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Honestly this video's "I love but I don't recommend it" is such a great summary of my views on JS
"transpile it to es5, load it with system.js, file for bankruptcy, bundle it all up with webpack"
apply duct tape and cry
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

BubblerTriangular honeycomb numbers code-golf math sequence From the infinite triangular array of positive integers, suppose we repeatedly select all numbers at Euclidean distance of \$\sqrt{3}\$, starting from 1: $$ \underline{1} \\ \;2\; \quad \;3\; \\ \;4\; \quad \;\underline{5}\; \quad \;6\; \\ \;\u...

About to do a 1 hour algorithm midterm exam
Wish me luck nerds :p
1 hour later…
Have SE started doing weird tracking stuff with the URLs?
I clicked on an HNQ and got taken to https://superuser.com/questions/1747901/why-screen-displays-dead-pixels-at-144hz-but-not-at-60hz?_gl=1*ooao8g*_ga*MTExNzYwMzQ5Mi4xNjQ0MTIwOTEw*_ga_S812YQPLT2*MTY2NjA2MjE5MS4yNDQuMC4xNjY2MDYyMTkxLjAuMC4w...lotsa weird GET request stuff
Looks ads related?
But then it's not there for subsequent visits to HNQs
Go complain on meta
@emanresuA Nah, I'm going to sleep now o/
Q: Should "Why 'What Stack Overflow is Not' was deleted" be historically locked?

Sonic the Anonymous HedgehogA long time ago, Shog9 deleted a popularly-linked question here. He then made another post, Why "What Stack Overflow is Not" was deleted, to explain his reasons for deleting the question referenced there. That post was bumped recently, by a user who removed outdated links to a domain that has sin...

Questionception go brrrr
2 hours later…
@RadvylfPrograms well, I am actually using such an application right now to direct incoming traffic to one of two servers
they are on separate machines so I can't actually readily share the private key, especially since certbot creates a new one every month anyway
and the servers in question are using different software anyway so it's not like I can do anything about that either
@RadvylfPrograms o/ (its 2pm)
Hi Neil!
why do SO blog posts keep breaking sigh
Guys whats a LDW
@emanresuA Meaning?
A question talking about a question which itself talks about yet another question
@DialFrost lang design workshop
@AidenChow ye but for what leh
its just for discussing language design in general
and like making langs and stuff
ye i personally not making any lang or anything like that so idk too much about it
ye same
sad that all the rooms i favorite are frozen :(
Is there a way to do -1 in python in 1 byte?
@DialFrost probably not
@AidenChow oof
maybe if it's surrounded in other code
what u trying to do ?
then I can't tell you
IIRC bubbler has an ongoing bounty for some things on code.golf
@Bubbler pretty sure you can't
My code is rendering unreadable for me alr :(
I'm so confused how ppl can get half my byte size and pass this
4 hours later…
hi all!
Right(List(Number(2), Number(2), Command(+), MonadicModifier(v)))
Left(VyxalParserError(number expected))
that's wassup
unexplainable parser errors got me feeling 😎
@DialFrost I can't work out how to open texstudio in OS X!
OS X is a mystery to me
@graffe introducing OS Y
@PyGamer0 thanks :)
I never did find out how to open texstudio :)
used emacs instead
2 hours later…
@Bubbler Would you like to do another Advent of Golf this year? I think if we want to we ought to start writing challenges soon.
We could also do this this year:
Q: Advent of code golf?

caird coinheringaahingEvery year, during December, our cousin site, Advent of Code goes live, hosting a coding challenge every day from the 1st of December to the 24th of December. There have been various attempts for members of this site to do a similar thing, but it almost always results in a single user trying to p...

