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00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

@ATaco it's still yesterday for them
Oh, I should make the ISO folks happy and return 2023-03-15
took you long enough
@Bbrk24 what does PIE stand for here?
Execution failed for task ':compileKotlinJvm'.
> Kotlin could not find the required JDK tools in the Java installation. Make sure Kotlin compilation is running on a JDK, not JRE.
@Seggan help
run java --version
Unrecognized option: --version
javac --version responds "javac"
@ATaco We never stopped! Did we? I hope not.
@Bbrk24 ehhh
you might have a borked java install
The full output from gradlew build
do you mind installing java 17? adoptium.net
Oh, java and javac live in different folders O.o
one is in Program Files and the other is in Program Files (x86)
Yeah, I can try installing Java 17. I already have at least two javas though
yeah ur install is borked
The two Javas I know I have are Java 1.8 and Java 18
@Seggan I installed it, but my apparent Java version hasn't changed. I must need to change my default Java, but where did it put itself?
Nevermind, I found it
mine is in C:\Program Files\Eclipse Adoptium\jdk-
Yep that's where it is
also change ur JAVA_HOME
If you're on Windows, where javac should help you figure out where it's coming from
@Seggan How do I change it in powershell?
@user That still points to the old javac
@AviFS works for all n-dimensional spheres, because the delta volume is the surface area times the delta radius. can be made to work for n-dimensional cubes, but you have to correct for the radius being half the length of the side of the cube
You don't have to do it through Powershell, you can search "Environment variable" in start menu and just do it through there
Q: how do I permanently set a system variable ([System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable) in windows 11?

mrjayviperAs above. I tried (inside powershell terminal with run as admin) [System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('ResourceGroup','AZ_Resource_Group') and the variable is only available for that window. If I open another powershell window or restart my PC, the variable is lost. Thanks

