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00:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

Q: Numbers vs. Strings: Language fitness challenge

Bubblerinspired by thejonymyster's idea Rules This challenge is about finding languages that are very suitable for one task but quite the opposite in the other. The two tasks share a theme, but Task 1 is designed to be number-oriented while 2 is string-oriented. You can participate in three categories: ...

@pxeger sorted
Got to love being a uni student who plays a lot of (informal games of) poker, and seeing a YT video called "Dropping Out of College to Play Poker | Worth It?" :P
So many people think A ^ B when A & B is totally viable
I don't think they were using | as a logic symbol :P
But also, I just got what you meant, ignore me :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing clearly its a bitwise operator
Are these dupes?
They're very similar, but the inclusion of enter in the fat fingers one gives me pause
Plus, the fat fingers one is only 1 key
@cairdcoinheringaahing Wait, never mind, enter doesn't actually matter, despite being highlighted?
one is definitely better specified than the other :P
There's also this one, which is the generalised version
Oops linked to my answer, sorry
That was what I searched for because I remembered it
@emanresuA idk why, but people tend to do that a lot, so I've gotten used to it :P
2 hours later…
LDQ: should golflangs be fast?
they should not be too slow :P
but how fast should they be?
i wouldn't emphasize speed in writing one but i guess you want to be able to write very inefficient algorithms on top of them and not have them take too long on small inputs
Q: Gargantuan Collatz numbers: write a function f(x) that outputs the Collatz orbit of 10^(1500-x) - 3^(1499-x) and gives status updates as it computes

CommaToastWrite a function f(x) that outputs the Collatz-Terras orbit of x + 10^(1500) - 3^(1499) where x is an unsigned integer 0 or higher. The function can call other functions as needed. You may provide code for a full executable if that's the only way to meet the requirements stated herein. If your ch...

