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00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

@emanresuA That was way more boring and straightforward than I thought it'd be
Expected some sort of insane edge case
Yeah, no "we forgot to recombobulate the flux capacitor"
CMQ: If I'm inserting a user-entered value in some HTML like <h1>____</h1>, are angle brackets the only characters I need to ban to prevent HTML injection, or are there other characters I should ban too?
Why not use innerText?
I'm using JSP
I suppose I could use the JSP to generate some JavaScript that uses innerText...
& is a bit bothersome because I could see someone wanting to put an ampersand in the application name. Maybe instead of banning it, I'll replace & with and. :P
Just replace them with html entities - &lt; &gt; &amp;
Oh, fair
@DLosc oof
Imagine not using a framework like STRUTS2 :p
@lyxal It's actually been rather fun ^^
That's worse rihgt
@emanresuA just as bad :p
@lyxal No, you're confused. "Bean rather fun" describes the card game Bohnanza. ;)
You clearly aren't using POJOs with your JSPs :p
Plain Old Javascript Object?
@lyxal I am certainly not using Pulpy Orange Juice Omelets with my JSPs :p
@Bubbler drop the script and you're right
Plain Old Java Objects
Which are called beans when doing Java Web development
> Java Web development
Because using Java for your web backend is a good idea
And something I had to do for a whole semester
I made a message forum, number guessing game and it support ticket system using Java for the web :p
Most of the time, I don't write the JSP or Java code myself, our development system generates it. So I don't actually know very much at all about Java Web development.
Y'all uisng Tomcat Apache or something else?
@lyxal It runs on Apache Tomcat, if that's what you're asking
That is
@DLosc may i ask what you use to generate it?
Do you write templates with an occasional snippet of java code in them?
Or is it generated by a dsl in Python or something?
Or a graphical application without any code?
3 hours later…
@DLosc FWIW OWASP recommends replacing every non-alphanumeric character with its decimal ampersand code
It's way overkill, but pretty easy to implement and almost guaranteed to be secure, even if you decide to move the generated text to an attribute or even a non-quoted attribute of an element
It's also really simple to do, usually less code than doing it the traditional way (< -> &lt;, > -> &gt;, & -> &amp;, and " -> &quot; and ' -> &apos; if it's a quoted attribute)
2 hours later…
Confirmed it's ad
Any such spam happened on meta? Can't find in recent Bakery
@RadvylfPrograms But for server-rendered code, it's extremely overkill, quintupling the size.
@l4m2 searching for "meta" in bakery, it seems like the latest spam in meta was actually pretty far back, like almost a year ago
@JoKing was that IGS?
probably. you can still see the question preview in bakery
Looks Vietnamese
what is igs, i thought that meant "i guess so"?
Indonesian Gambling Spam
We got a lot of it a while ago
bruuh why is there an abbreviation for that
it merits one
Because it's a long term, and we got a lot of it at one point. Plus, y'know, we're a code golf site :P
Remember "microsoft talk to a person" and "coinbase support"?
in The Nineteenth Bakery, Jan 24, 2022 at 19:20, by New Posts
Q: Please subscribe this channel🙏🙏🙏

user149700https://youtu.be/SyHpz2pd--Q Please subscribe this channel🙏🙏🙏 Please My dream is to 1k on YouTube please i request to all to subscribe my channal Love u all

coinbase support lmfao, i think i remember that
And all the QuickBooks stuff over a long period of time
@emanresuA yeah lol
bruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh TIL desmos has sgn, ive been typing sign in my desmos answers the entire time fml
should i go back to change my answers now or nah
Depends how many there are
A few edits (E.g. <10) should be fine, so long as you space them out. Any more, and it's not worth the disruption over 1 byte saved
frick idk how to search for that, i have like 100+ desmos answers
well its not searching for stuff inside code blocks it seems like
oh it is
why that not work for me lmfao
why doesnt this search query work then? codegolf.stackexchange.com/…
ok by my count theres 13 of them, should i do it?
