@forest Right now OTTNB is a bit of an experiment. I'll wait to see how it goes, and get the approval of caird and the other ROs, before adding anything to the description.
instead of having to individually check if each is the bottom of your working string, just peel off the top, and put it at the bottom of the output youre building by making sure its the first bit in the collector
I used this registry key
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Keyboard Layout]
"Scancode Map"=hex:00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,03,00,00,00,0E,00,3a,00,3a,00,46,00,00,00,00,00
^ does anyone know how to revert that change and maybe change caps lock to escape?
If you have a specific formula or time complexity in mind, specify it from the start. Don't go changing the goal post because you don't like the answer.
@AidenChow I don't know lol
Brute force is the best I can come up with
But I suppose it'd involve integer partitions, filtering then sorting
King of the Hill: Greed Control
What is Greed Control
Greed control is a multiplayer round-based game
in which in every round, a player bet a number inside
a specific range, say 1~100. Say 2 people betted 100,
then they'd both get 100/2 which is 50 points in
the game. Basically, the players th...
"In this short essay the mythologies of Greek will be presented upon and analyzed on, answering the question exhibited by humanity for a long eternity: the cultural values of the already-deceased Greek society. " That can be improved
" Greek society is one of the most early of civilizations that human beings have now successfully acknowledged, dating back decades, centuries, or perhaps, possibly, millennia. " What does this mean??
Are you referring to ancient Greece?
it's very odd to say that ancient Greece has only now been acknowledged
and all civilizations that you would be discussing involve humans
> CS: Ancient Greek society (throughout this essay it will be referred as to simply Greece, we assume, implicitly, ancient Greece) is one of the earliest of civilizations that human beings have now understood, its birth dating back centuries. The ancient Greek cultural values thus are possibly only determined by written forms, especially in the case of Greece, of stories, oral transactions of myths generally converted into written form that is now interpreted.
@emanresuA yes that is one option. But is there another one? I used to own a normal radio that lasted forever on two aa batteries. Does that just not exist any more?
> Hath not a Jew lefty hands, organs, dimensions, senses, affections, passions; fed with the same food, hurt with the same weapons, subject to the same diseases, healed by the same means, warmed and cooled by the same winter and summer as a Christian righty is?
@PyGamer0 A Push-down_automaton is less capable than a Turing machine. It can simulate the one-unlimited-cell Brainf*** by storing the absolute value of the cell's value as the number of items on the stack, and having the state encode both the sign of the cell's value and the position of execution in the program.
@BgilMidol If you visit your chat profile, it shows your active hours under your profile picture (tho, that's active in chat as a whole, there's no way to see your active hours for just one room)
@PyGamer0 I just find it hard to believe that I've ever posted anything in TNB at 11:00 UTC. That's way too early to get up, and the few times I've stayed up that late, I was either golfing (not chatting), reading webcomics, or playing computer games.
E.g., the number in the bottom right means "messages posted in room by everyone" in the /rooms page, and "messages posted in the room by Radvylf" in the "Radvylf's rooms" page
Clicking a user in the "users in the room list" shows that user's activity across all rooms, the same as the one in the big box on the left on their profile page
The rooms on the right of a user's profile page ("currently in" and "frequently in") show graphs specific to that user and that room
Would you consider packed stax to use source compression? Because most people here seem to, and that's just an "encoding" in the exact same way as base64
Jelly's number compression is basically just base 255, isn't that an encoding, not a compression algorithm? There's a lot of overlap.
If btoa/atob provides a way for me to put data in, and get a shorter representation, then convert it back to the original, that's exactly the same as a compression algorithm. Whether it's "encoding" or "compression" just depends on what angle you look at it.
What if my language has a built-in that does huffman coding?
What if my answer is literally just Jelly/Vyxal/Ash string compression?
That's not a "data decompression algorithm", it's usually just base255 stuff, or in Ash's case, a whole separate language within quotation marks
But I don't think many people would consider that to be following the rules
I'm generally of the opinion that questions like this which are possibly slightly unclear in certain circumstances should be left open just on the benefit of the doubt
Spend maximal money
Imagine that you're going shopping. You are on a budget and just looking around the store, trying to find things you would be interested in. Eventually, you find a set amount of things. However, since you have zero morals, you want to spend the most money possible without goin...
Yeah. The top part takes the input number div and mod 9. Call those results d and m. Then the bottom part does "Loop d times: add 1 to m, multiply it by 10, and subtract 1." 10*(m+1)-1 is 10*m+9.
Also, just gonna reply to your comment here:
Wait actually numbers are represented as bits in BitCycle, so my point is still valid? Even though it doesn't mention numbers explicity, the bits can still represent numbers (though I realize this probably is not the case because of the truth machine test case). — Aiden Chow21 mins ago
If you drill down to the heart of the language, there are no numbers in BitCycle, only bits.
The flags are just a convenience feature that lets you input 19 instead of 1111111111111111111.
@AidenChow It's GPL licensed, so I think you can as long as you give credit and link to the original; and even if there's technically a problem with that from a GPL standpoint, I as the copyright holder give you permission to do so as long as you give credit and link to the original.
The Task
The task is easy: given an Alpha-2 country code, output the Alpha-3 equivalent. The input may be in any case you choose, and the output in any consistent case of your choosing. Here are the codes:
[["AF", "AFG"], ["AX", "ALA"], ["AL", "ALB"], ["DZ", "DZA"], ["AS", "ASM"], ["AD", "AND"], ["...
like for my bitcycle challenge, i was thinking of putting smth like this: Because I am too lazy to write BitCycle programs myself, you will be writing a program which outputs BitCycle programs for me! Unfortunately, the storage space on my computer is only about a bit, so you will have to make the BitCycle programs as small as possible.
The Narrative
You are a frog who is at the edge of a pond with waterlilies. You would like to cross the pond without getting wet, so you plan to jump from lily to lily. There is, however, one problem: you are a rare species of frog which can only jump one specific distance, and so you might not b...