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00:00 - 15:0016:00 - 00:00

@emanresuA lmao
Are we still doing LYAL?
Looks like it's F#/Trianguish/Cognate/Labyrinh
anyone have any language to recommend me to learn?
@emanresuA so which one we gonna do
@DialFrost {n*}~ is just evaluating the block n*, so you're just joining the arguments by newlines
@Steffan oh
ye but how come it evaluates some of the input
and why not {n}~ lol
gah gs is so confusing
@DialFrost you're not evaluating the input though
Sandbox posts last active a week ago: Test cases
@DialFrost and here you're just evaluating a newline lol
I found a 5 byter but really can't find a 4 to RPN in GS
really makes you appreciate how things automatically vectorise in modern golflangs
it's not as trivial as you might think
it's fairly simple though
i think joking is still stuck at 5 too. i just got 4 a few days ago
if there was some way to make a list print with newlines I'd have a 4
in one byte
yes that would make sense
however it wouldn't help produce a 3 byter at all
I'm not talking about a 5 to 4
i know
tip though, golfscript smashes the stack like jelly
it prints everything on the stack
that doesn't help with my current approach
i know it doesn't
you'll have to rewrite it
no no I have rewritten it
I have what I think is a 3 byte foundation which needs a single byte list join
yes i know what you have and it's not gonna help you
what do i have
wait nevermind
that's dumb
what's cool is that that problem will be 2 bytes in vyxal
that's right
8 mins ago, by lyxal
really makes you appreciate how things automatically vectorise in modern golflangs
nevermind, i don't know what you have
looks like it doesn't work anyway
doesn't work because it returns a string instead of a list
no it doesn't
it dumps everything onto the stack
you're really close btw
@JoKing :(
@Steffan as I said, I need a 1 byte list join
that wont help lol
it doesn't giv you a list
@Steffan ye lmao
@Steffan wait those are all stack items?
i've been thinking about a 1char that loops the input
oh that's cursed
is there such a thing? @Steffan
then how is 4 possible gah
are any brackets needed?
i havent even found a solution yet XD
no brackets?
i thought and thought and couldn't figure it out. i jumped in bed and then i figured it out lol
at least u know some gs lol
you always get the best ideas in bed
no u dont
(well at least for me)
@Steffan only if you know the quirks of the language
@lyxal yup
@lyxal hinter for 5? :3
Hard to come up with something creative when you've only ever touched GS like twice
@lyxal i havent touched it at all
@DialFrost you want to evaluate and then print each expression
@lyxal i know that lol, just not how to do it
wait gimme a sec
I just defined a class called TCPJSONRPCClient
@DialFrost how do you apply a block to each item in a list
that's 3 acronyms in one definition
@lyxal %?
or /
@DialFrost that's right
% and / will both work
And how would you evaluate and then print an individual expression
(as in say the input was just a single expression, not a list, just a single string)
wait doesnt gs push the stack for u at the end?
so no print needed?
@Steffan ah k
You know what's fun? Going "Oh, the trailers for that show looked funny, I'll watch episode 1 and then go to bed", and then stopping for a break 3 hours later at 1:45am, knowing that you're gonna watch at least 5 more episodes
@lyxal eval is ~
@cairdcoinheringaahing i cant do that unfortunately :(
@DialFrost that's right
But you also want to explicitly print because you're doing it to each item
whoopsie my output is now all in one line not on newlines ;facepalm:
That's why you put the print inside the block
@lyxal i did!
{pn~}% ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Gs is stack based
Plus you just need p
@lyxal ?
yoooo i have the longest solution, 10 9 bytes!
isn't that like not a good thing :b
@Ginger lol at least i solved it right? :3
fair enough
darn bubbler got the 5
5 is easy
for you maybe
idk how to get longer without padding it
@DialFrost commands go the other way around in the block
just loop over each and eval and print
it's like vyxal
stack based
@Steffan idk how to loop
you're already looping
@Steffan thats what i did :3
you only need two bytes in the loop
most of yours is redundant
@Steffan ?rly?
pn doesn't do anything ni yours, and "\n" is just n
@DialFrost {pn~}% was close
got it guys
@lyxal i followed this advice :3
did {~p}% instead
That's what I have :p
more people have 4b than 5b actually
whta'd you do to get 4?
{~n}%, {~p}%, {~n}/, and {~p}/ all work
u already asked me that
you should probably learn golfscript so you can actually write a program yourself first
@Steffan :/
also, the name has [[Becomed]] TCPLSPJSONRPCClient
that's 4 acronyms
Ah I see the 4 byter now
I'll give you a hint: currently the input is a list of strings. What if you were to somehow turn it into a single string you could evaluate and have smash printing take care of newline joining for you?
@lyxal hmm
@lyxal if its a single string then wont gs accidentally evluate the whole thing/
It will, but that's what you want in this case
Each expression in the input doesn't impact previously evaluated expressions
by any chance is * used?
It is
smash printing???
The entire stack is printed at end of execution without any separator
So if the stack is [1, 2, 3], the output will be 123
but there isnt anything that smash prints in 1 byte... is there?
