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Sandbox posts last active a week ago: Reconstruct Matrix from its diagonals
What do people think about this as a blog post: Highlights of Meta? A timeline of important posts from our meta, MSE and MSO and how they've affected our site
sure sounds great
sounds brilliant
whos writing it?
I would, tho people are welcome to contribute
how do u guys decide the underappreciated posts anyways
People nominate them, and, so long as they aren't obviously not under appreciated, we include them
nominate them where
Like, if it scores 30 and every other answer scores 3, clearly that doesn't count. But, if something uses a clever or novel approach, and only gets a few votes, post it over in CGCC Blog chat
oh cool, didnt realize there was a chat room for that
If you have any posts to include in the underappreciated posts, feel free to link them in the blog chat, along with a quick description as to why they're worth including in the next blog post
Might as well advertise given that I'll draft the post in the next week or so
@Zionmyceliaadamancy i mean i have a post i spent a quite a while on with 0 upvotes but like its not really that impressive or anything lol
yo someone mass upvoting on my stuff again
ok well that was 60 rep outta nowhere
I wonder who here among us has a tendency to upvote a lot?
ye ikr
wait lyxal werent u writing a blog post, what happened to that
Life happened to it
oof sucks
I started writing it and had an existential code golf crisis
is it just me or is meta offline
oh its back on again
i swear the offline screen popped up for a moment there
then i reloaded and it gone
CMC: check if scroll lock is on
@Steffan ty, my scroll lock light is broken, using this site from now on
I need to talk. I feel like I've lost my motivation to participate on CGCC, and I've mostly come to terms with that, but I've been investing so much time and money into RTO recently and I just have this gnawing feeling that I'm going to abandon it, abandon y'all, waste my time, and make something half finished that I only maintain 'til it breaks then I unplug the servers and I...idk
Maybe I just don't want to have a continuing burden from CGCC that would complicate my relationship with it. I already struggle to find the motivation to work on RTO, but try to push through since my motivation to do stuff kinda sucks in general, but I'm worried this is just going to be a big costly demotivating failure
And there's just not much motivation based on the "why", since adoption of RTO would be incredibly slow even in the best case and there's only occasional situations where TIO's limitations come up that give me those short bursts of drive to work on it
(Probably should've monologued this before spending $500 on server parts lol, given that one distinct outcome is RTOn't)
I know lots of y'all have also been experiencing a bit of a lack of motivation to work on CGCC stuff, so I'm hoping this is just some delayed site-wide COVID lockdown laziness or something, but there's that nagging part of me that thinks it's just me or that we're at the transition between two generations of golfers and I'm the boomer, or that the site's just...dying
what do the statistics say in re: site dying
i dont have much else to add other than "the answer to that one is quantifiable"
I don't have numbers, but it's definitely felt less active. Maybe just because I haven't been paying attention as much though.
gl, hopefully if you do have to call it quits you can make good use of server parts in another sitch or resell at good rate
most of all hope you find something youre happy with o/ im sleep
It depends a lot on what time frame you look at, too. If you look at 2015-now, it looks totally dead, but that's just since we've matured a bit and have run out of clickbaity challenges
I guess here's where I need y'all's help:
1. Do you think RTO is needed? Will it help?
2. How have you escaped from periods of not being motivated to participate on CGCC? My activity has changed over time, and I might just not be in the habit of CGCCing
@NoHaxJustRadvylf I can answer this one: by just not participating for a time. I've had periods of not being able to answer things (half because fgitw + challenge difficulty, half because I just don't feel like answering) which I've filled with uni work and esolang development/maintenance
Having a small community to help with that esolang development/maintenance sure helps too
Q: Simplify Rubik's Cube Moves

tybocopperkettleBackground On a Rubik's cube there are 54 moves that you can execute, for example, turn the right face anti-clockwise, or rotate the top face and the horizontal slice twice. To notate any move, each face (or slice) has a letter assigned to it. To move that face clockwise once, you just write the ...

@NoHaxJustRadvylf if you can get the language upload feature working, yes
maybe pass the project onto someone else?
@NoHaxJustRadvylf i haven't :P
I have a text file where most of the lines are strings that have been converted to hex (using e.g.'halo'.encode().hex()) but some aren't. What is a golfey way to cat the file translating all the hex encoded lines back into their strings and showing the other lines raw
do the hex lines have some kind of prefix like 0x or would you just have to assume hex if only hex digits
are all the original non-converted strings words or what?
