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@PyGamer0 ouch
ayy I have exactly 3500 rep!
@Ginger Can you bounty me 500, would give both of us 1 extra mod point
@mousetail lol
@mathcat yes
middle school cs is even more boring, because scratch
scratch was kinda fun actually :P
I loved scratch
Scratch is cool
i still use it now and then to make little timewaster games
I actually took my first steps into esolang development on scratch without actually realising it at the time
oh? do tell more
Scratch is actually quite fun
Scratch is very cool, I'd spend all my time "voting" in the random projects where there where 2 lists and you would fork a project and add you name to the column you voted for
but sadly im losing interest in programming slowly
@mousetail :#
@thejonymyster I've only just realised but by trying to make a language where each command was 3 characters long, I essentially was making an esolang
Of course you could tactically fork the "second to last" branch if the last branch had a different opinion than you
@lyxal The world is waiting for Scryxal
I'm basically getting cyber bullied.
@mathcat everything in high school is pretty boring
@lyxal i think trying to make a language in scratch is esolangy enough :P
Scratch was basically the only social media I was allowed to use so that's how I used it
@PyGamer0 Not chemistry :3
@DialFrost chemistry is just a bunch of memorization
the way teachers also teach makes it boring
Y'all ever make those scratch studios where the idea was to add as many projects about one topic as possible?
@PyGamer0 I never needed to memorize anything for chemistry
@mousetail why ?
we could use a periodic table on exams
i wish there was like, more crazy shit u could do in scratch like, procedurally generate scratch code blocks in it :PP
what about the equations?
@thejonymyster I think you are wanting Snap!
Yea a few of them, but the equations are pretty inituative
@Ginger oh that was the push i needed to go check it out if thats the case
acid + base = water + salt. acid + carbonate = water + salt + carbon dioxide
thanks, I love pushing
goodbye mom.png *stops using scratch forever*
@thejonymyster after looking in the project, I think I might not tell any more about it:
thank you 2014 lyxal very cool
aaaaa dark mode scratch aaaaa
I'm dying of cringe right now btw
you act like you dont still do that in vyxal
@thejonymyster hey, that's mature sh*tposting. That scratch project is straight up yikes
@lyxal I think we all did this
Excellent loading script
lmao i love it
Oh and when I used scratch I used a netbook with sound so bad every single sound effect sounded like a screaching bat and I didn't understand why people used that sound in their games
some bitrate issue
@PyGamer0 >:(
Am I the only one here who doesn't like scratch?
I like it because nostalgia
not because it's actually good
All science is either physics or stamp collecting - Mark Twain
@mousetail same
@Ginger wait seriously I have more than you?
Btw @PyGamer0 If you like chem and you understand how it works its super fun (you can logic your way through majority of answers)
@mousetail he
@Seggan I am not all that active on main lol
@mousetail ok ... yeah that's also how i memorized
@Seggan has been grinded for quite awhile, I've been watching :#
@mousetail I mean, coding for loops in scratch is like hell but worse.
@mousetail scratch?
@DialFrost eh, not actually :P
side effect of Fig answers
Yea scratch
metal nitride + warm water → metal hydroxide + ammonia
wow I got tagged a lot in a few mins
@PyGamer0 :3
oh frick I just saw that I once made one of those crash site (gambling thing where a multiplier goes up and stops at a random number and you have to cash out before it stops) on scratch
@lyxal underage gambling? cringe posts? sorry but you just lost my vote for mod :p
after scratch I used gamemaker for a while
@PyGamer0 Interseting reaction havent really seen that one
was really good too
does anyone clever know how to convert this a gif? twitter.com/modhabobo/status/…
you just disqualified most of us lol
"I'd be a strict-when-necessary-otherwise-chill Moderator" - lyxal
Hmm I can see that :3
@mathcat my eyeeees
@mathcat *hiding my code blocks behind one another to appear golfier*
Scratch should be scored in area
That song's so underrated
CMC write if var == True: return True else return False except even worse
well the next step is to switch else for an else if to check if var is false
if var == True: return True else if var != True return False
(not really sure what language this is)
beyond that, maybe instead of using raw boolean values (dangerous) you might want to use a function designed to safely return true or false
if MyBool(var) == MyBool(True): return MyBool(True).value else if MyBool(var) != MyBool(True) return MyBool(var).value
unrelated dumb idea: x=>[true,false,true][x], which depends on your index origin :P
@mathcat i bet that could be written in 2 lines of python
not. golfy.
^^ ^ that's why I hate scratch
i can respect that as a reason to not like scratch
I came up with [False, True][0**var] last time this was asked
although I do owe scratch 400 of my rep
@mousetail Try it Online!
0 →var # Put the value into var
←var ḃE‹ċ¬ [ # if not (2 ** boolify(var) - 1) != 1:
| # else
  ←var ḃ¬0=›1≤ [ # if not (boolify(var) == 0 + 1 <= 1):
or bool([[],[[]]][0**var])
@lyxal nice
@Ginger :)
js power!
I'm revoking your JS license
ugh man
I'll get you a new counterfeit licence
Now I'm wondering if the 0**x trick could actually be useful in golfing, since it has higher precidence than 1-x and also works with values other than 1.0
or I guess it's probably been used before lots and I'm just late to the party
only one way to find out
Oh I see in tips that ^1 would also work in the same situations and pretty universally be shorter
Using SOCK² at school...and it's working :D
what's SOCK² again? searching chat doesnt help, it returns every result for sock, and google is on something else
ive seen you posting about it before but i never paid attention :P
@mousetail ive actually seen that in real life code, java edition
