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@cairdcoinheringaahing I feel like new people would abuse / spam something like that. With flags you have to know what you're doing.
@emanresuA I can understand the misunderstanding, as I didn't end the message with ":P", but I was joking :P
No, I'm caird
I wasn't sure if you were being sarcastic or not
I have never once been sarcastic
Also should probably unpin some stuff
I think the tips meta post can be unpinned now?
ROs can unpin things right?
And pin, yep
Also, should we keep the memes poll pinned? Did we reach an agreement on that?
Should we ask it on meta instead?
Should I stop asking questions?
From my experience, the response has been "no". People are welcome to ask on meta, but I suspect the answer will still be "no"
@emanresuA Ask a question on meta about that. :^)
Sandbox posts last active a week ago: Render a triangle in vulkan
@emanresuA the response has been negative overall and imma join joking on saying no to it as well
i think we can probably unpin now
If people want a memes list, they're welcome to create one elsewhere (e.g. the TNB fandom page that, for some reason, exists), just not on meta
The fandom is the perfect place to put memes
Only people interested in that stuff will go there
@mathcat Holy wow, that's impressive. I agree, I think a lot of their courses are amazing. And I feel like I see them bashed online a lot.
yOu CaN lEaRn It On YoUr OwN fOr FrEe
I feel like I see the value of thoughtful, curated educational resources generally under appreciated on online forums with that sentiment. Like what about books? Does that mean no more books because you can find it all online for free, anyway?
Hello there avi, long time no see!
@lyxal hey!!
hey, what! i swear i was saying hi to you, before you did, haha
blame caching-- i refuse to believe you beat me
If you say so :p
@lyxal thank you for your understanding, good sir
Does anyone have any technical, but not too formal, math reading to recommend? I know this isn't the place, but I trust your guys' taste more than a math room.
what kind of math
Math reading, or cs, or really any other technical-ish theory something (music/color)?
I've been trying to find something satisfying that doesn't require working through a bunch of problems.
@att I'm partial to abstract algebra, but lots of things!
Has anyone read the stuff on Joy, the lang? It looks really interesting, and just the kind of thing.
Like these two, for instance:
@DLosc Have you been reading anything?
1 hour later…
wait I saw Jo King comment on not getting pinged and thought he set up the event
anyway, what's the deal with that - is it even actually properly finalized?
Honestly idk
Ginger really wanted to go ahead with this
oh right, i got distracted with uh... work
i didn't figure out the end date
@AviFS Haven't read anything about it but I think Dyalog has a Joy interpreter somewhere
@emanresuA should we hold off then?
or can i start :o
im gonna start and if we decide were starting again ill start again
I think it's fine to start now
End date 2 weeks from now
@Neil pinging me in chat is perfectly fine
Otherwise open an issue on github
1 hour later…
@thejonymyster what event are you guys talking about?
@pxeger heyo!!
@user Thanks! I've actually run into it a few times. That's actually the interpreter I used for tabl/joy. It was that one in the Dyalog dnfs! It's a great resource which is hard to find in while looking for Joy stuff if you don't already know it's there, so thanks again.
Did you find it in connection to Joy, or did you also just stumble into it independently while looking through the Dyalog dfns?
@pxeger I did see that pin, just wasn't sure if it was the same thing since it wasn't sent by Jo King. Thanks!
The first rule of Fight Club is: you do not talk about Fight Club.
@AviFS the first rule of fight club is be gay
@Razetime I don't even know what that movie is about, haha
fight club is an excellent movie
Interesting how there have been no prolog tips for the entire month
@mousetail Prolog has pretty simple syntax so there’s not much room for simple tips
most ways to shorten your code in Prolog is to actually change your entire approach
makes sense
Lol radvylf still hasn't fixed his website
Lol, using a ) for a arrow instead of >
@pxeger in that case, ping
User's reputation
1 hour later…
@Neil pong
1 hour later…
@AviFS oh yeah the ads are so annoying
wohoo langjam
@mousetail you were saying? :)
I see it, glad to see there is at least one
Q: Can a Prolog predicate have multiple choice points if it always chooses the correct solution first?