Advent of Golf!
didn't really participate last year, maybe I oughta this year :b
Rust NPSP reimplementation is going well!
radvylf@penguin:~/npsp-rs/npsp$ cargo run
   Compiling npsp v0.1.0 (/home/radvylf/npsp-rs/npsp)
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 2.48s
     Running `target/debug/npsp`
It can grab an fkey, first step of logging in
And better than Node NPSP was doing
(And it also does it much more robustly, using proper HTML parsing instead of...yes, regex, I know)
I'd previously assumed they'd never update that page given that they haven't in like a decade, but apparently they do still make breaking changes on occasion and I could see them rearranging the order of the attributes in the input or something like that
aw cmon, GB is ready to replace NPSP!
I only haven't done it bc I'm waiting for a week to check stability
Make it a contest
Well it would only ever be a temporary solution, it'd be a little confusing if our bot was called Ginger :p
first bot to post each new post wins
Plus NPSP-rs is going to have all sorts of cool features
And it's written in Rust using established libraries, so it should be more robust
@mousetail good idea lol
@Ginger host your bot as close as possible to SE servers
@cairdcoinheringaahing I honestly feel like it's harder to touch up old sandbox posts than it is to just make a new one.
@GrainGhost Agreed, but I don't think that's a reason not to do it
If anything, the same problem that we've had for the past 3 years is more relevant: can we do it for 25 challenges in 6 weeks?
I know I can write ~20 challenges in 6 weeks.
[src/main.rs:80] is_login_ok = "<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html>\n<head>\n    <meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=UTF-8\" />\n    <title>Forbidden - Stack Exchange</title>\n    <style type=\"text/css\">\n\t\tbody\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tcolor: #333;\n\t\t\tfont-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Arial, sans-serif;\n\t\t\tfont-size: 14px;\n\t\t\tbackground: #fff url('img/bg-noise.png') repeat left top;\n\t\t\tline-height: 1.4;\n\t\t}\n\t\th1\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tfont-size: 170%;\n\t\t\tline-height: 34px;\n\t\t\tfont-weight: normal;\n\t\t}\n\t\ta { color: #366fb3; }\n\t\ta:visited { color: #12457c; }
uh oh
@GrainGhost Yeah, I'm thinking more about finding 25 challenge-worthy, abandoned Sandbox posts, leaving enough time to alert the OPs that we may be "commandeering" their proposal, and then touching them up
Okay well I'm not actually IP banned by SE...
I wonder if it's the user agent being empty?
@cairdcoinheringaahing It's not unreasonable to have multiple advent events. I'd like to work on what we did last year since I know that works, and can be done.
You could try doing the other event. Even if it fails you either have it half done for next year or have experience for next year.
@GrainGhost I think we're both in agreement and talking slightly past each other :P
I've got no problem with both happening, you bringing up Advent of Golf just reminded me of my long-running and failed goal to do my Sandbox Advent thing :P
I'm saying where my priorities are. I will unlikely be participating directly in that sort of event this year. Although I absolutely endorse the idea.
Advent of code seems like a decent way for me to hit 100k before year end because my previous goal of getting a 3rd socratic this year is now definitely impossible.
Okay phew it was the user agent
Its new user agent is Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; NPSP/2.0; +https://chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/240/the-nineteenth-byte)
That way if any SE devs decide to investigate the suspicious scary bot thing it'll direct them to us
Oh god, are we going to have to deal with angry devs asking why we have a chatbot that can post new posts in here before they're even posted on main? :P
@GrainGhost oh my
100k is a lot
@RadvylfPrograms it's called "GingerBot" q:
also why are you using rust when sechat is more stable than ever
Using SEChat is how the last NPSP died
the last NPSP, iirc, used the horribly janky "library" made by hyper
sechat is of my own invention
Oh, I thought you meant the "standard" python library for SE chatbots
no, that thing is awful
I made sechat specifically because of how awful it was
OSP still works using it :P
that's OSP's loss d:
@RadvylfPrograms good idea, just added user-agent code to sechat
it now has the agent Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; automated;) sechat/<version> (unauthenticated; +http://pypi.org/project/sechat) or Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; automated;) sechat/<version> (logged in as user <chat user id>; +http://pypi.org/project/sechat) if it's logged in
@Ginger No, I made it
correction: the horribly janky "library" made by Radvylf
Node has no existing HTTP library which handles cookies
I didn't really have a choice
wait, I thought NPSP was made in JS
I was talking about the python one
the old python one
sorry Radvylf
NPSP was never written in Python
Full successful log-in with NPSP!
Lemme try something
Hi guys!
did you just create a person
No it's Sprow, who's renamed to "CodeGolders" for...some reason
> About
we golf

