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Only from a distance
Once you get closer, the descriptions flip around :p
That's what Radvylf truly looks like
Actually I have a better one
That right there is truly what happens at Radvylf Programs™
always suspected they were a hive mind
Sure had me fooled
2 hours later…
@lyxal the lack of faves is scary
@pxeger because yes
it makes the codepage look complete i guess
if they don't have systematic meaning then at least make sure there's some theme among them
because they're very distinctive visually
how do you label a HBCS
i feel like 0 1 2 3 x 0 1 2 3 is inaccurate :P
You could go binary like 00 01 10 11 x 00 01 10 11
or just list the 16 on a line
16 on a line annoys me for reasons i cant explain :P
the binary thing works for me thank you
you could also do 8 on each line and label them with hex digits if it fits a layout better
unrelated, but, do we have a regex validation challenge (which isnt closed)
as in
"is it a valid regex"
ooh, worst possible combination: 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 rows x 0 1 columns :P
nicely done i do hate it :P
@UnrelatedString For an SBCS, make this 4D
Mmm, tfw the github incident report says "degraded performance" but I can't even start a codespace in three of the four regions at all
They always say "degraded performance"
But it's never "degraded", it's always working fine or completely broken
:/ ok, so it's how they call stuff
funny that it's technically only 3/4 broken in this case
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

emanresu AbackwardS_hybriD-snakE_kebaB-cameL_case There are a bunch of different casing conventions, like camelCase, PascalCase, snake_case etc. It's annoying juggling all of these, so instead of choosing one like a sensible person, why not cursedly mix all of them together? Your challenge is to, given a l...

CMQ: Working on a stackbased golflang, and I had the idea of treating nilad-dyad pairs as a single element. Thoughts?
What if I only want to collect the dyad as an element with a modifier?
That's why I'm unsure
does anyone here happen to know how to solve this?
Kernel driver not installed (rc=-1908)

Make sure the kernel module has been loaded successfully.

where: suplibOsInit
 - The support driver is not installed. On Linux, open returned ENOENT.
@emanresuA well it's definitely a good idea to explore regardless
I'm going to to disable and run your vm again
how do i disable it?
@Bubbler how do I disable a vm
Idk, you can google the error code and find out yourself
i was trying to think of more reasons this is a bad idea for a stack lang but then i thought of the worst way to make it work
the grouping behavior is different for different modifiers; modifiers that prefer dyads don't group and modifiers that prefer monads do
The only case I can think of that might prove as a hindrance is something like <literal><dyad><reduce>
But that can easily be fixed by making modifiers prefix
hell, maybe monad-preferring modifiers could even just straight up force monads by munching however many operations until they net take one element off the stack
though there are... fewer modifiers that would want to force monads than ones that would want to force dyads
and i can't think of a good way to force dyads
If the modifiers are prefix it isn't an issue, but postfix modifiers should only be an issue very rarely to the point where it could be best to just take an L and insert a buffer literal that doesn't change the result of a modifier
also thinking of that made me consider adding a capability like that for perhaps
but that could require a bit of refactoring so may want to hold off until i'm actually at a stage where i'm considering the builtins :P
since it would require contextual adicity at operator-parse time and actually wait would that even be possible
it might mean i'd have to completely overhaul the "hole-filling" *again* so it actually happens *during* operator parsing
Out of context message of the day:
Sep 11, 2021 at 5:58, by lyxal
TIL you can't buy actual bees on amazon.com.au
cmp but really im just asking: making an esolang with a small code sheet, is there a better pair of symbols to use for copy and paste than C and V? or at least something else that might work?
like im just wondering what my options are if i wanna get creative :P
copy and paste?
yeah, trying some weird idea. i guess its really just storing data to a specific register / variable
Well Vyxal uses £ and ¥ and Jelly uses © and ®
& is also a character traditionally associated with registers
Really you can use whatever characters you want
Like you could use > and < if you so want
Or & and $ or g and s or anything you decide is meaningful
Don't let convention limit your character choices
Hell, you could even use % and Q for copy and paste
My point is that it's your language - you get to decide what your options are
yank put ;)
very inspiring thank u ;_;
No one stops you from using 256 braille chars lol
CMC: number to place value digits i.e. 549 -> [500,40,9]
There's a main challenge for that iirc
Hm, link?
@thejonymyster how about using 📋, i think it represents some sort of old timey paper storage device
maybe search in best of 2021 or smth
Are you confusing this?
that's the one i was thinking of
Oh lol
i was immediately reminded of that but could have sworn there was also a challenge for what you described
I can't find it :P
Maybe I should post it?
Q: Decompose a number!

