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The key isn't in using fewer operators, it's in using the same number of operators more effectively
I am not an information theorist; I don't know how I would do that
You don't need to understand information theory, you need to understand golflangs
@RadvylfPrograms excellent metaphor
except I do not understand golflangs
The key is making common operators shorter and uncommon operators longer
that way you can support a potentially infinite number of operators
without loss of density
time to write a program that checks every single answer to find the most common operators
Look at four bit golfing languages. Despite having operators half the size of SBCS langs, they're often multiple times longer. That's because you get 1/16th as many operators for just 1/2 the size, and 256 operators you know are useful is a lot better than 256 pairs of two operators, many of which will perform niche or redundant operations
have we explored "if your program is syntactically invalid, it is reinterpreted as a structurally different program" as a golflang mechanism
@mousetail a key
A very OP key
Neither catstruct nor pxeger's idea involve variable width encoding, that's only one approach
There is no way you can create 256 operators with exactly equal number of use cases
it's always going to be inefficient
@Ginger We've already done that for years :p
@mousetail Sure, but making one operator shorter makes the others longer
Yes, the trick is to make common operators shorter and uncommon ones longer
Having addition be shorter is nice, but if it comes at the cost of 20 other less common operators being longer, it maybe isn't a good idea
It is
it depends on the numbers
even if a program uses uncommon operators it's likely to use it just a few times, while every program will use common operators a lot
If each of those 20 are used half as often as addition, suddenly it's definitely not a good choice
@mousetail That doesn't really occur in practice though, the slope is rather shallow
And most of the more commonly used operators can actually be eliminated with more clever tricks than shrinking them with encodings
I literally proved a average -5 byte reducion on lyxal answers
@RadvylfPrograms True, it's better to remove operators all together and make them implicit
@mousetail That seems slightly suspect to me, given that the average Vyxal answer is probably not much longer than 5 bytes
@RadvylfPrograms yeah, encoding is just a side-effect of golflang-evolution
Although it definitely would not surprise me if huffman/arithmetic coding would be a significant byte save for most 3rd-gen golflangs
Ok it was skewed by a few very long answers that got reduces a ton
average percentage is 2%
I think it's mostly just been avoided as a low-hanging and uninteresting golf
I mean SBCS is a low hanging uninteresting golf
yet everyone does it
SBCS is sort of the baseline though
We're setting a new baseline
And I'd consider it a lot more interesting to have 160 more possible operators
@mousetail It's not a sensible baseline though. Unlike SBCSs, which were already in use before CGCC, and which make sense when bytes are the scoring method.
Yes, that's the point. If you don't limit yourself to having every operator the same length you can have 160 or 200 or 1000 operators without being too long
Well that's slightly different from just huffman coding an existing language
(Personally I think 256 is a pretty good sweet spot for interestingness of the number of operators though; less than 128 is too few to allow for creativity, and more than 512 is too many to make designing languages fun and picking which operators make the cut difficult)
ok here's another sample: p{?=a"cat""cat goes meow"a|i
this language uses the functional paradigm
@RadvylfPrograms IMO fig somehow stays optimal below sbcs
I was talking about interestingness, not golfiness there
i was thinking of huffman coding fig, but i got tired of manually building a tree
But 96 operators would indeed be less efficient than 256 operators in theory. I expect that being able to put more focus on each operator allowed you to optimize it better though.
i think more datatypes helps too (more overloads)
CMP: is a dedicated boolean datatype useful?
@Seggan i think maybe definitely not, truthy and falsy work fine :-)
however that has me thinking of the "not" operator, usually that implicitly returns whatever is being used as the standin for bools or something
wait, nvm the thing i was starting to say
@Seggan No.
@Seggan Yes
clarification: i meant boolean on top of truthy/falsey
Only minimally so, but it does not conflict with other data types (unlike, e.g., different number types), meaning that it can only possibly save you bytes
K/Q/kbd+ makes millions or billions without a Boolean datatype.
@Ginger Here's a pseudocode version of that: print(not(mod(sum(map(input() a => find(alphabet a))) 2)))
@Seggan I don't follow.
truthy/falsey idea + a boolean datatype
kinda like c(?)
E.g., let's say your not operator returns a boolean. You now have ~48 operator overloads to do things with that boolean, like really obscure control flow, at exactly zero cost.
@RadvylfPrograms 20067
remember, you can't spell "functional programming" without "malfunctioning program"
or, for that matter, "planigram uncomforting"
@RadvylfPrograms Coding a existing language was just a demonstration, to do it properly would require a new language built that way from the start
CMQ: If signed zero is a thing, should the sign of +0 be 0 or 1? Is it positive?
the sign of +0 should be +0 and for -0 it should be -0 (partially joking)
That's how JS does it
Rust considers 0.0 to be positive, but not 0
I think that makes the most sense
To me this is the worst way to do it
Maybe not have a negative 0 but have a omega value instead that is distinct
mr incredible slamming finger into book 0 is 0
exactly, that's why having a seperate value to represent a value infinitesimally close to 0 makes sense
epsilon <3_<3
Something that I think is really cool: When I type, my fingers are basically really well trained markov chains
I keep typing "Minux" instead of "Minux"
needs more training
Because my fingers are trained to expect "(L)inux"
Any time I do Shift+? i n u
I know a guy who has modded his keyboard so he can type a lot of common words with 2 keypresses
to me shift is {
@mousetail i can do that too: if or an im we no oh
@mousetail idea: a keyboard where every key is a common set of three letters and when you press a sequence of them it types the shortest word that includes all of them in sequence
@Ginger That's literally the keyboards court transcribers use
example: int + nat + ion + Compose = internationalization
that owns. we should have a court transcription challenge
Go for it
lemme go write that up rq
They also do odd stuff like merging similar sounding letters and ommiting vowels when not nececairy
so it's a "lossy" compression
i dont wanna write it :P doh
ive got too many irons in the sandbox (wait thats a mixed metaphor) ive got too many castles in the sand
I want to see the NERPS challenge
hmm, this might actually already exist
because the challenge is just "Given a list composed of sequences of three letters, as well as another list of dictionary words, return the shortest word containing all of the sequences in order"
can someone check if this exists or not? I don wanna
@mousetail god that took me way too long to remember what the acronym was
@Ginger i think thats called a stenograph?
‹See TfM›A steno machine, stenotype machine, shorthand machine, stenograph or steno writer is a specialized chorded keyboard or typewriter used by stenographers for shorthand use. In order to pass the United States Registered Professional Reporter test, a trained court reporter or closed captioner must write speeds of approximately 180, 200, and 225 words per minute (wpm) at very high accuracy in the categories of literary, jury charge, and testimony, respectively. Some stenographers can reach 300 words per minute. The website of the California Official Court Reporters Association (COCRA) gives...
It's basically code golf but for spoken language
that's SMS-speak lol
It looks a lot like SMS speak
Though SMS is different, since a lot of acronyms represent emotions. You can't objectively judge emotions in a court
well just use AI
It's not really useful information either
though I'd think it would be hilarious if there was a AI announcer occasionally going like