@Seggan Yea I've seen this version a lot, even though it has 2 separate layers of redundancy. I'm wondering if it can be made even worse.
@mousetail Fig, !!
@thejonymyster Custom proxy
Just installed a wsl, even though python is in $PATH, it says command not found. Do I have to install it through apt-get again?
Strange, I'm assuming question bias is quite prevalent in SE? guys?
@mathcat Your windows path or your linux path?
@mathcat Maybe try closing and reopening the shell
@mathcat try using python.exe instead of python
Like people only view certain questions
I mean, that's a bit vague, isn't it
@Seggan oops thanks
linux is weird
On astronomy I tried this, my questions about identifying a certain star become popular, anything else doesn't reach the HQN
@Seggan Why would that work
@RadvylfPrograms WSL
also it worked :P
@DialFrost in the sense that something SE does is particularly contributing it? or in the sense that SE is a site which hosts questions, and every question hosting medium will be subject to it...
i had the same problem with java
Huh. I thought WSL was more like a container/VM, weird that it'd use exes
@DialFrost HNQ is self-reinforcing
@DialFrost HNQ has a lot more to do with the answers than the question
No like, all my identify star questions get views before they get the good answers
Chances are, your star identification questions get multiple quick, simple answers with lots of votes, compared to others
they don't get answers at all @RadvylfPrograms
@DialFrost Sounds like people just like them then
They take a short time yes sorta, but theres always only 1 answer
@RadvylfPrograms Hehe, strange but :3
I mean I still don't get what's surprising about "people are interested in some topics and not others" :p
@RadvylfPrograms Same, but I guess you gotta give people the content they luv :3
@RadvylfPrograms Is it a bad thing to ask the same type of questions over and over?
@DialFrost No! you must give them the content they deserve #batman
Cuz I though it's boring to those on the question page and they see the same types of question and the same person asking them
No, if you really do need answers to them, but it probably makes it seem like you're just asking questions for rep/attention
Oh, that's what I'm afraid of
Cuz I recently started grinding alot of astronomy (yes I find it fascinating :3)
if you've been posting a ton of star identification questions, maybe try one or two about how to identify a star in general. Teach a man to fish and all that.
@RadvylfPrograms I only asked about 4
:# is when you try to smile but someone is walking past you with a cheese grater and slips on a banana peel
@RadvylfPrograms Hmm honestly I didn't really think of that, lemme open up astronomy meta real quick
@RadvylfPrograms # = wafl
'scuse me we are strictkly a pancake chat room
god i can totally imagine it being called the "waffle operator" in some language lol
That might be what intercal calls it
Wait no it's just "mesh"
@mathcat just realised this won't even work and always return True
i like # as "hash", but only if $ is "cash"
@RadvylfPrograms I don't see any post of how to "identify a star in general" so should I ask one? There's a few that look like dupes, but there photos are black and white and programmed outputted, not real photos
Is this ok?
@mousetail double oops
@DialFrost You're more familiar with Astronomy (and what would be a dupe) than I am :p
for identifying stars in sky
@RadvylfPrograms Heh, I'm only a few days new to it!
Still a few more days than me :p
@RadvylfPrograms Can't believe im studying astronomy with less than 1 week left to exams (now 2 days :()
Anyone have tips on how to handle a person who is way to chill for upcoming exams?
What do you mean by "handle"
And if they're not stressed out about them that sounds like a good thing
Uh in this case that person is me so ya, what should I do?
Hmm, but it becomes a problem when I studied an ok amount, but feel like it's not enough
test yourself?
Find a practice test online if you can
Why not take a field trip to a nearby star to study it in more detail
@mousetail XD
@RadvylfPrograms Can't my school's syllabus is way too specific (I mean I can, but I'll be wasting time skipping questions that arent tested)
I know it sounds weird and really dumb but
I discovered an app called "Terminal" on windows just a week ago.
lemme guess is it made by Microsoft?
Terminal is quite good
better than CMD
i just use conemu
Yeah, it's good
It's from a few years back, supports CMD, Powershell, and WSL all in one spot
I feel like I've lost 2 years of my life by using the default CMD colour scheme.
You can change the default CMD color scheme
I had it in light mode for a while
but a lot of programs broke, since when you manually set the text color text becomes unreadable
ooh it has full unicode support
finally, vyxal lists look nice on the command line!
wow today we went though a lot of stars
CMP: Tabs or spaces?
0-width spaces
@mathcat glow, retro effects
@PyGamer0 Spaces
why spaces?
@PyGamer0 definitely spaces for production code, but tabs for golfing
i think i will switch to tabs
I also like using RTL-marker characters to indent. It makes every other line reversed
unless i find a good reason to not do so
Most editors automatically replace tab with 4 spaces
did you know you can disable that
> why spaces?
Spaces allow you to customize indentation for visual alignment
So you are not locked to 8 width intervals
@mousetail you can also change that
Yea but now your visual alignment is off
1 tab is one character in memory, 4 spaces are 4 characters
wastage of space
people with different tab width will see your code totally differently
task for me: program using tabs for indentation
@mousetail how about using spaces + tabs :P
That works
but now if you accidentally use too many spaces once it's totally invisible but looks bad on a different computer
@PyGamer0 Why?
@RadvylfPrograms because makefile uses tabs
@PyGamer0 The space you save by using tabs instead of spaces is ridiculously small
Q: Create a nibble shorthand

