it looks like there's no way to selectively change fields; I'd have to parse out and resend all of it, including things like location and GitHub profile
@Ginger if you’re willing to answer questions about the login system, could you tell me what I did wrong in the code snippet I shared in the chat clients room?
If Swift can figure out some generic type args but not others, you can replace the ones it can figure out with _, so instead of var x: Either<Int, Some<Deeply<Nested<Type>>>> = .right(...), you can say var x: Either<Int, _> = .right(...)
It can be used to wholesale eliminate types from a tagged union type enum, like Result<T, Never> is equivalent to T (as opposed to Result<T, Void> which is equivalent to T?)
Never implements a lot of common protocols for this reason
Try replacing the URLs your bot makes requests to during its login flow with a server you control, one at a time, and logging all of the headers and request data
@Ginger My server has a little display on the front which shows a line of information, and I told it to show the server's hostname. It just displays localhost now. Like, technically correct...thanks...
maybe if you DDOS their rogue DNS server that's censoring certain sites
Also btw fun fact the entire 127.0.x.x block is localhost. You can use that to run multiple servers on your computer and give them unique domain names in your host file
@RydwolfPrograms I know this isn't the way you meant it, but now I have an image of an assassin hired by Code Review going around the globe taking out CGCC members and I am very scared
I don't think it's valid, both AVERAGEIF and SEQUENCE should be O(n) if I understand correctly… You should be able to easily look it up the the excel docs though
@RydwolfPrograms Put it this way: I've seen the site be substantially more, and substantially less active than it is now, and I've seen the userbase change over the 6 years I've been here. I doubt CGCC is "dying" any time soon, unless SE does something to kill us
What is possible with this vulnerability?
Oh, it's way worse than tracking.
Determining the IP addresses of specific chat users or (with less accuracy) highly active users on main
This involves finding mutliple rooms the user is in, scraping the IPs of the users in them, and finding the interse...
You'd still need to include the name of the function you're using. For example, in a challenge to calculate sin of the input, Python can do the following:
Or actually rather than doing anything in Swift, maybe I should fix a known bug in Trilangle. I may need help with it because I don't even know how to approach the problem