It's automatic
literally does it in zero bytes
@lyxal smash printing doesnt take care of the newline joining... right?
No, you need to insert the newlines manually somehow
is this partially correct? n*~
That's where I was stuck for a while, so yes
@lyxal steffan said n was newline but i dont see a way to properly have a n anywhere
Consider that the newline needs to be literally evaluated in the joined string instead of just ignored
@lyxal but..but i tried doing that (im def doing it wrong), and i got the input in the output instead :p
oh got it lol
deletes brute forcer that wasn't going anywhere
darn im so slow at this
I got it too hehe
@lyxal or am i interpreting something wrong here
@lyxal wdym "literally eval"
got it! god that took forever
thanks a lot @lyxal
@lyxal spoiling everything
@Steffan honestly right, i didnt understand a word he said
so I had to go back to the golfscript built-ins to look for that missing char
almost looks like somebody pasted it into chat
@Steffan lmaooo
like everyone gets it at once
i saw the recent solutions before i saw the chat and i came in here preparing to see the code somebody pasted
@JoKing lmao i tried bruteforcing it in bash too like a week ago and it just sat there and nothing happened
it would take forever
@Steffan why would someone paste it?
i have no idea
plus the only person here who has the solution other than you in chat is lyxal i think
and lyxal (never?) gives solutions
or am i wrong :p
@Steffan i was on the step of "remove instructions that clearly won't work" and figured it out while looking through the gs instructions. i think i would have it optimised enough to work by that point
If you go on code.golf server, the golfing gods might give you one hint and no more. we're generous :p
@DialFrost I didn't give out any solutions, I just gave more helpful and useful hints :p
@lyxal lmao i agree
@Steffan yup lmao (theyre called golfing gods for a reason)
Yeah, well the only reason I was first place in tribonacci triangle on weekgolf (just for example) is because emanresu basically gave me the solution in trash
He gave me like 100 hints so it was easy lmao
Hints add up
hmm i never knew emanresu likes to give hints
he does lol
anyone have a recommended lang for me to learn?
@Steffan wow i better start asking him next time
anyone know where the CGCC 7 segment display challenge is
@DialFrost Golflang? If you want something that's relatively easy to learn, maybe Vyxal. If you want a challenge, maybe Jelly
APL isn't as golfy as either of those but it's somewhere in between in terms of difficulty and it's very rewarding, plus there's a whole chatroom here to help you out (The APL Orchard)
If you're looking for a practical language, I'm going to (unironically) suggest Java
@DialFrost learn raku and beat my 7 segment diamond, it's apparently my oldest held diamond
Is Raku a good language to learn for practical stuff or is it mostly just good as a fun cursed golfish lang?
it's nice to prototype in, but pretty slow otherwise
@user i try out apl and i just cant wrap my head around tacit programming, its like way too confusing for me
like i look at a train and i cant fathom how anyone would come up with that, for me i make a dfn first then remove random stuff until it works
I may be biased, but Jelly is an easier tacit lang to learn than APL, mainly because it's fixed arity
@user i alr learned vyxal :3
@JoKing not sure, it seems...strange
All you need to know is the number of arguments the first chain takes, and the parsing patterns
@cairdcoinheringaahing ye
@cairdcoinheringaahing i find tacit programming confusing in general lmfao
@JoKing slow? darn
i think they're doing some sort of rewrite to improve the speed, but it's slower than most interpreted languages
@user why not JS?
yeah one intuitive advantage of fixed adicity is there's a certain degree of higher locality to the patterns
JS is pretty useful
@emanresuA ye
i've been on and off trying to port a primitive hybrid rust js application into just rust (+ autogenerated js glue) and it's insane how much js infects
Question: what language do you think is best for me to learn (considering I've learnt some julia, python, and vyxal), you can suggest both a golflang and a practical one (easy langs pls :3)
haskell, brachylog 😈
@JoKing raku doesnt seem fun :/
i found pip pretty easy to learn
Honestly I'd recommend JS. It's not the best option for anything, but it works for everything.
Also golfing in it is pretty fun
@emanresuA ill go for js soon then, plus i see a lot of ppl using it on code.golf
isnt js like super cursed or smth
@AidenChow kinda lmao
depends on how you define "cursed"
but cursed in a fun way, like bowling with a watermelon
@JoKing you really think i should learn raku? (ignoring my own opinion for now)
i'd probably choose python or javascript as more practical while still having competition for golfing
ah ok
i really wish raku had vectorisation though
wait does it actually not
that seems like a very perly thing to have
raku does have vectorization (in a way, at least)
<<*>> is vectorized multiplication for example
you can also do stuff like @arr X% 2 but it gets unwieldy since it doesn't keep the precedences of the operators
i never really understood your trick with X%9 for popcount
if it kept the precedence i wouldn't be so annoyed
it seems to somehow sum something or something sometimes
@Steffan a base n number mod n-1 will equal the digit sum mod n-1
hmm interesting
in this case we're interpreting the base 2 number as a base 10 one
ah yeah that makes sense
but how does X% manage to do digit sum?
that's what's strange
i don't remember the original problem, but wasn't it a list of binary strings?