RazetimeThis stems from JoKing's answer to Sums of Consecutive Integers, where it can be seen that the predicate always unifies Z with the correct answer first. However, checking for all values, we see that it unifies Z with all shorter solutions after finding the longest solution: Try it online!. Can th...

@Feeds To my understanding, this is analogous with allowing a function to return a list starting with the result
@AviFS i just stumbled through it at one point, thought it looked cool
Dfns is a gold mine
@emanresuA yeah, but i think it’s more like returning a single value than returning a list
I feel like it should be allowed
@AviFS how’s tabl going btw?
@Feeds shouldn't this just be posted as an answer to I/O defaults?
@emanresuA Not really because the other values are not computed if you don’t ask for it
lazy list / generator then
i wonder how golfy brachylog is to jelly
@pxeger and then how long before that takes effect?
@PyGamer0 There was a golf ranking computed some time ago
@Fatalize let me try to find it
oh thanks
Radvylf's one is better
@emanresuA ?
yes i was searching for that
"languages ranked"
What’s the difference between rating and corr rating?
@Neil I've just applied a horribly manual patch. Can you check if it's worked?
@Fatalize I believe "corr rating" is the "corrected rating", and takes number of posts into consideration
Jan 27 at 16:54, by ta Radvylf srik su shilani
@AaroneousMiller The corrected rating takes post count into account. So a language with 10 answers will be pushed closer to a score of 1000 since there's not enough answers to be certain
the file is called corr_ratings.txt, but the ranking isn’t based on the corrected rating ._.
@cairdcoinheringaahing Giving Jelly 7x more points just because it's so popular doesn't seem like a "correction"
@pxeger Tell @RadvylfPrograms, not me :P
I understand the correction method, but it should only have an effect on languages with very small numbers of posts
My language ranking system doesn't suffer from these errors: it's just me, telling people what languages I think are golfier than other languages
@cairdcoinheringaahing do you know what does conv do?
Make a top 10 golflang list then!
Guaranteed to be 100% objective and correct (no guarantees, caird is not responsible for reputation damage caused by their rankings)
ELO doesn't seem like a good system, since the order you evaluate a pair of answers matters
@PyGamer0 It's for converting back to integers when using bitwise operations
@mathcat Jelly, 05AB1E, Husk, Vyxal (penalised for flag use), Stax, Gaia, GS2, Japt, MathGolf, Pyth
@pxeger It's a very rough way of doing it, yeah. Those rankings were just a demonstration of the script, there were numerous errors and the corrected rankings are weighted using a pretty meaningless formula
@cairdcoinheringaahing Where does your Jelly fork fit in on that list
@RadvylfPrograms Fair enough
@pxeger It's Jelly, so first :P
I don't really consider it a different language tho
@pxeger before jelly
It's sort of half-way between Jelly and Jam, the tacit language I'll eventually get around to finishing
@cairdcoinheringaahing It's hard to fit forks into rankings anyway since you usually only use them when they're actually different (and better) than the original
@RadvylfPrograms Yeah, unless the task calls for one of my fork's builtins, I'll just use Jelly
Yeah, using forks sometimes feel (a bit like Whython) like cheap wins
"Here's my answer in Python and here's my 5 byte shorter but almost identical answer in Whython"
@cairdcoinheringaahing i wonder where flax would be in that list :p
@PyGamer0 I don't see enough flax answers to decide :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing I doubt Pyth is very competitive these days
