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00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

who are these users who keep getting removed and why did they upvote 13 of my answers first?
I wonder if there's a way to "Try it online!" for MS-DOS COM executables.
So, um, can I call LDW something else?
@NobodyNeedsNames for the same reason i can't call you "gerald"
actually you can
I'm going to change my name to gerald
well we aren't going to change the name of the event probably
unless a bajillion people vote on it :P
bah, you can't do anything if i call it something else
we can not know what you're talking about :P
bah, i'm going to call it something else
so, i'm registering for something else...
@forest thanks :), it was for CCGC cat week, but since I like that avater, so I keeped it until now
I think @thejonymyster is addicted to ":P".
i can quit whenever i want... :P
@Niko At first I thought it was Mikan from Wanko to Kurasou. Similar theme!
@thejonymyster wahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
what a coincidence, I was literally about to change my pfp... and this came up
if I'm remembered for nothing, at least let cat week live on as a tradition :P
@forest I used discord Mantaro bot to get a random catgirl picture, so I am not sure where it come from.
@pxeger feel annoyed:
A: Count /[^a-z]/ig with /[a-z]/ig

sourlaceJelly, score 3, 4 bytes @caird-coinheringaahing saves 1 byte! ḟØẠL Attempt This Online! Explanation: Filter alphabetic characters from input, then return length

Look where the link goes
the genericizing is going so fast...
Nice try
Sandbox posts last active a week ago: (untitled)
@Neil Oof, got -60
@Wezl'lo-ol' wahaha
Hi lyxal
@Ginger because on the "create new room page", I just spammed the "create" button on the form
it somehow sent the same request that many times
which room
@lyxal .
...??? can't enter
@lyxal .
huh, server must be down again
2 days ago, by emanresu A
4 hours ago, by emanresu A
May 30 at 6:28, by emanresu A
@NumberBasher You can edit in a reply btw
@emanresuA .
@thejonymyster that do be how we roll here at Vyxal Corp
KOTH idea: There is a single accumulator and there are programs. Each program has a clock (program counter); each program can increment or decrement to their or other programs' clocks. What do y'all think?
goal being?
To perform an increase of the accumulator the most times. This ain't very well-specified yet.
@23TuringMachine As in, you control the control flow of the other bots?
More the execution speed. Every tick of the clock one instruction would be executed.
Also, totally new to this whole KOTH thing, so if my idea just doesn't work, sorry.
What stops me from submitting start: goto start2; start2: acc; goto start2
Other programs will decrease your execution speed until that only happens once in a long while.
right so youre like lowering their frequency of getting a turn
or increasing your own
Yes, exactly.
Sorry if that was not well-communicated.
Ohh that makes more sense
oh youre thinking clock as in a speed of how fast your bot operates, not a life clock
Perhaps the wrong term.
I was thinking of it like you control their program counter/instruction pointer
it happens, thats what sandboxing is for etc
As in, you change which instruction is running
not wrong term exactly, just ambiguity over the meaning of clock
Yeah, I think I specified badly.
Perhaps turn frequency works better.
so your actions are:
increase my own speed
decrease my opponent's speed
give myself a point
Yeah! And ofc jumps etc.
Sounds like this would be cool if it had some other actions you could do
and presumably youd be able to check
1. your score
2. your opponent's score
3. your speed
4. your opponent's speed
5. history of actions, ofc
Maybe decrement other people's points? And yeah that would be the accesible info.
Like, maybe interfering with their control flow like I misinterpreted it as could be a neat idea
OH i misunderstood
Yeah, I imagine that would be quite interesting. Maybe you have to mutually interfere in order to loop?
The problem with only having a few actions is that there's minimal room for strategy; it has a low "skill ceiling"
i get it now
And KOTH are all strategy. Hmm
This seems like a solid base for a really interesting KotH though, I'll +1 as soon as it's sandboxed
I'll try to get something in the sandbox tomorrow!
you probably only have to add a few more interesting things to get it to work :P also i'd also do that but then itd have 2 upvotes right away and i think that causes problems for reasons that are not obvious
@23TuringMachine That could also be neat. Maybe if your IP gets incremented past the end you die, or get some sort of really bad penalty like getting your priority decremented ×20?
Yeah, that could be interesting! I wouldn't want to organize two KOTHs at once though.
@RadvylfPrograms Although that might not fit with the spirit of the KotH
Can anyone help me build a program to check this and this and this? Thank you.
that was cruel and unusual XD
Copilot figured out Jelly's API
@emanresuA wait what?
@NobodyNeedsNames i dont think a normal program can check the first one, primes are finnicky anyway. youd need a formal proof i think, and its unlikely anyone knows one :P
It figured out how to call the Jelly interpretter from within Python lol
oh... you were getting my hopes of not needing to ever learn a programming language again up.
@UnrelatedString Laughing My Ass Off...Psychologically? Parliamentarily? Pseudoscientifically? Pedagogically?
that sounds plausible ;)
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

swpalmerParse Specification Data Structure Diagrams Many protocol specifications illustrate the structure of data packets with ASCII tables. For example RFC 1035 section 4.1.1 describes the header of a DNS query with the following diagram: 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 2 3 4 ...

