Execution failed for task ':compileKotlinJvm'.
> Kotlin could not find the required JDK tools in the Java installation. Make sure Kotlin compilation is running on a JDK, not JRE.
@AviFS works for all n-dimensional spheres, because the delta volume is the surface area times the delta radius. can be made to work for n-dimensional cubes, but you have to correct for the radius being half the length of the side of the cube
As above.
I tried (inside powershell terminal with run as admin)
and the variable is only available for that window. If I open another powershell window or restart my PC, the variable is lost.
@Seggan I should have push permissions to CGR, right? I want to put up a PR adding .vscode to the gitignore, since I need to put something there to make it default to powershell instead of bash. (As mentioned above, gradle doesn't work well in MinGW bash.)
(Also, I'm sure that once we do this, there will be someone answering CGCC questions in CGR bytecode.)
Surely there is a way to represent a 3 dimensional Direction vector without wasting memory... rotations don't work as there are infinitely many points which have more than one (Infinite?) many rotations which reach it, and direct vectors waste a lot of space with invalid values that do not appear on a surface of a unit sphere.
In 2d it can simply be "256 equal division rotations"
Oh! A UV Sphere would work! 256 values around the yaw, and 256 values mapped from -90 to positive 90. Bonus points if you reserve 0x0000 as the top of the sphere and 0xFFFF as the bottom and shift the other values so they are never the same.
I suppose it could be simplified and allow for more even distribution to say, "The index of a point within a 256 vertex Icosphere" but converting to and from that would suck.
Is it a Frog Number?
Tags: code-golfnumberintegerdecision-problem
A Frog Number is defined by certain rules:
Each frog within a Frog Number has an unique positive digit as id (any 0 in a number is basically an empty spot, which can mostly be ignored).
A Frog Number will always have ex...
Non-metals typically* have a fixed number of covalent bonds in every chemical they are part of. Given the number of bonds every element requires, output whether it's possible to construct a single molecule from the given chemicals.
Test Cases
[1] A single element has nothing to bond with...
I like the way Swift does it: import Module is the same as Java's import module.*, or to mimic Java's import module.SomeClass you say import class Module.SomeClass. (You can also import enum, import struct, etc)
What I don't like about Swift's imports is that there's no way to rename something (import Foo as Bar)
I think the way I'm going to do it is import module links the target module's context to the importer's context somehow and from module import whatever copies whatever into the import's context
but that's bad too because then I have two copies of whatever
In python when you do import it assigns the module object to sys.modules and subsequent imports copy the value. If you do from a import b it basically does import a; b=a.b
My opinion is that if your measuring system isn't convertible to integer bytes, just don't measure it in bytes (e.g. if it's machine code on a base-3 machine, measure it in trits or something.) I'm not aware of a meta consensus though
@Ginger I guess this'd work, but then I need to figure out how to preserve the imported module's GlobalContext for use by any functions/structs/whatevers in the module
Quick question: what does the bonding for 4, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2 look like. I'm having difficulties visualising it and don't know where to look on the internet
Basically, since a O has 2 sides it's "free" and can be placed in between any other bond without effecting the validity, as long as at least 1 bond exists beforehand
import module will set module in GlobalContext to an object containing the module's members, and from module import thing will set thing in GlobalContext to the value of thing in module
You call [+NSException raise:format:]. I deregister NSObject from the Objective-C runtime and let the program crash of its own accord. We are not the same.
> Initialization requires resolved types, but resolved types require initialization!
and I don't know how to fix this
in order to resolve the types for a module, its imports have to be initialized and ready, but getting the imports ready requires their types to be resolved, and so on all the way down
in theory, the modules at the bottom of the import tree should only use builtin/Kotlin-defined types (which don't need initialization), but I don't know how to program that in