Write a program that has at least one byte that, when run, does absolutely nothing.
I thought this would be done by now, but I can't find any
How to tell if it does nothing:
No variables are declared
Nothing is returned
Input does nothing
You could run a program after it and it would run normall...
@mousetail How's it not how it works? Unobservable requirements mean there's fuzziness/a lack of clarity over what's a valid answer, which is the precise purpose of the NDC close reason
@mousetail It most certainly isn't if two reasonable people interpret it two entirely different ways
It's sheer, unbeliebvable assholery to declare that you have the only reasonable interpretation of some vague sentence in a context where both options are questionable
@Fatalize Same's true of pasting it into a second program tho
It's the only thing that makes sense in context, unless you are purposefully trying to interpret in a way that makes no sense and makes the question bad
When I consider both options, neither makes sense to me
Mine makes more sense to me tho
The fact we can even have this argument renders itself moot. It shows it's unclear.
I am part of this question's intended audience. You are part of this question's intended audience. We do not have a shared understanding of what it means. End of discussion, it's unclear.
It would take a two-word edit to fix this, and that's what needs to happen. Until then, the question shouldn't be answered.
In the hierarchy of on-topic-ness, discussion of moderation of the site should always come before side projects that aren't even intended for code golf
@Fatalize if nobody uses Rabbit, nobody will ever look at the internals; if it gets popular, thanks to Godwin's Law people will decide to go and fix it themselves :b
Are the rep levels different between stackexchange sites? I don't see how to VTC on codegolf.se, but I can see the review page on stackoverflow even though I have lower rep there
i did have an idea for a challenge but i don't think it would be a good fit: write an obfuscated hello-world "program" that could is a text block to run into chatgpt and get that
but i feel like it's kind of boring and chatgpt isn't really an interpreter
Given two inputs, a distance \$d\$ and a number \$n\$ output a list of \$n\$ random colors which each have distance \$d\$ from the previous.
A random walk is a path which is defined by choosing a random direction and (usually) fixed distance to go at each step. We will be taking a rand...
so yall know how Carrot has repositories (package sources) and libraries (package sinks)?
well what if they were one thing
to upload a package to Chinchilla you'd do carrot install --to https://repository.chinchilla.dev me.mypackage
(I keep forgetting that I renamed Burrow to Chinchilla)
@RydwolfPrograms what are your opinions on this idea
(although there'd be one difference: carrot wouldn't be able to directly run programs using packages from "remote" libraries, so that it doesn't re-download everything every time it's run)
a library is a directory on your computer that contains module source code (and a database file of what modules are installed in it); a repository is anything that can provide packages to install in a library
but what I realized is that the two are basically the same thing
so what I'm considering doing is combining them into one concept
if I did so, uploading a module to Chinchilla would look to carrot like installing a package in another library, except the library isn't on your computer
and installing code from Chinchilla would be the same thing in reverse
@RydwolfPrograms if you want to install a module as an end-user (assuming you have carrot installed, which you should) you'd just do carrot install goatsinc.goatRecognizer and Carrot would download all the dependencies and install them into... probably your user library if you didn't use sudo
There's two ways I can think of this working: The TypeScript this type, which can only be the value this and nothing else; or the Swift Self type, which is any member of the same type as the object (useful for writing interfaces)
basically the type class has an instantiate function which creates a new object object from it, which obviously needs to know the type of what object will be created; I can fix this by passing the type to the object object upon creation but that 1. adds lots of extra code wherever I want to make a new object object and 2. makes object classes do things that types should handle (like visibility)
wow that's unintelligible, and I wrote it
me and the lads passing types to our object objects upon creation
Types exist at compile-time, their instances exist at run-time
Unless your language has reflection (either compile-time or runtime), there shouldn't be any connection between the two
If you only have runtime reflection, consider having one class for types that exist at compile-time and another class for reified types that you use for runtime reflection
idk how compile-time reflection would work
@Seggan Why not do a filter followed by a mapIndexed?
Qat Equation Solver
Qat is a tool that lets you search for words matching a given pattern, often used by crossword and other word puzzle writers and solvers.
In this challenge, you will have to implement a specific part of Qat, namely a subset of the "equation solver".
The out...