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>>> (-1)**(1/2)
oh I get it
__neg__ has high operator precedence
or is it low?
@mousetail what?
@UndoneStudios this
@UndoneStudios lower than power
not seem to understand high and low
Just a casual reminder that mods are obligated to report underage (16 in EU, 13 most everywhere else) users to staff if users reveal that they are underage
@UndoneStudios High but ** is even higher
@cairdcoinheringaahing I see
well gtg bye
@UndoneStudios higher precedence means it's evaluated first (think PEDMAS/BODMAS but with a much longer acronym for all the different python operators)
You can have some of my age
@mousetail no way
And also, the general security concept of not revealing personal information online is always good to remember
Caird specifically can't be trusted knowing anything
That's true, I'm like the fae. Tell me anything about yourself, and I'll steal it and it becomes mine now
@caird I'm watching the world cup
it's yours now, so you have to watch it too!
@cairdcoinheringaahing what?
@cairdcoinheringaahing I have student debt
enjoy the loan repayments and interest due on said loans, nerd :p
I have a couch I need to get rid of
Is it comfy?
I've some money I could use to buy Apple iJuice
Yes, it's quite nice but it's too big to fit up the staircase to my appartment
I may have no other choice
Is someone here good at puns?
I consider myself a total novice
Could you create a pun related to Braille? As in, a name?
what's a pun?
@someoneinexistence from your profile picture, I would assume that'd be you, and that you have a bone to pick with those who claim otherwise :p
@UndoneStudios A word joke
megalovania begins playing
I was thinking... like... first name Blind.
It's a common enough last name.
I'm sweating from boredness
I'll make you unbowed.
@UndoneStudios That doesn't sound healthy
@mousetail it's not
Exactly what I was thinking of :P
Mithical tell nobody about what I've been saying.
Especially not in the Puzzling SE chat.
I'm only / because the fae stole all my other ones
the hell is the fae?
Why do you think I use he/she/they? I took them all
I'm no one/no one
Isn't "xe" pronounced /(German ch)ay/?
oops they did it again
@lyxal fairies
Russia is were/was
so I have no pronouns
refer to me as sans
or anything
But not like, tinkerbell, more like the old folk story fairies
@cairdcoinheringaahing what?
@caird murderous?
i don't know any old folk story fairies
Yeah, from time to time
nor do i know tinkerbell
Some are murderous, but the stories are not really consistent with eachother
@PyGamer0 you don't know tinker bell?
what i do know is that rust isn't working on wsl2 and i am sad :(
get a life outside of talking to internet... oh wait. I can't say anything...
@someoneinexistence i know the character the green dress fairy?
Main things: anything a fae says is literal ("may I have your name?" Literally gives them your name), never accept or offer gifts, never eat anything from a fairy
@PyGamer0 F
Greetings, eukaryotes
@PyGamer0 yes
Greetings, prokaryote.
Or, well, I'm the prokaryote.
@Ginger bold of you to assume that i'm an organism :P
Ok I'm actually out
Greetings, anerobes
My stuff is spread everywhere. I'm in English SE, Code Golf SE, Puzzling SE, Math SE...
I don't recognize you
i feel like this room is off topic now :P
I've been stalking this SE
are you new here or just a returning visitor?
new here
but I'm from math and puzzling
well, welcome to TNB! I'm Ginger (like it says over there)
@Ginger hi
welcome back!
I assume you read the chatiquette :p
cool and spicy
but I have no punctuation
my caps lock is bound to the arabic keyboard
that's a common affliction; I don't usually have uppercase letters
so I can type in that when im not coding in english
I only have so many English words in me
hey @mousetail wtf happened in the [Duration] I was gone
@Ginger I DON"T KNOW
@Ginger at least 3
maybe even 4
It's probably because I am afflicted with wanting to spell words.
have you all collectively gone insane??
@lyxal wow, that's a lot
probably not healthy
@Ginger only on tuesdays
we're sane, and you just don't know what dimension of string theory we're sane on
@lyxal I go insane on Thursdays. Never could get the hang of them
I'm gonna be gone for a whole week tomorrow.
jk you're nice!
even evil someoneinexistence wouldn't harm you
anyhow, I just spent the last 10 minutes misreading a compiler warning thinking it was referring to another section of the code I thought I could safely ignore despite the fact that it was actually referring to the section of code that would stop a whole bunch of infinite recursion happening
I feel like I'm in pre-OTTNB TNB
I forgot to tell you all: I get more insane as it gets close to Monday.
@lyxal that's saddening
what was the warning?
@Ginger yes
do you have a screenshot?
I don't think anybody in this room knows what day it is.
@someoneinexistence "unreachable code"
@someoneinexistence So Tueseday is the most sane or thursday night?
@lyxal "THERE IS A DANGEROUS PROBLEM IN YOUR CODE ON LINE 679" and then you spend 10 minutes looking around on line 619
@Mithical no
@Mithical pretty sure it's monday?
@mousetail it's thurbday
that's the most non-crazy
@Mithical It's Judgement Day
@someoneinexistence not anymore
because I fixed it :p
as in me, I'm doing the judging
@Ginger Things fall apart. The center cannot hold. Turning and turning in the widening gyre.
