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Anyone have any tips for golfing this further?
Trying to get it down to 140 for... no particular reason at all
Why are there tabs
ignore the header lol
Oh wait that's the header
@Mayube are you golfing that city
I feel like I could golf it a bit by re-arranging some of the expressions to remove brackets
@Seggan No, that city led me to dwitter, which inspired me to make my own dweet
It's rolling sand dunes
Dunes like this
@Mayube send dunes :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing Already did ;)
what do yall think of a "universal koth language". simple to learn, interfaces with python, js, and jvm, has common functions found in koth, maybe a simple controller skeleton people can build on it...
was just talking with lyxal about his blog post and hit upon the idea that cgcc langs dont necessarily have to be for cg
at that point just make the python-js-jvm interface and let it stand alone lol
Would be an interesting idea, but I think something like RTO's KotH tools, which just run the different languages and let them interface, would work better
I think Nathan Merrill made a package for Java attempting to do this, but a language/interface could be interesting if it works for multiple languages.
@des54321 so true
@Seggan elm
Elm is easy to learn and it doesn't allow runtime errors or side effects making it very easy to keep submissions contained.
I mean, that seems like it has the exact same problem as just using JS/Python/Java in the first place. If you don't know Elm, it adds a big entry barrier.
No it doesn't Elm is easy to learn.
but at the same time, the "multiple standard" thing can be applied to code golf, no?
And it solves several of the problems of JS/Python/Java
@WheatWizard So is JS and Python and Java, doesn't mean I want to have to google syntax cheat sheets and stuff to write a ten line KotH submission
@RadvylfPrograms about that, is that in any state of completion?
No JS, Python and Java are not easy to learn.
python is easy
js harder
@Seggan No, since RTO isn't either :p
and java even harder
Elm has a lot less syntax than either of them.
Also as I said, no runtime errors or side effects makes it super easy to make sure that submissions adhere to your API.
@WheatWizard ?
It's going to depend on your background
No language is just "easy to learn" out of the box, and lots more people have JS/Python experience than Elm experience or experience with similar languages
Yeah, sure, but elm is frequently cited as an easy to learn language, since it has really good error message and very simple syntax.
@WheatWizard That's not an issue actual KotHs have though, since you can just not include submissions that break the rules until they're deleted
Using Elm would be a solution to a problem that doesn't exist, and make the actual problem worse
@RadvylfPrograms It's nice when you are writing an answer, because it's hard to make something that accidentally breaks.
@WheatWizard yeah this makes no sense elm-lang.org/examples/buttons
@WheatWizard tbh most all errors in koths are logic errors
A koth submission and building a webpage are two different things.
A koth submission is mostly a fill in the blanks.
even rSN looks easier than that to my eye
rSN could actually have some value in it
i need to read up on rsn honestly it does look interesting
I have considered making a KoTH in such a way where it's literally a "fill-in-the-blanks" where each person creates a few pieces of logic or takes them from other posts and doesn't need a framework.
that would be dope
That sounds like it would have to be relatively shallow, complexity-wise
@thejonymyster you'd probably better not
A good KotH has a very high skill ceiling
2 days ago, by Radvylf Programs
I should probably move somewhere without the death penalty before writing any more languages
why did my fingers hit enter
@pxeger i like to live deliciously dangerously
@RadvylfPrograms Elm makes writing code for the handler simpler, because it has less syntax and error messages that help you when you do something illegal.
I'm not exactly sure what you mean by "less syntax"
@WheatWizard "handler" as in the controller?
Uh no I mean sumbission.
How can you quantify languages' syntaxes?
@pxeger It has a simpler grammar.
But it's not similar to what most people already know
vyxal has simpler grammar than java
APL has a much simpler grammar than Python, but I'd much prefer to learn Python than APL for a single small project
unary has a very very very simple grammar
we should all just learn that
APL is a nightmare language dreamt up by the derranged. It's not fair to compare anything to APL.
apl is really good its just tricky
one slippery lang
But still, I'd argue against "just use Python" as a solution too. I think multi-language KotHs are the future.
for sure i mean
the challenge is "take input and give output that makes you win"
@WheatWizard Never attribute to derangedness that which is adequately explained by incompetence
lmao rip apl
@RadvylfPrograms :61233552 It's actually designed to be similar to Javascript, but that's beyond the point. It's really easy to follow by example, you don't need to know the entire language and as I said several times the error messages are directed at helping beginners so if you make a mistake it's very likely the compiler will tell you exactly how to fix it.
