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@thejonymyster ok
puzzle time: A two-digit number ‘ ab’ is multiplied by its reverse ‘ba ’. The ones (units) and tens digits of the four-digit answer are both 0.

What is the value of the smallest such two-digit number ‘ab ’?
are a and b non-zero?
a great question.. is it possible if they are?
I don't think 00 counts as a two digit number
@lyxal I'm not giving you money
@RadvylfPrograms how did you do it?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

badatgolfMaximal number of moves needed by a knight Given an \$N × N\$ board, what is a minimum number of moves needed by a knight to reach every square (in a fixed position)? In other words, the A232007 sequence from OEIS. Input/Output can be taken in any resonable format, taking the size of the board a...

@cairdcoinheringaahing dang it
can't blame me for trying
Aside from 52 (its flipped variant) it's also the only one
it is!
now I want to know how you solved it so quickly
@graffe Two lines of JS:
for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++)
    console.log(i.toString().padStart(2, 0) + ": " + (i * (i % 10 * 10 + (i / 10 | 0))));
aha :)
> 5.72 Gamings for $9.24 (BTC)
What the shit is "$9.24 (BTC)"?
that's a very reasonable offer you know.
plus, that offer wasn't for you.
it was for @OldSandboxPosts
$9.24 worth of Bitcoin?
Sorry, lemme just ask them if they want to buy some gamings
That's the context btw
Since BTC isn't constant relative to USD, it makes sense to specify the amount of BTC in USD or another currency if you want it to be relative to that
They said, and I quote, "@lyxal I'm not giving you money" :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing dang it.
can't blame me for trying
the speed of puzzle solving here is amazing
can anyone write code to solve this?
@cairdcoinheringaahing Well of course, for tax reasons you can't give the money to lyxal. You give it to L'yxal, who lives in Switzerland.
The Gamings will arrive via airdrop
Q: Make the list Fibonacci-like

badatgolfRelated, but not dupe. Challenge A list of integer \$a\$1, \$a\$2, \$a\$3, ..., \$a\$n (\$ n ≥ 1 \$) is Fibonacci-like if \$a\$i \$=\$ \$a\$i - 1 \$+\$ \$a\$i - 2 for every \$i ≥ 2\$. Note that every list that contains only 1 or 2 integers are Fibonacci-like. For example, \$[1]\$, \$[6, 9]\$, \$...

