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A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

thejonymysterErasure Poetry answer-chaining code-challenge Given two strings \$A\$ and \$B\$, determine if string \$A\$ can be transformed into string \$B\$ by only removing characters from string \$A\$. However, you will not be "writing" programs to solve this challenge, so much as you will be finding them i...

2 hours later…
@mods: When you handle a comment flag, do you see other comments on the same post or just that comment?
the queue has only that comment, but i go to the answer itself to do other cleanup
i wish i could edit silently, oof
Same :p
The homepage is so messed up that I kinda want to go all in and clean up everything while it's not making anything worse
2 hours later…
why does 10k rep show edit tags here when you can just edit the question with the tags before 10k?
Q: Variables can't be seen at the debug pane of vscode

Wenjie ZhouI have run python on spider before. I'm new to vscode, but my current project requires vscode to run. When I try to debug and run, I can't see the variables in the left pane. The screenshoot as below Please advise. Thank you.

@Steffan dang how come they dont have that button for <10k
that would save me some clicks
@Steffan because it's a quicker edit. You don't have to deal with editing the rest of the question
It's for easy retagging
Probably a SO focused feature
But a feature nonetheless
Also @Steffan
Jul 30, 2021 at 9:19, by lyxal
Some fun links: https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/60206/question-about-advacado, https://codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/5828/the-many-memes-of-ppcg and https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/tools
Now that you're able to view them
:\ i wanna view them, too bad im still far from 10k
Well you can view two of them with the internet archive lol
The first two links are archived
The third is just a site stats overview thing no one ever really uses
how come the 2nd one is deleted?
many meme of ppcg, im curious to know what they are
Q: What happened to the memes page?

caird coinheringaahingI was just browsing the Many Memes of Meta when the question was edited in to add, next to the PPCG entry: and recently deleted Not believing this, I clicked on the link, only to find out that it had. Why? Why was the post deleted? While it wasn't the best fit for a Meta question, it was ...

Apparently the memes were being done to death
People were apparently over-saturating chat with them to the point where they were unfunny
isn't that just the natural life cycle of a meme
Well yes, but from what I'm reading in the explanation post, they were too overdone in chat
CMQ: Now that we have better control over noise in chat, should there be a new memes meta post?
no thank you
yea sure why not lol, im curious what the meme are
i'd say no but it's a discussion worth having
@UnrelatedString why not?
@lyxal no
@Razetime why not?
people say no but don't explain why
i think it will still end up in the same way
there is a ppcg reddit which definitely could benefit more from memes
and it is a much better place to share them as compared to a meta question.
it's not to share memes, it's to document them
reddit is still a better place
for memes that are to do with what happens here?
yes, it is r/ppcg and related to this place after all
except it's less accessible than here because some people might not have reddit
or might not want to make a reddit account
it's still open for viewing. it's not too much to ask, a ten minute mail is enough to make an account
only problem with reddit is that documented memes aren't editable by everyone
plus it doesn't lend itself to a wiki-like Q&A format
1 hour later…
@lyxal Please no
Why do we need to make a list of what memes are currently active here?
i would be interested to know about cgcc memes, its kinda like that other post with a list of abbreviations/terms, very interesting and helpful to understand what yall r talking about
@cairdcoinheringaahing same could be asked about the list of users meta post
To which the answer is documentation and preservation of site history
And so that the new wave of golfers can have a legacy of their own
This isn't 2017 where chat is unruly and full of noise - this is a time where chat is actively striving to stay on topic
The argument that a memes post is "more of a FAQ on how to be irritating than a historically significant question" isn't a problem anymore. Noise gets moved to the off topic room as soon as it becomes a problem
With the right disclaimers and usage guidelines, I think a memes post will work just fine
Also we must document Lyxal's fridge
what kinda memes r there anyways lol, i feel like idk any of them
@lyxal Yes, why do we need the list of users meta post?
Every other language tag wiki: "For challenges related to <language>".
Vyxal tag wiki: *advertises*
@emanresuA but it doesn't
Hell, I tried submitting an edit to do just that once and it got rejected for doing that
Unless you mean CRSE
In which case that's the whole reason we posted there :p
I just edited the tag wiki to remove the first sentence (because it's not as important as the rest, don't come at me) but I accidentally removed the "U" from "Use" and now I can't edit it again
thanks @AidenChow
@pxeger np :D
@pxeger fair enough.
"Vyxal is a stack-based golfing language with an emphasis on readability." was the first sentence, for reference
I too find ¡²³¤€¼½¾‘ very readable
Yeah, that doesn't need to be in the excerpt
@pxeger ^
@mousetail well duh that's your problem - that's not vyxal at all :p
It's technically in the SBCS
But yeah nah
@mousetail Find me any Vyxal program and I'll explain what it does
I don't doubt you can
@emanresuA ³ isn't
I just held alt and pressed every number key
@lyxal Was just about to correct you on that :p
@mousetail interesting, I got ¹²³€½¾{[]}
@emanresuA isn't either
before we go posting long strings of random characters, let's move to the sandbox
or would OTT be better
Hmmm now I want to build a language that you can write by just holding down the alt key on a US-Inernational keyboard
@pxeger Sandbox if it's just characters, OTT if it's discussing keyboard layouts
@mousetail I believe Jelly was built kinda with that goal
@lyxal Jelly
I don't think it was trying to use only the Alt key
Speaking of OTT:
but US-International, yeah
18 hours ago, by mousetail
Petition to rename OTTNB to "byte 20 and up"
I'd prefer "Bytes Twenty And Up"
That would work just as well
Actually it's Bytes Twenty-one and up
20th already exists
Twenty-one and up sounds better
round numbers are ugly
Only problem is that it sounds like it's a NSFW room
Like it's age restricted
200th byte, no golfing allowed
Golfing is pretty NSFW though
How about The Not-teenth Byte
Not Safe for Production Code
@lyxal Would have the same acryonym
Aug 3, 2021 at 23:35, by caird coinheringaahing
Especially kinky Jelly coders use chains in their pornography :P

