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01:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

it looks like there's no way to selectively change fields; I'd have to parse out and resend all of it, including things like location and GitHub profile
anyway, time to do more work on lightchat
hmm, but the script that does it must be getting the data from somewhere...
@Ginger oh fun
blech, the script literally extracts the default values from all of the form elements and submits them
I presume they didn’t bother to write a PATCH endpoint
I doubt it
I mean, what would be the point
}).fail(function(d) {
    showError({ 'General': [] }); // just show the red text
very good programmers at SE
conclusion: it's possible, but quite a bit of effort
if you do it, more power to you (and I'll happily answer any questions you may have about the intricacies of the login system)
Is there a python module that would just do this for you? codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/260918/…
Probably not, it's too specific
@Ginger if you’re willing to answer questions about the login system, could you tell me what I did wrong in the code snippet I shared in the chat clients room?
oh sure lol
sorry, I forgor 💀
@mousetail phew :)
I look forward to the Mathematica built-in :)
@mousetail if there was a built-in that gave you prefix sums at fixed intervals that would do it. Maybe there is something that does that
A variant of percentile
Arc<Mutex<Vec<Box<dyn FnMut(ChatEventType) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output=()> + Send + 'static>> + Send>>>>
If Swift can figure out some generic type args but not others, you can replace the ones it can figure out with _, so instead of var x: Either<Int, Some<Deeply<Nested<Type>>>> = .right(...), you can say var x: Either<Int, _> = .right(...)
problem is thats in a struct type definition
i just aliased it
ah. I see
Does Rust do the thing where typealias Void = () // empty tuple?
type EventHandlers = Arc<Mutex<Vec<Box<dyn FnMut(ChatEventType) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output=()> + Send + 'static>> + Send>>>>;
@Bbrk24 yeah
all non returning functions return ()
by non returning i mean void
Also, what is + here?
@Seggan As opposed to returning, I think Kotlin calls it Nothing? Swift calls it Never, and defines it as enum Never {}
yeah its Nothing
Rust calls it !
equivalent to C++ [[noreturn]] void
I like Never as a name for it because of how it makes some sentences sound, e.g. "fatalError returns Never"
It can be used to wholesale eliminate types from a tagged union type enum, like Result<T, Never> is equivalent to T (as opposed to Result<T, Void> which is equivalent to T?)
Never implements a lot of common protocols for this reason
extension Never: Comparable {
    static func < (lhs: Never, rhs: Never) -> Bool {
        switch (lhs, rhs) {}
is part of the standard library
@Bbrk24 Wait I thought y'all fixed it
It's still not working?
I thought so too
@Bbrk24 I was thinking about that, but does curl have cookie support?
but apparently not. I can only get it to work if I yoink the cookies from the browser
Lemme do some testing rq
I could've sworn the set-cookie-on-redirect thing was something it does, and if so, that could be the issue
@RydwolfPrograms To make the hard upper limit of 128MB video memory even stranger: I have 2.1GB of cache
@Bbrk24 Rabbit's going to have dedicated singleton nothing and never types
What's the difference?
Presumably never's for things that never return a value, like panics or infinite loops
nothing is Rabbit's version of Kotlin's Unit, never is Rabbit's version of Rust's !
(although we call them "aborts" thank you very much :b)
also: @RydwolfPrograms I know you aren't going to like this but... I really like Kotlin's handling of nullable types
like, more than Rust's
There's also func yeet(_ e: Error) throws -> Never { throw e }
so I'm considering using it over Optional or whatever Rust calls it
Optional is Swift's name for it, in Rust it's just Option
ah, right
also me when explicit throw declarations
Rabbit's going to do Rust-style Results
Those're so problematic
whar ?
Rust has terrible error handling, it's its weakest aspect
weren't you espousing the greatness of Results?
okaaaay, what do you think I should do then?
Over try/catch/throw yes
The thing where there's a global error type registry and there's something akin to Result but with only one generic
oh right that
@Ginger Rol has Void and Never
I like nothing and never because they're alliterative and it pleases me
lizard brain moment
Alliteration is bad in programming language design
You want things to sound distinct, not make them easy to confuse
silence, boring person
I'm doing nothing and never and you cannot change my mind
@RydwolfPrograms PLDI question right there!
all that'll do is start arguments
PLDI will be Argument Central
@Bbrk24 I have an idea
we don't need another math.se!
Try replacing the URLs your bot makes requests to during its login flow with a server you control, one at a time, and logging all of the headers and request data
Then I can do the same with NPSP
That's what I JUST DID (see the chat clients room)
bold of you to assume xe controls a server
well I used webhook.site but same idea
Great minds think alike I guess
@Ginger I do, it's called localhost
me when backhanded compliment
@Bbrk24 oh cool, my server's named the same thing!
what're the odds
@RydwolfPrograms (which is a really fun expression because it lets you call yourself a great mind without sounding arrogant :p)