@AidenChow the quotes seem to restrict what can be around the match
@AidenChow it's up to you. Just try to avoid flooding the front page with a lot of minor edits
@cairdcoinheringaahing yea im not sure i want to do that, 13 edits will certainly flood the front page
Hm, a userscript/bot that could automatically apply edits over a longer time period could be interesting
And also possibly abused, although the rep barrier does a decent job
Any tio with colored syntax and colored matched brackets?
I can google "promoting to king" and "promoting to pawn" but not "promoting to slash"
@l4m2 Like the comment says it's invalid, not a real move
@mousetail which?
Slash is not a chess piece
It's my answer
@l4m2 new chess piece just dropped
If these promotion happen then other condition always make it fail, so who care what happened
@lyxal Holy hell
Google en passant
Are you kidding ??? What the **** are you talking about man ? You are a biggest looser i ever seen in my life ! You was doing PIPI in your pampers when i was beating players much more stronger then you! You are not proffesional, because proffesionals knew how to lose and congratulate opponents, you are like a girl crying after i beat you! Be brave, be honest to yourself and stop this trush talkings!!! Everybody know that i am very good blitz player, i can win anyone in the world in single game!
I don't even play chess why do I know all the memes
Do you know what knooks, il vaticano, knightboosting and beta decay are?
And Gavin from third grade, the best player in the world
You are a true chess anarchist then :p
I'm tempted to create a chess app that has all the anarchy chess rules
except they change so much it wouldn't be relavent by the time it's done
Well you see that's already been done
There's an app called chess remix and someone made the anarchy rules variant
Of course it exists
Someone also made a chess ai that always opens with the bongcloud
What I really like about Anarchy Chess is that the memes are actually really high effort, like the chess puzzles with the new rules they post are sometimes genuinly well made
Like I just saw one with long passant, which would definitely not be the expected answer to a normal chess player
Sorry, it was actually an infinite en passant loop, not long passant
My bad
@mousetail I sometimes post my favourites in cgcc gaming :p
1 hour later…
ah nice, I can decide what to do about taking the minimum of an empty list again
Would chain the best if recusive
@Neil can cannot?
@Adám well, its LDW, so I get to ask you to help me decide whether my recent change to Charcoal that makes Minimum([]) crash instead of returning None was a bad move
Well, it should give ∞ or maxnum.
Minimum is just just a hidden reduction, so you need the identity element of minimum, i.e. i such that min(i,x) = x for all x.
yeah, except I don't know the type of an empty list
you could have a value that compares greater than both all numbers and all strings or whatever the other type is
the other type is lists, good luck finding a maximum of that
an infinite list all of the elements of which are itself :P
but what i meant is just having a magical value that's neither/both types
though come to think of it, in the case of the maximum of an empty list, an ordinary empty list would fit the bill if we ignored numbers
How do lists and numbers compare?
@lyxal it's like Spamton on drugs run through Google Translate
you clearly aren't a chess anarchist :p
bruh stop introducing me to random internet subcultures
if you were, you'd know it was a staple copypasta of the chess anarchist
wtf we don't even have copypastas yet
not true
Feb 18, 2022 at 23:00, by lyxal
Aug 15 '21 at 21:01, by user
Jul 6 at 15:15, by user
May 25 at 17:56, by Redwolf Programs
May 19 at 14:21, by user
Feb 28 at 1:17, by caird coinheringaahing
idk the physics behind it, but time has been on some hardcore drugs for the past 18 months
voila, copypasta
fair enough
TIL double backticks is enough to have raw backticks in markdown
oh nice
so like This is a backtick: `.
it needs a non-space character before and after
found it on SO
apparently it's standard markdown
A: How does one escape backticks in markdown?

GlyphThe original Markdown syntax documentation covers this; it says that you have to use multiple backticks to bracket the code expression, so like this: ``here you go - ` this was a backtick`` renders like this: here you go - ` this was a backtick If you want to include a backtick in normal text, n...