@lyxal reference source please?
Not with a bang but with a whisper
the unreachable line was case item: VAny => output = output :+ mutContent(index)
I thought it was case _ => index += 1 it was complaining about
@lyxal that's a shame
hi again
case _ => index += 1 is the line I wanted to be unreachable. case item: VAny => output = output :+ mutContent(index)was vital for making the function actually work
why did mithical just leave, rejoin, and then leave again within the span of half a second
@UndoneStudios you won't leave. we get that. :)
I made a neat little animation: mousetail.github.io/Fish/…
you'll never leave... dododod
@Ginger mod power i guess
@PyGamer0 oh yeah, we have the ability to pause and start time at will
@mousetail uh what?
It's a neat little animation
@mousetail cute!
mfw I try to start a project and it raises an Exception("This is where you were working on the code yesterday, I put this exception in so you wouldn't forget. -Past Ginger")
@Ginger smart
@Ginger I'd say relateable but I have literally never done that.
@lyxal but you understand why I'd do it right?
@Ginger memory?
@Ginger I do, but I also understand that you could also just use github commits to see what you changed last time
@lyxal then it is in fact relatable (also bold of you to assume I'm using GitHub Git any vcs at all)
@Ginger SVN?
@mousetail that actually is quite a fun language
><> pog
It is, I've been wirting a lot of answers with it recently
I just like making little animations in it.
playing around with the stack
That's quite fun too
I'm trying to make a truly random coin toss
so I use your x function
oh, I almost forgor 💀!
excited to see it
and then, depending on which way it goes, add a number and do an operation on the stack
@someoneinexistence as a new member you are required to star this message if you haven't already
I saw
I have something, but it's an error if it runs out of numbers
Okay, I think I finished.
Let it run, say, a certain amount of steps.
Then look at the stack.
If there are more ones, it's heads.
More zeros, it's tails.
hey @RadvylfPrograms here's a screenshot of the new log window I added to Klein:
@Ginger It's go time.
@someoneinexistence It's go time.
should lead to my project
I've been working on for five minutes
while high on apple cider
> Something Smells fishy: Attempt to read from empty stack
You forced it to work too hard.
See, you have to stop it quick.
Otherwise it tires of this mortal realm.
And commits error 404
@someoneinexistence you're drunk?
@UndoneStudios no, it's just a lotta apple cider
@Ginger I got this
20 steps works just fine for it, Ginger
oh, it's just that @ sign
there we go
Klein has decided that regardless of what happens to a project the loading process is always a failure 100% of the time
thanks Klein
why did a negative three appear in a string of binary
it's four now
oh gosh
clearly it's not binary
No, it's fine, negative numbers just pop up randomly then disappear
something is wrong here
but I refuse to fix it
time to do duolingo
بوب وارواد
did I just type that in the wrong chat?
cya, gotta run
thanks klein, very cool
oh, I forgor to add a return True
@someoneinexistence are you emirati?
@someoneinexistence Nice, does seem to underflow the stack eventually
klein can now correctly set up and use Poetry projects!
and with that I'm going to take a little break
@mousetail I know, but don't know why
@UndoneStudios no, I'm norwegian
Because the =- track removes one element from the stack netto
But why would it start returning negative numbers?
It only removes elements, not the elements values-
unless I missed something very obvious
-so I don't understand why it would do that. Unless I'm just an idiot.
I haven't seen it return negative elements yet, it just underflows the stack and crashes
Here, I'll try to fix it...
it does return negatives
after like 20 steps
I got a stack of
"1 -1 1 0"
something is busted
If the top 2 elements of the stack are both 0, they are equal so the left path would push 1 to the stack, then subtract that form 0 to get -1
twas removed, and replaced with a docile reverse function
it still pushes a negative number after long enough
even w/o the = function
why do you subtract 0 so often? That will never doanything
@someoneinexistence your new link still has the = though
we'll never know
that one doesnt
hi @lyxal
@someoneinexistence It still subtracts the top of the stack which might be 1
I'm just gonna rebuild from scratch
Much more compact anyhow.
Just stop it after a certain amount of steps, say 19, and see if there are more 1s or 0s
I don't think that's random
it's a pattern of 111001110011100 etc
yeah it creates patterns
not full randomness
It's just javascript's Math.random function
It should have a decent length period
it's fine but it still makes patterns
like now, it made 001100110011 etc
@someoneinexistence You always push 01 at the end no matter what. And you are very likely to push 2 1s at the same time
@UndoneStudios I would say don't do this, it's enough to promote it in chat.
I don't really think it's on topic for the meta.
Wait Caird already said not to do this. Why are you pinging all the mods to ask if Caird already told you the answer?
That might be my bad, I didn't read the full text caird posted and didn't think it applied directly to us
How do I type inline math in a post?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