@UnrelatedString yes I have to assume that
@AidenChow they are strings of printable characters
ah ok so basically convert back to regular only if it only contains hex digits?
@AidenChow yes
whats the text file called?
i suppose you could also reduce false positives from only-hex-digits by validating the result in whatever encoding is relevant
@AidenChow foo.txt :)
ok so we can assume that the text file is in same folder as py file?
@AidenChow yes
I do need to cope with spaces before and after the hex
hell if it's all ascii you might get a lot of mileage just checking that the leading nybble of each possible hex byte is [0-7]
da hell is a nybble
@AidenChow first 8 bits?
a nybble is 4 bits; 1 byte = 2 nybbles (not sure if it should be y or i though)
oh 4 bits
if you write a byte in hex like 0x3F, the first nybble is 3 and the second is F
oh so 1 nybble is 1 hex digit?
or wait
@AidenChow yes
@graffe cat the file means print out right
or write to a different file?
:\ why does readlines() have to include the newline
thats annoying
i have smth that seems to work, but its not really golfed
[print(bytearray.fromhex(s).decode()if all([c in "0123456789abcdef" for c in s])else s) for s in open("foo.txt").read().split("\n")]
@AidenChow yes
@AidenChow thanks!
@graffe np, also i just realized u can remove the spaces before and after "0123...def"
The bytearray.fromhex(s).decode() is a bit annoying
oh wait even better: 109 bytes
@graffe yea idk how to actually convert from hex to string so i just grabbed that from online lol
@Adám is this generally used this way in modern Hebrew?
Q: Backronymiser឵឵

pxegerBackground A backronym is an acronym that was formed from an existing word. For example, spam is actually named after the canned meat product as used in the Monty Python sketch, but can be interpreted as "stupid pointless annoying mail". Challenge Given a string a, and a word t, capitalise the c...

@LeakyNun I don't know much modern Hebrew, but I think so. It isn't so strict about whether such conventions contradict old orthography or not.
@AidenChow cool
@graffe i just realized that the print statements can be placed on the same line with the try and except: 103 bytes
@AidenChow .read().split("\n") -> .readlines()
oh, i just read why you didn't use it
@att yea ikr, like who decided that was a good idea
I successfully broke SE chat
Nice. Hm... <!--?
what the
Impressive, time to impersonate a admin
@emanresuA ye i was thinking that too
i used that once in discord to put the (edited) thing in the middle of my msg lol
on a side note, this will never not be funny to me ^^
@pxeger You could abuse this by just hitting the text limit
Wait nvm
abusing the ellipsis? yeah maybe
Can we standardize the format of test cases? it's annoying to need 10 different scripts to convert every variant to something I can actually use
@mousetail maybe, but different challenges have different i/o, might be hard to consider all the possibilities
Nothing is going to work for 100% of cases but I think 90% of cases would really benefit
@mousetail after looking around, i found smth that does somewhat address what you are talking about: codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/a/8101/96039
Yes I saw that, it's good but still every challenge requires me to figure out how to parse a diffrent format
If it was always -> seperated it would be much easier
Though maybe there should be quotes to allow for more complex questions with multiple arguments or multiple output values
A JSON-ish format would work too, very flexibly for different kinds of challenges with different data types
u could post a meta q about it if u want
its what meta is for :P
I might do that
I do love declusive ranges
Copilot at its finest
@mousetail I personally really dislike ->-separated input and output. I'd much prefect two separate <pre>s, one for input and one for output.
@Adám Agreed, though I value consistency more than any particular one
I always copy test cases into vim and use :%s to reformat them into the format of a list that my language accepts
so the easier it is to parse them programmatically, the better
I installed a browser extension that lets me perform regex transformations in any text field (including TIO's input fields).
so for most challenges where the input is simple (so basically everything except ASCII art and matrices), I prefer to have them in all one element
because when copying multiple elements the browser tends to insert unpredictable whitespace
Oh, I do want all inputs in a single element. I just don't want the outputs to be there too.
@Adám which extension? sounds useful
does that work for firefox?
yes, I use FF
CMP: Thoughts on nushell?