what the actual hell

Aug 3, 2021 at 23:25, 9 minutes total – 42 messages, 7 users, 12 stars

Bookmarked Aug 3, 2021 at 23:35 by lyxal

@mousetail TN-tB
@emanresuA that was one of the conversations ever had
@lyxal even better - TN'tB
The 17th trit
wth did i just read
It's titled what it is for a reason
I can understand the downvote on this question but I am kinda curious about the self-answer downvote.
It's pretty clear that they just posted the whole thing to show off
@emanresuA hmmm good point
I do like the idea of not including variable names in code length
Since it's so easy to lose track of which is which
and you can reduce them all to a single character anyways and still preserve meaning
@mousetail it is a cool idea, but it increases the difficulty of byte counting, and have many situation that may cause problem
Yea it would be highly language specific
but we have similar flexible rules for IO methods
for example, when you want to do a=a+5 five times you can x=5 and then a=a+x five time, either causing weird definition in rule or making people doing less-golf code just to abuse this rule.
You can already do that
there will be alot of extra, lengthy variables
I don't see that as a problem
There is no advantage in making variables longer
you are just allowed to describe what the variable is for
What about in langs where you can get the name of a variable somehow
You shouldn't be allowed to do that. If the variable name matters at all you need to count it
imagine people having a variable that is 10^9 byte long
only if you can reduce it to 1 byte without effecting the program can it be valid
So also if you have more than 82 variables it also doesn't count anymore
rest of the variables count for 2 bytes etc.
it just seems to be complicated to implement that when you can just have one byte variables
There will be people that using unnecessary long variable name just to mess with others
it also doesn't really apply to every lang, e.g. perl with the sigils
also @emanresuA i finally worked through most of your flags, that high flag counter was triggering me
@Niko There is no reason to do this
@JoKing Lol
It's just for longish programs it's easy to lose track of what you are doing
@JoKing In a month it'll be someone else's problem
@mousetail Some people don't need reason to mess with others(or the community)
Some people will but not enough to be a major problem I think
I don't think it's a good fit for every challenge but for problems where figuring out the shortest algorithm is more important I think it makes sense to use tokens as a aternate scoring mechanism
You can just give out another non-golfed code after the counting competitive one to give other a clear view of the code while having the byte counting process simple
that's what most people do if they want others to appreciate their code
But it's annoying when editing
Since you need to update both versions
@mousetail one single post occupying the whole page is a big problem
Not really
Ok how about a alternate solution: If you provide a mimifier you can post the code pre-mimification and score it after mimification. As long as both do the same
then you just post both version
that's what most people do
Seems like a unnecessary step
I see people posting short solutions but then post TIO links to the expanded version
that's the wrong way around I think
If you mean Charcoal solutions, that's how the lang works
You can do meta question if you think it will work out, ask more people instead of having an argument with me - I am biased toward the old solution. Maybe more people approve the new version you suggested
Again I don't think it should be a option for challege askers, not a default
Huh? Never stop avoiding triple negatives...
@mousetail what i mean is that posting two section of code and a TIO link of golfed answer, so the ungolf answer is just for decoration or explanation.
That's the wrong way around and makes it really hard to improve a answer
No? It's not hard to understand a solution, especially if people explain code
the different in both code are only commented explainations and (perhaps) variable names
so people can suggest on both golfing aspect and algorithm
the ungolf version are not counted for validity or score, only to let others understand
People rarely explain code and it's hard to keep explanations up to date when trying to improve the code
The hard part of code golfing is the smart tricks people use, not how they name their variables
The variable naming and spacing etc. draw attention away from the actually smart parts of the solutions
in fact, i think the long variable is what make code harder to read, since other parts of the code are short
Strongly disagree
You don't need to make them super long but just using like a single word or a few letters or much much better than one letter
especially if you have many concepts that abbreviate to the same letter
some code only have 10ish bytes, having a single variable with name would possibly double their len
Of course for super short programs
You wouldn't use these rules for those
I'm talking about the types of challenges where the optimal python answer is 500+ bytes
Or even 200+
You are of course free to still use a single letter if you believe it's more readable in your specific case
ok i am kinda tired stucking in this argument, I think you should go ask others around, they are more experienced then me in codegolfing and rule of the site
my opinion are not accurate sometime
neither is mine
Q: Find the nth Mersenne Prime