So you'll need to clear any barbed wire off your roof and add L'yxal's triplane's SHA-256 checksum to your flak cannon's whitelist
on an analogue clock at midday, if you swap the hour and minute hand you get the same time. How many distinct times have this property? Let's assume that any time is the same as the same time exactly 12 hours later so midday and midnight are not distinct.
@RadvylfPrograms wait a second while I show this sentence to a non-TNBer and see what they think of it
@RadvylfPrograms no :)
That's just when the minute and hour hand are at the same point which is a pretty well known problem
I have a hexaplane
I thought three was the answer but it could be something else
@RadvylfPrograms I believe that isn't the solution here
@RadvylfPrograms Sorry, the barded wire stays on during sex
Oh it's 11: 12:00, 1:05, 2:10, 3:15, 4:20, 5:25, 6:30, 7:35, 8:40, 9:45, and 10:50
@RadvylfPrograms and more still....
@justANewbstandswithUkraine ooh.. not right but good. How did you get that?
@graffe Really?
@graffe Depends on the interval the clock uses
My 1+ year old memory watching a video with the exact same topic lol
@cairdcoinheringaahing what do you mean?
@cairdcoinheringaahing barded wire?
e.g. some clocks have constantly moving hands, instead of discrete hands
@pxeger Wire that sings
Do you really want Cacofonix there?
@justANewbstandswithUkraine further away :)
@cairdcoinheringaahing assume continuous motion of the hands
It can't be more than 13, right?
@pxeger It's obviously a typo
Wire with lots of facial hair
@RadvylfPrograms Wait no
@RadvylfPrograms Oh this answer is stupid google has failed me
@RadvylfPrograms it can
@RadvylfPrograms Tf kind of clock only ticks the hour hand forward in giant jumps
@user it's a typo for balded wire, which is wire that has no hair
@user Yes I can tell it was a typo, but it afforded the opportunity to make more terrible jokes, so I had to seize it
ah oops
Or bartered wire, which was obtained via negotiations with the local copper thief
error in my question :(
@RadvylfPrograms Yeah, it's not "How many times are the minute hand and hour hand at the same value", which is 12 I believe
my clock has three rings of RGB LEDs that spin around super fast and turn the lights on at the correct point to indicate the current time
@RadvylfPrograms sorry
About what
@pxeger I could tell you could tell it was a typo, but I took the opportunity to interpret it as a more terrible joke instead
@Ginger How does that work?
@user It's a joke, sadly
I'd love that to be an actual product tho
I actually do have a device like that
it's a fan with lights on the blade, and you can set it to display any message you like
I don't think it can act as a clock though
My grandfather collects clocks
CMC on an analogue clock at midday, if you swap the hour and minute hand you still get valid time. In general the time may or may not be valid depending on when it is. How many distinct times have the property that the time is still valid when you swap the hour and minute hand? Let's assume that any time is the same as the same time exactly 12 hours later so midday and midnight are not distinct.
@RadvylfPrograms That must be a time-consuming hobby
@RadvylfPrograms He has something like 200 of them IIRC
Does he have a grandfather clock?
@pxeger Ooh, so it can display messages while spinning?
I've heard bad things about daylight savings time over there though
tfw you start writing a function and then realize halfway through that you already wrote the exact same function
That is really cool
@user yes, through persistence of vision
@pxeger Three, actually
I wonder how you would even do the math for that
so at 9 o'clock if you swap the hour and minute hand you don't get a valid time, for example
@pxeger Oh so only when stationary
@user Seems like it'd probably just be basic trig stuff
@user just a bit of trigonometry, I imagine
The whole thing rotates at a constant speed, so to determine what color an LED with distance r from the center should be at time tm or angle \theta, you just need to use polar coordinates on the image
@user no, it changes which of the blade's lights are on many times a second, so that the frequency of light switches aligns with the fan blade's rotation, and because of persistence of vision, your eyes perceive it as a continuous image, even though it's spinning
Ah, nice
in Lyxal's Quest for Tacit, Dec 3, 2020 at 2:59, by Lyxal
Feel free to join me on my journey
@RadvylfPrograms although I'm not sure how it determines its speed precisely enough for the effect to work
@pxeger my friend has one of those (from an event) that displays a set message. How do you customize it?
Maybe a stepper motor?
@pxeger It can't be that hard to put an encoder in
Or just a sensor that tells it where it is, no need to even bother with speed
@Wezl'lo-ol' it has a USB connection, and you use some dodgy archaic software to upload a new message to it
@RadvylfPrograms I don't think that would be able to run fast enough (and would probably be too expensive)
@RadvylfPrograms yeah it probably just has some kind of read switch which detects every time the blade passes a certain point in its rotation, and guesses the speed based on that
@pxeger Yeah, true
@pxeger This person seems to just use timing, no encoders or anything (code)
with nothing to keep it in check, surely that would slip out of calibration eventually
i just realized that the halting problem is decidable for 2 subsets of programs
1. programs that dont have backward jumps
2. programs where all jump conditions are known statically and dont change
the first subset of programs can never loop, so unless the program is infinite it will halt
while for the second subset if all jumps are known beforehand, you can determine is they will come back to the same spot
Equivalently, what you've done is find two types of non-turing-complete languages
unfortunately, almost all practical programs fall into neither camp
whoops nvm
@RadvylfPrograms lol true
but the first set can be turing complete
given an infinite tape, no?
No, since it can't do arbitrary computation
Something really simple would be an infinite loop, but there's also other useful stuff you won't be able to do
And of course a really simple, but in this case kind of circular, way to show that it's turing incomplete is by showing that you can solve the halting problem for it
does anyone know enough ><> to run this by me? i get the gist but as a non ><> user, it sort of escapes me
@Seggan I mean, you can certainly write a ton of practical programs that are not Turing complete
@user is this answer well-explained enough for the bonus on this bounty?
Reading through it now, looks very impressive
Zsh just ignores any invalid command?
That's kinda awful for practical stuff but I guess it works out great here
@RadvylfPrograms true
okay, now it works
if you want push notifications as well you can go to the settings page (from the profile dropdown)
@pxeger i mean it seems pretty straightforward
Yeah I'd say it's well-explained enough, give me a minute to award the bounty
(in the genius way)
@user you can disable that with the -e option, which most people do
further discussion in the room please
oh i didnt see the @, i thought you were asking everyone lol
see my showcase answer for zsh for more stuff about golfing with errors in zsh
@pxeger That is somewhat more comforting
does anyone have any idea why MSEdge is trying to fetch() over HTTP?
zsh ignores most errors by default, even some syntax errors lol
k moved my opinions for MYAL into an answer, might have to edit your guys's answers a bit
@Ginger Try it on a site that you know doesn't do any redirecting or downgrading, maybe
It's my site
Perhaps replit's trying to return an error, and it downgrades to HTTP when doing so
@Ginger Oh
for some reason flask is doing a downgrade
but get this
it doesn't do it on Chrome
Try <meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="upgrade-insecure-requests"> maybe? No idea if that'll work
Are you using a self-signed cert or do you have HTTPS set up through a reverse proxy
Could be the reverse proxy acting up
replit handles https for me
added meta tag, let's see if it works
Which means there's some logic you don't control, and that's possibly what's doing a downgrade
So it's not really "your site" for these purposes, since you don't know or control what it's doing
well, I'm getting a different error so that means something worked
Progress maybe
Or things are worse
it looks like my server is returning an error page and the JSONDecoder doesn't like it
it's a 404, fixing now
okay, now it's adding a trailing slash to the address
did this fix work?
yes it did!
that meta tag fixed it lol
thank you!
@Seggan Suggested acronym: Designing Languages On SE Chat =P
That Helpful Event Just On Nineteenthbyte You Make Your Silly Tarpits Everyone Rejoice
@DLosc done. event starting tomorrow
@Seggan better: Go Invent New Golflangs usERs d:
actually, if it were golflang specific, "ING" would be fun
cause then we could say we're INGing
Really, All Designing Various languages is so You can distract yourself from the fact that we will alL die someday, For real
More seriously, something like "Language Design Workshop" wouldn't be a clever acronym, but it would look very nice on the Upcoming Events list.
why do we even need an acronym tbh
@Seggan *to be honest
event without cool acronym
LEt's Make A Language
Q: Run the Nth characters to get N