they should be faster than optimized C algorithms
Laziness helps with speed
Being reasonably fast is always better than unreasonably slow
@PyGamer0 How fast: if you try solving some simple to medium-complexity challenges and you can tolerate their running times, then it's ok
though also consider that services like TIO/ATO/.../(likely your own web interpreter) have time limits, and being able to test more testcases at once is always nice to have
2 hours later…
@AncientSwordRage Thanks!
@att the question is HOW DO I MAKE PYTHON THAT FAST?
because my golflang is currently in python
you could offload a lot of it into c libraries
so i use c libs?
in python?
also if it's not obvious "faster than optimized c algorithms" is a joke :P
oh lol
i do want my lang to be fast :P
then i can call it fast arabic jelly
or fast language arabic xjelly
flax for short
there we go
One thing that matters is that Python is damn slow by definition and you need to choose a different implementation language if you want some decent speed
but i need a decent language :P
so... not python
i can make python faster right? by using better .. algs
@UnrelatedString yes
My definition of decent language is Rust :P
@PyGamer0 scala and Go come to mind
@Bubbler i excepted you to say that lol
@lyxal rust and c came to my mind
i think the fastest golflang out there is myxal/jyxal
You can PyPy it for a cheap solution I guess
hmm sounds too cheap :p
i can try
or using numpy methods when possible
or maybe try rewriting in Cython?
@Bubbler whats cython?
vs cpython
@Bubbler no, i dont want to use numpy
i can embed k in python and use that :P
@PyGamer0 cython.org
is a Python-like language that actually compiles your code to C
whereas CPython is just the standard Python you use every day
oh no
why oh no :P
it looks just like c
but python syntax
afaik cython as a language is more or less a superset of python so the port could be pretty gradual :P
I've got a language idea but I don't really know how to start with implementing it
@att go on :p
Cython is essentially an abstraction on top of writing your own Python extension module in C
arg pypy is 2.7 and 3.7.10 only
something based on church encoding in untyped lambda calculus
I figure haskell is probably a good tool for that job but I've never gotten to learning it either
@att Wait until I implement a general ULC runner :P
i'll look forward to it :)
If you don't care about laziness, you can check out how Flurry is implemented
unfortunately?, I do
oh lol
in any case, I'm still only on the brainstorming stage
oh here's a thought: if 0 is false, what should true be?
you mean in ULC?
1 is already not true
i mean a character
how is 1 "already" not true?
if we encode false as a.b.b and true as a.b.a, church 0=f.x.x=false, but 1=f.x.fx≠true
yes, that's true (I mean your statement)
but that's just how encodings in ULC work
yeah so if I want a single character for true
what's a good counterpart to 0
O :P
for a sane but not very golfy design, I'd use F and T despite 0 == F
then have o do something completely unrelated?
for a golfy design, no idea from me yet
maybe have a boolean negation function and write true as !0?
"what are some useful builtins for a ULC-based lang?" is a very good question though, which we don't yet have any compelling answer for
one interesting aspect is that, if you apply lambda terms in unintended ways, you get a ton of weird effects
one of the most interesting ones I found is this
also btw: true is the same as K combinator, and C combinator acts as boolean negation
been chasing it a bit and I think I get why the succ chain does that now
4 hours later…
@PyGamer0 use Myxal :P (sniped)
@PyGamer0 Kotlin
@Seggan lol get sniped :P
@Seggan no
i do not wish to learn another java
but its not another java
i do not wish to learn another java jvm based language
why not
it can compile to JS and native btw :P
@Seggan my school is making me learn java already :p
its painful pls send help
jvm != java
but still
i dont want to learn it :P
also the syntax looks pretty much like java
kotlin > java
syntax is 40-60% different
but the rest 60-40% is similar :P
the bits of syntax shared were inherited from c lol
and anyways i do not feel like learning kotlin
@Seggan lol
my school will teach java
at 10th
till then its js
Cool thing about significant whitespace: You can properly handle multiline strings with indentation
I love that my very mundane challenge became a "hot network question" :)
More than half of questions here become HNQs
@PyGamer0 that's me and typescript!
A higher percentange than any SE site
@mousetail we are just got!
We just have a very high answer to question ratio for any site
@mousetail more than half. id say 70%
There was recently a discussion
@mousetail it is a great site
Apperently 55% of questions become HNQs: chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/61999655#61999655
HNQs are often not good questions at all
it's based on some simple metrics that correlate slightly with quality
Which site comes second?
I'd guess Worldbuilding or Puzzling
Latin comes third?!
We are in odd company
It's mainly based on number of answers
So if there's a lot of enthusiastic answerers on Latin that'd make sense
@RadvylfPrograms seems to be retro computing
Sites with few answers have a advantage, takes just a few HNQs to be in top percentile
guess so
@mousetail Few answers or few questions?
hey my GL pi series calculator is there as well!
@mousetail Yeah, SO's got a custom nerf built in
SO is the worst
But actually mathematics seems to have the most total number
Still confused why mathematics and math overflow both exist
Math Overflow is so that professional mathematicians don't have to deal with the 13 year olds on Math.SE
It even has HNQs and visible rep/badges disabled site-wide
but both the sites, the mathematical content is beyond the 13 year old mind
How is disabling rep supposed to stop 13Y/Os
so one is redundant
@mousetail Two different things. It exists both to get away from Math.SE's perpetual drama, and they also have rep/badges not shown publically since I guess they're too professional for it
My point is without rep it's impossible to tell who is the 13 Y/O
The non-13 Y/O is the one not asking about their Algebra I homework and getting into fights with mods
(I should probably be more fair to 13 year olds)
(But they keep darkening their clothes and striking violent poses and getting left alone, but not me)
13 year olds are dumb assholes 99%
mathoverflow will reject your question if it can be answered with standard undergraduate math
I know this because of confirmation bias