we golf

we glof
CMP: What makes a good question? (As opposed to simply a not bad one, or one which needs to be to work)
the answers are chained together
1. Successive answers must be harder
2. It should be difficult or disincentivised to "lock the challenge" by making an answer that can't be followed.
3. Score should somewhat reflect the amount of effort put in.
One where there is a high skill ceiling. You shouldn't be able to stasoid your way to a thousand answers, but it also shouldn't just become a brute-force sort of thing when too many answers exist
I feel that if successive answers increase in difficulty that problem naturally sorts itself out.
I guess it has to start pretty easy though.
hm. i've got this answer chaining sandbox, and i have a feeling it runs into at least one of those issues maybe :-) in particular, there are points where you end up with a really low (good) score, and theres not really anything anyone can do but post an answer with a worse score. I feel like people wouldn't want to put in the effort for something destined to score badly.
@RadvylfPrograms IDK, I'd say that if someone does stasoid their way to a thousand answers, more power to them, but it should be so difficult that almost no one would try it.
Well I also mean that it should remain interesting as it gets harder, and not just get less possible
Why does this library not provide a way to initialize an empty cookie store
This is so stupid
I'm going to have to create a file reader containing empty string and have that parsed as JSON just to get an empty cookie store
lol cookie store
Aha, I can use default()
You could use from_cookies with a empty iterator
nvm you figured out a better way
@mousetail Yeah but it was a pain to make the iterator the right type
CMC: largest output in 3 bytes :P
what lang?
no, I meant interesting CMC
CMC? can i get a tio link? :P
okok enough of that joke, thank you lol
largest output or largest integer output?
Many golflangs support infinite lists
thats actually a good question
im gonna say finite output required, but whether its integer or just text is a good question still
im honestly not sure :-| oops
@thejonymyster Pip, ~10^4000: mXm
hey is tomorrow ldw or lyal
@thejonymyster If it's text, then rXm should be longer (usually either 18,000 or 19,000 characters, depends on a random number)
oh interesting
whats it grabbin
or uh, whats it outputting
The same random floating point number 1000 times
aha that makes sense
also ty
@thejonymyster JS: probably 9e9
Jelly: probably ⁹!!
Vyxal, (pretty boring) ~(4*10^10)!: kḭ¡
@RadvylfPrograms oops
256!! in Vyxal too then
If it's text, ₈¡ṗ (powerset(256!)) is quite a bit longer.
@DLosc Ooh, I think PMr will be longer: permutations of a random floating-point number. I tried it on DSO and it froze my web browser. :D
lmao thats a good sign
oh wait is that string permutations?
I think the length of the output of PM given a length-N argument is going to be N times N factorial, so PMr should typically generate somewhere between 17*17! and 20*20! characters
wait is that 20(20!) or (20*20)!
sometimes i joke about order of operations but i genuinely dont know where factorial fits in :P
I'm assuming it's higher precedence than multiplication
ok that makes more sense lol
400! would be scary huge
for what youre doing at least
256!! is pretty big too :-)
oh wait
oh man i love this
256!! is for the number, 20!20 is string length hmmm
256!! would probably be a lot longer of a string than 20!20 characters
@mathcat <
Powersets get larger much faster than factorials
ohh right
@Sʨɠɠan this is fun :D
(apologies to other Sʨɠɠan)
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

AZTECCOLengthy numbers easy code-golfdecision-problem Given a positive integer number n > 0 less than 10 digits tell if it can be erased by repeatedly removing #every# occurrence of the length of that number from it. Easy version of Lengthy numbers. The full challenge is more heavy because it requires ...

imagine google search having an XOR operator
just a random thought
Q: A pieceful standoff

Grain GhostThis challenge requires a small amount of knowledge about chess. A description of the details required can be found at the bottom if you are not familiar with chess or want a refresher. For a certain board configuration consisting only of queens we can say that each queens threat number is the n...