@mousetail In Dyalog APL, the empty list precedes a number which is compared to the first number in a list. If they are the same, then the number precedes the list.
I have 4966 rep :/
so close!
Go sandbox another challenge
@Ginger which way?
choose your answer wisely
@lyxal to 5000 lol
as you wish
finding a 4th post is hard okay
you could check my profile
@Ginger that's where I was, dingus
I've already upvoted most of the stuff from your most recent stuff
ok there it is
thanks lyxal!
happy to help
ah, the casual voter fraud admission, time to go revert that :P
oh so now you act upon it
I can now... approve tag wiki edits :|
despite the many other times I've done so
I was an innocent victim, Officer! :p
@lyxal I think this is the first time you've done so since I became a mod
I feel like it isn't
First time I've seen it :P
Nov 25, 2022 at 3:01, by lyxal
Hopefully this person is also upvoting other answers on the questions where yours got upvoted to bury the votes in a sea of many
yep there we go
dated november 25th
at least a few weeks after the election ended
We should make a voting fraud chat so the mods don't casually see it happen
@cairdcoinheringaahing if I had a nickel for each time a moderator has forgotten the fact I've done something like this before, I'd have two nickels, which isn't a lot but it's weird that it's happened twice
Apr 19, 2021 at 3:41, by hyper-neutrino
see my memory is bad so i don't actually recall you admitting to voting fraud but unless you are using alt accounts to vote i don't see how you could be committing voting fraud
Apr 19, 2021 at 3:34, by Lyxal
@hyper-neutrino I've always been transparent with my somewhat fraudulent voting activities
that's one of the messages ever sent
@Ginger turns out this is the second time I've done this specifically for you :p
hi @AviFS
that would explain being out of things to targeted vote on :P
that was about a year ago though :p
I'm gonna have to steal that extra bit of tongue now
next time, keep it in if you don't want to lose it.
@lyxal so ure stealing more than limbs now?
Yeah, it's in the latest meeting notes
section 5.1 of chapter 9 of the 2023 master plan
paragraph a.5, bottom of page 405
@lyxal I know :b
@Simd Currently I'm making a C answer for your recent question, but I'm stuck on how to take input
But I'm figuring it out :)
@lyxal send it to the Butter Zone
this message is 94.th in queue. Please remain holding or press * to be transferred to an operator
> I've played it many times and it seems to have a certain charm that I can't get rid of. The game tests the player's patience.
apparently it's "very difficult to pass the game."
@UndoneStudios that's awesome. An array of structs of strings?
@emanresuA Most of the string will probably be alphanum, but yeah, the traditional list of escapes would probably be fine
But no reason not to include " and ' too
@Simd Originally, structs, but they were too complicated to work into a function argument. So now I'm just taking 10 inputs
Which ain't golfy though
@UndoneStudios ah ok. I can barely code in C so I just wish you the best of luck!
@Simd Hold on a second am I the only person who codes in C?
@UndoneStudios I think there is one more
they could make a movie about you
the last two C coders
a dramatic story of daring do
apparently python 2 used to be able to sort different types, but I can't easily find which order it used
@UndoneStudios Yes, there are no other C programmers in the whole world, they all went to Rust. Congrats, you no longer have any competition!
Is that a good thing or a bad thing?
it's good for you!
think of the millions you will make!
@Neil oh, really?
So what about Guido van Rossum?
Did he die already
Currently this is my code
main(){char s[10];i=0;for(;i<11;i++){scanf("%s",s[i]);}
@mathcat Are those astronauts Cing the Earth?
@UndoneStudios Try main(){char s[10];for(i=0;i<11;)scanf("%c",s[i++]);}
@UndoneStudios I don't think so.
@UndoneStudios wait what
which challenge is this again
@mathcat Did they bring some Pythons?
@user Yeah I would
But I think I should main(){char s[10];for(i=0;i<11;)scanf("%s",s[i++]);}
@UndoneStudios Python does not exist either, it's all rust.