gn, I won't be rickrolling you until tomorrow
@thejonymyster i mean, check for small numbers
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

23TuringMachineSpeed up, slowpoke! (Draft, WIP) In this king-of-the-hill challenge, you will program a bot, consisting of a Python function of the form Actions def play(info): ... Each play, this bot can either Increase/decrease any bots' (including its own) turn frequency by 1/10. Decrement/increment any b...

Very preliminary draft.
@SandboxPosts you mean [tag:python]?
and Decrement/increment any bots' (including its own) score. A bot returns a 2-tuple of the form (bot-name, type, argument), where bot-name means by 1?
@23TuringMachine IF OK, I can make you an controller script and an example bot
Sure! I'd appreciate that! Sorry for the slow response.
ok that's ok
Not, not really.
Would you like me to move that somewhere else?
I'll try to clarify my post tomorrow. I really need to get to bed. LOL
Yes, emanresu.
I moved that because it was a huge chunk of code.
Sorry, gtg
@23TuringMachine ok
@NobodyNeedsNames did you mean "Vyxallalaalalalallaallaaaaa"
idea: koth but the language is vyxal (or jelly)
a koth where the programming itself is challenging would be interesting
i think someone mentioned it in here recerntly before
Jan 22, 2020 at 10:05, by a'_'
I was pretty shocked that Lyxal got 3.8k rep out of thin air. How is it possible for a new user to make it so high?
@lyxal did you hack your rep :P
Lyxal’s first message was in TIO IIRC
2 hours later…
Would someone who knows Jelly mind testing this?
> -60 User was removed
I also got -20 on MM
Probably the same user
wait until you get 143413 rep, then you'll be getting -130 instead
(just wanted an excuse to say that number)
obviously the relevant interesting number is actually 312132
@NewPosts Cycled through my whole comments userscript and I don't have an applicable one lol
Maybe I need to update it ;p
Y'all with your rep losses while I appear to not have lost any
@lyxal I didn't lose anything too
Maybe it's a good thing, that [] votes on my posts :P
I've learned my lesson
I don't know if it's my computer, but I can't tell if the numbers are in bold or not.
That's definitely just your monospace font being badly designed
I can see a difference between the bold and non-bold, but it's hard to distinguish
ugh okay
I don't think there's anything I can really do about that
I guess I could do bold italic
Oh, I think it's because of my dark mode extension
nvm I can see it now
thanks that's a lot better
@pxeger lgtm
I'd probably say 2d is enough, but that's just maybe because I can't think that complex.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Nobody Needs NamesSpeed up, slowpoke! Version 2.0, Work In Progress In this king-of-the-hill challenge, you will program a bot, consisting of a python function of the form def BOTNAME(info, me): pass # ... main body . Specifically, the script must run in python3.9. Each bot will be entered into the contest 10...

Any feedback? Thanks
TIL that github can only handle renamed users or renamed repositories, not both
lol I just renamed a repo
nothing happened
lol can someone help me with this and this, thanks
@emanresuA couldn't you rename your repository?
@mathcat Sorry for confsion, what I meant was that it can't handle redirects for both.
ah okay
Send help, I think I like Typescript.
Q: Print the power set of the power set ... of an empty set

NutronStar45Given a non-negative integer n, print the result of P(P(...P({}))), where the number of P's is n (P is the power set function). f(0) = {} f(1) = P({}) f(2) = P(P({})) f(3) = P(P(P({}))) f(n) = P(f(n-1)) input result 0 {} 1 {{}} 2 {{},{{}}} 3 {{},{{}},{{{}}},{{},{{}}}} ....