If I see a nice smart 13 YO I would never notice they where 13 YO
cstheory.se and cs.se are meant to be equivalents but they don't work as well
@mousetail they would still be rejected by mathoverflow
@RadvylfPrograms i didnt realise that was also one more consequence of letting 13 year olds on the site
code golfers scare the living shit out of me
which song?
@thejonymyster If code golfers scare you wait till you see regular golfers
im a nerd so i dont listen to music
@py3programmer ^^^^^
humiliated in school for that
i saw
stupid network speed
@mousetail we need restricted source regular golf
also radiation hardening
Radiation hardening regular golf would be hilarious
Everyone vomiting and dying from radiation poisoning trying to get to the last hole before dying
alternatively, it'd be the most terrifying thing you'd ever see
Depends how psycopathic you are
people putting the ball on the tee with one hand while selecting a club from their club bag (one hand selecting the club, one holding the bag) while driving a golf-cart with the remaining 6 hands would be genuinely scary
if you think about it, regular golf is all kolmogorov complexity by default
Hey, y'all - this would impact CG the most, so please take a look when you have a chance -
@Catija while you're still here - would you be able to edit the message into something along the lines of **[Adjusting the requirements for the Generalist badge so that more sites are eligible for it](https://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/382203/)**? It'd make it look nicer on the starboard :)
Happy to help. :)
I like the sound of the changes, as it sounds like it would definitely make the badge no longer impossible to get
and if it means more badges for the people, I'm all for it :p
:D Yeah, y'all aren't too far off - I think you have about 30 qualifying tags and some of the top 40 are pretty close to hitting 200 but it seems like the limits are way too high to meet the reasoning for them being so high in the first place, so lowering them makes sense. I'm guessing the targets were somewhat... randomly chosen.
I think this would be a good change but also it's just a badge so should be low priority
The change should also be super easy, I would guess, so not a big lift. :)
In that case I'm all for it
@Catija to me this seems like the only way it could have worked lol; pick a number, see if its good, change it if it isnt
not sure how youd see ahead of time which numbers/stats would be best
@Catija well the funny thing is that those tags in the top 40 that are close to 200 may not be reached for a while yet - tags like , and aren't used very frequently, so the easing of requirements for top tags works well here
True, yeah. Better to start high and go down than try and start low and realize it's too easy... and then... who knows what. :)
@lyxal Good to know. :)
Are y'all excited for the election?
Not especially, I've got a 90% certain bet on who's gonna win
but boring elections are good elections :)
so true.
I'd be more excited if the election were exactly three days less than a year from when it is :p
@pxeger see that's what you're doing wrong - you're only betting on who'll come first. It's much more fun betting on second place :p
But I guess whoever gets elected this time around will be less competition once I'm 18
Oh no! That's too bad. - I appreciate your honesty, though.
But... happy birthday? :D That would have made for a fun present.
@pxeger Who are you thinking of?
Well that would be telling
taps nose
nominations haven’t started right?
@Catija Yeah, definitely :p. It's three days from now, I had the date September 26th in my head for when it started but that's probably not accurate
nominations sounds like a fancy word for eating
@RadvylfPrograms Oh, then you should be fine? You have to be 18 by when the voting period ends, not begins.
Yeah, but I'm turning 17. Still got a year to go :p
@thejonymyster Can you please create a crash course on "How to get stars on SE quik"?
Just lie on your birth certificate
@RadvylfPrograms Ah, gotcha. I mentally ignored the "year" part of the first satement. :D
Yeah I realized after I sent it that it wasn't super clear :p
@mathcat step 1: post funny. alternatively, post self-referential messages. step 2: get stars. step 3: make a tutorial on how to get stars on SE quik saying "step 1: post funny. alternatively, post self-referential messages. step 2: get stars. step 3: make a tutorial on how to get stars on SE quik saying "step 1: post funny. alternatively, post self-referential messages. step 2: get stars. step 3: make a tutorial on how to get stars on SE quik saying "...
I'm super excited for the generalist change if it happens
I did think it was fun to try and write challenges to populate the tags that were close to going over.
But I don't oppose the changes.
I've been wanting some motivation to start answering again for a while, and 15 score in a variety of tags sounds like a fun challenge
@lyxal huh seems easy
as you can see, it works very well
Sad I hoped nobody would star it
leave the obvious bait hanging
@lyxal seems a bit recursive?
@mousetail don't worry, in a few minutes I'll quietly clear the stars on it
@Catija self-referential almost
(no I won't do that (unless it ends up with only 1 or 2 stars after a few hours))
@mousetail I did star it
how do i downstar a message
Become an RO and make n-1 friends, where n is the star count
I got part one down
Excited to get the caucuses and constituent badge
I guess ROs have the ultimate down-star... the nega-star.
@Razetime turn your screen upside down and star the message
by definition, the star will be facing down
that's just an australia star.
thus, downstar
I like how this screenshot looks out of the context of the rest of the UI:
@Razetime same thing
Sounds like a weird mix between Austin and Arlington
@Razetime you never said the down star had to decrement the star count. as far as we're concerned, the star just needs to be upside down
checkmate nerd
@RadvylfPrograms Nice to meet you, 7.3 days.
you're the one giving an unnecessarily detailed response, nerd
You are the one calling someone a nerd, nerd
cringe meta response
You're a nerd, nerd
your cringe meta response is cringe, nerd
that's enough nerd calling, nerds. I'm the one who knocks calls people nerds
I'm the one who calls people calling people nerds people who call people nerds
@RadvylfPrograms yo whens the album dropping
actually wait
thats this
Is the new posts bot working?
No, it died. SE did some changes and now a bunch of stuff 40x's
ah well
Q: Reconstruct Matrix from its diagonals