%s is for string pointers, isn't it? %c is for characters
is that trying to input ten... strings?
I want strings
@UnrelatedString Yeah
you first want to have an actual string array
and second... unless there's some gnu extension or something that can take care of that you'll need to handle allocating them lol
/have a finite buffer
What's the challenge? Do you have a link?
Q: Remove duplicates from my academic transcript

SimdConsider a list of subject, grade pairs. E.g. [("Latin", "A"), ("French", "A*"), ("Math", "B"), ("Latin", "A*")] The task is to return the same list but with each subject given at most once. Where a subject occurred more than once originally, the returned list should have the highest grade for...

Look, first I need the subjects. Subjects are not characters (duh) and the max is 10. So I take 10 string inputs, that's it.
Oh wait I totally missed that scanf needs pointers
I'd suggest writing a function instead so you don't need to deal with memory stuff
do not fucking try to use stdin for this
@UnrelatedString I'd rather f*cking never use arguments for very complex stuff
Just take a char** with a NULL at the end or length
@UndoneStudios you missed out some fuckings in that sentence
@Simd I'd rather not use any swear words
@UndoneStudios In C stdin is much more complex
@UndoneStudios you started it :)
@mousetail Yeah that's why Python came into being
> do not fucking try to use stdin for this
Yes, that's the only reason
Python didn't invent garbage collectors
@Simd didn't know that was a unit :p
@mousetail *lisp invented them (just adding info)
one millifucking is the amount of swear energy needed to anger a fundamentalist Christian woman
@Seggan Not Smalltalk?
Oh huh
@mousetail you know what, I'd pretend like you didn't exist so that we don't start an argument about something totally unrelated
but yeah even if you could easily scanf for this you'd end up basically having them in the same way you'd get them as function arguments, just with extra steps
@Seggan Is that * suppose to do something?
You say something very untrue, I correct you in a friendly way, you get mad
@UndoneStudios its a continuation of thought
Did lisp originally have only a reference counter or proper cycle detection?
> Lisp pioneered many ideas in computer science, including tree data structures, automatic storage management
@mousetail I'll leave that up to you
Lisp (historically LISP) is a family of programming languages with a long history and a distinctive, fully parenthesized prefix notation. Originally specified in 1960, Lisp is the second-oldest high-level programming language still in common use, after Fortran. Lisp has changed since its early days, and many dialects have existed over its history. Today, the best-known general-purpose Lisp dialects are Common Lisp, Scheme, Racket and Clojure.Lisp was originally created as a practical mathematical notation for computer programs, influenced by (though not originally derived from) the notation of...
@Seggan I really wish I could invent a programming language with some weird new feature, the only thing is I don't have one
@Ginger it's a well used unit!
Most useful features have already been invented
@Simd lol
In the beginning there was a lot of "low hanging fruit" for innovation
does anyone know how you can use matplotlib in ipython without tk?
@mousetail Maybe, but mainstream languages still don't have a lot of them
@mousetail yeah, Complement actually took the last two remaining features left so now programming language innovation is 100% complete and any new langs are just derivatives of existing ones :p
Akshually logic languages already exist :p
@user So what you're saying is that we need a language with every last feature in it. I think that's impossible
That's not to say the people inventing those things where not very smart or don't deserve recognition
GADTs, algebraic effects, proofs, termination checking
@UndoneStudios C++ is already on its way to that :P
@RydwolfPrograms but we're doing it Ginger style™: full of bugs and with all the reliability of a 1940s Soviet cruise missile
There is plenty more to innovate, it's just become harder
There is plenty more to innovate, it's just become harder
@user I mainly think of C++ as a very mild improvement towards a totally run-down language
There is plenty more to innovate, it's just become harder
There is plenty more to innovate, it's just become harder
There is plenty more to innovate, it's just become harder
@mousetail Chat issues?
Sorry my chat glitched out
Mine too
@user It stuttered for everyone I think, happened to me in OTTNB
I reloaded
but have you heard that there is plenty more to innovate, it's just become harder
I haven't, who said that?