It's perhaps the least helpful advice, but I just try to ride through them. I spent almost 2 years not participating on the site, because it just always felt boring, and I never had the effort or motivation to bother posting. I tried to think it was just me being busy with exams, then not being busy cause of covid caused me to rejoin the site again, but given that I'm currently on summer vacation after I've spent a year working harder than I ever have, I no longer believe that it's a consequence of work then rest.
@NoHaxJustRadvylf @pxeger I'm not sure we need both ATO and RTO. Cooperation such that more dev time is available for maintenance of a single great TIO replacement would be ideal, imo.
I just noticed that RTO prints out output piece by piece, not waiting for the program to finish running. That's awesome. How does the backend/sandboxing work?
@Adám The reason I rewrote ATO in Go (from Python) was to allow me to add that feature, but I never did...
and now I'm rewriting it in Rust...
I think RTO and ATO both suffer from a problem many such projects have. We want to add so many features, but they're non-trivial, and with limited time and so many other non-non-trivial projects that you could also work on, motivation is difficult to find
A: What are the most attractive Turing undecidable problems in mathematics?

Vladimir ReshetnikovThere is no algorithm that given a positive integer $K$ can decide if the following concrete Diophantine equation has a solution over non-negative integers: \begin{align}&(elg^2 + \alpha - bq^2)^2 + (q - b^{5^{60}})^2 + (\lambda + q^4 - 1 - \lambda b^5)^2 + \\ &(\theta + 2z - b^5)^2 + (u + t \th...

I'm shocked that this super complicated equation is undecidable. Shocked I tell ya!
I see DSO
@mousetail rto.run
for the old version
Radvylf is currently working on the second version
@pxeger Python has good async support, this feature should be very doable in python. I don't think it's a very important feature though
Python does not have good async support.
It has coloured functions, which is one thing that should tell you all you need to know about its async support. But that's not the deal breaker
I've done things like that in python before. Tail a log in a thread, pipe to a queue then send over a websocket
Python's GIL makes it pretty poorly describable as concurrent
You'll be waiting on IO 90% of the time anyway
Just set your buffer size big enough
@pxeger Actually yes coloured functions were the deal breaker, I forgot that. Python wants async for websockets, but there are no async APIs for most of the low-level Unix calls I wanted to make
what are coloured functions
Any async language will have colored functions
Go doesn't
Go has nice async functions available for every Linux syscall
In go every function is async?
That seems unhelpful lol
breaks the entire thread safety benefit of async programming
might as well use threads if every function is async
What do you mean by thread safety benefit?
In async code, if I write code like this:
while self.a>10:
this is safe.
Since there is no await
However, if you ran this in a multithreaded context, this would not be safe
another thread could modify a
the entire benefit of async is that everything is atomic unless you explicitly use the await keword to mark it as "not atomic"
@mousetail tbh, I wish I could use plain threads. all web server software nowadays is designed not to spawn multiple OS threads, because "they're slow". But running code on ATO requires spawning about 100 full processes, so I don't mind using threads
@mousetail I'm not sure that's the point of the await keyword, but anyway: I don't want to use async programming for its thread safety
I want to use it because it allows me to concurrently run many virtual processes which may be running system calls
@pxeger Not strictly true. Looking at my own server I'm running 8 NGINX threads, 6 UWSGI processes, and 8 application processes
Some of these processes run multiple threads too
I mean "not to spawn an OS thread per connection"
That is correct yes
all(?) async runtimes have multiple threads to multiplex tasks onto
... depends
python has a runtime that works like that yes but the default one doesn't
you have to configure it
Rust doesn't either by default, again there are options for it
tokio's default runtime uses one thread per CPU core doesn't it?
You are right sort of. There are 2 runtimes available. I like the one that doesn't but it's not really any more default than the other
Or not, I distinctly remember the threaded runtime not working and switching to the other one but now I can't find info about it
@Adám couldn't you just use QuadX?
Seems the runtime you get depends on the flags you use when installing the package docs.rs/tokio/latest/tokio/#feature-flags
@Neil You mean ⎕R/⎕S? Sure, and I do, but that requires copying back and forth.