@pxeger Yeah, this is why I only really use my fork now if it's substantially different rather than "Oh yeah, I replaced this common 5 byte sequence with a 1 byte builtin"
@Fatalize What do you mean, it's 2018, Pyth is still relevant. Right? Right????
@cairdcoinheringaahing flax still isn't complete lol, i am rewriting it again
i have little motivation so it will be finished in about another 100 years or so
@pxeger doesn't seem to have sorry - this still seems to be referring to the old code
The general consensus in all rankings is that Jelly is the best, so tl;dr learn jelly
and then give up because the parsing rules are stupid
that's basically a good summarisation of my first 4 attempts at learning jelly
what of the fifth
"these parsing rules are still stupid"
i learnt jelly by trying to make my own :p
and the i reversed the direction of evaluation
@thejonymyster the fifth ended in a kind of "yeah I can vibe with that - I still don't know frick about it, but I could Jelly if my life depended on it"
oh btw @cairdcoinheringaahing do you have any info on ALPHA? repo is gone
forogor the link LOL fixed
@lyxal Without using copy paste, write a Jelly program to multiply 2 numbers :P
@emanresuA I used it as part of my (interactive) desktop background
@cairdcoinheringaahing I’m gonna guess: ×
@cairdcoinheringaahing ×
From an lb keyboard
@PyGamer0 wow no one saw that
you never said I couldn't use on-screen javascript keyboards :p
@PyGamer0 erase that message from you memory
@thejonymyster What do you mean "info"? If Pygasm deleted the repo, then it's gone, I don't have a backup
well that is some info
basically i was just curious what that was lol
A programming language I helped them work on
@lyxal Just 3 keys: ++[], ++!!{}, -//
Back in 2018, so a long time ago :P
right yea fair enough lol
the idea is interesting
@cairdcoinheringaahing but ...
8 mins ago, by caird coinheringaahing
@Fatalize What do you mean, it's 2018, Pyth is still relevant. Right? Right????
it's 2018!
Yeah, it is
It was still a long time ago
frick it's 2018 is it?
Pyth was already old in 2018
@cairdcoinheringaahing no, i think that it being interesting overrules it being a long time ago /j
Pyth really is groovy
I've made so many mistakes since 2018, I'd be happy to reset
i might fool around with an idea similar to it seeing as it's gone :P
@thejonymyster It wasn't really that interesting, as language ideas go
interests me at least /shrug
maybe ill play around with it and decide for myself that it is in fact not interesting
could be a good exercise anywanyway
@thejonymyster eh, I prefer my exercise to be isometric
@lyxal Why are there bugs coming out of your vyxal?
ooh those aren't bugs...
they're features!
features from the new features we're adding!
mmmm new features!
Exactly my approach to language design
features to fix features from new features
Generate some random code then try to specify the output it gives
@mousetail this kind of owns
come up with some problem, generate random strings and stop when one looks like itd solve the problem :P
No I do the opposite
Every time I go to make a bookmark here now I accidentally click move messages first and get really confused as to why a whole range isn't being selected
Generate random strings then create a problem that matches the output of the first string
@lyxal How? Those two options couldn't be further apart :P
They're second from top, and bottom in the list of room options :P
bookmark conversation used to be the bottom link
now move messages is the bottom link
Oh because of RO?
@Neil What about now?
I'm gonna post this soon :tm: Any last minute feedback? codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/a/25108/91213
@mousetail In summary (1) needs a comma somewhere :P other than that lgmt
Commas, my biggest nemesis
posted on September 12, 2022 by Razetime‭

