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and are three rounds enough?
@mathcat That just rewards everyone playing zero
oh, so no tie reward?
@cairdcoinheringaahing oh right this is with more than 2, forgot :P
i understand now, thank u
@cai thanks
o.O even cai works?
@wez yes
23 hours ago, by PyGamer0
oh dang @Rad pings Radvylf
in hon of thi all my mes wil hav thr let
gen mes: "im so exc for Lan Des Wor it wil be so fun <exc of exc>"
the wha
tim to mak a cha bot tha com all of my mes
I can hel wit tha
@mathcat the lan des wor on wed nex
oh tha
I have successfully gone from having a bug only trigger under specific circumstances to having it trigger under all circumstances
so what do you want this bot to do exactly?
@Ginger you're mak pro hoo
@Ginger was jok
w h a t
@Ginger "You're making professional hoops," I assume
oh, of course
pro gre ess who ray
that took me several seconds
not this!
of cou the @pin nam gol tri onl wor for use nam tha are not amb
perhaps you should stop
Yeah, please make your messages somewhat understandable
feel like im reading assembly :P
ok whe I hav som of use to say
ok thats pretty great
how do code pages work? is it the same as a compression system?
not really
yay! u_u
a codepage maps each byte from 00 to FF to a single character
lik ASC or UNI COD
i guess what confuses me then is like... how is this implemented?
UNI COD: the most prestigious educational institution your fish will ever attend
or, rather, how "implemented" does it have to be to count?
if an int(erpreter) can int(erpret) it, it's val(id)
IIRC your interpreter must be able to convert between normal UNI COD source files and files encoded with the codepage
that's how I did it
oh ok right
but I don't know the exact rules
sorry i mentioned compression cause im useing a like, less than a byte codepage
i do have encoding and decoding set up
but yea i get it :D
happy to help!
@WezloOvOo Idea: use emoji
another question then: is it legal to have a bunch of different characters encode to the same byte? like an alias?
they wouldnt have different syntax / semantic meanings
like ASCII could be AS🔑 and UNICODE 1👨‍💻
@Ginger wez lik emo not tho :)
but if i type, say ?!, and it gets encoded and stored as AA and run as AA, is that valid?
I do not get
like how the jelly codepage has "For backwards compatibility, and ṿ can be used instead of § and Ä."
still do not get
well i dont get what it means by that either :|c hm
@thejonymyster Yes
Basically, ignore characters and think only in terms of bytes
that does help yeah
so the jelly codepage is more like.. "these are the names we are going to use for these bytes"
and if a byte has more than one name thats fine
Yay :)
good cause im making a lang with a 2 bit codepage and i want to be able to see what im doing :P
got a browser error despite being in chrome :o
send a screenshot plz? :P
For those who don't speak Jelly, it's saying "ụ" == "§", which, according to Jelly's byte encoding, is true
@thejonymyster Running ”ụ ⁼ ”§ gives 1
ahh nice
thank you my brain is so big now
im so full from knowledge
@Seggan Interesting, I'm finding it hard to wrap my head around why but it kinda makes sense
on it boss o7
@cairdcoinheringaahing i dont speak Jelly, i vomit it :P
@thejonymyster `hmm... like a one instruction set computer... but the instruction takes no operands....
ziscs stay winning
a 5 instruction, brainf-like lang might be possible.
An encoding of Cyclic Tag would work, and have one codepoint to spare.
Technically, Unary has 8 instructions
@DLosc well sure but im trying to design one not just recreate an existing one :P but also yes thats fun
@cairdcoinheringaahing oh if thats how were interpreting it then yea i guess its an interesting question again
A one-instruction set computer (OISC), sometimes called an ultimate reduced instruction set computer (URISC), is an abstract machine that uses only one instruction – obviating the need for a machine language opcode. With a judicious choice for the single instruction and given infinite resources, an OISC is capable of being a universal computer in the same manner as traditional computers that have multiple instructions.: 55  OISCs have been recommended as aids in teaching computer architecture: 327 : 2  and have been used as computational models in structural computing research. The first carbon...
right, and thats where it ends up
but is it possible to make it brainfuck like
which is subjective, but still interesting
@smarnav bf with rightwardly infinite tape, wrapping counter in cell, implicit input, <> to navigate, + to increment, [] to loop, implicit output
there, 5 instruction bf
ideal is to get it to 4 so that its a power of 2 though :P
in fact, a 2 bit brainf like lang is possible
or even 1 bit
Use a single "loop" instruction, by changing [] to "label if zero, jump if non-zero" maybe?
yea i was thinking it had to be the loop
since if you lose infinity on both the tape and the cell values youre boned :P
@thejonymyster You misspelt "bounded" :P
what on earth is bringing so many lost people here
at least they owned up to it
Ugh, they're an unregistered user
Vote to close if you can, and get the score down to -3, it saves the mods having to delete it
oh the humanity
CMC: Von Mangoldt function. Take n, and output ln p if n = p^k for some integer k, prime p, and 0 otherwise
people make mistakes...
@smarnav Yeah, but you can't delete your own question if you're an unregistered user, so we (the community) has to do it for them
@cairdcoinheringaahing ln p as in e based log of p? thats a weirdly specific function, ill have to read into that :D
@thejonymyster Yes. It's mainly used for scaling in the prime number theorem
"the prime number theorem"
that has to be one of the worse named ones :P
In mathematics, the prime number theorem (PNT) describes the asymptotic distribution of the prime numbers among the positive integers. It formalizes the intuitive idea that primes become less common as they become larger by precisely quantifying the rate at which this occurs. The theorem was proved independently by Jacques Hadamard and Charles Jean de la Vallée Poussin in 1896 using ideas introduced by Bernhard Riemann (in particular, the Riemann zeta function). The first such distribution found is π(N) ~ N/log(N), where π(N) is the prime-counting function (the number of primes less than or equal...
