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@RydwolfPrograms I resent that!
I've just been busy
Oh yeah no I get that
But you were basically like "I'll make the online interpreter y'all figure the rest out" lol
yeah, I guess I was
We need more organization
You are the glue holding us together :p
I'm, uh, not very good at Rust
so I delegated :b
You don't need to touch the code, just point at blueprints and wear a hard hat while nodding
hard hats mess up my fur ok
but you're the smart one, I can barely grasp the implications of my own language (as you said)
@RydwolfPrograms I guess goat_recognizer has become our de facto example now, hasn't it q:
@RydwolfPrograms Also sorry for my wording here it was kinda rude
dw about it, I knew what you meant
Looks like I was right in the middle of prematurely optimizing the coalescer when I stopped working on it last
noooooooooooooooooooooo d:
Someone's gonna have to do the hard whiteboard work and figure out a balanced cantor tupling function
For now we can just do the heavily unbalanced recursive pairing method tho
@RydwolfPrograms wait, am "I" saying "goat_recognizer" or is the construction vehicle labeled goat_recognizer?
You're visualizing it
You're looking into the sky daydreaming while seeing a goat recognizer
Wrong adverb lol
*stares into the distance sexily*
* looks at sky sexily *
dammiy noinja;d
f1rst p0st!
Get off the interwbz n00b
This is my blagosphere
I'm worried about what My Immortal has done to my brain which reminds me how are the docs going
I'm gonna have to start using "I had a headache" as an excuse for every time I use profanity by mistake in TNB :p
just write a version of the swear censoring userscript that replaces all profanity with "LUDACRIS IDIOT"
maybe I shouldn't make these jokes, you might end up doing them :p
Honestly yeah there's some really great non-profane insults and stuff in there
quick, resume talking before I get distracted again!
I can have everything but the parser finished in a day or two
As in a prototype I meant to say prototype xD
Like the basic arithmetic and logic operators with basically no optimizer or bundler optimizations
well bear in mind I'm also working on Rabbit, so I may not be able to help a lot, but I will try to do what I can
I'm almost wondering if it'd be worth making a DSL for optimizations
a what?
Domain Specific Lang, typo
sounds like premature optimization extra difficulty
So like, we'd write something like NOT(OR(x, y)) : NOR(x, y)
Although I wonder if we could do that in Rust with a macro, which would add more flexibility
E.g., match_constraint!(constraints, Not(Or(x, y))) would return a tuple of constraints
21 hours later…
@RydwolfPrograms ooh

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