Given a grid of numbers, mark the concentric areas around nonzero elements (beacons) decreasing from the value of the beacon till 1. For example, here are some grids with a single beacon...

"lgtm" will never not look like a misspelling of "lgbt" to me
It makes sandbox review very confusing
"looks good bisexual transgender"
Most bisexual transgender people look good
@RadvylfPrograms Lesbian, Gay, Trans and More
@RadvylfPrograms wdym it clearly is
Jun 25 at 21:14, by thejonymyster
Cause who cares about the minority groups within a minority group, we can just shove them all under "More", I'm sure no harm would come from that
Isn't there already a + in LGBT+?
which has the same issue
@lyxal All acronyms are actually variations on lgbt. "wdym" is Women, Dudes, You, and Me :P
With it being implied that all the people included are queer :P
2023: asexuals start a revolution
@lyxal can confirm, i said this
@cairdcoinheringaahing wysiwyg - what does that stand for
Looks Good By Todaysstandards
Q: Re-name all identifiers to a single letter

mousetailImagine a very simple language. It has just 2 syntax features: () indicates a block scope, and any word consisting only of lower case ASCII letters indicates a identifier. There are no keywords. In this language, the value of identifiers is not important except when they appear multiple times. Th...

@cairdcoinheringaahing This implies me and you are the only non-binary people
@thejonymyster r/therealjoke
@lyxal Women, You, Sexual orientations, Intersex, Women again, You again, Gay
@lyxal women, you, she, I, women again, you again, gays
I love that we both went for the "again" joke :P
@mousetail Can't disagree with that
@cairdcoinheringaahing What about HTTPS?
@mousetail Her, Trans, Trans again, Pansexual, (other) Sexual identities
@mousetail Herobrine, Trans (MtF), Trans (FtM), Pansexual, Someone who is bisexual
Goddammit, Herobrine's escaped Minecraft and is now terrorising queer people
top 10 2022 bruh moments
oh wow I was clicking the random challenge button from that one userscipt rad made and finally got one of my own challenges
I have a slightly over 1% chance of getting one of my challenges when I click that
1.2% of all challenges on the site were posted by me :P
of all undeleted questions
@cairdcoinheringaahing That's insane
Where is this userscript?
To install it click the Raw button and a popup should appear automatically
it really should just be a feature of the site by default
6 hours ago, by emanresu A
Lol radvylf still hasn't fixed his website
@cairdcoinheringaahing what rock have you been living under
@thejonymyster For sure, most sites have something like this. Itch, steam, wikipedia etc.
@RadvylfPrograms when you fix your website approx 50y from now, pls archive the current state
@lyxal you forgot about caird and built your rock pile on top of them..
that isn't very nice
yeah lyxal what the hell...
i thought you were cool
May 10 at 13:55, by Radvylf Programs
Ah frick I just overwrote my website with the katlani tutorial because I mistyped a / in an rsync command
@thejonymyster how the frick am I gonna be cool when I built the rockpile during summer?
use the rocks as shade #innovator
@lyxal I don't spend all my time in TNB :P
btw the rock pile was real
@NewPosts does anyone think this is regexable or is the parenthesis stuff a killer
@thejonymyster I designed it hoping DeadCode would submit a regex solution. Not sure if it's possible though
that makes me happy
i hope so
i cant be happy though im at work i will be caught not being miserable and get fired for slacking
@thejonymyster Isn't workers being miserable what the corporate overlords want?
@mousetail Not possible in normal regex; solution space is a context-sensitive language
and you'd need some kind of extra logic beyond regex to perform the replacement
@pxeger Sad. Still there could be solutions making lots of use of regex in combination with some other code to handle edge cases
i wanna see the retina answer at least
@lyxal granite probably
1 hour later…
@NewPosts Somewhat strangely few answers here.
Sneak peek of my blog's current appearance: (placeholder article is just stolen from some unrealted docs)
wait I can't find the picture
@RadvylfPrograms Wow that blog looks really cool!
Minimal, I like it
@pxeger its like pretty hard, thats why
Not that hard
I wrote an answer in 10 minutes
I guess it's probably much harder in golfing languages without dictionaries
Oh, like hashmap dictionaries. Thought you meant dictionary compression at first and was confused lol
@RadvylfPrograms nice minimalism but could use some sort of accent to anchor it more
feels like im floating in the void
(imo ofc)
@pxeger works great, and this also passes now thanks
@thejonymyster Yeah, I have that problem with a lot of things I design
Maybe I should put a giant bakde potatto in the background
user image
Yes, feels much more...material.
@RadvylfPrograms actually tbf it may have just been because i zoomed in for full res and couldnt see the top and bottom bars
@RadvylfPrograms Frick I'm actually really starting to like how this looks
Wonder if the bakde potatto clip art is public domain
you can totally get away with it as like, a sidebar icon
ooh, or maybe as your favicon lol
or like, the head at the bottom of tmbw
i forget his name. something white. doesnt matter
or have it as a custom cursor
i could go on...
@thejonymyster oh god
I can't get it to work unfortunately
Whoa I imported Atkinson Hyperlegible with proper bold and it looks amazing
I always thought it looked weird, and turns out it does, the browser's automatic bold-ifying does it pretty badly in this case
boldify challenge
1 hour later…
@pxeger It's better than Jelly on the corpus because it's only used when it would be better than Jelly :p
... which is a general issue when comparing golflangs to each other.
Same with flags
I've mostly stopped using flags except in special cases
I feel like that one's justified as the author overrides the defaults
@DLosc ive said it before and will resay it this moment: every language should be attempted on as many challenges as possible
How can you grep a text file for lines that contain only cyrrilic?
CMC ^^^
@graffe Use regex with \p{Cyrillic}
@Adám surely not! What supports that?
Is that usable from the command line?
Dunno. I use Dyalog APL where regexes are PCRE.
What is \p?
Unicode property
character with property
There's all sorts of stuff. \p{L} for letters, for example.
Or \p{ASCII}
How about chinese characters?
I need to learn this. Thank you
I wonder if pypi.org/project/regex can do this
The Unicode Standard assigns various properties to each Unicode character and code point.The properties can be used to handle characters (code points) in processes, like in line-breaking, script direction right-to-left or applying controls. Some "character properties" are also defined for code points that have no character assigned and code points that are labeled like "<not a character>". The character properties are described in Standard Annex #44.Properties have levels of forcefulness: normative, informative, contributory, or provisional. For simplicity of specification, a character property...
I wonder what grep can do
@Adám cool!
A: How to match chinese characters with grep?