Leaky NunYour task is to decompose a number using the format below. This is similar to base conversion, except that instead of listing the digits in the base, you list the values, such that the list adds up to the input. If the given base is \$n\$, then each number in the list must be in the form of \$k\t...

Nice find
evidently i have not actually seen that challenge before
I just made a guess that "if such a challenge exists then it must have " and quickly skimmed through the list of challenges
That tag exists?
and it's slowly approaching 200 Qs
i need some more opinion on this:
yesterday, by Aiden Chow
For my desmos challenge in the sandbox, fireflame put an easier process to construct bernard in the comments, should I replace my explanation with that easier explanation, or should I keep my initial explanation? Which would y’all think is better overall for the challenge? On one hand, it might be interesting to see how ppl puzzle out golfier strategies of constructing bernard, but on the other hand, that might just be annoying and be a detriment to the challenge.
Easier explanation
People will still find ways to golf it
Ways that might even be better than the easier explanation
Give people every chance they can get to achieve the optimal solution
@JoKing 📥push, 📤pop,
probably reinventing that emoji lang at this point :P
*one of those emoji langs ಠ_ಠ
theres more than one (for some reason)
emojilang is the peak of one character expressiveness, way better than those shitty egyptians could manage
tell me now are hieroglyphics tc? didnt think so
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

emanresu AFlood fill by distance Say I have a grid with some obstacles: ---- | O | | | |OO | | | ---- I can fill this with numbers, as distance from the top right corner. But, because there are obstacles in the way some cells will take further to reach than a straight line: ---- |01O5| |1234| ...

@lyxal so in Vyxal's case it's a cash register?
> For the mostly-unrelated dialect of Scheme which targets EVM, see the external article "Write your next Ethereum Contract in Pyramid Scheme".
why does crypto invade everything
> Pyramid Scheme is implemented using the appropriately-named Racket
i feel like they're making fun of me, but the project looks entirely serious
the best jokes are entirely serious
This is the language you should be writing important stuff in
> Fatal error in line 0
<strikethrough> how about a [jimmy](link to relevant challenge) themed lang </strikethrough>
too tired for markdown gn
strikethrough is triple dash
My wifi kept turning itself off, and for some reason aeroplane mode fixed it
any last feedback before i post this: codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/2140/…
(bernard challenge)
looks good to me
Q: Create Bernard from Desmos

Aiden ChowBackground In the online graphing calculator Desmos, there is a certain shape that appears in the lower left portion of the graph in many high detail graphs, which the Desmos community has dubbed "Bernard". You can see an example of it in this graph and an isolated version of it in this graph. Th...