@RadvylfPrograms which brings me back to my suggestion lol
@thejonymyster rather than creating a standard koth language, we'd probably be better creating a standard koth IO format
interesting. could work!
Elm is like 90% case statements and you can figure out how case statements work in like 2 minutes.
@WheatWizard In theory yeah, but even though I know and have used Python, I've still caught myself not answering KotHs just because it's less convenient for me than JS.
I'm sure if I needed to use Elm for something I'd get used to it quickly, but just the fact that a KotH's in a language I don't know is often enough to keep me from answering it, even as a fan of KotHs
@RadvylfPrograms It's not really a comparison. Python and JS are both pretty complicated languages.
@UnrelatedString living up to your name?
@WheatWizard ?
i don't even know js and i've written koth bots in js
@WheatWizard But I know Python
This has nothing to do with its complexity
nobody is learning elm
@RadvylfPrograms Yeah exactly that what makes it a bad comparison. You know how godawful python is.
i'm learning elm out of spite
@Seggan You don't have to learn elm to write a koth submission in it.
think abt how you sound tbh
@WheatWizard No? It was very straightforward for me to pick up. I think we're talking past each other.
hm, i googled elm, and it says its a DSL
@RadvylfPrograms If you didn't know python you might be tricked into doing a Koth in it. But once you learn Python know better.
I'm saying that KotHs already have a higher entry barrier than other challenge types, and people don't like writing code in languages they're unfamiliar with, even if it's relatively easy to do so. Even I, as someone who likes KotHs more than average, often avoid writing KotHs submissions in languages I'm familiar with but don't use often.
@thejonymyster no its a tree. clear and simple
@Seggan this makes perfect sense
@WheatWizard I'm pretty sure you're deliberately ignoring what I'm trying to say in order to feel different
when i started typing "elm" the first thing popping up was "elmo" lol
anyway it would be bad if we adopted a single language for all koths, because then we would be adopting a single language for all koths
bf koth when
I get that you apparently dislike Python. Cool. But I find it pretty straightforward, and even then I am discouraged from answering KotHs in it because it's not my primary language. Even more so with Java. I'm not saying anything about Python in particular, or Elm.
@thejonymyster It's definitely not a DSL. IMO DSLs are the best way to do a koth but writing a DSL is a big burden on challenge writers.
More importantly, on the answerers
imo it makes it easier
No DSLs are really light on the answerers since they lower the barrier to entry by a ton.
No, it's easier when you can just write code naturally
The entry barrier is low when I can write code in a language I know, and that's that.
@WheatWizard weird, i guess its subjective. shouldnt show up like that in the google maybe?
I'm sorry but not everyone knows JS, in fact most people don't.
A DSL might be easier than picking up a whole language I don't know, but that's a false dichotomy.
@WheatWizard Yep. That's correct.
@WheatWizard not everyone knows elm?
starts making koths in clojure
this is a really silly argument to be having
from what little i've seen elm seems to be designed to make it easy to use for webpages but it's fully general purpose
JS, Python, Java, Elm, whatever. I'm saying KotHs should be designed to be easy to answer for the most people possible.
@thejonymyster this isnt even on the topic of my question lol
@RadvylfPrograms You are the one making the dichotomy. If you aren't interested in good faith discussion I'm going to leave.
JS and Python are commonly known, so they're the best we have right now, but multi-language KotHs would be optimal.
It's exhausting that you keep repeating yourself without engaging even with the surface level.
@WheatWizard I think we're talking past one another...
@Seggan i didnt see you ask a thing? did i do a bad
@WheatWizard hmmm
I feel like none of your points are addressing what a KotH is actually like, or any of the points I'm making.
26 mins ago, by Seggan
what do yall think of a "universal koth language". simple to learn, interfaces with python, js, and jvm, has common functions found in koth, maybe a simple controller skeleton people can build on it...
26 mins ago, by Seggan
what do yall think of a "universal koth language". simple to learn, interfaces with python, js, and jvm, has common functions found in koth, maybe a simple controller skeleton people can build on it...