@Sʨɠɠan ideal
also, i think ive finally figured out what to do with @ on strings in fig
what does @ normally do
burrows wheeler transform, then modified huffman coding
@thejonymyster compressed function references and compressed numbers
so i decided to add a different type of compressed string :D
useful for ascii art challenges
where the data is repetitive and not very varied
ah nice :-)
@thejonymyster i would say 9!! in desmos but it just says undefined cuz its so large lol
i was literally thinking that too LOL
99! works and its not undefined
not sure if u can get any higher than that within 3 bytes in desmos
oh duh two digit numbers lol gg
oh duh two digit numbers lol gg
lol u sent that twice
at least on my screen
same here
you guys need to get your eyes checked
it definitely didnt send twice not a chance that never everevrevr happens
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

JordanBox blur the string code-golf string Box blur is a simple operation for blurring images. To apply box blur, simply replace each pixel with the average of its and the surrounding 8 pixels' values. Consider, for example, the following example, in which each "pixel" has a one-digit value: \begin{arr...

@lyxal u got good timing
quick test can someone ping the other steggan
ಠ_ಠ I just realized you've both got the same name now
The last time two users had similar names and both changed them, they made it easier to tell them apart :P
Imagine they switch to same pfp, then that would really fuck with my brain
It'd be hella funny though
Just like that time I was user, redwolf was me and user was redwolf :p
inb4 the bit never ends and steggan becomes a hivemind
i for one welcome the steggan hive
@GrainGhost Yeah right, absolutely
I guess I'll post this year's AoCG sandbox
@thejonymyster oh frick not again
@user get in here we have another hivemind to slay :p
Q: Announcing Advent of Code Golf 2022! (+ Event challenge sandbox)

BubblerFollowing last year's event, we're doing Advent of Code Golf 2022! On each day between Dec 1st and Dec 25th (inclusive), a new challenge will be posted at UTC midnight1. It is a free-for-all and just-have-fun-by-participation event, no leaderboards and no prizes for solving them fast or solving t...

@emanresuA ok that pinged me
ig steggan just doesnt get pinged very often
@thejonymyster come join us, ẁ̸̨͓̺͈̈͝͠ē̴̪͋̀'̷͇̬͔̺̼̀̓̈́̕l̴̝͛l̵̮̼͕͘ ̸̰̿̆͘t̵̛͕̖̟͗̎͋å̷̺͉̹̬̠̒͂̄͐k̶̰̀̉́͛ḛ̷́͌̒͌̚ ̴̦̺̜̻̚t̵̢͕̹͓̖̏̚h̵͓̹̩̺͚̎͒̇̚e̸͎̜͕̐͗̂ ̷͉͊r̵̗̭͚̋è̷̲d̵̤̺̖̅ẅ̶̘̫̻̓͆̚ö̶͈͈́l̵͎͑̓͗͋f̶̱͊̐́ ̷̢̬̗̺̆̄͆̾̄h̸̹̪͚̀̑̏̀̈́ỉ̸̩̌̈̎v̶̢͕͎̿̄͊̊͘e̷͍̣̿͐m̶̡̰͔̑̆̿̑͘ỉ̶̜̣̼͚̖͝m̴̛̩̖̐̊̽d̴̻̄
LDQ: im currently writing a constant inliner, should expr || true be converted to true or expr?
considering expr may have side effects
If expr may have side effects, constant folding should do nothing on it
it's... not a constant

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