The Thonnu A number is a Mersenne Prime if it is both prime and can be written in the form 2m-1, where m is a positive integer. For example: 7 is a Mersenne Prime because it is 23-1 11 is not a Mersenne Prime because it cannot be written as 2m-1 15 is not a Mersenne Prime because it is not prime The fir...

1 hour later…
LDQ Beter to have only bitwise or only logical "and" and "or" statements?
combine the two
make true (and truthy values) be -1, then all and/or/not operations are the same
overloads based on type if you don't allow numbers to be treated as booleans
unfortunately, boolean not won't act as logical not for most numbers
1 hour later…
@mousetail I'm gonna go with short-circuiting logical over bitwise
Bitwise is relatively rare, better for a library or a digraph (if this is a golfing lang) or something. Short circuiting logic is much more useful.
Thanks for the commited opinion
@emanresuA I am a fan of renaming OTTNB to something less robotic
Maybe we could do another golf pun
what about a bowling pun
We play more than one sport here
I like "Bytes Twenty(-one) and Up" but I feel like that'd be a better name for TNH :p
what's TNH?
The Nineteenth House, a room for moving sensitive/political discussion
oh right
what about "bytes one to eighteen"?
Given that eighteen is the age of majority in most places, now it sounds like the opposite, a room for children to play in.
(and if you say "it already is" I'm kicking you :p)
(not really)
I like the idea of a bowling pun. Is there an equivalent of The Nineteenth Hole for bowling places?
The bar?
The Nineteenth Lane
We can replace byte by something else
Yeah, but that gets confusing
19th bit, 19th nibble, 19th trit etc.
We already have a Bakery, a House, a Byte, and probably more
Another problem is that bowling is still on-topic here
we could try a pun ;)
or even a non-objective pun!
If we're pretty sure we're keeping OTTNB, and it's going to be an official room for off-topic stuff, this might be worth voting on on Meta
@pxeger On-Topic Chat (Real) (Not Fake)
The 4.359th Byte
what about an Indonesian Gambling Spam pun
doesn't get any less on-topic than that
The Bakery used to be named Indonesian Gambling Spam once
I'd planned on regularly changing the name but we kept putting baking ingredients in there so I figured it could stay a bakery
If we're going for other sport puns, we could go for Bass Pro Chatroom maybe
Or maybe "TNB Out-takes" or "TNB Bloopers"?
I feel like that has the same unfinished feel as OTTNB
While also being unnecessarily imprecise about the room's purpose
Call it The Heap™ – Consultancy ©® just to annoy DBA.SE even more
Perfect room name: /j
It would be very funny
but too impractical
not if we rename this room to /srs :p
That would imply everything here has to be serious
which it decidedly isn't
How official is OTTNB going to be going forward? It was originally just an experiment, so there was never any real announcement or fanfare, and now it's pretty consistently got activity and around 4-5 users online. It's currently got the same ROs as normal TNB, and it has TNB in the name, so should we in some way formally make it an official room?
What would make it official?
@RadvylfPrograms only after a discussion on whether the community likes it
Would that mean putting something about it in chatiquette or site policy?
Maybe a chatiquette like TNB's, and mention of OTTNB in TNB's chatiquette.
I think giving it a new name would also be a good opporrunity to bring it up on Meta, where I don't think there's any evidence it exists
I think a proper analysis of the results of the experiment should happen before naming/making it official happens
@lyxal I was originally against the whole idea but I think it's worked fairly well
@lyxal That's a good point, there's also some downsides of the room that need discussion
@pxeger it works well, but maybe too well
I think it was Radvylf that mentioned a few weeks ago chat has become a little too "serious" or something like that
But on the topic of making it official, I do feel like it'll need a chatquette, since we've had stuff like this:
in Off-Topic TNB, Aug 25 at 17:57, by Radvylf Programs
Quick reminder: OTTNB is not a sandbox room. Moving garbage or spam to this room, or taking advantage of exploits to put pinned messages in this room, is just as disallowed as it is anywhere else.
I think TNB's chatiquette should just apply there without the "be on-topic" rule
(Note that I said "just as disallowed as it is anywhere else" instead of "disallowed here" since there's not really any official rules for the room :p)
@pxeger The "make noise" section could also be changed in some ways
Although I guess we still don't want noise either
I like all the "don't make noise" section's rules
@UnrelatedString how well does brachylog fare with n'th number challenges?
Especially the 3rd bullet point
It's allows me to basically say "noone asked" but way less rudely
I think some limited streams of thought should still be acceptable there, when it's at least partially relevant to literally anyone else, but that's a good point
@pxeger no one asked :p
Q: Sum of partition numbers