And it seems you feel the same about mine.
ah right, it could be cool to design a lang specifically for koths, so long as we dont mandate its use lol
but in general multi lang koths seems like it could be way better
fully support both statements
and no reason then for people not to still use the koth lang yeah
if its good at what it is
Yeah. Right now JS and Python mean most people can compete, but if ATO/RTO come out with a feature that allows multi-language KotHs, that will be the best option by far.
since koths arent actually abt language proficiency lol
IMO having some framework that makes it equally easy to answer KOTHs in any of a number of languages is way better than trying to standardize any language for KOTHs, whether its elm, python, js, or something new
someone should make a lang
make all controller interfaces socket interfaces
python and JS are used currently because theyre probably the two most well known programming languages
@des54321 I second this
@RadvylfPrograms how would you go around designing this tho
callBotFunction("move", 2)
Well, for the RTO KotH tools, there will be a specific list of languages which it has a library with a nice interface for, and the rest will use a slightly less nice interface but would still be usable. Not sure exactly how it would look yet.
we need a lang designed to help with interfacing with multiple langs
I'm thinking a turn-based thing would be the best option
So you'd just say "run bot xyz with this information", and then you'd get its response back
@thejonymyster kinda what i was suggesting
And on the bot's side, it'd be a function/method that takes some information about the turn, then returns what it wants to do. Java ones could store state in a class, JS ones could have a state object passed, etc.
@Seggan aha
well i agree honestly
@thejonymyster I don't really agree with this. What would it look like?
@RadvylfPrograms // magic code
There's plenty of ways to "glue" different languages together
Shell scripts are a "lang designed to help with interfacing with multiple langs"
now that i think about it, a library would be quite restrictive
everything is set within the bounds of the lib
KoTHs don't really follow much of a pattern anyways besides that the competitors compete
@Seggan I mean...sort of?
What I'm going for wouldn't really restrict you much at all
It'd just basically be "send this command to this program running somewhere"
Almost like a websocket or POST request, but with a nicer interface
It's not like there'd be classes for 2d arenas, movement commands, etc. Much more abstract than that.
@Christopher Hi!
@Christopher Hey!
its weird coming back here after about 4 years of inactivity lol, Wheat Wizard is still here as always lol
and caird is here also
The thing about DSLs are that they contain nothing more than is required for the domain given. A good DSL can be understood in a minute or two, and will naturally point you in the direction of the answer. Even when you use JS you have to engage with a sort of DSL: the interface, the interface has to be explained and understood. This is a barrier that pretty much cannot be eliminated, some understanding has to be made.
A true DSL lowers this barrier by just being an interface without all the extra stuff required to be a valid JS library. But true DSLs have some draw backs. They have to
@Christopher Hello, Welcome back.
"Incurious" isn't really a good description. I'm not answering because I'm "curious" about the actual process of answering, but because I want to be able to compete. Doesn't matter how much any of us dislike that people don't answer KotHs in languages they're unfamiliar with, it happens and entry barrier is quite often the difference between 1 or 2 and 40 answers.
The reality is that there are always people who cannot compete. There is no language everyone knows. And I think the best approach is not to pick the language the most people know, but rather to pick the language which has the lowest worst case barrier for entry.
TBH I think it's worth the effort making a multilingual KoTH, but the interface can be an entry barrier itself
There's also a third option nobody's brought up yet, which is languages where JS/Python/Java are used, but the OP offers to translate any bots submitted in other languages.
That's the strategy that's been used in my most successful KotH, and a lot of other popular ones.
We also might have different goals. I'm perfectly content with 5 good answers. After 10 answers I generally feel like koths have rapidly diminishing returns.
@WheatWizard Relating to your earlier point, I think it's very easy to understand enough of pretty much any language to make something like a KoTH bot.
It depends a lot. Sometimes the early answers are all really simple and the complexity evolves over time. Other times they do just decrease in quality, but that's a problem with the skill ceiling of that particular KotH IMO.
Well if we take that it still stands that it can be easier to understand some languages than others.
@emanresuA I'd even say it's easy enough to understand enough to write a controller.
@Romanp Controllers can be big projects for good KotHs
@WheatWizard Its always good to come back, I might actually stay active this time lol. But ik that a lot changed with the community so it will be a bit bittersweet since a lot of the community i knew is gone
And a good controller will have lots of added complexity. As in, hours spent getting the logging fine-tuned to be useful for testing bots, graphical controllers, balancing things and making sure the controller isn't biased to prefer certain bots.