mousetail><> numbers metagolf coding-challengemeta-golfrestricted-complexity I struggle to easily encode big numbers in ><>. If only there was a program that could find the best way for me? What is ><> ><>, pronounced "fish", is a esoteric 2dimentional programing language. We will consider a subset here, ...

@UndoneStudios No. I also agree with the post that caird linked.
When I talk about most SE things not applying to us I mean the Q&A structure, the usage of voting, how bounties work, things like that. What's on- and off-topic and allowed for Meta is not really much different, and rules most certainly still apply to us.
Worth noting that several SE sites are fine with (certain) proposals being advertised on their metas, so it's not a fully consistent set of rules, but that only tends to be the case when the two sites have a very significant overlap in users, like Anime and Japanese Language, or Latin and Greek
That's fair enough. TBH I'm not fully opposed to the idea; I do mostly agree with the post caird linked but I'd be open to discussing it.
@emanresuA I did find it interesting. Thanks!
@cairdcoinheringaahing You've officially reached the highest-level math class I took. In my Complex Analysis class, there was one guy who understood everything instantly, me who understood about 70% of it, and everyone else who was completely lost. X^D
My favorite part was the part where lines are just circles with infinite radii. I like maths that I can visualize.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

The ThonnuFind the nth number where the digit sum equals the number of factors code-golf number (This is OEIS A057531.) Your task Given a positive integer, \$n\$, find the \$n\$th number where the digit sum equals the number of factors Explanation For example, let's take 22: Its factors are \$[1, 2, 11, 2...

CMC Given two integers x > y, output the number of integers no more than x with no factors y or less.
1 hour later…
@graffe Jelly, 7 bytes: RÆf>Ạ€S
range, prime factors, greater than, map "all", sum (1 = all prime factors > y, 0 = a prime factor <= y)
the use of prime factors is just to avoid needing extra bytes to get rid of the 1 from normal factorization, since it is still correct
Can be ported to vyxal for 6
@hyper-neutrino cool
now how about with big numbers?
protip: If you want performant code for large inputs, don't make it a golfing challenge in a chat room
@RadvylfPrograms :)
I don't know if you can actually do it for large numbers
say we want the number of integers at most 2^100 with no factors smaller than 2^40
Actually it seems like it'd be pretty easy if Y was small and X was big
As in O(1) easy
@RadvylfPrograms you mean just by dividing by all the numbers up to Y?
Well the pattern of numbers which do and don't meet the condition repeats every lcm(range(y)) numbers, so you'd just count for that many, then multiply by how much you'd need to reach x
@RadvylfPrograms interesting.. can you do that for 2^100 and 2^40?
What do you think?
No, because lcm(range(2**40)) would be huge
ah yes it would indeed
I wonder how good an approximation one can get for this
I actually do think you can get an exact result though
that would be amazing!
I believe Euler's totient function is relevant here, I know that's used in RSA to do some pretty crazy stuff almost instantly
if I could award a chat room bounty I would :)
Given how much you seem to like random problems related to big prime numbers, you might enjoy looking into how RSA works
@RadvylfPrograms I think that unoptimized this would be O(n²) where n is the number of unique prime factors in y
hmm.. what is gamma in en.wikipedia.org/wiki/…?
2**40 is approx. a trillion
It looks like we've got all known primes up to around 10**18, or 2**60, listed
So if you're really interested in finding the solution to this, checking out how many primes there are up to 2**40 would be a good first step to approximating how long it would take
I think it might be Euler's constant
@RadvylfPrograms I think that it going to be roundly 2**40/ln(2**40)
by the prime number theorem
So around 40 billion
I don't really understand en.wikipedia.org/wiki/…
O(n²) with 40 billion items probably isn't really practical unless you've got some friends over at the NSA
I mean I don't know how you would compute it in code
@RadvylfPrograms :)
@RadvylfPrograms the link I pasted looks like it might be the answer
or am I wrong?
If you want an approximation that might be related, but that article's really dense so I'm not really sure what the theorem actually says
me neither but I am just looking at the third theorem that has a formula
but I am trying to just work out what it actually means!
I mean it explicitly says An estimate of the probability of {\displaystyle X}X ({\displaystyle X\gg n}{\displaystyle X\gg n}) having no factor {\displaystyle \leq n}\leq n is given by
are those p in the product primes?
why is there no X in the formula?
does it not matter how big X is?
Okay I think I have a linear-time partial solution
@RadvylfPrograms ooh... go on!
It requires x to be a multiple of y right now, but I think there's a workaround
are you a number theorist? :)
No, just a really bad procrastinator with an overdue English essay :p

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