 SE Chat Clients

A room for discussion and development of SE chat clients
@RydwolfPrograms The best response to it is "but fools rarely differ"
@Ginger My server has a little display on the front which shows a line of information, and I told it to show the server's hostname. It just displays localhost now. Like, technically correct...thanks...
"what's your IP address?" ""
Don't make fun of me but I did that once
Oh really? Well mine's
@RydwolfPrograms lmao
In 6th grade trying to get my friend to join my minecraft server
@Bbrk24 That might be the saying but there are a lot more ways to be wrong than right. That being said great minds can be very wrong too
please tell me it was in response to some masterhacker asking you for it
aw darn
Ha, I found your IP. Going to DDOS now. You'll never get access the internet again
I love r/masterhacker because it's one of the easiest ways for me to feel smugly superior
> You'll get access the internet again
reverse threat
maybe if you DDOS their rogue DNS server that's censoring certain sites
Also btw fun fact the entire 127.0.x.x block is localhost. You can use that to run multiple servers on your computer and give them unique domain names in your host file
@RydwolfPrograms I know this isn't the way you meant it, but now I have an image of an assassin hired by Code Review going around the globe taking out CGCC members and I am very scared
CGCC will die
SE Nitro 2: Nitro Harder
@user aka anti-Ginger?
Is Ginger going around killing Code Review members?
I guess the code review hit squad found this chat
I can’t really judge an excel answer
does anyone understand =TOCOL(AVERAGEIF(A:A,"<"&SEQUENCE(1+MAX(A:A))),2). ?
I don't think it's valid, both AVERAGEIF and SEQUENCE should be O(n) if I understand correctly support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/… You should be able to easily look it up the the excel docs though
Ok so it’s recomputing from scratch for each output?
I just need it translated into loops :)
@RydwolfPrograms Put it this way: I've seen the site be substantially more, and substantially less active than it is now, and I've seen the userbase change over the 6 years I've been here. I doubt CGCC is "dying" any time soon, unless SE does something to kill us
I am so glad you can edit in replies in chat
@cairdcoinheringaahing Like a globetrotting assassin tracking us down by exploiting the IP address vulnerability in chat? :o
Nah, I tried doing that to Code Review 3 years back, didn't work
what IP vulnerability?
You can steal someone's IP pretty easily since you can upload images from any source
You just need to watch for users joining and associate that with when the request rolls in
Same with main but it's harder to tell who's IP it is
SE's known about it for years but refuses to fix it
We believe it's also possible to use that to get the announcer badge but nobody's been brave enough to test it
A: Allowing images from external sources opens doors to serious security exploits and privacy risks

Radvylf ProgramsWhat is possible with this vulnerability? Oh, it's way worse than tracking. Determining the IP addresses of specific chat users or (with less accuracy) highly active users on main This involves finding mutliple rooms the user is in, scraping the IPs of the users in them, and finding the interse...

@RydwolfPrograms How?
By putting a userid-containing link to a post in the image's source
How does the Announcer badge work that permits that?
I'd assume it just tracks when a request is made to that link right
no what is the criteria for the badge even? I've never heard of it
Oh it's for getting 25 people to click on a link you shared to a post
When you get a post link via the share button it includes your user id for that reason
Well I tried to get a fun project I made using the self-hosted images "feature" back online and was greeted with this
So I guess no clockimg.png
Stupid question: Would a JS answer like require('is-even') be acceptable?
Why wouldn't it be?
It would be allowed but it'd be "JavaScript (Node.js) + is-even" as the language
@cairdcoinheringaahing You're not writing any code, just pointing out that a ridiculously simple library exists
iirc is-even requires is-odd and then inverts the result
You'd still need to include the name of the function you're using. For example, in a challenge to calculate sin of the input, Python can do the following:
import math
but not
@Bbrk24 It's no different from using a built-in
@cairdcoinheringaahing require("is-even") is an expression that evaluates to the is-even function
One can do require("is-even")(7), so I don't see why not
Or even, for library functions, require("some-math-lib-with-an-ace").calculate
well you could do __import__("math").sin in python too it's just basically never shorter
it's the same length as import longmodulename as m;m.field for longer module names
CMP: How do you pronounce 0b10 as in const unsigned TWO = 0b10;?
i pronounce the last 0 as "kenobi"
I read it as "Zero, Bee, Ten" which might not be accurate, but it's how I read it.
Since my SE chat client is utterly broken, what other thing should I try to make in Swift?
@Neil "one-zero"
Or actually rather than doing anything in Swift, maybe I should fix a known bug in Trilangle. I may need help with it because I don't even know how to approach the problem
@cairdcoinheringaahing so you don't pronounce the 0b at all?
No. Unless I'm clarifying, I say "ten" for decimal, and "one-zero" for binary
...would anyone know why gcc is giving me 50kB of "undefined reference" errors?
And it's all super basic stuff like
<artificial>:(.text+0xf08): undefined reference to `operator new(unsigned long)'
<artificial>:(.text+0xfc4): undefined reference to `operator delete(void*)'
clang is giving me a cryptic linker error saying LLVMgold.so doesn't exist
@Bbrk24 Looks like a linking error, I suspect to whatever should provide standard lib.
C(++) linking errors are the worst part of the language family IMO.
I used gcc instead of g++
are you serious, that was it?
clang works for both, why can't gcc
GCC has different cli args iirc.
And G++ assumes a bunch of libs if required?
@mousetail TODO: Add ඞ to a SBCS for a golf lang.
The invocation was g++ ./*.cpp -Wall -Wextra -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions -O3 -flto -DNDEBUG -o Release/trilangle
gcc didn't complain about any of those flags, just the linker errors
> g++: error: unrecognized command line option ‘--std=c++20’; did you mean ‘--std=c++03’?
right, good thing I wrote this compatible with C++14
01:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

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