Yes, but they usually aren't super heavy on the technical side of things (from what I have seen). Big and complex, but not groundbreaking. Maybe that's just my limited experience I have so far.
Depends on the KotH, I guess. I certainly wouldn't want to write Hunter-Gatherer in Rust or Haskell (languages I'm not familiar with) :p
i feel like you could figure that out pretty fast
unless you mean on the controller side of things
in which case yeah no
I'm talking about controllers
@WheatWizard What about loops? Mathematical functions?
Those are both pretty common things to need. Then there's array stuff, storing state, etc.
Stuff that's easy if you already know the "right" way to do it in that language, but annoying if you keep having to look it up.
I'm already responding to the last thing, but in short: Loops are less necessary because you don't write an Elm API the way you write a JS API.
E.g., this is what I'd consider a moderately complex bot.
Pretty much a pile of boolean logic and comparisons, but a very well-tuned pile.
@WheatWizard I don't mean loops for like, running multiple turns, if that's what you mean. But JS bots don't typically do that either.
Not what I meant. I'll get to it.
@Romanp There's fewer loops and sub-functions in there than I thought at first
This might be a better example
Though it's definitely leaning toward the more complex side
(But a good KotH should encourage that anyway)
@RadvylfPrograms that is moderately complex? monkaS
@RadvylfPrograms this just links to the entire KoTH
Whoops, fixed
To me, it feels like there are a few levels of bots:
1. Trivial bots with very simple behavior
2. Bots which have simple logic but usually ignore competitors
3. Bots with more complex logic designed to beat the competition while still relying on basic info (most "good" bots)
4. Bots which predict the moves of their opponents (sometimes banned)
5. Bots which directly mess with other bots or the controller (almost always banned)
There's nothing wrong with a koth only allowing a single language, especially one as widely spread as JavaScript. Rather than ambiguously "converting" answers to JavaScript (presumably yourself and by hand) you should simply limit the challenge to JS only. We've had plenty of Java-only and Python-only koths in the past, after all. — Mayube Aug 8, 2018 at 14:23
@Romanp I think this only applies to game-theory-type KotHs
Like the xkcd one, prisoner's dilemma ones, card game ones, etc.
as opposed to
Which I consider to be bad KotHs.
Yeah, maybe, but I feel like even in the 2d "battle" koths which are the other categories, it still applies, just the level of minimum logic is higher
@UnrelatedString Ones with more complexity, higher skill ceilings, and less of an advantage for answering later.
more complex koths are still rooted in game theory, it's just harder to get at
I mean, sure, but you're not actually thinking about that when you write a bot for them.
I like the game theory koths a lot more than the "complex koths". A lot of them are definitely too simple, but the "complex koths" are just boring to me.
@ROs What should I do for messages/groups of messages like this, which make no sense and aren't valuable to anyone?
Can you give an example of a "complex koth"?
Comparing King of the Ziggurat, King of the Holster, Gold Collector, and (say) the XKCD one, all of them rely on game theory, just to different extents. For all of them, there could be bots up to the level of #4 (although that was banned in some) and the higher level the bot, the better (usually).
@RadvylfPrograms I've downvoted the gold one you linked so probably that. I can't go looking right now.
i've never really tried a complex koth myself but a lot of that's because there's a lot to implement and it's hard to think about what you're actually doing with any of that
@Romanp But predicting other bots' actions is not the more powerful, fancier option in more complex KotHs
@WheatWizard Are you just going to go around downvoting every KoTH that's not written in Elm?
It's more powerful, it's just kind of expected, I feel like. Knowing where other bots go is usually essential.
@emanresuA No. I downvoted it ages ago, and I don't bother with stuff like that. It's honestly a little bit insulting that you would suggest that.
playing around other bots' strategies is *always* ideal
it's just a question of how practical it is to implement
/how directly you can do it
Yeah, but I don't think it's a useful metric of what "level" a bot is
Sorry I never finished responding to this. "Doesn't matter how much any of us dislike that people don't answer KotHs in languages they're unfamiliar with" seems to be very fundamentally missing the point here. The point is that there are always going to be people turned away by the entry barrier, and so the goal is to minimize that entry barrier for as much of the population as possible.