mathcatGiven the diagonals of a matrix, reconstruct the original matrix. The diagonals parallel to the major diagonal (the main diagonals) will be given. Diagonals: [[5], [4, 10], [3, 9, 15], [2, 8, 14, 20], [1, 7, 13, 19, 25], [6, 12, 18, 24], [11, 17, 23], [16, 22], [21]] Rules The matrix will be no...

@NewPosts lol thanks
I will never imposter you again
In the sandbox mathcat said you could take a flattened array as input — Seggan 39 secs ago
@nobody is this true?
double ups
must have accidentally deleted it
@thejonymyster yes
Are there any stack exchange notification extensions for chrome?
Do you want there to be one
$20 and ill make you one :P
alternatively, 2k rep instead of the money
It would be super easy, all one would need to do is listen to the SE inbox websocket, and use the Chrome extension notification API
@RadvylfPrograms I always switch tabs to see if there's a new message.
@mathcat doesnt the title already show that
It doesn't with inbox messages, right?
oh misread
Should it notify you for new badges and rep notifications?
CMC: Given bit representation (either a string of ones and zeros or an integer with the value of the binary sequence) of a IEEE 754 (32 - bit), output the floating point value it represents.
something like sen but for chrome
Can someone upvote (then unupvote if you want) and comment on one of my posts so I can test this
@RadvylfPrograms k
so for some strange reason ranges are not lists in fig...?
Hmm, it worked, but I'm not sure if it was the inbox or topbar endpoint
Okay can someone downvote one of my posts
@RadvylfPrograms ok
Actually that's probably not a notification in the first place
@RadvylfPrograms gives u -1 or -2 rep im pretty sure
Okay I figured it out
guys is it a valid input format to get input from stdin as code/expression that produces a certain value (so i an just eval it)?
5 mins ago, by Radvylf Programs
Okay can someone downvote one of my posts
quotation power
@PyGamer0 I can easily do 64-bit, but 32-bit is hard.
hey anyone want 50 rep
@RadvylfPrograms im sure someone does, yes
sounds sketch i dunno
It's a trap.
I need to get a badge on my sock to test it with those notifications
And starting a bounty's an easy one
well then
what will the bounty be for
ill take it
yoo count me in, 50 rep sounds good
CMC: Given all of the possible ways you can toggle one bit of a binary number b, output b.
actually is that a gud challenge?
That's a dupe I think
oh noh I think
I forgot the name of the term but it's a pretty common task
bro am i going crazy but wasnt this exact question (or very similar) posted a few hours back: codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/252093/…
Come on SE, award me my badge
@RadvylfPrograms lol which badge?
The start a bounty one
lol what kind of name is gold farmer sprow
An anagram
@NewPosts wait ye im not going crazy
seems like they change it to code golf tho
@RadvylfPrograms of what? im dumb
@thejonymyster Redwolf Programs
Q: Gargantuan Collatz numbers: write a function f(x) that outputs the Collatz orbit of x + 10^(1500) - 3^(1499) and gives status updates as it computes

CommaToastWrite the shortest function f(x), measured in bytes of code, that outputs the Collatz-Terras orbit of a starting number x + 10^(1500) - 3^(1499), where x is an arbitrary-length unsigned integer 0 or higher. The function may call other functions as needed. See further requirements below. Objective...

Q: Selective Caesar Cipher

HaveProblemsEverydayInput A string of text. Output The string of text, however, every consonant is the next consonant in the alphabet, and every vowel is the next vowel in the alphabet (z becomes b, u becomes a). If there are two consonants in a row, they will be separated by the characters 'ei'. (For clarity, the v...

:62041453 i saw that
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

pxegerSet of all sets code-golf sequence set-theory open-ended-function Write a program or function which outputs all sets with a finite number of elements - but including sets that contain themselves (directly or indirectly). These recursive sets will be represented using a system similar to De Bruijn...

1 hour later…
@SandboxPosts @WheatWizard I thought someone who knew what they're talking about might come and tell me this wasn't very well-defined, so thank you. I did not anticipate getting so far into the weeds with this challenge - this seems not to be a well-trodden area of maths so I may have to put this challenge on hold until I can work out what I actually want
@pxeger Look into New Foundations set theory. It has sets that contain themselves.
Yeah I've got as far as finding a wikipedia list of non-well-founded set theories; now I've got to work out which one most aligns with my intuition (and whether my intuition even works without paradoxes)
Hmm, my "obvious" definition of what makes two sets equivalent smells like it might be undecidable.
@mathcat There is now at least one
you didn't make one in like 2 hours. I won't accept that.
I've spent most of this time eating lunch and going to class :p
The source code is like 50 lines
It doesn't show the actual content of the notification, for a few reasons, but it'll notify you when there's something in your inbox, when you've got a new badge/privilege, or when you've got a new positive rep change
very epic, thanks
Also TIL SVG files are literally almost identical to HTML SVG elements
They just need some XML stuff
My text editor even has syntax highlighting for them lol
They have to be strictly valid XML though I think, unlike HTML SVGs
Can you imagine if the same was true for other image formats
<pixel x="48" y="13" color="#4842ab"/>
that's definitely cursed
Something cool about golfing brainfuck constants: If you graph numbers vs. their optimal BF representations, the graph will always form triangular mountains, since the difference in length between the optimal representations of two adjacent integers can never be more than 1
Since if the optimal way you've found of representing x is two bytes longer than x-1 or x+1, you can just use those with a + or - appended
@Catija Do you have any data on how many people would get Generalist on CGCC once changed?
I think I'm reading the convo/post correctly when I think that it's zero, but I'm not entirely sure?
> One site, Code Golf & Coding Challenges, will end up with nearly 150 members earning this badge if these changes are made
Oh dip
I should stop scanning posts and start reading them instead :P
@lyxal I'd say that @thejonymyster has you beat in the starboard department :p
00:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

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