@Steffan ERROR: LoadError: ArgumentError: can't repeat a character -1 times errrr
full version (expanded abit for readability)
s,l,b,a,t=" │█╱─"
for x=1:7
y=x*4;u=l*s^y*l;z=s^x;w=b*t^y;p(s^-~x*w*b);[p(s^(x-i)*a*s^y*a*s^i*l) for i=0:x];p(w*b*z*l)
[p([[u*s^(x*2+~i)*a,u*z*b][i==x-1],u*z*l][i<x-1]) for i=0:x*2]
Warning: Wouldn't you rather answer a challenge about ponies?1
If you have read The Hostile Hospital, you would know that the Baudelaire orphans, from one of the scraps of paper recovered from the Quagmire's notebooks, they discover a name, "Ana Gram". Later on, they realize that means the word...
I'm a Stack Exchange user of a few years and was recently pointed at the Area 51 proposal for a Programming Language Design SE. So I tried to sign up to express my interest in supporting such a site. It did not go well:
The first thing I saw was the orange "Follow It!" button, which I clicked, a...
On most new-years challenges when it is currently not the corresponding year of the challenge, It says this in the front.
It's [current year] already, folks, go home.
You have to output this text with the current year substituted.
Input: None.
Output: It's [current year] already, folks, go...
// Get the current year in C without recompiling
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
int main(void)
time_t t = time(NULL);
struct tm tm = *localtime(&t);
printf("%d", tm.tm_year + 1900);
return 0;
There's your answer
how it works I haven't a clue because I got my computer to do it for me
@lyxal I agree. I always use VSCode instead of Notepad in computer class, which is why I'm 66.66666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666669% faster in my work
that still doesn't answer the question of how I'm going to access Copilot which requires a computer in an exam where you aren't allowed to use a computer