There are two ways to do that, choose a large segment of the population e.g. JS programmers and make their barrier as low as possible which you are suggesting or as I am suggesting lower the barrier as lo
Honestly KotH are such hard challenges to run. if you have a complex idea for a KotH you just end up with very few answers because it takes hours to develop even a basic bot.
@WheatWizard >60% of programmers know JS, same with Python
i feel like it is actually a good metric of how far along a koth is
because it's not really worth doing until you've already got existing bots worth playing around
@RadvylfPrograms I chose my words carefully, and I suggest reading them carefully. Knowing Js and being "significantly more comfortable answering in JS over other options" are not the same thing.
There's definitely selection bias at play too because existing koths cater towards users who are "significantly more comfortable answering in JS over other options".
js has a shit ton of weird quirks and python is less than ideal for other reasons so if there's going to be any serious consideration of koth language something like elm really does make the most sense
@WheatWizard What's the significance of "being 'significantly more comfortable answering in JS over other options'" though?
something simple, functional, and forgiving
I don't think you need to be that much more comfortable with it for it to no longer be a major entry barrier
@thejonymyster A BF KoTH could actually be kinda interesting because of the difficulty.
@UnrelatedString How are JS's weird quirks involved here though? You have to go out looking for those.
People love to make fun of JS but it's pretty typical to use, especially when you're not working with multiple data types
@RadvylfPrograms If you have time to answer one of two KotHs, would you prefer to answer one where you are comfortable with the language or one where you are just passably comfortable? most people would trend towards the language they are most comfortable right?
all i can say is when i wrote those bots for the xkcd koth it took me a hot fucking minute to figure out how arrays are even supposed to work
@Christopher Yeah, that's true, and something I was saying about Python KotHs.
like seriously i don't know if you're just used to them because you actually use js but js arrays are ????????????????????????????
@UnrelatedString What do you mean? What part about them?
and that's the most basic way you have of just handling data
also, what is elm?
var x = [1, 2, 3]; x[1] // 2
That works exactly how I'd imagine it does...
i wrote this at one point
and i have no idea what it actually means
Creates an array of 31 items and fills it with 0s, but I don't see how that's an example of how JS arrays are hard to work with
Since you'd presumably stay away from stuff you don't understand instead of .fill magically showing up in your code
And it appears Elm uses recursion for looping, and quite a few programmers aren't exactly comfortable with recursion
wait does it like
allocate memory that might have junk left over in it
or is it that empty slot thing
@RadvylfPrograms Well that's the point of inflection. How many (and what) users are you going to lose because they can't program in JS. These are the people who are significantly more comfortable in JS. I write JS professionally but I don't really prefer JS over other options. It's unlikely that switching to or from JS is really going to make much of a difference to me.
And the other factor is who are you going to gain because they are willing to try X (DSL, Elm, Lua etc.) instead of JS. These are the two factors, that are being weighed.
@UnrelatedString It's filled with undefined
But Array(x) is bad JS
the point is you shouldn't be able to hit any weird edge cases with something that should be simple
@RadvylfPrograms Elm doesn't like recursion and generally is rather uptight about when you are allowed to recurse. Most looping is done with helper functions not raw recursion.
Also fwiw Elm has easy interop with JS so if the koth is in Elm you can literally just write JS.
@WheatWizard I think you've made some good points. Not going to go fully centrist on the issue, but y'all have shown me some of my pro-JS/Python-KotH biases.
@UnrelatedString But...why would anyone new to JS be writing Array(31).fill(0) in the first place? And what's the weird edge case in that situation?
the best solution is clearly to create a new language for the KoTH that nobody knows or is comfortable with
When I use Python I don't go out of my way to use weird functions I don't recognize, I just write boring old for loops and play things safe.
@hyper-neutrino Sorry, I already said this. Get your own wacky opinion.
oh :P mb I didn't backread fully
KotHs should exclusively use drag-and-drop block based languages
41 mins ago, by Wheat Wizard
The thing about DSLs are that they contain nothing more than is required for the domain given. A good DSL can be understood in a minute or two, and will naturally point you in the direction of the answer. Even when you use JS you have to engage with a sort of DSL: the interface, the interface has to be explained and understood. This is a barrier that pretty much cannot be eliminated, some understanding has to be made.
