrences on the platform imply fewer than 100 GPT answers per week, in disagreement with this rate, implying the existence of many false positive detections.
The drafts measurement is... interesting
While the data isn't of high quality and isn't hugely convincing (necessarily so; if there was an easy way to figure out if a post was genuinely from GPT, we'd be using it and the question would be moot), I think it does provide good justification for why SE would have taken the action they did
at least they listened
For example, I very rarely end up having lots of drafts saved for my posts, because they either get copied from TIO or the Sandbox, then posted
I’ve upvoted this for once because yeah, at least they have finally responded to our requests for data
@cairdcoinheringaahing As Rydwolf pointed out in the comments, if we used this metric alone, it’d decimate CGCC
@RydwolfPrograms exactly why i don't buy the point i posted; their measurement of GPT occurence is very weird
They shared this data with us mods on Tuesday (as they said), and the difference between what they shared to us for feedback, and what was just posted is not massive
@cairdcoinheringaahing i mean in releasing the data?
also, i obviously don't post those chatgpt answers, but i don't see why the poster couldn't just edit it a little after
Again, there is no reliable metric, this just gives very rough trends
@Seggan Yeah, I suppose that's a good thing
This metric is not intended to measure anything at an individual level. SE's not stupid, they know people edit at different speeds or copy-paste from drafts in other editors. It does, however, make a lot of sense to me that per-site the rate at which drafts are saved would remain fairly constant, unless suddenly a new tool showed up from which people we copy-pasting from
It's a big step forward in communication, but it's not over yet
The point of this wasn't for it to be over
I think, looking at this data, SE had perfectly valid reasons to institute the policy they did
I'm not sure the conclusion drawn from it is correct, but we have no real way of knowing. They responded reasonably to the information they had.
More community involvement would have been good, but community involvement takes time, and they had reason to act quickly
I think a lot of this was made worse by the CEO's post on AI shortly before, which had us primed to be worried about SE's actions relating to AI
This whole thing was mostly about the terrible communication
This post does not match the guidance given to moderators. — Bryan Krause is on strike May 30 at 19:52
What does that mean?
Were the mods told to handle possibly-GPT posts differently from the policy described in the answer?
The policy SE claimed to institute is not the policy we moderators were told
What was the policy the mods were told?
We can't say
It was shared on the mod team, and, unless otherwise shared by staff, we don't share info from there
I suppose I don't have all of the information then, but based on that which I have access to, SE's actions seem pretty reasonable and the strike seems pretty senseless
I will say, they aren't diametrically opposite stances (e.g. we were told to nuke anything that could even potentially be GPT). Rather, we can't share what the "very strict standard of evidence" is, but it is significantly different from what they claim in that post
(Maybe I'm wrong tho, in which case the fact that I don't have the necessary information to be right would be further reason to strike.)
@cairdcoinheringaahing While I'm thinking of it: could you edit the pinned message to some form that looks better on the starboard?
@noodleman It is visibly hazier here than it normally is and I don’t like it
I can see the air is dirtier than normal and it smells faintly of smoke sometimes, but fortunately it has not been too bad where I live; I've had no issues biking to and from school daily
The AQI is already dropping but it does tend to be worst in the middle of the day
But like, there's enough smoke that at first I thought my windshield was just dirty
the main issue it's made me face at the moment has been walking to and from subway stations, in the station it's not bad but i live about a ten minute walk away and its terrible
on an unrelated note: i have a list of tokens from a lexer that have information about token type, location, etc. but some of the tokens are in a separate list. how can i insert tokens from the other list into the main one at the correct positions? for some reason i'm struggling to figure this out
the only way i can think of is to have a for loop of every index in the source string and check if any token starts at that index, but i feel like this is overthinking it. maybe i'm wrong though, i'm going to start with this
Maybe turn the list into a BST to make searching easier, if it's very big? nvm
in most cases it probably won't be too large, i'm just trying to implement a simple syntax highlighter for my language on its docs site but i'm too lazy to figure out textmate grammars
the problem is my lexer separates the comments from the rest of the tokens. but i think i'm just going to go through with my initial idea
ok it worky
the code is a bit inefficient but it doesn't matter since it's generated at build time for the static site
Any mods on? Can someone please have a word with that irritating little Kpop kid, or ban them, before I completely lose the rag with than and end up getting myself suspended?!
Ah, yeah, just saw your flag :/
Yeah, I just flagged that one as the latest example 'cause SE doesn't have an option to flag/report users.
I think that’s generally a good thing tbh
better to point at a specific example than “I don’t like them”

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