I've heard it being chanted by @mousetail
1 min ago, by mousetail
There is plenty more to innovate, it's just become harder
Words of wisdom
We should form a secret society focused around hard innovations and chant this for hours while wearing silly costumes
Does a username change count?
Wasn't that the point of the language design SE site?
Shh, you'll blow our cover!
I've already ordered my silly costume
Mine decieves you
It's not symmetrical
@user As the ancient texts say: (removed)
It's actually quite normal for clothes to not be symetric
@mousetail I'm talking about my avatar!
CMQ: What's a cool experimental feature you've seen in more obscure languages that you'd like to see in mainstream languages?
What why?
@mousetail Uh cuz that's what y'all meant by clothes?
Silly costumes was the topic right?
They meant actual costumes, not avatars
But none of us met each other
You can still wear a silly costume and chant
we just haven't collectively won the apl competition yet :P
@UnrelatedString Did you mean apple competition?
Where fastest apple eater wins?
or APL?
yesterday, by Adám
@mousetail @Ginger Y'all just need to win the grand prize in the APL Problem Solving Competition, and we'll meet up in the town where I live. (Grand prize includes a ticket here.)
@user Inform 7's rulebook system where you can conditionally override a method.
Whoa, how does that work?
You can write something like "Instead of doing X if Y, do Z" and if you call X and Y holds you can do Z instead
I imagine it's useful for validation and authentication stuff in a more practical language
Like "Instead of loading the admin page when not a admin, show a permission denied error" then you don't need a lot of authentication and validation logic inside the admin render function at all
So you have to show that Y holds at compiletime?
No, it's evaluated at runtime
Inform 7 doesn't really have classes so Y can depend on the arguments but also on global state
Oh and there is also a type of cancel command you can do inside Z that you can use to conditionally cancel the override and run the original behavior of the function anyway
I imagine the world's coding has ground to a halt now chatgpt is overloaded
the problem with python is that when you need to code in C to make it fast it just seems so intimidating
before I know python I would have been fine
@Simd RIP coding
@UndoneStudios maybe the machines will find it more efficient if they ask us to do some parts for them
@Simd at the cost of nature
I am trying to optimize a function. If x is the previous value, t2 is the gradient at x (between 0 and 1) and t1 is the new value after one iteration of the optimizer, how should I interpret (t1 - x*t2)/(1-t2) ?
apparently this is the next value for x
but I am not sure why
Note that if t2 is 1 you will start a black hole
just kidding
@Simd What do you want exactly?
Anyways, here's my code currently: main(){char s[10];for(i=0;i<11;scanf("%s",s[i++]);)}
Next step is to delete the subjects not neccessary
That would require some constraints
You are still trying to write a string in a space only big enough for a char
@mousetail ?
char s[10] creates 10 chars
Then you try to write a string in each char
@mousetail Oops, how do I create an array of strings?
char s[100][10] to create strings of 100 characters
Oh okay
Added 5 bytes but nevermind
Hold on a second, do you also know how to program in C?
C is like the easiest language, as long as you don't touch strings
I didn't ask that
> Hold on a second, do you also know how to program in C?
In that case No, I only use it for golfing but struggle to understand any complex C code
@mousetail Same
I'm learning C to reduce my dependance on Python
Rust is basically better in every way
C is a good language to learn though
since basically every other language is based on it
Also another reason I'm learning it
Without C, I don't know what I'd be doing right now
other than simply walking around and wasting time
K gtg
@UndoneStudios BTW in real C you would write scanf("%99s") to prevent buffer overflow. It's not really necessary when golfing but your application can easily be hacked if you don't limit the scanned string length.
ok so here's an idea: A tool that lets you easily distribute Python applications by letting you both bundle them into wheel-like distributable files and install them into virtualenvs
so like I could download a file, double-click it, and just have it work, the same way compiled languages do
ffs poetry uninstalled requests then crashed because it had uninstalled requests
00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

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