@pxeger Congrats on marshal.
I was waiting for whatever cache is behind codegolf.stackexchange.com/help/badges/72/marshal to update before I announced it
but anyway:
now back to your regularly scheduled SE-gamification-bashing
@JoKing because if you're not referencing at least 0.05796 (the price of dogecoin) NFTs per Blockchain contract, then no one will read your article as it isn't written by a Bitcoin expert on Ethereum
That is how crypto works, right?
have you heard of $DOG, a memecoin crypto DeFi venture capital fund backed by the fractionalization of the original Doge meme sold to as an NFT to PleasrDAO on the Ethereum network?
if not, then you're wasting my time
> NFTs per Blockchain contract
@emanresuA what? Would you have rather me use the imperial unit of decentralised ledgers per metaverse?
There is only one metaverse, silly
"metaverse" is a dimensionless quantity
No, there are multiple metaverses, although they only vary by pxegers per TNB.
(actually, wasn't the metaverse supposed to have as many dimensions as you want?)
One of them had 1.3 pxegers. It got a bit messy.
@emanresuA Or shall I give you the statistic in terms of P2P regulated deFi terahashes per memecoin forked public key altcoin whitepapers?
What about codepages per golflang?
That's not very crypto now is it
@emanresuA Shit's about to go down.
Well dang
1 hour later…
Would it be out of line for me to edit and reopen this question? It's not worded great, but from the external links it's clear what's being asked and I think it's a good challenge if it could be fixed.
I think that's probably fine, although I would kinda have expected OP to have fixed it already
Yeah. :(
Damn, missed the free reopen vote by about 5 seconds
^ ostensibly my greeting
ah well
it was a pretty meaningless greeting
and greetings are kinda meaningless anyway. We can see you enter the room from the animation
I was having a hard time thinking of a better one that I haven't used before
Chatiquette says "Don't announce your entrance and exit every time. The sidebar shows when users join and leave the room, and sending a message everytime creates noise"
Chatiquette also says "Greetings ("Good morning", "Hi everyone", etc.) are alright, but keep it reasonable."
And any time you are having trouble coming up with a good post, not posting is always an option.
I'm trying to be friendly and sociable, not create noise
Then ... don't create noise.
if (goingToCreateNoise()) {
Noise noise noise. Ok so, i'm looking at bracket matching and i know it's like... decideable, but like, what complexity class is the minimum a language can be but still solve it?
I feel like the answer is obvious to someone who knows intuitively how these things behave but i am not one of those people :P
@thejonymyster https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chomsky's_hierarchy may be of use to you
Bracket matching is a very well-known example of a context-free language
but yea, thank you :-)
i had a feeling that it was between FSA and TC
or i guess i proved it to myself :P
@thejonymyster yeah, regular languages are decided by nondeterministic finite automata
my reasoning was "regex cant do it and i think thats an FSA, but it's decideable, so..."
nice to actually be able to see how it places
many actual regex flavours are more powerful than regular grammars, though, because of backreferences (but most still can't match brackets)
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

pxegerExtract the word (better title?) code-golf string For this challenge, a word is defined as a string of letters, separated by spaces. Given a string of words, and an integer i representing an index into that string, output the whole word which contains the character at index i. For example (using ...

@SandboxPosts @pxeger "the 7th character is the n" what does this mean?
oh wow i wasnt sure that that was a typo
It means the previous example was a different word and I forgot to update it lol
ahh that makes more sense
easy mistake to make
definitely not a typo on a qwerty keyboard at least :P
maybe on this keyboard
neat challenge idea, i expect to see at least one fgitw output the ith word though :P
@SandboxPosts hope this gets posted, i have 48 bytes in js and it works both 0 and 1 indexed :P
@thejonymyster Y (yank) P (paste) (stolen from vim)
@Bubbler that would be interesting
yank makes me think of cut :P
well, first it makes me think of an american
also, I just discovered I can vote to undelete answers that were deleted by moderators. I'm pretty sure that's a bug (codegolf.stackexchange.com/help/privileges/trusted-user says I should be able to "vote to undelete answers except those deleted by a moderator")
undelete and vote to undelete seem like different things to me, am i wrong?
maybe it's only by current mods? or unilateral mod deletion?
@lyxal I thought it might be the former, but I also have an undelete button on codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/47941 for example
oh, never mind - when I try to use the button, I get an error
so yes, I can VTUD posts deleted by former mods
Q: We should reverse [reverse-engineering]

pxegerreverse-engineering has only two questions: Reverse Engineer Polling Statistics A small puzzle. Why does this code work the way it does? The second one is closed as off-topic. The first one isn't really even to do with reverse engineering in the software related sense - it's basically "reverse ...

...and the site is down again
wait SO is down
It's telling that SE don't even think of SE chat as a service they maintain
I can't even reach stackstatus
Chat is always up, obviously
They refuse to touch it, so it can never die :P
@lyxal the maintenance page links stackstatus.net but you have to go to stackstatus.net (note the www.)
It's back for me
but it keeps going offline for a few minutes at a time
that's already happened 3 times today I think
Found the problem:
user image
they left the "no issues" service running :p
@lyxal is that seriously a thing
i doubt it is
blame inspect element
@Seggan sure it is
It displayed on my computer
@cairdcoinheringaahing it nevertheless does die occasionally
@Seggan so therefore it is
does it think though?
because otherwise it isn't
I like to imagine that it's(n't)?
@pxeger I think therefore I am
@pxeger regex with true backreferences is enough to match balanced brackets, but I'm not sure whether you can detect imbalanced brackets
when i start working for SE, i shall make the chat better :P
@Neil what do you mean by "true" backreferences?
@pxeger JavaScript's backreferences are broken
in Fig, 10 mins ago, by Seggan
Here's how the compression algorithm will work:
what do yall think of that ^
algorithm looks good, although it might be improved using a second "dictionary" of common english digraphs and trigraphs
and having a 7 bit character literal might not be the best because you're never gonna use the control bytes, so you might want to replace them with some meaning
(e.g., use it to represent formatting replacement strings?)
well i have a lot of control characters to think about lol
and I'm not 100% sold on the e"" thing. I think dedicated syntax is better
@ still doesnt have anything assigned to it...
> the gibberish is a base-97 number (the codepage - newline)
do you also need to exclude double quotes from this, since double quotes mark the end of the string?
or is there some escape system?
ooof yeah
wait it turns out its a base 94 number now
CMP: think i should fill it up with like combining diacritics and other random chars or reduce it to 6 bits? (see above)
Why do you need to do either?
The all-printable-ASCII codepage was quite a good idea, I thought
yeah its still ascii codepage i meant decompressing to those non ascii chars
Q: What's the difference between [source-layout] and [restricted-source]?