@Adám that sounds cool, but the thing i always find myself wanting is the multiple typing cursor thing that some IDEs have
@thejonymyster True, that'd be awesome too. chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/multi-cursor-for-chrome/… provides most of that for Chromium.
thinking about regexing / formatting stuff gave me a challenge idea lol
it might be too simple but maybe its just simple enough :P
Is there a name for the act of converting letters to numbers from 1-26 / back from that?
like iirc theres a name for it which implies its like, a cypher of some kind
my terminology is way off but i just dont wanna write "A thing which converts letters to numbers and back again"
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

thejonymysterBase-26 and back again (poorly) Every now and again, I'll encounter a large string of alphabetical text encoded as numbers from 1-26. Before I knew that I could just google a translator online, I had to personally, painstakingly copy and paste the entirety of the encoded text into a text document...

> I also think that we all experience random periods of demotivation, especially of long-term projects
completely agree
@Adám It's set up so that it'll be able to live stream both input and output. One of the planned features is the output box being configurable to be a terminal emulator, so things like color formatting and rewriting previous lines will be possible in real time.
It uses a Rust script within the sandbox that buffers I/O for 10ms, and if nothing new shows up, it sends it off to the user
Ah. And the sandbox itself?
Right now I'm just cheating and using unsecured containers, which in theory can't be broken out of, but probably can. I'm going to have a weird sort of containers-nested-in-VMs thing for production.
In fact I've got a big pros-and-cons list on a whiteboard a foot from my face right now since I'm still trying to work out which of a couple ways I could get that to work :p
@lyxal Don't worry, that's the one thing that's not going to change about the design of RTO. The whole goal is, ironically given the topic of this discussion, to make it so that if I leave or no longer maintain it, it can run perfectly fine still
@NoHaxJustRadvylf That's definitely a lesson we've all learned from TIO
I mean, TIO still works
that's a lot more than we might have expected
Ideally such a project should be set up with multiple owners to PRs can still be merged when the owner is AFK
wait theres such a feature
language upload?
it's one of Radvylf's planned features for RTO
@mousetail IIRC, there were two PR-able users before Dennis went afk, but the other one (Andrew) also went afk a couple of months before
That's what's made getting a good sandboxing system working so hard for RTO. I need it to be compatible with Docker and OCI, to make it easy for people to upload their languages without PRing or me being present, but I need security that Docker itself can't provide and compatibility that gVisor and Nabla don't have.
Is he alright btw? Just focusing on other stuff or actually missing
in talk.tryitonline.net, Feb 3, 2020 at 16:39, by Dennis
Hey all. I'm sorry for disappearing on you and for taking bad care of TIO lately. I'll try to explain what's been happening, although it's not easy for me to talk about this...
Wow, I'd not seen this before:
in talk.tryitonline.net, Sep 17, 2021 at 16:38, by hyper-neutrino
Stack Exchange wants to reach out to you and they'd like to discuss potentially supporting TIO in some way, such as via funds or server space, etc., since it's so integral to CGCC. If you'd be interested in talking to them about that, please email [email protected] and I'll let them know to keep an eye out for it.
You should apply to get that funding for ATO
Just wait a month or two first so RTO can split it with you :p
Sep 16, 2021 at 23:13, by Catija
@cairdcoinheringaahing I am trying to understand tools that sites rely on to help understand what keeps them ticking. Y'all rely so heavily on TIO, I'd want to be certain that it will have forward support if possible. So understanding the current status and who's managing it is an important element.
@NoHaxJustRadvylf I'll check up on this on six to eight weeks then ;)
@NoHaxJustRadvylf (Actually, since I'm running my own server, and my parents pay the electric bill, all I really need is help paying for the server itself, and maybe some extra SSDs)
Is there a github for RTO?
@mousetail There's one for OISB, which the current RTO is based on, but RTO's going to be completely rewritten soon
What stack are you intending to use?