@JoKing @JoKing @mathcat @NobodyNeedsNames At this rate I think we first need to ask @cairdcoinheringaahing about the intellectual property rights!
1 hour later…
finally, someone who understands
oh my jesus shit lyxal
@Ginger I've been waiting for that message
Totally worth it
what happened?
did you hack the chat?
I added hundreds of rooms
wow great work
I meanwhile did hundreds of fetch requests
turns out if you spam click the create room button on the new room page, it adds a new room for each click without redirecting away
add an autoclicker and you have chaos
I'm going to ban lyxal from room creation
@lyxal Fun fact: mods can take away a user's ability to create rooms
maybe on SE chat
but what about lambda.chat
@lyxal No idea, but I'd imagine Ginger has some way of banning you :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing you fool, I have 70 alternative accounts!
Feedback on this challenge?
I finished coding the controller
I think the actual challenge description but could do with a little more elaboration, maybe an example? Took me a few reads to fully understand what it was saying
hey lyxal I found out why everything's so slow
it's because the rooms you made are causing me to get ratelimited by replit db
Do you want me to make it even slower?
to make sure this doesn't happen again I have banned you from creating rooms
I have also added a 1-day room creation cooldown
my scripts are deleting your rooms as I type
why would you do this to me
you know I don't have any protections against this stuff
@Ginger for the lols mostly
ah, because you're evil
how could I forget
I'm done now anyway lol
any more room creation spam would just be unoriginal
just no more spam period
Is this why it always says "The repl is having some trouble waking up. Please try again in 30 seconds." whenever I try to access lambda.chat?
well, that's most likely because I triggered the Emergency Stop because lyxal did some stupid shit
When will it be back up?
okay, deleted all 793(!) rooms
in half an hour or so
and we're back
I'm going to add a cooldown later
In the meantime, I have banned lyxal from making rooms.
@Ginger im glad you placed those parentheses how you did, i'd be worried if it were (793!) rooms
Unfortunately, this resulted in the death of the Vyxal room.
I'm going to re-create the Vyxal room and make @mathcat the owner
@Ginger are you sure about that
oh fuck
well, guess I'm adding that cooldown now
site going offline
you realise I can create infinite alts
meaning banning is useless
I know
which is why I'm adding a cooldown
should have existed in the first place
that, or something to stop exact duplicates being made
well I wasn't expecting you to abuse it this soon!
tbh I don't know why I didn't expect that
what did you expect having a create new room button that creates a new room each time you click?
and I don't mean the new link
I mean the button on the form
you click that multiple times in a row and it makes a new room per click
I didn't know it did that!
well that's a you problem then! :p
Comments Concerns Complaints?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Nobody Needs NamesSpeed up, slowpoke! Version 2.0, Work In Progress In this king-of-the-hill challenge, you will program a bot, consisting of a python function of the form def BOTNAME(info, me): pass # ... main body . Specifically, the script must run in python3.9. Each bot will be entered into the contest 10...

and tell me why the upvote...
downvote i mean
silly me
@NobodyNeedsNames why are you making a version 2.0 for a challenge that doesn't exist yet
@Ginger wow thanks
@thejonymyster How does not exist
@NobodyNeedsNames It is still in the sandbox
Well, I want to suggest an edit somehow
@Ginger will lambda.chat ever have message saving/transcripts?
and will it have a star/pin function?
will ith ave custom animated discord emotes and a jacuzzi (and twitch integration and
i wonder if "golf a chat program" could ever be a challenge :P
o/ gotta go
@lyxal yes
will it be easy to add bots?
dO YoU HaVe A BoT API?
not yet
also, when does the replit go to sleep?
because if it goes to sleep too frequently, chatbots might break
after like an hour of inactivity IIRC
I can make it Always-On but I have to pay replit for that
just determining whether a vyxal room on lambda.chat is even feasible lol. In its current state, it isn't because no transcripts and because our beep boop may break if the replit sleeps
@mathcat hell, even SE chat doesn't have a proper bot api :P
They have a Captcha to prevent bots from logging in
And that doesn't really work :P
(which I circumvented with cookies q:)
yeah, I do time.sleep(random.randint(1, 3))
feed the captcha cookies and it'll let you pass
gimme cookie
I won't eat them I promise
@VyxalBot cookie please (it's for a friend)
@mathcat how else do you think we get away with half the things we do?
so if you paste your github key in the Username prompt and skip the password prompt, git still pushes the commits
and yes i fixed the broken scans for flax and in the process i broke something else
in Vyxal, 36 secs ago, by Vyxal Bot
@lyxal [SUDO] Here you go: 🍪
I had to use admin privileges for that, so eat it wisely
2 mins ago, by mathcat
I won't eat them I promise
*gives to math*
cooldown added
truly wonderful
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Hedge FlemingParenthetical names Your challenge is to build a program that puts parentheses around the 'title' part of names. For example, Sonic the Hedgehog is converted to Sonic (the Hedgehog). Rules: Inputs will only contain words (alphabetical characters and spaces). Your program must be case insensitive...