ais523Some challenges have restrictions that apply to the program's source code, rather than the program's behaviour. These challenges are generally tagged with restricted-source or source-layout or both. I have a vague idea of what the difference is in obvious cases (e.g. "write a program without using e

you could use a non-constant non-integer number of bits
ye but then id have to invent a way to mark how many bits
which might take up more space than the constant 7 bits
non integer is even worse
the only problem with non-integer is that encoding becomes a nightmare
instead of decoding to binary, and "reading x bits", you leave it as an integer, and divmod by 2^x
except then you can also divmod by non-powers-of-two, for example 96
ooh like jelly
@pxeger but how
its just as hard as the bit thing, no?
divide by 2 to get the first bit of metadata, then depending on its value, divide by either 96 (ASCII char) or 16384 (dictionary index)
thats decoding
arguably its even easier
oh, you mean how to encode?
you said encoding becomes a nightmare
it's not really a nightmare, but is not trivial like bitwise encoding would be
keep track of two values, n and p. n starts out as 0, p starts as 1
to encode a value x between 0 and 95, add (x*p) to n, then multiply p by 96
possibly you need to add or subtract one, I can't remember
hmm i might actually do this instead
@Neil can you elaborate on this and/or point me to where i can read more? it is of great interest to me how regexes work :P for reasons
@thejonymyster they are broken in at least two ways: a) match of \1 should error if \1 hasn't been captured yet, but in JS it's just ignored as if you captured the empty string b) captures get reset on every loop of a * or similar construct
ive never seen that in action
well, ive never seen b)
a) ive seen, and its busted yea
@PyGamer0 Too many small diacritc-like characters
And although this isn't super important, it doesn't line up well at all in most monospace fonts, esp. the one(s) used on CGCC
You also have ο which is a homoglyph of a lowercase o
Other than that looks good, aside from maybe the sub/superscripts which can look weird in some fonts and usually encourage wasteful codepage design for the sake of consistency
ικνυχ are also potentially confusable with iKvuX, although not as badly as ο
What are you gonna use ∥∦ for?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

attNest some addition code-golf Throughout this question, we denote function application by juxtaposition, which is applied from left to right. An expression like \$f g h\$ represents \$f(g)(h)\$ in conventional function notation. In lambda calculus, Church numerals are a method of encoding the nonn...