wait yes it was
the X being "vectorisation"
in a more recent problem you had a funky base 13 trick
but it seems to just be a cursed thing that works
same thing, base 13 number mod 12 = popcount (the base 13 was stolen from an CGSE evil number answer)
i guess base 36 mod 35 works just as well, but you had to mod 12 anyway
i'm also using it in the new Pernicious Long hole, with Raku's :16(.base(2))%15
there's some much shorter way to get popcount apparently though
yeah primo is using it in like every lang
outgolfing everyone by like 20 bytes
in my pernicios long solution, that would need parens so it adds a byte
you must have a better formula for raku, even though i'm first place in python and you aren't which is strange tbh
you mean is-prime lol
oh lmao
my bytes solution uses is-prime but not the chars one
@Steffan how?
im at 101 :3
i cant use that :|
101 sounds too long though
@Steffan lol
are you using bit_count()?
that will save you a lot probably
for x in range(1,10001):a=sum(map(int,str(bin(x))[2:]));all(a%m for m in range(2,a))*~-a and print(x)
@Steffan wats that lmao
sum(map(int,str(bin(x))[2:])) => x.bit_count()
` and ` => >0==
oh... thats new for me
@Steffan wow
@Steffan got it, just needed to add more numbers to the pysearch
@JoKing i need to add more ram :(
Cursed language idea: >= and <= only work because of some weird tacit thing that makes >/< and = combine into a single operator
Same w/ !=
Bonus points if it's the same mechanism by which += and stuff work
or what if a <= b was actually just a = a < b
already implemented cursed idea, prolog has =< to avoid using <=
I still think languages should have => as bitwise implies :P
NOOOO the Australians lied to me, it was actually out of stock there too :(
it can't be out at every store right? i saw at least 3 stores that listed it as in stock
or maybe i was mistaking it for the medium version
@RadvylfPrograms Could have >|= + similar
@JoKing Nice, smart use of the l< to push 01 and reverse in only 2 characters
@JoKing any useless hints to get 36 in gs for FB?
so the hint is in there?
quick question: how are langs added in code.golf? like how are they picked to be in the site
if a PR is added and people on discord like it
@lyxal add a PR :3
They've said they'll probably allow it
@emanresuA its been over 1 year ...
And no one's added a PR for vyxal
why dont u do it :3
I don't care enough
@emanresuA :(
If you want to do it, copy an existing lang PR
@DialFrost why dont u do it :3
@Bubbler i dont know how :/
> copy an existing lang PR
Docker container, install script, runner, and some config info... That should be it
do i have to do the dockerfile script and everything?
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Look at an existing lang PR
@DialFrost I've tried to but I don't know docker
(me who doesnt even know what a docker is)
@lyxal did u ask anyone on dc :/
Docker isn't that hard
@mousetail pls teach lyxal or maybe u can do it? :3
I don't understand it either but it shouldn't be that hard to copy this
And you can probably ask around on the discord for help
@emanresuA but how come that lang hasnt been added yet?
Probably because the owner hasn't got around to handling it yet
great now everyone is using the snowflake react to the msg when i entered dc XD
@lyxal can pls try? thx lol (mouse cna teach u)
The hard part is gonna be building code.golf
@emanresuA ?
I'd expect it to be on the order of 5-10 gigabytes and 5 minutes-2 hours to build
@emanresuA that's true as well
wdym building code.golf???
I can do all the docker stuff I want but I don't have the resources to really test things locally
You'll have to actually test that it works
@lyxal resources?
maybe steffan can test it, i saw steffan testing someone's lang on a PR b4
@lyxal but u can make them first right?
@DialFrost computer storage, etc
@Steffan maybe u can help out? :p
Question: how many discord notifications do you currently have (Twist: highest number wins)
@DialFrost 0
@AidenChow like unread?
the red circle thingy
I have 631
im not in any servers that ping 24/7 lmfao
i think most of my discord notifications are from dms
@AidenChow mine arent
which is why im confused
notif only come up from mentions?
umm u get notified if u get dmed as well
do they come up from only dms and mentions?
not entirely sure but i think so
some servers have it set so you get notifications for all messages by default (which is insane)
you can configure it in the server settings
you can change this yourself in the server settings (or just mute servers entirely like i do)
but i checked my dc eralier
i only have around 30 notifs from each server
(yes im in a lot of servers)
@JoKing lazy
@JoKing bro i would not be able to stand that
i think technically it is discord's fault for making that the default
i had no idea that existed as a server setting
i just manually mute every server i join
4 hours later…
@JoKing This makes sense for most discords that have like 10 people
Q: Rarity of a String

WaltCodezInput: A string Output: The rarity of the string, as described below. To find the rarity of a string, follow the steps below. Start with 0. Subtract 3 for each E, A, T, or O in the string. Subtract 2 for each I, N, S, or H in the string. Subtract 1 for each R, D, L, or C in the string. Add 1 for...

1 hour later…
Happy Fibonacci Day y'all!
@RadvylfPrograms thats how it works in Fig
00:00 - 15:0016:00 - 00:00

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