Ah, I knew you could edit them there but I didn't think to add it there
@user I set it there but echo $JAVA_HOME still prints nothing
(yes, even after restarting powershell)
Did you try in a new shell?
Does echo $env:JAVA_HOME print something? idk how Powershell works
Also, did you set it in your user's variables or system variables?
No, and it doesn't show up if I DIR env:\ either
I may have to restart my computer :P
@Bbrk24 search for "environment" in the taskbar and it should show up where you can change it
Okay, after restarting my computer, it is available as $env:JAVA_HOME
let's see if .\gradlew build works now
Yay! It worked
It, uh. Created a new file. kotlin-js-store/yarn.lock
it will create zillions of new files :P
get used to build tools
yeah but the others are gitignored. This particular one isn't. Is that expected?
yeah its fine
hasnt been pushed to master yet
got it
How do I run it?
you cant (yet)
master is currently a skeleton project
i literally set this up a few hours ago :P
@Adám worst bit is that you can actually rotate around two planes (e.g. xy and zw) independently at the same time
Well, at least I can build it now
I love building anything and having /obj and /bin created and filled with junk
@user well if its just numbers
Fair enough
@Seggan What were you envisioning?
then releasing it separately is a good idea
bc its just a general number lib for kotlin multiplatform
We might be thinking of two different things so I just want to make sure we're on the same page before continuing
but cartesian product is not just numbers, so we could just make another module in the same repo for it
@Seggan Well, also various golflang builtins, possibly even an infinite lazylist type, but yeah
the problem with making a separate repo is that you have to make a new release for small changes
Stuff like matrix diagonals, all permutations, etc.
Same repo then, just a different module
perhaps the number stuff could be a different repo (for those who need big math stuff), and then the rest a different module
I was going to lump everything together but I guess a math library might be a good idea
Although there already exist math libraries for Kotlin so idk how useful a library solely for math would be
but a big math lib plus complex numbers does not exist
smth like this, but pure kotlin (multiplatform)
17 messages moved from Vyxal
I was wondering what all the arrows were for, and then I saw that last one
CMC: Show a message box. EG: alert() or #include <windows.h>¶int i(){MessageBoxA(0,"","",0);}
Is that just basically "Eval literal: alert()"
but it's "eval as javascript"
for the online interpreter, couldn't the empty program with E work? :P
well depends on whether you want a customisable prompt or the default warning :p
I mean, that would definitely show a message box.
Hard Mode: Create and show a new Window entirely.
(Rather than just a messagebox)
0/10 opened as a tab
if you insist on a window
E flag obviously
@ATaco actually, just `↓Ẏ €ĿḞ»`E should work offline
Good old import antigravity :p
I don't think it's possible in Trilangle, unless there's a massive oversight leading to an ACE bug
Those are always fun
Especially when they're caused by the math library you're using
@Seggan I should have push permissions to CGR, right? I want to put up a PR adding .vscode to the gitignore, since I need to put something there to make it default to powershell instead of bash. (As mentioned above, gradle doesn't work well in MinGW bash.)
(Also, I'm sure that once we do this, there will be someone answering CGCC questions in CGR bytecode.)
@Bbrk24 pr
everything through pr
Right I wasn’t going to push directly to master
that’s for personal projects only /hj
> ERROR: Permission to Common-Golfing-Runtime/common-golfing-runtime.git denied to bbrk24.
To be clear, that's not pushing to master, that's with --set-upstream
@Bbrk24 should be gud
Yep, I can now, thanks
@user right, im abandoning this big math lib
even writing a bigint is hard. cant get addition to work :P
well stuff everything in the separate module
Surely there is a way to represent a 3 dimensional Direction vector without wasting memory... rotations don't work as there are infinitely many points which have more than one (Infinite?) many rotations which reach it, and direct vectors waste a lot of space with invalid values that do not appear on a surface of a unit sphere.
In 2d it can simply be "256 equal division rotations"
doing it specially tailored for cgr allows me to use platform libs for big decimals and the like
instead of writing my own
Oh! A UV Sphere would work! 256 values around the yaw, and 256 values mapped from -90 to positive 90. Bonus points if you reserve 0x0000 as the top of the sphere and 0xFFFF as the bottom and shift the other values so they are never the same.
I suppose it could be simplified and allow for more even distribution to say, "The index of a point within a 256 vertex Icosphere" but converting to and from that would suck.
We need a new Hypotenuse challenge, there's way too much overhead in the current one :(
@Seggan lmao
Do you want me to do it?
I can make a new math-lib repo or something
I'll just do it, easier to ask for forgiveness than permission
@Seggan Can you convert me to a normal Member instead of an Owner for CGR?
I don't need Owner powers
@user i meant as in writing a whole specialised math lib aint worth it
we can just use the platform specific types and get a better result, faster
@user what if you will
@Seggan Oh ok
I always love that the Q operator of HQ9+ is not a valid Quine, but Hello, World! is.
It isn't?
It's an illegal quine, reading its own source code.
Although Hello, World!, only the H instruction, (Which happens to print "Hello, World!") does anything.
3 hours later…
of course that sub exists
Oh wait it's fake
Yea OFC, good meme though
@mousetail It's Rust, what did you expect
I thought it was an Easter egg of some sort
Just found it today, prepare for me to flood you with memes from there
I'm braced, bring it on
Well, I guess I'll flood TST
3 hours later…
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Kevin CruijssenIs it a Frog Number? Tags: code-golfnumberintegerdecision-problem Challenge: A Frog Number is defined by certain rules: Each frog within a Frog Number has an unique positive digit as id (any 0 in a number is basically an empty spot, which can mostly be ignored). A Frog Number will always have ex...

No onebox?
@mousetail Must be one of those times where it posts the message before chat has a chance to make the one box
It's happened before
Can the bot edit the message a few ms afterwards to fix the issue?
It doesn't know it didn't onebox
You could just edit it every time after a short amount of time
If it oneboxed the first time it would do nothing
1 hour later…
Q: Is it a valid chemical?

mousetailNon-metals typically* have a fixed number of covalent bonds in every chemical they are part of. Given the number of bonds every element requires, output whether it's possible to construct a single molecule from the given chemicals. Test Cases Falsey: [1] A single element has nothing to bond with...