"The plaintiff is bored"

"The defendant is angry"

"The judge is tired and wants to go home"
the stenographer is tired and wants to stop typ
Imagine a next-level AI could recognize "guilty-ness"
reminds me of minority report lol
@RadvylfPrograms would you happen to know if this exists?
@mathcat Yes and probably be incredibly biassed
or anyone else for that matter?
it's simple enough that I think it does but if it doesn't, I'm going to post it
@thejonymyster a stegenogenotegnoeggenegogglogeographer is a person that transcribes encoded musical charts being etched into the surface of the earth while drinking eggnog and wearing swim goggles
holy McMoly. thats my dream job sincei was 9
yea me too :b
posted on October 06, 2022 by trichoplax‭

Give an integer $N$ in balanced quinary, output the first $N$ characters of your source code if $N$ is positive, or the last $-N$ characters of your source code if $N$ is negative. Term...

@mathcat My guess is it would almost immedaitely become racist
It's hard to pick up on subtle emotional cues, and those are unreliably anyway. Guessing someone's socioeconomic status correctly, however, could be a pretty good predictor of whether they're "guilty" (keep in mind you'd have to train it with already-biased real world data), and unfortunately due to a variety of factors race and socioeconomic status are closely related
AI magnifies human bias
There are already AIs used to "judge risk" but they have been shown to have a huge racial bias
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

GingerMake a Court Transcriber Discussion in courtrooms often occurs at a high speed and needs to be accurately transcribed in case the text of the decision is needed din future cases. For this purpose, the stenographers who transcribe court discussions uses specially designed keyboards with a small se...