The ThonnuThe partition function: In number theory, the partition function p(n) represents the number of possible partitions of a positive integer n into positive integers For instance, p(4) = 5 because the integer 4 has five possible partitions: 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 1 + 1 + 2 1 + 3 2 + 2 4 Your task: Accept...

I'm ok with "streams of thought" when they are thoughts about something that is already being discussed
@pxeger definitely not this kind of thing though lol
E.g., I like to talk about random things I've experienced throughout my day, or MCR-related things, in OTTNB, and I like reading other people's random thoughts sometimes
E.g., I liked your "I like coffee" and "ouch" messages, while people just rubber duck debugging off of TNB really is annoying
@RadvylfPrograms That's not so much stream of consciousness to me
so I'm ok with that
But yeah, back to OTTNB being too good at its job, I feel like TNB is good for some limited forms of off-topic discussion, and that it is a good thing for the room
"The Nineteenth Byte" is a reference to a place people go after golfing to hang out, not a golfing gym (if that's a thing). Discussing off-topic things, when that discussion is fun and welcoming (peanut butter not politics), on occasion builds a stronger community I think.
peanut butter?
It's been a surprisingly frequent topic here :p
Jan 13, 2016 at 4:27, by New Sandboxed Posts
Like, the best times I've had in this room are ones where we've all been having fun discussing things together. Sometimes it's code-golf related, but quite often it isn't. The problem with the off-topic discussion we were having is that it was disruptive and fragmented; we weren't all talking together, we were screaming starbait into a void.
So I think maybe OTTNB should stick around, definitely, but it should be a room for the 90% of off-topic discussion. If, every couple of days, more than three or four people are discussing something off-topic but fun here, I think that'd be fine.
@RadvylfPrograms "Screaming Starbait into a Void" sounds like the name of a rock song lol
Out of curiosity, which of these would y'all say are allowable and which should be in OTTNB:

The seagull thing should've been posted in OTTNB (if it existed then)
It was a random thing posted out of the blue that could've sparked a bunch of annoying noise
I think the context matters a lot
probably not
probably not
probably not
If it spawns discussion that isn't annoying, I think it can stay
If an on-topic discussion evolves into an off-topic discussion it's fine
But if you post blurry cat pictures out of nowhere it belongs in OTTNB
And it's better to post in OTTNB if you're unsure
I think a big part of why TNB's been such an active room, despite us being a pretty small site, is our off-topic discussion. No reason OTTNB can't share the good ones.
I think OTTNB should still be for discussion
which probably doesn't include blurry cat pics out of nowhere
I like blurry cat pics though!
OTTNB should be a room for things that still have an actual purpose, and aren't meaningless noise, which don't belong here.
if people will get enjoyment out of your blurry cat pics, I say post 'em :p
So do I, but it's mildly annoying when someone posts stuff like that here simply because the only activity for a couple hours has been feeds (feeds are important too, you don't want to cover those up)
Chatiquette does cover that
> Sometimes, there isn't anybody talking in chat. That's perfectly fine. Don't send messages just because the room is quiet.
We should enforce chatiquette more
How do you enforce it? Kicks? Stern warnings? Nukes?
It's also tough to know when the post is just because nobody's talking, unless they specifically say so
Ah okay, warnings and kicks
@user I would warn them, then start moving their messages to the bakery if they keep doing it
I don't think kicking them would ever be necessary
Yeah, kicks would be reserved for violations of more serious things
CMQ: should we turn this into a challenge?
I think it should be
But we don't really have the right to do that
Only OP can decide to materially change the rules on their own challenge
we just have to convince them
then i should suggest it
Go ahead
they seem open to suggestions, they did take into account the output format fixes
1 hour later…
LDQ If you can have either only inclusive or exclusive < and > operators which to choose?
That's a tough one
I'd probably go with exclusive
Although maybe you could do like, one inclusive and one exclusive?
Since NOTing one of them will be far shorter than trying to mimic inclusivity or exclusivity with floats (with ints it doesn't really matter much)
Also <> will be the only ways to do type checking. There is no not operator
Null < numbers < tuples
I think we need more information then
Is there an equality operator? A compare operator? Floats, or ints only?
What do the < and > return?
Ints only, there is a equals operator
It works with ranges, so you can check 5..12 to check a value between 6 and 11
I think I answered my own question though, It's would be impossible to check if a value is a number with inclusive operators, since you can't write the lowest possible number
Now you can do N..()
If you want to check for tuples it's fine since you can do ()|()..
@mousetail do you have the empty tuple?
If so, could you remove null and use () in its place?
Hmm maybe, null does a lot of special things
Q: Make a list flat