sideshowbarkerTo match just lines (filenames) that have Han (Chinese) characters, you can use [\p{Han}] : ls /tmp/test | grep -P '[\p{Han}]' \p{Han} is one Unicode-script category property usable in any PCRE-supporting engine: \p{Common} \p{Arabic} \p{Armenian} \p{Bengali} \p{Bopomofo} \p{Braille} \p{Buhid} ...

Awesome. Is that exclusively Chinese characters or just including at least one Chinese character?
Well, you can write your regex as you want. ^\p{Han}+$ would only capture all-Chinese lines, while ^.*\p{Han}.*$ would get any lines with any Chinese.
In general perl appears to be the answer .. And to think I used to code in perl!
@Adám nice. Thanks
Perl 4 :)
PCRE(-like) regexes are awesome for what they do well.
Do you know what formal language they cover?
I am assuming far beyond regular languages
Oh yes. Look at the Wikipedia link I posted.
Q: Which languages do Perl-compatible regular expressions recognize?

peppeAs the title says, I spent a couple of hours last weekend trying to wrap up my mind about the class of languages matched by Perl-compatible regular expressions, excluding any matching operator that allows to execute arbitrary code inside the pattern. If you don't know what PCREs are, please read...

Context sensitive it seems
Oh, that's what you meant.
Yes. The R normally stands for regular
People used to get really angry about questions about parsing html with a regular expression
Because html is not a regular language
But that leaves the question of if you could using pcre
Yeah, I think theoretically PCRE can parse HTML, but there are better ways.
After further discussion, the CGCC Langjam 2022 is postponed until further notice. The event needs more refinement, and probably a complete structural reorganization. Discuss here.
You were very quick with starting it, tbh. 6 days between an ideas thread and the event starting is not a long time
and that's why I aborted it
Good call. Are you also going to remove the ODMs? Because having you guys "preside over" the langjam feels really weird imo
I kinda want to compete now
^ Why stop emanresu and lyxal from competing?
Oh good Radvylf's already proposed getting rid of the ODMs
@pxeger although, I missed my chance to ask you to change the input method... I'll save that for next time
2 hours later…
@user because I don't want to compete lol, but I still want to participate somehow

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