A true DSL lowers this barrier by just being an interface without all the extra stuff required to be a valid JS library. But true DSLs have some draw backs. They have to
Like those games for kids where you use the blocks to make a robot move around, but your robot can also kill stuff.
@RadvylfPrograms I will say likewise, that the more I consider it the more I feel that there might be more a case by case basis. JS has benefits of course, and I think for some koths it might be better to go with JS.
@RadvylfPrograms it seemed like the easiest way to initialize an array with 31 zeroes and the previous bot i wrote i think i treated an array like a dict instead and some of the mapping or reduce operations were weird on it
I have 3 koth controllers in progress right now and 2 of them are in Elm so I will see how it goes.
One of them has been "in progress" for 3 years now, so maybe don't get too hype.
@hyper-neutrino you act like 90% of golfing langauges dont exist for this already
@UnrelatedString just do [0,0,0,0,0, *sniped for spam*
actually 31 isnt that many 0s to do that with
every lang has its oddities
there will never be a lang that fails to make you go "well wait, thats weird, i think it should not be like that"
as far as like
practical langs go
something like bf obviously has no "flaws"
but like... yknow
The only perfect language is pain-flak and you cannot change my mind
afaik it is the only language that runs your code forwards then backwards to ensure that you didn't accidently write your code backwards
i hate it when i accidentally write my code backwards, happens all the time
happens to the best of us
id love to see an etymology chart of bf derivatives
@thejonymyster there is exactly one way to have a lang where every feature works exactly the way you want it to and thats to write it yourself
and even then its a gamble :P
Oh no there are weird noises under my bed
@des54321 every feature of HQ9+ does exactly what I expect
not me. for me every hq9+ program is a pleasant surprise
i suppose the implicit qualifier on that sentence was "languages that arent complete tarpits", as all the features of most tarpits do exactly what you expect, by virtue of all features being incredibly simple
@RadvylfPrograms It was my cat
Not that anyone was saying this but it does often bother me when programmers say stuff like: "Every language has flaws it's really about the right tool for the job", which is kind of obviously true, but leads to this implication that all languages are equally good. And it sort of ends up as a thought terminating cliche where nothing about language design really matters.
oh absolutely
it wasnt so much a positive statement as it was a howl into the dark indifferent sky
no but uh
my point was "lang X" isnt bad because of some random quirks, its gotta go deeper than that
because no lang is perfectly intuitive and sensible in every case.... for some damn reason
@WheatWizard I don't see what's wrong with saying that. Obviously, every language has its own specialty. JS is good for web stuff and lots of other stuff, C is good for number-crunching and lots of other stuff, and brainfuck is good for fucking up your brain :P
things can still be better than other things for the same things
As I said it is obviously true that no language is the right tool for every job. However it is not true that every language is the right tool for some job. It's a way to weasel out of uncomfortable criticism without having to really engage thoughtfully.
brainfuck is the best choice for messing up your brain moderately. Malbolge is the best choice for more severe, semi-permanent brain damage. Assembly is what you want for causing someone excruciating pain and permanent brain damage
and even if something is the best tool for its job at some given point in time it could be better and might even be plain bad
Joking aside, I agree with you, but I do think it's not just a way to weasel out of uncomfortable criticism. I've seen a lot of people bash Python for being slow despite it not being built for that in mind
i'm willing to bet php is the best language for working in the php ecosystem but that doesn't make php above criticism
PHP is perfectly acceptably if PHP is your only option.
Not really
Manually responding to POST requests is also always an option
Some companies force a developer's hand. For a long time PhP via Apache was a very acceptable workflow, and Companies don't like change.
@user I think that what really is important is to get past "bashing". There shouldn't be teams here. At one extreme if someone says "you should never use Python because it's slow" that's dumb and should be discarded, speed isn't always a big concern. However Python is used in a lot of ways and being aware that there's a tradeoff or that other similar languages are a lot faster is useful. The Python designers chose to not make speed a priority and they have to live with that choice.
What's really important is principled discussion where people are willing to say that some things could be improved or that some compromises are worth it in some cases. Unfortunately mostly people just try to sort languages into two buckets called "good" and "bad", with utmost importance placed upon the first programming language you learned ending up in that good bucket.
Absolutely agree
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