@Ginger needed din
whoops d:
fixed it
Will all words have 11 letters?
My career goal: become a steganostenographer: someone who keeps track of what's said in court rooms, but disguises it as something else
@Ginger can we assume there wont be multiple possible matches?
My career goal: Become a stenogangster who illegally breaks into courts to record what is said
@RadvylfPrograms i knew i was getting those two confused lol
@thejonymyster Nope, you must return the shortest match
@mousetail Nope
@Ginger sorry, multiple *shortest matches
as in [abc def ghi], abcdefghia abcdefghib
@thejonymyster If there are multiple shortest matches you may return any of them
ok cool (^_^)b
@Ginger will the dictionary contain words shorter than 3 letters long?
idk if that matters but it crossed my mind :P
does it matter?
LOL yeah i guess not
I don't think it does
I saw the emoji and remembered I made that
so happy
if this message gets 10 stars I'll reprogram it and add more features and an actual stylesheet
tempting :P
@thejonymyster you or the emoji? d:
the former as a result of the latter :-)
yay :D
@Ginger CMC: this
@thejonymyster VTC as dupe of
Jan 6 at 19:43, by pxeger
CMC: animate alternating between
Jan 6 at 19:43, by pxeger
lmao tragic
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

The ThonnuA decimal-based unit of time code-golf math Background In 1960, the 11th General Conference on Weights and Measures defined the Système International d'Unités (SI) Units which scientists still use today. The metre and the kilogram became standard units in that conference. These were based on powe...

A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

GingerMake a Court Transcriber Discussion in courtrooms often occurs at a high speed and needs to be accurately transcribed in case the text of the decision is needed in future cases. For this purpose, the stenographers who transcribe court discussions uses specially designed keyboards with a small set...

yay my transpiler is actually taking shape now
Unknown reference error at row 12, column 0, statement 'print(fibonacci(10))': print was not defined
transpiler for what?
my language, Rol
a clike for Lua
another one? :b
this is the only one i had
ah yes, another one :P
Sep 19 at 15:38, by Seggan
A short showoff of my language: https://pastebin.com/HEBj4XvR
@Seggan can you Gistify that? I can't see it
its a touch different from the pastebin bc of design changes i made
this is a praclang, if you didnt get it
I did
Might post it later if nobody finds a glarin errorin :-)
@thejonymyster maybe a worked out example will be nice
Oh right lol
ill write something up when i get home thanks
okay, replacement NPSP is now running in the Sandbox on my server instead of replit
nvm I lied
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

77551enpassantPartition square into squares Given integers \$n\$, \$m\$ and \$k\$, randomly output a list of \$k\$ numbers between \$1\$ and \$m\$ (inclusive) such that the sum of the squares of the numbers in the list is equal to \$n\$ squared. In other words, find a way to randomly split \$n^{2}\$ into \$k\$...

hrm i may need to work a bit on my error messages :P
Type mismatch error at row 1, column 4, statement '"a"': Expected String, got Num
turns out i accidentally switched the expected and actual type arguments in the error generating function
much better: Type mismatch error at row 1, column 4, statement '"a"': Expected Num, got String
why is writing a type checker so much easier than i thought it would be
okay NOW it works d:
(I hope, please don't fail me)
okay so here are the profiles for Unit Tester and Twonit Tester respectively:
I am very funny [citation needed]
@RadvylfPrograms ok, I have confirmed that GBNPSP works
now we just need it to remain stable for a week
@Ginger That one does use non-ASCII characters, tho, which poses extra difficulties for some languages.
QBasic, 49 bytes:
?"d (^_^)b
?"d(^_^) b
Sadly, a more clever approach comes in at 53 bytes:
?"d"MID$(" (^_^) ",i+1,6)"b
Well that's what you get for having mid code
It'd be 51 if QBasic used 0-indexing
for languages with /* ... */ comments: ?8 ... 8? should be an alternate comment syntax :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing luv the new pfp! :3
@DialFrost thank Redwolf for the edit :P
00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

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