Wheat WizardI recently stumbled across this image on wikimedia commons. It's a little bit of an information overload at first, but after examining it a bit it shows an interesting number system for writing nibbles. Image created by user Watchduck. First off a "nibble" is a 4 bit number which is really a nu...

@PyGamer0 only write one-liners
@RadvylfPrograms doesnt 1:4 ratio grow a lot for bigger files
@thejonymyster that is also a good option
or just use 1 space for indentation
@PyGamer0 Even a 10k line file with an average indentation depth of 8 would only save you a few hundred kilobytes.
the few hundred kilobytes count if you are low on disk space :p
Like, sure, two hundred thousand spaces is a lot, but in terms of file sizes that's not even worth considering
Especially when even cheap laptops have like half a terabyte of storage nowadays
@PyGamer0 if a few hundred Kbs count how are you even doing stuff
@PyGamer0 Not within the same file
i will switch to tabs and see what happens
What will happen is your code will feel exactly the same to navigate, be a slight percentage smaller, and be really annoying to upload anywhere
@PyGamer0 - famous last words
@mathcat we will see about that
@PyGamer0 Nice
Is that meme still a thing?
eternally, yes


Mar 11 at 8:20, 50 minutes total – 9 messages, 9 users, 0 stars

Bookmarked Mar 11 at 9:14 by emanresu A

I use spaces because PEP 8.
is 1337 still a funny number
Eventually everyone will IRL69 and get bored with it
reads like a "rule of the internet"
Feb 14 at 11:50, by StackMeterPlus
69|420|1337 (bars for emphasis) is prime
we found the funniest prime
oh my god
h... how
1 hour later…
@PyGamer0 Spaces, but only with a text editor that treats space-indents like tabs (tab key indents by one level, backspace dedents by one level, new line defaults to same indentation as previous line).
My text editor does all but one of those
Or I guess Notepad++'s strategy is fine too: backspace doesn't dedent, but Shift-Tab does
Backspace doesn't delete all four at once, same with arrow key navigation
@DLosc Oh hey TIL my text editor sort of does this too
Except for some reason it dedents all the way
I think IDLE uses Ctrl-[ or something like that
Ctrl+[ and Ctrl+] are pretty standard, right?
My text editor has them, and I'm pretty sure I've used them in Atom
really it should be outdenting
Exdenting and imdenting
Dedenting is so inconsistent it's very annoying
let me check what it is in replit cause
even in good ide's it randomly removes a single space instead
right in replit it indents and dedents, even working for an entire selection which i find cool
@RadvylfPrograms Edenting and indenting, I think </latin-pedantry>
also mass commenting and uncommenting with ctrl / on a line or selection
Oh that's interesting
although its not very smart and will just double comment a commented line if your selection includes both commented and uncommented lines :P
still very useful for when im bad and a lot of my code is bad at once :P
also unfortunate; in js at least it seems to prefer // commenting over /**/ commenting
but only /**/ comments are collapsible
@thejonymyster This is what you want typically right?
i think so probably
yeah actually i guess i cant imagine wanting to like... flip flop between two things being comments or code lol
it would be really annoying if you wanted to comment out a large block of code that included comments and it uncommented the comments
ok yea
aw that reminded me of something funny, a language about "first class comments"
but i think the repo was deleted
Fun fact: In JS, comments can observably impact code
Thanks to [ Object function ].toString()
oh my lord
@thejonymyster aren't "first class comments" just strings?
it was a meme lang lol, everything that was "commented" was code, and vice versa
and all the tokens etc were designed to look like things ppl say in comments about horrible cursed code
lang was called "TODO: fix" i think
Hmmm now I'm inspired for a language where every line needs a redundant comment
c = a + b // set c to a plus b
It wouldn't compile if you omitted the comment
ERROR: I'm not sure what this does, can you explain it to me?
Errors should imitate a very unhelpful code reviewer

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