time for rabbit!
@NewPosts I see this got a close vote, anything unclear?
"but you can ignore the complexities in this challenge.". Good, I didn't plan on dealing with [1, 1, 1, 1, 0] => true.
Yea there are probably more exceptions to this rule then chemicals that actually follow it
I think the one that's most confusing to me is B₂H₆. You'll never guess how it arranges itself if you don't already know it
That's a nice shape, could be a corporate logo
@Bbrk24 wait what
i expected H-(H-)(H-)B-B(-H)(-H)-H in SMILES
My high school chemistry teacher used that as an example of why we'd never work with anything boron-related in that class
@Seggan Ethane but boron instead of carbon?
actually it should be [H3]BB[H3] im forgetting my SMILES
@mousetail did someone say corporate logo?
That looks more like the logo of a 4-year olds juice stand
@Bbrk24 boric acid is really confusing too
id expect it to be an inorganic alcohol, not an acid
Nah that's what I expected from seeing "B(OH)₃"
@mousetail guess we sell juice now
> There is no such thing as an inorganic alcohol
oh well
I was thinking more this:
Like in the early 2000nds when logos where 3d
@user not when everyones owner for some reason :P
how should Rabbit imports work?
like internally?
or for that matter in syntax?
like in Kotlin you can't import packages, but in Python you can
I like the way Swift does it: import Module is the same as Java's import module.*, or to mimic Java's import module.SomeClass you say import class Module.SomeClass. (You can also import enum, import struct, etc)
What I don't like about Swift's imports is that there's no way to rename something (import Foo as Bar)
I'm probably going to do import module and from module import whatever, but the implementation is what I'm not sure about
I want to say that imports must be resolved at compile-time, not runtime, but Rabbit isn't a compiled language is it
I prefer import module.x instead of from module import x just so you don't need to change the whole sentence when changing the import type
@Bbrk24 nope!
(I'm aware that was not your question)
I think the way I'm going to do it is import module links the target module's context to the importer's context somehow and from module import whatever copies whatever into the import's context
but that's bad too because then I have two copies of whatever
You shouldn't copy modules ever really
the problem is the way I'm doing contexts
each context, currently, can have one (1) parent
and if a variable lookup fails for a context it'll ask its parent to do the lookup
In python when you do import it assigns the module object to sys.modules and subsequent imports copy the value. If you do from a import b it basically does import a; b=a.b
Importing shouldn't create a parent context
in the current (unfinished) system each module has its own GlobalContext
That makes sense
Then importing simply creates a object of type GlobalContext
but how is that connected to the importer's GlobalContext?
should GlobalContexts have multiple parents?
It shouldn't be at all
Why would they be connected?
so that the importer can access the importee's variables
to clarify, GlobalContext is an internal object
it's not visible to the Rabbit code, but the interpreter uses it to manage global variables
There is no parent child relation here. The context is now just converted to some container that is just a mapping of variables
Of course, functions inside the mapping can refer to the global context but the contexts are not linked
Like how python works
Why did this get downvoted?
It's a valid answer as far as I can tell
Do we have an actual consensus on log_256?
I can write up a meta question if we don't
@mousetail hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
My opinion is that if your measuring system isn't convertible to integer bytes, just don't measure it in bytes (e.g. if it's machine code on a base-3 machine, measure it in trits or something.) I'm not aware of a meta consensus though
so, like, when I import a module all of the things in its GlobalContext get copied over to the importer's GlobalContext?
@Bbrk24 I didn't start the system, @Seggan did with Fig
@TheThonnu we do
frac bytes are always allowed
(well, all the things that are public)
log bytes are dumb because they are compared inside the same language
I'm all for fractbytes but logbytes are dumb
@TheThonnu i suggest rounding up, not down for fairness
@NewPosts Why did this get closed?
@Seggan alr sure
@mousetail logbytes would be necessary if measuring in trits
Then use integers trits
not log bytes
@mousetail mod hammered
@mousetail I can't see anything wrong with it
Yea I know but what's unclear
I'm VTRO'ing
@mousetail (cc @cairdcoinheringaahing)
@Ginger I guess this'd work, but then I need to figure out how to preserve the imported module's GlobalContext for use by any functions/structs/whatevers in the module
@Ginger You'd only copy it after the functions have been initialized
@mousetail what?
I have no idea why [1, 1, 1, 1] is false, but [1, 1] is true
FunctionDeclaration objects require a Context to be run
The challenge should include some explanation of what makes it possible to construct a single molecule
@cairdcoinheringaahing It's explained, 1, 1, 1, 1 is only possible with 2 separate molecules
Okay, why is it only possible with 2 separate molecules?
1-1, 1-1
you cant have 1-1-1-1- or anything else
@cairdcoinheringaahing The first one needs to connect to a 1. Then both are "full", but there is left over atoms so it's impossible
Quick question: what does the bonding for 4, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2 look like. I'm having difficulties visualising it and don't know where to look on the internet