Amir reza RiahiLists can contain lists and we have nested lists. But we don't like nested lists and want to flatten them. By flattening I mean create a list which does not contain any list, but elements of lists it contained before. I'll explain it more. Input An arbitrary size list which has the below properti...

1 hour later…
(IMHO all this discussion about OTTNB is off-topic for this room...)
@lyxal except the first one i think the others are fine
@lyxal Hot take: chat doesn't have a better control over noise. Rather, noise is just hidden away (in rooms like OTTNB), so that TNB seems cleaner. Having a thread to detail the memes isn't going to help people unfamiliar with TNB "culture", because those memes aren't referenced here anymore
It's actually one of the reasons I was opposed to OTTNB in the first place: we should be working to improve how people behave in this chat, such as actually enforcing the chatiquette, not squirreling it away into a room where we shunt "noisy" messages from here
@Razetime it's not bad at them
can be a bit verbose
you either do something with superscripting then taking the t at the end or doing the same with an unbound list constrained to be increasing
Currently, I think we're in a bit of a weird position with this room, where people want to discuss things they're interested in, but potentially hold off from doing so because they don't want to be declared "off-topic" and have to move. I've said for multiple conversations that weren't necessarily about code golf/the site, but were absolutely not noise, that they're fine in this room
Q: Can I post a challenge idea to the Sandbox where there isn't actually a task (yet)? E.g. I have an idea for a new style of challenge and I'd like to flesh that out in the Sandbox, but I don't actually know what the task for that style might be?
I don't see why not
People post sandbox posts that are nowhere near finished all the time
Yeah, but they usually have some idea of the actual task :P
Basically, can I post a Sandbox proposal akin to "Challenge idea: do some task, but the shortest code wins. Feedback?" :P
Well if the main part that needs discussing in the sandbox is the "style" of challenge, then that's the only bit you need to have some idea of
It's for a challenge, so it's complete on topic
And even if it's not for a challenge, if it involves code, it's not really off-topic
3https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/116426/my-source-is-in-order-is-yours Do you all think this is possible in Python?
i'd be surprised if it's possible in any praclang
Need a language with sufficiently short keywords
and no bracket matching
and some way for said keywords to be separated by a wide variety of other things
You don't have print, return or lambda, and you can't use def as that requires a space after it, so you have no valid way of outputting
You could abuse unicode I guess
Oh right, normalisation
oh yeah of course lmao
...does anything normalize to parentheses?
If you normalise this, it should work
seems not to normalize to (
same goes for
Thank god, I guess? :P
about to try fullwidth
okay fullwidth also doesn't work
that's actually kinda fucked
ohhh, the normalization only applies to identifiers
and arbitrary unicode whitespace functioning as whitespace is just a separate mechanism
i.e., ˡᵃᵐᵇᵈᵃ is actually the hypothetical identifier lambda instead of the keyword
Wow that is especially cursed
@UnrelatedString wait what? o.O
why is this cursedness here
I miss Sandbox Posts :(
i miss coffee
the coffee shop is closed :\
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

caird coinheringaahinganswer-chaining king-of-the-hill This is less of a challenge proposal, and more of a idea for how to mesh the two title tags. A series of targeted fights Consider a heads-up, 1v1 "game" between two king-of-the-hill style bots. However, unlike a general king-of-the-hill, where every bot plays agai...

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