Calvin's HobbiesWrite the shortest program possible such that when you combine the first character and every Nth character after it into a new program, the output is N. This must work for N = 1, 2, ..., 16. Another way to say it is, if you remove all the characters from your program except for the first one and ...

LEMAL is at least pronouncable
"Event for Language Design"
I like the "Workshop" bit from DLosc's idea
ooh I know
go ahead and answer it :)
I just did
@DLosc amazing idea
oh imo the room should probably be here in TNB
not a separate room
we dont have a separate room for LYAL
i like mathcats idea of a website where we can host a ping list
I can do that
have to have some form of auth tho
again, can do
So what's up with this hyperping thing
(I'll use SE auth don't worry)
It seems kinda pointless to me ngl
39 secs ago, by Seggan
i like mathcats idea of a website where we can host a ping list
and during the event should we select a language to discuss (like LYAL) or just just randoml talk about l
ang design
@Ginger done you need to register for that tho?
if we do it I'll make it
You mean like...the event registration page?
@RadvylfPrograms agreed
What would these pings be for
And I strongly disagree with having some external site being a part of the event
okay, never mind then
call me if you need a site tho d:
@RadvylfPrograms to people interested?
hmm tbh i am starting to wonder what pings are for
@PyGamer0 People who are interested would be in the room already
@PyGamer0 that was the intent
You already get pings before the event starts from SE
No need for ones what, per language? Per feedback request? When would these be sent?
but this is also probably gonna be a 24 hour event
@RadvylfPrograms exactly
And you can always just go back in the transcripts to read about design choices made when you're busy
@Seggan agreed with this and ^
so will the language be selected like LYAL
I'll check if 24-hour events can even be scheduled
@PyGamer0 i dont think we should do that
one person having a monopoly on language design?
how often can you "re-register"?
Radvylf Programs has added an event to this room's schedule.
Radvylf Programs has removed an event from this room's schedule.
Yep, 24h events work
Can't believe nobody registered for "stare blankly at Radvylf for 24 hours straight"
and tomorrow is LYAL
which language for LYAL tomorrow?
Should I go ahead and delete BMG from the event list? Since this is replacing it?
ig you can
I vote no rotation
Since it's 24 hours
^ yeah that was the argument breaking it
Maybe we can do it offset 12 hours from LYAL
@Seggan huh ok
@RadvylfPrograms yeah better for me :P
@RadvylfPrograms same day?
No, on the days BMG currently is
Every 2 weeks, on non-LYAL-weeks
nah id like this to be weekly
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

GingerSort my Cups I have a set of colored plastic cups. They come in four colors: green, yellow, pink, and blue. When I put them on my shelf, I like to stack them in a certain pattern. Your job is, given a list of any number of four distinct values (to represent the four cup colors), output a visual r...

people will lose interest...
@Seggan That's too often, both because it would conflict with LYAL and because it would get annoying/die out
With two weeks, you have time to actually work on some new languages, whereas a week from now changes are I won't be doing anything new, so we'd only have one or two languages per event
You get a higher density of stuff to do when it's less often
LAMAL: Let'sa Make A Language
it's mirrorable too
i think language design workshop works
i like @DLosc's one
oh and i will force yall to give feedback on flax
Language Design Workshop seems good
ok then what else?
i guess thats it?
are yall fine about the format
i think its fine
whats the format again? im under the impression that its just going to be a time for us to discuss the langs were working on and basically have it be the chat topic
was it in the post am i dumb
basically yes
thats what i was expecting/hoping yea
idea: we could have a competition to design the most optimized artificial stone and call it Coade Golf
and its time for me to go
A: Chat Event Refinement: Make You a Lang for Great Good

Radvylf ProgramsNo hyperpings These wouldn't be very useful, since: If you're already in the chat room, you don't need a ping If you're awake/online but not in chat, CGCC pings you on its own when the event is starting, so you can hop into chat If you're asleep/offline, you can just check the transcripts later,...