Fedora, Rust, Firecracker, Docker
The classic FRFD stackâ„¢
As you might have noticed I like rust, so good pick
@Zionmyceliaadamancy Andrew appears to still be active on GitHub: github.com/AndrewSav. (although I don't suggest we go and bother them)
@NoHaxJustRadvylf Also if anyone has $750 laying around and wants to support the next generation of online interpreters, I've used up all my birthday and christmas money :p
@NoHaxJustRadvylf wow
It'll also make REPL stuff way easier later down the line
@NoHaxJustRadvylf do you take steam giftcards
@NoHaxJustRadvylf I only have $200 lying around lol
@NoHaxJustRadvylf I'd throw a few BATs your way if brave would be kind enough to pay my June tokens :p
its so tempting to just be like "sure ill give you my money for this" because technically i physically could, but it wouldnt be a good idea lololol
Yeah unless anyone here's secretly a bored millionaire, your money's probably better off helping you than RTO right now :p
And I have a good credit score with my parents so I'll just go into debt to them :p
well once you add language uploads, ill upload my lang "python-but-it-also-mines-crypto-on-your-computer" Which is like python but somehow way golfier and faster and you should all try it guys-
@NoHaxJustRadvylf Do you take NFTs? :P
ignoring the ethical issues inherent to crypto in general,
luckily crypto prices are going down
is it ok to mine crypto on some1s computer with your software if you just include it somewhere in the readme
@NoHaxJustRadvylf How about Google play credits? :p
hopefully gitlab will become cheaper again now
@thejonymyster define "ok"
@lyxal I have a bunch of those already :p
I can make a few thousand monkey pictures in the next couple of hours and pay you with those :P
legally defensible? probably
I'm minting some rare RTO NFTs, buy now!
ethically acceptable? highly debatable
@NoHaxJustRadvylf well do you take monopoly money? I swear I have several thousands of them lying around somewhere
@NoHaxJustRadvylf I don't know the spice to USD exchange rate, but I have around 10 spice from the game of Dune I'm playing :P
@lyxal Of course, that's TNB's veteran payment system
alt: what if you download my software and i just use your computer as extra storage space for some of my files
Can I use bytes I shaved of as currency?
We should design a NFT based on that concept
@NoHaxJustRadvylf I'll send a fat stack of 500s your way then, consisting of several board-games worth of Orange notes :p
@mousetail Unfortunately, that currency is only accepted here
@mousetail Bytecoinâ„¢
(I'm sure that exists don't sue me)
Like all crypto scams
Only accepted in one place
@NoHaxJustRadvylf what about rep?
rep is already a currency; its used to buy bounties
@mousetail *off
Well, I calculated that rep is worth like $10/point, so yes
wait what
(Based on the total rep on Stack Exchange divided by how much Prosus bought it for)
"earn cash by playing" except you have to invest a ton to even play and cashing out is extremely difficult
because thats definitely what they bought the site for
@NoHaxJustRadvylf Congratulations, you just got sued!
so there are some bored millionaires here
@NoHaxJustRadvylf it does. Only problem is that it's not listed on uphold
Meaning I won't be able to trade it :(
@WezloOvOo Jon Skeet is worth ~$13m
Tritcoin, for base 3 fellows
And earns $2k a day without doing anything :P
That's a lot of kromer
@NoHaxJustRadvylf M̶200/month will be coming your way as soon as I get out of jail then!
Somebody build a platform to exchange rep with dollars, quik!
@mathcat IIRC there's something against that exact thing in the ToS, they're onto you :p
@pxeger fool, you'll land right on my hotel on Vine Street!
oh no, man!
I'm sure such services exist. You can buy likes and follows on other platforms.
I've seen job postings requiring minimum rep on SO
Oh, really?
@mousetail For $69 I will upvote all of your posts :p
Thank you SE chat for sending my edit as a new message
Very cool
@mousetail I only hire people with a minimum of 1 rep on SO
Pretty sure SO will flag that as duplicate voting
I'm sure you can re-sell high rep accounts for a lot of cash too
@NoHaxJustRadvylf I'll do this, but it's 11 random posts of my choosing :P
@Zionmyceliaadamancy well, I hire people with a minimum of -69 rep, take that!
@NoHaxJustRadvylf That means my labour on Code Golf is worth somewhere in the neighbourhood of $40/hour
assuming I visit for about 1 hour per day on average
@NoHaxJustRadvylf Pay this guy, upvotes 11 posts only on meta
@pxeger Sounds like a good career
what an assumption
@WezloOvOo well some days I only drop by for 5 minutes, others I spend all my waking hours here
@pxeger ok is a k dialect made by JohnEarnest based on k6/k7
@thejonymyster no.. why would you want to do that
I know this is sort of off-topic, but does anyone know how significant the performance difference would be with 2 sticks vs. 4 sticks of RAM with a quad-channel CPU?