@lyxal wide brain
oh frick it's saturday
new bio time
2 hours ago, by Nobody Needs Names
Comments Concerns Complaints?
2 hours ago, by Nobody Needs Names
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Nobody Needs NamesSpeed up, slowpoke! Version 2.0, Work In Progress In this king-of-the-hill challenge, you will program a bot, consisting of a python function of the form def BOTNAME(info, me): pass # ... main body . Specifically, the script must run in python3.9. Each bot will be entered into the contest 10...

AICMC: Given a number N, return the total ways to write it as sum of consecutive numbers.
Codex generated
basically MCVE to comply with OpenAI T.O.S
(when I say codex, I don't mean using copilot, I mean actually using raw codex)
as in generate code?
As in using the OpenAI playground
and setting the model to codex
holy shit I actually got jysics back online
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Nobody Needs NamesSpeed up, slowpoke! In this king-of-the-hill challenge, you will program a bot, consisting of a python function of the form def BOTNAME(info, me): pass # ... main body . Specifically, the script must run in python3.9. Each bot will be entered into the contest 10 times. Actions Each play, thi...

thanks, plz help me check this
@lyxal Another 9-byter in Vyxal: ʀKƛÞK∑;fO
@lyxal how is 9 3?
⟨ ⟨ 2 | 3 | 4 ⟩ | ⟨ 4 | 5 ⟩ ⟩
⟨ ⟨ 2 | 3 | 4 ⟩ | ⟨ 4 | 5 ⟩ | ⟨ 9 ⟩ ⟩
but the last one is not a sum
Why not?
It's the sum of [9]
This is just a CMC so the rules are basically nonexistent
lyxal.timeForSleep = True
You can say 1 has 2 ways ([0, 1] and [1]) if you want or that it has 1 way ([1]) or that it has no ways
wait @lyxal i got a 7 byter
Nice, what is it?
first solution that came into my head
The usage of l and that implicit input thing is pretty smart
5 bytes, no flag ɾÞSṠO
@lyxal i am officially better than you
4 bytes, flag R ÞSṠO
@Seggan Ah, that's the solution I originally wanted in Scala, except that doesn't have a sublists method
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

thejonymysterAm I winning at O-Tris? O-Tris is a very, very, very simplified version of Tetris, which is defined as follows: There is a grid of cells that is 6 cells wide and 7 cells tall, known as the Playfield. Cells in the Playfield can be either Active, Inactive, or Empty. There is a construct called an O...

that was exhausting to type lol
@lyxal can this ever be more than like, a few?
theres only 3 for 100
6 for 99
is this in the OEIS?
ah ok
6 is enough to indicate to me that it will continue to increase lol
Is this a loophole of the KOTH and how can I fix it?
@lyxal found a 3 byter
this is A001227
@user you might be interested
@mathcat If you have 3 bots, one donates nothing and the other 2 donate all their money, the one who donates nothing will lose
Alternatively, if all bots donate nothing, it's a tie, and you can introduce some kind of zero reward for a tie
The only time where donating nothing is a guaranteed winning play is if you only have 2 bots
@cairdcoinheringaahing except the one who donates nothing also gets a share of the money
Ah right, forgot about that part
It won't be better if I change it to: The money will be split between the bots who donated
In which case, this is where the social deduction comes into play: if someone says they'll donate nothing, then everyone should donate nothing and it becomes a tie. But, you can calculate your expected earnings if everyone tells the truth about their donations. So, if someone lies and donates nothing, you can see that someone has lied, and so your trust in others goes down
so should the bots be able to message each other?
As I mentioned in the comments below another one of your Money koths, the "fun" in the video comes from the fact that the players can communicate. Not including some form of communication between bots means that this just boils down to the game theory optimal play: donate nothing
hmm yeah
I'm sure that some meaning can be extracted from "being selfish is optimal"
In that style game, it is :P
Okay, I'll scrap that koth too
@mathcat I'd suggest changing it to allow for some method of communication between bots
okay, that might work
Why? would optimal play change because of something a bot said?
"no information" and "information that can be a lie" are the same thing, arent they? :P
If a bot ever says "I'm going to donate zero", then everyone else knows to donate zero, as they'll lose money if they don't.
If a bot never says it, but does donate zero, then the other bots can calculate their expected earnings (from what the others say they'll donate) and their actual earnings, and know that someone lied, thus eroding trust, meaning they'll donate less money each time, out of fear they'll lose money
How's a 50$ tie reward per bot?
00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

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