@mousetail Then add in something along those lines as an explanation
@lyxal Not sure if that's possible in real life, but it works for the purpose of the challenge
@mousetail I just want to know what connects to what, that's all :p
Because this reminds me of that puzzle where you're given a bunch of islands and you have to connect them with bridges
@lyxal Would that be CH(OH)₃?
or that i guess
@mousetail ah so two of the 2 connect to the 4
Thank you
how in the frick do imports work
@Bbrk24 This makes a lot more chemical sense though
this is confusing me
Basically, since a O has 2 sides it's "free" and can be placed in between any other bond without effecting the validity, as long as at least 1 bond exists beforehand
@lyxal the koingsberg bridge problem?
@Seggan Different puzzle
That kind of puzzle
The numbers are how many bridges a circle can have
That's basically the same yes, except you can cross bridges
Fair enough. I just thought that's what the challenge reminded me of
@lyxal ah
@Bbrk24 lol. paying with aluminum is genius
@Seggan it's one of my favourite puzzles along side signpost
I've played it quite a fair bit without knowing what it's called lol
right, I think I've figured out how to do imports
import module will set module in GlobalContext to an object containing the module's members, and from module import thing will set thing in GlobalContext to the value of thing in module
guys just one more reopen vote
And it's back
ive added 2 more
esp since the last one is a bit hard to visualise
Tetrahedrane does not seem to fit the chemical formula
It says "tetrahedrane without the hydrogens" though
True, though I'm not sure if it's beneficial to list it then
its helpful to visualise
> actual N4 does not link in a tetrahedron
(so doesnt ozone, but you can draw a latex thing with it)
Ozone does not actually form a triangle shape either
31 secs ago, by Seggan
(so doesnt ozone, but you can draw a latex thing with it)
Cyclozone can exist in some conditions iirc? But it's definitely not normal ozone
> Cyclic ozone is a theoretically predicted form of ozone.
ah okay
I think images and graphics are helpful but only if they illustrate the graph in terms of nodes/edges etc. otherwise they just add confusion
@mousetail your challenge is on 15 revisions in 2 hours!
Was just going to say
It's been a absolute rollercoaster
Meanwhile, in JavaScript: [...text].length
@mousetail It sort of goes to show how inactive the Sandbox is now
A lot of that should have been fixed there
It got 5 upvotes in the sandbox lol
'𫚣'.length is 2 but [...'𫚣'].length is 1. Because of course it is.
Lol the starboard version is broken
UTF-16 is fun
nah that's a font problem
it looks fine to me
@mousetail This is why String.count in Swift is O(n) rather than O(1)
Only way to make it O(1) and accurate is UTF-32
4 bytes per character
Sounds fun
No, because Swift goes by grapheme clusters, not Unicode scalars -- ā and ā compare equal in Swift but have different UTF-32.
So today I found out that in python, strings start at ASCII, and are only converted to UTF-16 or UTF-32 when you add a high-byte chracter
This makes a lot of sense IMHO, not sure why it's not more common
Swift String is basically a wrapper around an Either<_NativeString, NSString> in which _NativeString is UTF-8 and NSString it UTF-16
That makes sense, though UTF-16 is kinda terrible
You're a few decades late if you want to influence the design of NSString :P
You can always delete things
You call [+NSException raise:format:]. I deregister NSObject from the Objective-C runtime and let the program crash of its own accord. We are not the same.
Just realised that the Havel hakimi algorithm errors for inputs like [3, 2, 1] (regarding this question)
And I have no idea why my Erdos theorem implementation returns false-positives like 50% of the time.
good times
Apparently I can't do sigma
Well Erdos won't seem to be work either, cause [3, 2, 1] isn't a simple graph.
ayyyy i got the outspoken badge, finally
1 hour later…
I have an exciting new problem with Rabbit, best summed up by this comment in Types.kt:
i love exciting new problems
> Initialization requires resolved types, but resolved types require initialization!
and I don't know how to fix this
in order to resolve the types for a module, its imports have to be initialized and ready, but getting the imports ready requires their types to be resolved, and so on all the way down
in theory, the modules at the bottom of the import tree should only use builtin/Kotlin-defined types (which don't need initialization), but I don't know how to program that in
just resolve the types for a module before packaging it
thats what rol does
oh wait this aint a compiled lang
maybe I should clarify: "resolving types" here means converting identifiers representing type names into actual type objects
ye ik
@Ginger just make the builtin types automagically resolved from the beginnning
do it like rol does
i have an UnresolvedType and a ConcreteType
then youve got ConcreteType.NUMBER, ConcreteType.STRING, etc
hmmmmmmmmmmmmm wait
type resolution converts UnresolvedTypes into ConcreteTypes
I can probably implement the type resolution system as a recursive function, and have it just not recurse if there are no imports!
that makes sense
@Seggan how does the Rol type resolver work? (at least 1000 words)
... is there any other option
@Ginger gimme a few hours :P
I was Jo King lol
no youre not, youre Ginger
00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

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