@Ginger That's really interesting, I hadn't heard of that before.
it's always nice when your bad homophone joke broadens someone's horizons
thoughts on allowing OLIMAR in here during the event? (for testing ideas perhaps)
Hey guis
RTO doesn't have enough languages (or stability) to be useful compared to TIO or ATO links
I just found out I actually have a CGCC record
I can recode it to work with ATO I guess
I also don't think a chatbot in TNB is a very useful way of interacting with an online interpreter
We can just post links, instead of cluttering the room with "just trying stuff"
I can't imagine a chatbot (except Vyxal bot) being in TNB
Chat bots are very rarely a good way to interact with any system
except minecraft commands
yeah TBH even vyxal bot is more of a minor convenience than actually useful (I mean the user-interactable part) since you could just open the interpreter since people forget the bot format all the time and also it's restricted to single-line code
and you could just open issues yourself and it'd look nicer on the git end and also again the bot format is restrictive
who uses more than one line of vyxal code :P
Vyxal bot's notifications features (from github webhooks) are useful
just found this gem on wikipedia:
> Ichbiah publicly stated that within ten years, only two programming languages would remain: Ada and Lisp.
that was 1978
what an assumption
Reminds me of the commonly mentioned quote about how AI (or was it machine vision?) would be figured out within 5-10 years.
or fusion energy
@PyGamer0 It's probably going to be Pip, unless the voting changes quite a bit between now and then.
vote makina for LYAL!
what is that
an unfortunate reputation graph
oh, bounties
why u give away 1k rep
I iz fill and throw pissed
@Ginger The description of the output could be clearer
Maybe specify that each stack takes up one column
Q: Convert the Time to a String

Dennis van GilsProblem One day, you boss walks up to you and tells you he needs to know the time. He still insists after you pointing at the clock directly above you head, and confesses he has a severe case of dyscalculia, which causes him to not even be able to see numbers on a clock. While you're still left ...

Why does this challenge have so many votes, and so few answers, given it's a pretty easy task?
time to answer it
Maybe the challenge description was TL;DR? I notice that it has a few special cases, too.
as it just so happens, "Hodor" in Vyxal-dictionary-ese is "Ho∩ġ"
lambda.chat now supports mentions and push notifications!
link plz
I'm gonna give anyone an additional 200 rep if they get more than 37 votes on a scratch answer because I can.
but that person will already have 370 rep
but together that's 570+ rep
@mathcat I'll change that to 500 (+870 rep) (⌐■_■)
is there an easy way to access a random challenge?
Yes, my random challenges userscript :p
Or if you're fine with a bias toward challenges with more answers, a random post ID up to around 250k
Thank you!
@thejonymyster pinging myself so i can grab it later
There's also a variant in the same repo that puts the button in the sidebar instead
@RadvylfPrograms ooh goody :]
ah rats that blanked my ping
whatever ill remember :P
@mathcat in re: silly bounties: im almost at a 1000 rep :] this is good because soon i will be able to set a second ridiculous bounty at the same time as my current one
do you think anyone will ever do this :P
oh yeah bounties with no deadline
^ this but im chanting it in excitement
yeah yeah yeah bounties with no deadliiiiiiiiiiiiiiine
exactly :D
we need to get @lyxal to sing the Bounties With No Deadline Song d:
thats the real reason to get rep; so you can put up insane bounties
@Ginger I'd prefer lyxal's fridge sound
The sound of heaven
@Ginger why does this sound louder when i play it on loop in VLC than when i play it once
Fixed bug where clicking on a notification toggled read status instead of clearing it
@NewPosts why you not working?
@mathcat what makes you think it's not working?
This is a feed here, right?
that's an RSS feed, which is not handled by @NewPosts
it only updates roughly every 30 minutes
ooh, ok
@lyxal lmao
We cooking noodles in there?
A: List of bounties with no deadline

mathcat500(+370*) rep for breaking my Scratch record I hold the record for the most voted scratch answer in CGCC with 37 votes If anyone can break this record, i.e. get more than 37 upvotes on a scratch answer, then I'll offer a 500 rep bounty. Rules It must be a Scratch (only) answer It has to be appr...

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