As a general rule, if something in math has a "simple" name, it's super important :P
"group", "prime number theorem", etc. :P
ok fair :P but i would have gone for the "asymptotic prime distribution theorem"
or hell even the "prime distribution theorem" lol
as is, the title seems like "the theorem that there exist prime numbers"
@att Mathematica: a builtin for everything :P
then again i guess theorems arent known for descriptive titles
The hairy ball theorem would like to disagree :P
def not googling that <: o
The hairy ball theorem of algebraic topology (sometimes called the hedgehog theorem in Europe) states that there is no nonvanishing continuous tangent vector field on even-dimensional n-spheres. For the ordinary sphere, or 2‑sphere, if f is a continuous function that assigns a vector in R3 to every point p on a sphere such that f(p) is always tangent to the sphere at p, then there is at least one pole, a point where the field vanishes (a p such that f(p) = 0). The theorem was first proved by Henri Poincaré for the 2-sphere in 1885, and extended to higher dimensions in 1912 by Luitzen Egbertus Jan...
omfg that theorem dont lie
@Seggan so it goes ;)
@cairdcoinheringaahing Is this better?
1 hour later…
Suppose you have a 2x2x2 cube, and you label each of the eight subcubes with a letter A through H. There are 8! ways to do this. However, some of the resulting cubes are equivalent. I want to say that two cubes are equivalent if they produce the same adjacency graph, which I suspect is the same thing as saying they're equivalent under reflection and rotation. How many equivalence classes are there?
Consider a 2x2 rubik's cube, which has 3,674,160 positions. Except, your cube does not have rotatable corners so we can divide that by 3^7 (one is forced by the rest). This gives 1680 possible permutations.
Except... you can't simply reflect a 2x2 rubik's cube, so maybe divide that by 2 again
@DLosc eyyyy blind folded solving
a rubiks cube is not the same as a regular cube :P
is it? that sounds scary
how the hell would a 2x2x2 have 3m positions
cause it does
every subcube has 3 possible rotations and 8! positions
but there are some "parity" cases
as in the same subcube in the same spot?
like rotating a corner
@mathcat The only parity case on 2x2 is corners, which is why I divided by 3^7 instead of 3^8
except in a 2x2 you can't just rotate one corner
ok that kind of explains why its so big
thankfully dlosc isnt asking abt rubiks cubes lol
@emanresuA ah okay
@thejonymyster Yeah, but the idea's applicable
My guess was 8!/32 = 1260: rotations can put A in one of eight corners, and then there are four reflections (including no reflection) that keep A in the same corner. But I don't have good intuition for stuff like this. Are there also three rotations that keep A in the same corner? Cuz then it might be 8!/96 = 420.
dang I lost my 2x2
it would've been helpful
I'm making a model I can't imagine 3d stuff
the human mind wasnt meant to comprehend the 3 dimensional
none of that theoretical mumbo jumbo matters anyway :P
hehe, im trying to grapple with cotangent functions here. my mind isnt even built for 2d
i am a fourth dimensional being
o i am using blender rn too
decided to learn it today for unity dev
I installed blender to visualize geometry problems
unfortunately I'm not that cool
nah that's not cool, make your own 3d modeler from scratch (in BF ofc) :P
Hmm yeah that might work
I'll try to recreate donut.c
@DLosc I didn't fully understand the rotation part
No matter how you rotate it, A moves, right?
@DLosc What does G do in your golf to this answer?
@mathcat rotate about that corner. we're not talking about faces of subcubes, but the entire subcube
@mathcat I think you may be able to rotate about an axis that passes through that corner and the center of the cube. But I'm having trouble visualizing that, so I could be wrong.
@emanresuA G is {g}, just like _ is {a} and B is {b}
Oh, oops :P
Actually, (gMl)Zg works as well as GMZgMlg and is more straightforward
Oh well :P
Or Z[gMlg]
Maybe it's builtin time
Also, can has forward differences builtin?
@emanresuA Yeah, I'm thinking a powerset/all subsets builtin is in order.
@emanresuA Maybe. This is in the category of stuff I've been reluctant to add as builtins because there's a clear, fairly short way to do it with existing builtins. But there is an enormous amount of space for adding new two-letter builtins, so maybe I'll throw it in the priority queue somewhere.
e isn't working in jelly :(
nevermind, it's just for ints
nvm im just doing it wrong
also how do you turn a string into a list
1 hour later…
strings are lists
also feel free to bring further questions to chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/57815/jelly-hypertraining
@emanresuA I agree with 840
I got that by 8!/8/3/2 where the first 8 is the number of corners you can put A in, 3 for the number of times you can rotate around A and 2 because you can reflect the final result
@smarnav Internally, all strings are just lists of characters in Jelly; Jelly only has 3 types: numeric, character and array
(and, technically speaking, None, but if you're working with None, you're doing something wrong :P)
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

JiříGray coded gray code convertor code-golf To increase data safety at our company, we are planning to start using gray code numbers (where successive values differ by only one bit) instead of classical binary ones. Please help us to make a program that converts numbers to gray code (single number t...

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