Trying to decide between waiting for 8×8 GB to be in stock, or going ahead and getting 4×16 GB
unless the CPU memory limit is only 64GB, or you have more than 8 slots to play with, I'd say 4×16 because I think you might want to add more RAM in the future, and that's probably more important than dual vs quad channel RAM (which will barely make any difference especially on an old CPU)
Makes sense, I'll just go with that
@hyper-neutrino The limit is on the server side: github.com/TryItOnline/tryitonline/blob/master/bin/run#L30
CMQ: CGCC podcast?
There was the PPCG podcast, but only one episode, and the fact that the main discussion points were net neutrality, Spectre/Meltdown, and the recent innovation of SBCSs kind of dates it :p
@NoHaxJustRadvylf Just curious if you know about/listen to arraycast.com
Nope, hadn't heard of it. I'll chekc it out.
@Zionmyceliaadamancy we should revive that with a discussion of 4th generation langs lol
tho we already have a blog, why do more?
Why not do more :p
@NoHaxJustRadvylf If we do, I suggest that at least one episode be an hour of lyxal making funny noises into a mic
Why do people always post new questions when I'm asleep
@Zionmyceliaadamancy LOL
@pxeger Bit sarcastic, don't you think?
This should explain it.
That's pretty close to my active hours though, and there's plenty posted when I'm awake
i tried guess where @UnrelatedString lived based on that and it didn't work LOL
I like to prepare answers while questions are in the sandbox, but then when I wake up I've been ninja'd :P
@Steffan FYI, it's considered bad form to prep answers to Sandbox questions
in This Might Be a Room, May 25 at 11:02, by PyGamer0
@UnrelatedString my guess: your timezome is between UTC+9 and UTC+11
lol Steffan seems to be in the same time zone as me
ah ure 2 time zones away
im UTC-4
UTC-6 currently with daylight saving time, or UTC-5 with it? (UTC-7 here. UTC-8 during standard time)
MT in american terms i think
My country actually doesn't use DST though, so I'm permamently UTC-6
Ah, cool.
i'm currently eastern daylight time utc-4
and pygamer thought you were utc+10 lmao
I mean, they were only off by 1 Pacific Ocean + 1 American Continent, that's still close :P
Alternatively, 1 Eurasia + 1 Atlantic Ocean :P
@Steffan lol
i am obviously utc+5½
so its 4:00 pm For uTC
i love se chat just deleting my message
when i click the delete button by mistake
@NoHaxJustRadvylf also why did you change your name to that? is it some technoblade reference?
@Zionmyceliaadamancy Were the flags really necessary? I wasn't intending nor expecting to offend anyone with my joke, so I'd like to know if I actually did
(not directed to caird in particular, just replying to that message for context)
@pxeger I didn't flag it, but I can understand why someone would. It did come off a bit overly sarcastic
Tone can be hard to convey over text
I didn't flag it either
@PyGamer0 No, just a common username format in Minecraft
@pxeger I couldn't even read the message lol
@PyGamer0 i dont, context was we were coming up with ways to fund RTO, and it was a joke ^_^
If RTO becomes stable and usable, we might fund it.
@pxeger I mean like, from what I've heard the output limitation is not because the server can't handle it but to prevent killing your browser, as in it was made with the client's QoL in consideration
@Deadcode I don't think so, unless it kept a stack explicitly rather than using the call stack. Consider [ab]{99}: the possible matches are the leaves of a binary tree, where each internal node represents a choice between a or b. A simple loop can't do that. [citation needed]
It might be possible to add some special cases, though, so that your two specific examples work.
@NoHaxJustRadvylf Frame challenge, sort of: When I'm not motivated to participate on CGCC, I've started telling myself, "Participation on CGCC is entirely optional. I don't 'owe' anybody my participation; if I want to disappear for a year and a half, that's my choice. If golfing isn't fun at the moment, it's time to switch to something else."
@NoHaxJustRadvylf: a while ago I realised that too much CGCC was bad for me, so I disengaged from the site for a while, and was much better off for it; more recently, I realised that too little CGCC was also too bad for me, so i've been checking for a question once every few days to help me sleep
I find that rotating hobbies can be helpful, you just need to get an idea of what each of them is doing to your life
what if your hobby is rotating
on which axis?
@pxeger Z, sadly. I'm no good at gymnastics.
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