@pxeger \mathsf was meant to differentiate between church numerals and "regular" numbers, but I can see how it'd be confusing
2 hours later…
@pxeger I find it kinda ironic how deleting one message sparked 15.
Deleting one message basically makes no difference anyway, since it gets replaced by one message saying it was moved
Yeah lol
I only really did it to make a point about noise
Worthwhile, though, I'd say
Yeah, I'm personally a lot more okay with greetings and stuff than a lot of people here, but they should communicate actual information. "Hi!" or "Good morning!" at least communicates "I'm here now and I want to talk about code golf!" whereas random character spam just communicates "I exist and might want to talk!"
@RadvylfPrograms what if i say "I exist and might want to talk!" :P
i try to get straight to my point when joining here but i must admit it makes me feel like a businessman
TNB Consulting™
now we can really partner with dba.se
Was about to say yeah I just realized that's DBA's thing lol
you will never live it down. on your tomb it will read "HOPEFULLY TO HEAVEN, MORE LIKELY TO DBA.SE"
Well, we've invaded them once before, and I definitely think we asserted out dominance well enough to keep some of their things
anyone working on anything weird
Not really an on-topic-anything, but starting planning for a new game
golf the source code then
@thejonymyster i just hang around for half an hour before saying anything
cool though :-) tanks was awesome
A top-down pixel art zombie shooter game inspired by my old zombies game, Zombies, plus surviv.io (which is in turn inspired by Fortnite/PUB-G), Don't Starve, and Minecraft
@Seggan oh i mean same, but once i do talk its still like that :P
@RadvylfPrograms wait surviv was made by you?
No lol
But Don't Starve and Minecraft were
ah the oxford comma
(i think)
There, fixed to be slightly less ambiguous
say that reminds me
does english have a way to handled arbitrarily nested quotation
in code you just escape but like
in english ive seen you can have someone say "something like this, where im quoting someone saying 'something like this,' but thats it"
Sort of. In addition to just double quotes then single quotes, you can use “ and ” which look basically identical but in theory could work like parens and could possibly be nested. Some languages use «» or »« and are even more explicitly nestable.
ahh ok
And I have seen poorly translated English with «» in it, so you could badly argue that they're part of English :p
now to get into law and draft up a horrible document necessitating its use
Or a story: “Jimmy, who was a shopkeeper, told a story. “I was in my shop one day, and a robber came up and said, “My dad has a weird disease that makes him turn a random color each day and he will die in four days. The doctor said, “You need $10000 to save him”, so I am robbing you bro”. This concerned me so I gave him money and cookies”. It was a weird story.”
I was taught that you just alternate between " and '.
Oh, interesting
(Or their fancy-quotes versions.)
I was told that you use " for the outer quote and ' for any inner quotes
«» would be nice
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe the UK uses ' for outer and " for inner
Q: Big big numbers

BlueWhilst trying to golf several of my answers, I've needed to write large integers in as few characters as possible. Now I know the best way to do that: I'll be getting you to be writing this program. The challenge Write a program that when given a positive integer, outputs a program that prints i...

Q: backwardS_hybriD-snakE_kebaB-cameL_case

emanresu AThere are a bunch of different casing conventions, like camelCase, PascalCase, snake_case etc. It's annoying juggling all of these, so instead of choosing one like a sensible person, why not cursedly mix all of them together? Your challenge is to, given a list of words (only containing lowercase ...

@DLosc Other way around IIRC
In python if I have a list of lists and append to one of the lists, is that still constant time?
in C it would be if it was really an array of pointers (with the trick of over allocating space and every now and then multiplying one of the array lengths by a constant)
CMQ: Touch typing or duck typing?
Duck typing bad
Touch typing > duck typing > blood typing > stereotyping
Q: Implament the slowest possible sorting algorithm that retains a fast best case

EknomaI have recently been on a quest to create really really slow sorting algorithms that make Bogosort seem like it is the best. The task is simple: Sort an array of integers in as long average time as possible, with the average Bachmann–Landau notation begin as high as possible, while keeping the be...

what is typing any good for :/ javascript programmber hjere,
It's better than block programming
@graffe Yes, python list is basically a vector (growable array like in many other langs) of pointers, so by appending a list you're appending a pointer to that list
@DLosc Sounds like a good golf challenge: "test if the quotes are correctly used in an English sentence"
@thejonymyster Makes you do a bunch of annoying stuff to prevent 10% of bugs (the same 10% you can fix in half a second)
Q: Divide by an odd number, 2-adically

NoLongerBreathedInGiven \$a\$ and \$b\$, both \$n\$-bit integers, compute \$a/b\$ to a precision of \$n\$ bits in the 2-adic integers. That is, compute \$c\$ such that \$a = bc\, (\mathop{\rm mod} 2^n)\$. \$n\$ should be your language's native integer size, or if native integers are bigints, take it as a parameter...

@Bubbler mind if i use that?
Due to my cursed system, I've implemented pop as a dyad
"Pop element of x at index y"?
Pop from the stack
Because technically, it behaves like a dyad, popping two values and returning one
oh so it's like ⊣ in APL
then you can have ⊢ too
That would be popping the second item from the stack
But I have limited codespace page :P
would be akin to "remove the second element", yeah
@emanresuA Reuse the symbol for pop, and have it keep each element 50% of the time, at random :P

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